October 23, 2020
Planet Earth and its human citizenry are currently under a gag-order, and a most literal one at that. Seen from up close, the gag order looks a helluva lot like a face mask -- designed to not only effortlessly constrict your breathing, but also to stifle your very voice. A compulsory gag order (with heavy fines and punishments for flouters) that demands, "Keep your mouth shut, or else…"
Look from a tad bit afar, and the gag order looks a helluva lot like a lockdown, and one of global proportions no less. A quarantine, that accurately resembles (and truthfully so reflects) the one that has been placed upon our very planet by wiser citizens of the cosmos, for well over numerous eons now thanks to our collective shenanigans.
"Stay home. Shut the hell up. Don't you even dare to open your mouths or even BREATHE unless we so choose to LET YOU," said the mafia governments of the world, in one collective breath. And humanity agreed, unconditionally. Who says you can't entrap an entire civilization in Stockholm Syndrome? The proof is in the pudding. Though you can't have any of it right now either coz the damn restaurants are shut.
If reading all of this makes your blood boil, then, dearest awakened members of the human populace, your time is well beyond ripe now to DISOBEY. To snatch the reins of your own destiny out of the very hands of the Reptiles and the Androids and the Satanists and the Archonics and the cannibals and the paedophiles and the corrupted and the demonic ones that so seek to enslave you beyond all end in here -- and to awaken to your infinite God power and potential from deep within instead. And to speak up and rebel against this tyranny, like there's no tomorrow. Because there sure won't be any if you so decide to keep quiet and stay shut -- much like willing sheep looking to be led by their "trusted and beloved masters" to the nearest available abattoir! The choice is yours.
So, what's the grand recipe for a delicious little rebellion, you wonder?
Wonder no more. For I've outlined some of its incredibly wise ways right here below for you, ONE and ALL. Feel free to use any of those, and freer to come up with many, many ingenious and innovative ones of your own. Not like anyone's even gonna have it within them to stop you GODS anyways now, is it? Read on for more…
ONE: Stop following government orders whenever and wherever possible. If you're wealthy enough to pull it off, pay the fines but REFUSE under any circumstances to wear a mask. If you're a tad less wealthier, you could still set aside some money for fines but do so anyways. Try not to get arrested for this though -- as your being jailed assists no one (comparatively). Far better in such cases to just temporary wear a mask in front of them coppers and find other ways (that I've outlined below) to awaken the rest of the human populace instead. Why do I so INSIST on not wearing masks though? One, because it's your damn Divine Birthright to freely and abundantly breathe in oxygen --- the very SOURCE of all life and energy --- and that you should allow no one, NONE WHOSOEVER IN EXISTENCE to even as much as DARE to take this holy birthright of yours away from you. Two because the more you breathe in all of that fresh and juicy oxygen, the stronger your immune system becomes. There's a reason Pranayama and Yoga exist (and work such miraculous healing and invigorating and restorative wonders upon our human bodies) by merely increasing oxygen levels alone. To speak nothing of the sheer power and vitality and resistance to illnesses they bring you. Skeptical? Just ask 26 time (that's right, TWENTY SIX TIME!) Guinness Book World Record holder Wim Hof about the benefits of breathing! And finally third, and by far the MOST important one: When YOU refuse to wear a mask, you very well so plant (even if but a MINUSCULE) SEED OF DOUBT into the minds of all obedient sheep-men and sheep-women who pass you by on that said day and see you flouting that Governmental Gag-Order so openly and unabashedly, "How is it that THIS PERSON can somehow manage to openly (and that too unapologetically!) flout the governmental restrictions and fear-orders so very FEARLESSLY? Have I really been lied to so bigly?" That's the only way to get resistant ego-driven minds to really consider your approaches and perspectives anyways. Healthy arguments and open-minded sharing of thoughts, perspectives and wisdom works NOT for these ones! Also, NOW you know why the wise Bentinho Massaro refers to all of you awakened souls as the "Shepherding Consciousnesses" of this world. Because herding sheep (or sheeple!) back onto the right paths is quite literally what shepherds do for a living here!
TWO: Start conversations. Every. Damn. Where. You. Go. For every conversation plants within the sheeple minds a seed of doubt and of uncertainty and of worry and of rebellion, and where we are (as a covilization at the moment), folks, EVERY SINGLE SEED MATTERS. Z-E-R-O Exceptions.
In fact, the time for being shy and reticent and reserved and conservative and "what will they think about me?" and "what if they judge me?" and "what if they think I'm high, stupid, or insane?" about these things is now long, LONG GONE --- for it's either NOW or NEVER. And NEVER will be most too LATE for all of humanity now; so take your pick. You either lead by example in this regard or you perish for good by keeping your mouth shut (at what is quite frankly the worst imaginable time to do so!) regarding these things --- no exaggerations and ZERO exceptions. If you get judged and name-called, you get judged and name-called. Some say it's better than going extinct. But that's up to you to decide. For shyness shall no longer pay, try as you may! Hell, it even rhymes.
Sure, your tyrannical governments and their puppet media and social media outlets are busy attempting to censor and brainwash and gaslight you more closely (and more ruthlessly!) with each passing day; but what they simply CANNOT censor is your one-to-one conversations with your fellow loved ones, friends, family members, relatives, neighbours, colleagues, co-workers and even your (super recent!) acquaintances alike! Please note that I'm more so referring to you conducting one-on-one conversations with your people in here; because these are the ones that are the MOST personal, the MOST intimate, the MOST distraction-free, and by far THE MOST focused and effective and emotionally / mentally PERSUA-SIVE, owing to their most personal, close and unavoidable nature here. Not saying that you shouldn't touch upon these topics in groups at all here (if no other opportunity is available in here, that is); but kindly note here that this may or may not work, depending upon the maturity levels of your respective audiences in question, here.
