(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
We are in the storm. Is it THE storm?
I couldn’t tell you. That seems to be a secret.
But the weather man informed us last night that we are in the storm.
At least on the west coast of the United States.
California is getting hit with an atmospheric river. It will head inland, up and over the PNW onward to the Rockies.
It has already been 5 months of winter and spring seems far away.
I do recall someone with insight saying, It will get colder.
My thought about storms is that they bring change with them.
This is the analogy I think was intended by THE storm.
There is always change. But this must indicate sudden sweeping change.
Like a tornado or a hurricane.
Since we cannot escape this, our next best bet is positioning.
Have you positioned yourself in a secure place?
Honestly if a big storm is predicted many people choose to leave and avoid the danger.
Or the ones that choose to stay and ride it out by fortifying themselves with necessary supplies.
Yes, you could have stocked up and have supplies but the storm will still be all around you.
There is no where to go to avoid it. It will hit the unaware hard.
That is where we come in .
Our best positioning is in the eye of the storm. This is the center from which we can observe.
We see the debris flying all around us. But we can avoid being hit.
I imagine the movie Twister in which cows kept swirling around.
Don’t get hit by a cow. Stay centered.
Get grounded. Be the observer.
The other thing about the eye of the storm is that it gives you better vision.
You can see the blue sky above. You have the wonderful opportunity to know that this too will pass.
And when it does we will need to pick up the pieces and put our lives back together.
This becomes an amazing opportunity to rebuild.
During this time of sheltering and letting the storm blow about, we can use our clarity to see a better way.
The rebuilding will be necessary but doing things differently is the opportunity.
I for one am looking forward to doing things in a different way.
We got one chance at this evolution thing. That is unless you can reincarnate and do it all again
Like the Edge of Tomorrow movie with Tom Cruise.
Have you seen that? He has to re-do so many times.
No thanks. We have already been in that movie.
We got this. If we work together and focus on our hearts, this is it.
This is our greatest moment. This is what I have incarnated for.
How about You?
Spring Forward? | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/11/2023 10:42:00 PM