By Steve Beckow, January 26, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Another personality element that I have to draw on in building is experience as a military commander many centuries ago.
Some of the skills are exportable; some not.
The sense of reliance upon the group and of being powerless without their assistance is exportable.
A sense of the need for sound and stable leadership towards a goal that most, if not all, can get behind is also exportable.
The anger and rage used to reach battle pitch is not exportable. (1) I may still be recovering from that! That unresolved energy may be what domestic abuse this lifetime was designed to reawaken, for resolution.
My self-confidence is only slowly returning. I took a battering in early years and don’t feel fully recovered from it.
I’m motivated to recover by something Michael said, which may be applicable to many. The quotation is a mite long – but very relevant – and I apologize:
Archangel Michael: There is a process of expansion and acceptance and learning [underway] and coming to truly value and love oneself and thereby others. So you have been learning the process as you go.
And the spiritual level of maturity to accept the process… Because we know that there have been many tantrums along the way.
Now those tantrums do not upset us but we simply see them as markers about where someone is in their willingness and ability to process the old, to let go of the old and to welcome the expansion of the new.
And if those old vasanas, those old core issues, those old feelings of lack are not healed, then there has not been the readiness for the next step. (2)
And, post-Reval, for me the next step is CEO.
In my time dissociated (I was dissociated from ages 7-58), I noticed that, when having a tantrum, I’d briefly fuse together and feel back to normal. (3)
They were the only times I felt I had ground under my feet. That made tantrums a positive thing in my eyes. I know what Michael is referring to.
Having now taken upon myself the context of a CEO, I no longer have the luxury to throw tantrums. If I haven’t already, I need to find another way.
Another way is to find solutions rather than assign blame. Blame goeth before a tantrum – and a fall.
It’s not lost on me that there are parallel recoveries going on: the first is my recovery from domestic violence and the second is a recovery, that Michael has asked of us, of our angelic abilities. He says:
AAM: The awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time, so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great as it might have been in other ages. (4)
We are starseeds, he told us years ago. We are masters, he told us more recently. And even more recently than that, we are angels.
Archangel Michael: You, all of you who listen with me this night, we have told you, and we tell you again, you are masters; you are in your mastery.
And it is a matter of accepting and living and embracing this.
So you are not here to be in boot camp, as it were. You are here to flourish and to bring in all this understanding of Who You Are.
So you are in your mastery. You are in your angelic self. You are in your intergalactic self.
You are all of these things, and you are man and woman in form.
And in that integrated understanding of beingness, you move into creation.
You get rid of the feelings and beliefs of elimination, that “I have to eliminate these sins or these conditions before I can advance.”
That is simply not the case.
Claim it! Claim your dominion! Claim your throne! Claim your power! But never, never think of yourself as less-than. (5)
We don’t have to eliminate what we think of as sins before we claim our authority. We just have to claim our authority.
I have pages and pages of readings in which the whole subject of being a CEO is discussed.
Moreover, my mind flashes on all the courses I’ve taken over the years and how I need now to access all that information.
I need to integrate it and assimilate it. I’m not going to wait for a life-changing event before I do it in a blinding flash.
If I don’t do it now, I’ll regret it later.
(1) Obviously resorting to arms to solve your disagreements and killing your enemies are not exportable.
(2) AAM, March 10, 2017.
(3) The tantrums were me standing up to my father. But they had the unintended consequence of fusing me back together again. Psychologists might want to take note of that useful side of them.
Anger may not only be good for getting one’s suppressed emotions out. It may also be good for fusing a dissociated patient back together again. Hopefully this is already known.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020. [Hereafter AAM.]
(5) “Archangel Michael: The First Form You Assumed was Angelic,” July 9, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/07/09/archangel-michael-the-first-form-you-asumed-was-angelic/.
Things that have to Go, New Year’s or Not | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/26/2023 08:32:00 PM