Submitted to Voyages of Light on January 12, 2024
Hello Humans,
We are here to introduce ourselves to humankind. We are the ones who landed in your reality for a brief moment in Maimi, Florida. The American government is trying to cover up this Extraterrestrial event that happened for humanity.
We are from a distant Star System called Nortox. It includes about 1000 planets, which are inhabited. Our home planet is 5 times bigger than your Earth. Our civilization is known under the name of Cleorians. Our appearance is not appealing to the human eyes, as we have humanoid transparent bodies, which you can see through our skin all of our body organs. We also have elongated heads.
We are tall beings from 8-10 feet. We have perfect health, we never get sick. We live for thousands and thousands of years. We do not go through the process of death, as you do. When we decide to stop living our current life, we just leave our body without any pain, and go to a new form and live a new life somewhere else in the Universe.
We like to explore and travel to different parts of the Cosmos. We were passing through your Galaxy and saw a lot of living inhabitants on your Gaia. From what we learned about your planet, you don’t have the capability to travel, so far as to our Star System. Our spaceships are very advanced and we can travel from one Galaxy to another Galaxy in just one second.
We were curious to know, who you are, and we landed despite of a warning coming from the Galactic Light Forces not to do it. We had no idea that your civilization lives without knowing about the existence of other Galactic Nations in your Cosmos. Our intentions were peaceful not to cause any harm. Once we saw that our presence in your world created fear and panic for people, we left your planet.
After studying your history, we understand now that humankind is not ready to accept Outworlders, you didn’t reach that point yet to start to explore the Universe. You are in the process to the next step in your development to 5D. You have a long way to go before, you can freely interact with other Galactic civilizations.
First, you need free yourselves from the Dark Rulers and money system, which controls every aspect of your life. We can’t even imagine of allowing ourselves to be controlled like that and pay for every single thing in your existence like for shelter, food, clothing and etc. For us it’s very shocking, we never heard before about anyone, who uses this type of system to control the whole society.
We are from the 6th dimension. The Negative Government system you live under is very archaic, it only stops the development of the human civilization. We wish for you to become free from your Dark Oppressors. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
Fight for your freedom
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Cleorians via Erena Velazquez | January 12, 2024
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/12/2024 11:54:00 PM