(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
A Point of Light within the Mind of GOD
Take your time with this one.
When I apprehended, in the first definition given in my first geometry class as a young boy, that if I made a point on a page, then put another one anywhere on the page that the shortest distance between them was always a “straight line”, I was awe struck.
I was awed not just by the magic of it but by the realisation of the experience of moving from a point (which was infinite) to another infinite place anywhere, that straight lines could be created. I also had to try curved lines and zigzag lines to experience that there were other ways of getting there (from A to B) but that the most direct and shortest way on my page was always a straight line….. ….It was curious, exciting, profound, perplexing, dumbfounding all rolled into one.
What is the point and where is the point? Ah, these were the real questions. And they awakened life search questions for me right from these innocent, deep feelings of boyhood.
Through my consciousness journey I sifted out the zigs and the zags of the quest to discover the point, the experience of infinity in the world, and I learned piece by peace, that such outbreath had to be matched by an inbreath.
Eventually the penny dropped that each inbreath (meditation) was taking me to the original point made on the page (the first point). That as I went within towards the small, I in fact expanded, became more not less.
Conversely, the more I identified myself with anything or anyone in my reality (my outbreath) the bigger it became and the smaller I experienced myself. In my outbreath. I could look at the stars at night and try to imagine that space was infinite (went on forever and ever), and I experienced myself as very small to almost the point of disappearing.
Outbreath: Now, from where I stand (or sit) I can draw a point from where I AM and look at or focus on anything in my 3D experience (eg a leaf on a branch on a on a tree, on the whole tree in the earth, on a planet, in a solar system, in a galaxy, etc, etc…) and as I go into the leaf, the cells, the molecules, the atoms, the particles of light, the point, I suddenly merge into the fullest of All I AM.
Inbreath: Now from where I stand (or sit) I can step back from where I AM into my heart centre and as I go into its vortex (of more subtle and subtler feeling, I can see patterns of light, like mandalas, then particles of light, and then like a black hole or a smallest eye, a point of nothingness, and I suddenly merge into the fullest of All I AM. And the Universe with everything possible in it is within me.
So however I look the point is I AM. I am in the world everywhere and the world is within me.
I Am a Point of Light within the Mind of God.
And there is no point, it just IS.
And what has happened to my straight line.
It does not exist as much because I am not “trying” to go from
(A to B) on some quest to find anything in particular, any more. I am no longer drawing a second dot on the page of my Life.
For I am remembering The Infinite, The Point of LIGHT, I AM.
In the Simple Innocence of Seeing. Being and Playing there is a Joy filled Knowing.
Shine On Beloveds
I So Love You
PS And here and NOW we are facing the final choice to make the last linear step back to SELF…… the short cut.
Or continue to play with the infinite possibilities of zig and zag and looping journeys available in the denser “3D” experiences.
A Point of Light within the Mind of God | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/11/2023 10:41:00 PM