Come Walk with Me, Messages from Yeshua, An Eye-Witness account of the life of Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, and the Masters
Chapter 4
O Holy Day
Mary Anna (Mother Mary}: We had been communicating, Yeshua and I, for many months as he moved around in my womb. He told me the Masters he had been studying with and that he would meet in person on his trips to India and Tibet. I could already feel the sense of excitement that would propel him into his mission.
He had told me it would be an easy birth, with my mother, Anna, rubbing her birthing ointment onto my belly, Josie, Johanna, and the other women gonging and toning the sweet sacred sounds of the Divine. They utilized the Egyptian techniques in order for the soul to enter through the Divine Light of the Goddess into its new existence. I was glad my sister, Mary Salome, would also be present. She had just given birth several months ago to her second son, John.
When we saw the beautiful ships in the sky that night, we knew their presence would herald the new soul through the nine doorways of the celestial consciousness into the glory of the new mother. The orbs of the attending star beings twinkled in the night sky as the announcement of the Great Event.
I saw the soul of my Beloved escorted by Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael through the ethers as he emerged from my womb into the awaiting hands of Mother Anna, Mary Salome, and Archangel Raphael. He was born into the dawn of a new day, as he would do every day of his life.
Before even cutting the cord, mother placed him on my belly next to my heart as I wrapped my arms around him, tears dropping from eyes and the eyes of everyone in the room. He looked into my eyes with the greatest love I have ever seen or felt.
“Mother,” he said wordlessly. “My son, my beautiful son,” I kissed the top of his head, and the forehead to awaken his third eye, and stroked his dark fuzzy scalp.
It was a moment in eternity, a never-ending time I’ll have with me always, and I knew this blessed moment would be with me in both peaceful and difficult times to come, offering me the supreme moment I felt now and would feel many times.
A beautiful sound appeared coming from the sky, a hallelujah chorus of angels painting the sky with their divine glow of welcoming presence. We felt the Universal Goddess Herself rejoice in the birth of Her Son.
As the city of Nazareth began to stir, both human and animals knew something had changed in the vibration of the surroundings, more charged, more electrical, more loving, more alive, as the sun began to appear on the horizon. The sky, still ablaze with streaks of twinkling light from the orbs, brought a symphony of peace and overwhelming joy to the land.
As mother began to clean me and the baby, the attending girls wrapped him in a soft blanket and held the baby with reverence and love, their hearts leaping with the promise of this new being. The eleven who had been on the stairs with me were all promised to be a part of this new life, and they were with me and my son for the rest of their lives, with their families and ancestors.
Several had been with my sister, Salome, when she gave birth to John. He too, came in fully conscious, as did other light-conception births at that time. These were souls who came in as apostles and protectors of my son and to create a firm foundation for his teachings later in their lives.
Each of the girls would remember this moment when they all held the baby who would change the world.
Their memories would be shared with their families and those who heard their teachings later in their lives. These memories would be carried down through their ancestors and the Essenes.
For the rest of the day and night, the Holy Choir sent their voices soaring into the firmament over Nazareth and the Galilee, joined by humans and animals who sang an unknown song of gratitude and love. Many brought gifts that day and later days as they came to see the new baby and bless him.
Those who did see him this first day left with a feeling of sacred purpose, not realizing that feeling would stay with them not only in this life but in many other lives to come.
The manger my Beloved Joseph made was a beautiful acacia cradle that Yeshua loved, as it carried the vibration of his father as he carved it and fitted it to exactness. Yeshua would tell me later he still remembered the love in that manger as he grew, as it was the first time he actually felt a living being that was not human or animal.
Those first days were filled with joyous celebration. Those known as the magi came many months later with their gifts of gold for kingship, frankincense for priesthood, and myrrh for the prophet. There were actually twelve magi and their wives and entourages who had seen the signs in the heavens and came from Persia, Ephesus, and nearby lands to honor the new Messiah.
Forty days after the birth, we were required to take the new-born to the temple in Jerusalem to have him dedicated to the temple as required by the Law of Moses.
It was a short journey, but the girls were a big help to me and Joseph. We took the opportunity to shop the stalls in the big city, trying on scarves and silk gowns. Joseph bought us new garments and sandals. We were giddy all the way back to Bethlehem, trying on each others’ new colorful garments with matching hair pieces.
Even the baby got a beautiful new lambswool blanket.
Jeri Castronova, PhD, Spiritual Psychologist, Award-winning Author of ten books, who presents at conferences internationally on Hidden History, Ascension, and channeled messages from the Masters.
An Eye-Witness account of the Life of Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, and the Masters | Jeri Castronova
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12/21/2023 02:51:00 AM