By Steve Beckow, January 26, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I believe that western society, except in romantic matters, has downplayed the role of feelings in our actions and behavior and given far more place to thinking than I … think … it deserves. (1)
So often, thinking seems not to rise above right/wrong, good/bad. There’s no juice in that. No sooner had I written these words than the Arcturian Group wrote in:
“Many concepts of right and wrong are dissolving and will continue to dissolve as individuals evolve beyond the need for others to tell them what to do and begin trusting and living from their intuition.
“Many concepts for “right living” will simply fade away without the energy of belief to maintain and sustain them. As increasingly more individuals awaken to the fact that much of what they have been taught by parents, teachers, priests, rabbis, and ministers is simply not true, the world will change.” (2)
And awaken to the wonderful space of the divine states and how much preferable they are to the intellectual games of good/bad and right/wrong.
The more I look into the matter, the stronger my sense becomes of the greater role of feelings in our lives generally than we’ve accorded them.
Both thoughts and feelings seem to give rise to action. But feelings appear more potent, more urgent motivators.
I’m converting myself from the view that the mind will get us through all this, to the view that the feelings, which arise from the heart, will.
I plan to try out feeling my way through the chaos to see what that produces.
I’m also convinced that feeling is a more efficient and effective pathway Home than thinking.
When I draw love up from my heart on the inbreath, I’m feeling. And it transports me into love and bliss. I’m not sure how I’d accomplish that by thinking.
Drawing love up from the heart is a very direct way to go from intellect to experience and the experience it gives rise to is the type that carries one into higher and higher states of being. (3)
I believe the experiential is more efficient and effective than the intellectual; the realizational, even more effective.
In the domain of feeling, we can move quickly. In the domain of thoughts, things must be structured, reasonable, correct, etc. Hence things move slower.
Feelings are not right or wrong; they just are. What we do with them may be right/wrong.
Admittedly our thoughts of such things as morality and duty influence and sometimes even channel our feelings. But our ideas cannot trump our feelings forever. Sooner or later the feelings emerge.
I’d be quite happy being left to function as a beacon of love, sending the feeling and quality of love out to all and sundry. I know it’d be far more satisfying than living perpetually in the realm of the mind.
Unless the use of the mind is bent to serve what the feelings point to – the divine states (love, bliss, joy, peace, etc.). (4) Then the mind becomes a willing – or even not so willing – servant of the divine qualities.
We’re going there anyways. What Ascension does is it roots us permanently in the flow of these qualities so that we never feel loss, lack, or limitation.
The energies must be rising because love becomes easier and easier to access. Gradually, gradually, bit by bit, we’re being taken over by love.
(1) I agree with the wag who said: I live the perfect life … until I think about it.
(2) “The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Jan. 15, 2023,” January 15, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/01/15/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-jan-15-2023/
(3) Speaking from the interpretive viewpoint that there are three levels of knowledge: intellectual, experiential, and realizational.
(4) The difference between a feeling and a divine state is that we feel a feeling to be happening inside ourselves whereas we feel ourselves immersed in a divine state.
Feeling our Way Through all of this; or, Taken Over by Love | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/26/2023 08:34:00 PM