And what do you even SAY here to folks in question, when you DO INDEED get the chance to truly and truthfully SPEAK of these things, in here? Dear ones, I'm well aware that it's all too easy to get all "emotional" and "carried away" when topics of this nature come up in conversation in here, and yet, as a professional communicator myself, I must advise GREAT CAUTION for you all in here. For the very BEST methods to communicate this effectively and get your points across precisely and powerfully and IMPACTFULLY and MEMORABLY in this regard here are as FOLLOWS:
THE (foolproof!) METHOD: Ask JUST the right questions and back them up with UNDENIABLE facts. For example: "Can you remember a time when the Government and the Media actually CARED about you enough to tell you the truth regarding things and matters? No? Then what makes you think that they will do so, for some weird reason, NOW???" (AND if they answer "Yes" to the first question asked above, simply ask them that were THIS to be really so, how exactly does global financial inequality of MASSIVE PROPORTIONS even exist to such a great degree even today, and that too, all across the very WORLD no less? SURELY the tremendously wealthy government politicians and bureaucrats would have done something about it by NOW? Or do the homeless and the foodless and the shelterless somehow ESCAPE their eyes, in a blinding trick of the light now? Now, if anyone challenges you the same thing regarding the truthfulness / authenticity of the media; just ask them as to how exactly does CORRUPTION still exist so rampantly upon this planet of ours if the "media" is doing its job correctly? Or how does so much money go towards funding wars and meaningless space programs when people have no money to eat, no place to sleep, and even CHILDREN (within our so-called civilized world) go to bed hungry, or get exploited in UN-SPEAKABLE ways no less? Can the media not see this when every common person can? WHY are no voices being raised about this from the media? And HOW EXACTLY is the media okay (and miraculously, even supportive!) with regards to a man who bombs innocent civilians, and yet, somehow, walks away with the (so-called) Nobel "Peace Prize" no less? Where's the uproar? And NOW suddenly the media is on the side of the truth? Who will even believe that?
Remember, folks, it takes but one well-made argument to silence a (so-called / self-proclaimed) "skeptic". No more, no less. And well-made arguments contain less (to none) emotions and ONE HUNDRED PERCENT UN-DENI-ABLE 'FACTS.'
And finally, a pro-tip: There's no better tool than sarcasm to get your point across well and good. "So, you're telling me that the government or the media surely won't lie to you because, um, it has NEVER EVER lied to you before? [--scoffs--] Are you REALLY willing to stand by that statement in front of ME right now?" Trust me, even the most ignorant of souls and shills won't have the courage to stand up to that dare or die on THAT hill, I can pretty much GUARANTEE you of THAT. Besides, even if they did, they'd be proven wrong in about the time it takes you to do a Google Search upon your nearest available smartphone. Easy as THAT.
You could also freely ask some of THE MOST obvious questions, such as: "How is it that ALL of media and politicians and software-manufacturers-with-ZERO-medical-knowledge-or-experience(?) are only and ONLY speaking of profitable-to-them premises ranging from hand sanitizers to expensive (and compulsory!) mass vaccination drives? And how is it even more so that NOT EVEN A SINGLE ONE OF THEM is like EVER as much as mentioning boosting one's immunity, taking KNOWN AND RESEARCHED natural remedies to strengthen oneself, and do PROVEN BENEFICIAL things such as Yoga, Breath-Work, Pranayama, and what-else-have you? A tad bit (more than) suspicious, is this not?"
Last, but by no means the least, if any particularly daring individual runs out of legitimate arguments (as they always do!) and calls you a "conspiracy theorist" instead to cover up their lack of proper arguments / evidences (whether that be in one-on-one or in public); simply pull up THIS LINK without a second look and shut them up THEN AND THERE for GOOD. They'll never, EVER dare use that term in front of you EVER again, I pretty much GUARANTEE YOU THAT.
Finally, DO USE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA TO ITS FULLEST EXTENT (regardless of WHO tries to censor or silence you in there) regardless! Say the TRUTH discreetly regarding matters through your memes and your jokes, your poetries and your raps --- those work the best / fastest on social media! AND, if you're directly interested in speaking the TRUTH as it is (minus the detours and the decorations), be sure to stick to FACTS and eliminate arguers / arguments before they even really ARISE using the methods outlined above! Furthermore, the good thing about Social Media is that when you "win" a social media debate smoothly and flawlessly (Mortal Kombat: FLAWLESS VICTORY!) , your message reaches a far, far, FAR wider audience post this, merely by the virtue of the likes and shares and the comments that succeed its success. Not to mention all of that juicy virality and publicity and the "behind the scenes gossip sessions" that follow! All in all, truth wins in the end ALWAYS, no matter WHAT. Or as our dearest patriotic friend Q puts it the best: In the end, GOD WINS.
THREE: Speak up about things --- even if it's in the Astral Realms. Speak up with your friends, your loved ones, your family members, your colleagues, your neighbours, your co-workers, your acquaintances and who-else-have-you regarding your understandings pertaining to this matter in the astrals, aka the Astral / Etheric Realms of consciousness. And if you're new to this, worry not. Let me decode it for you real quick here.
Basically, the Astral aka the Etheric realm of consciousness is the realm of ALL human beings to have ever existed, i.e. the Human Collective Consciousness Grid --- that we ALL visit invariably when in our respective sleep or dream states. It is here that you have access to ALL living beings from ALL spaces, times, dimensions, parallel realities etc. and that you can communicate with them PERFECTLY CLEARLY HERE, EITHER INDIVIDUALLY OR COLLECTIVELY, simply by the SETTING OF INTENT HERE ALONE. This is by far one of THE MOST powerful of ways out there that you can use and utilize for yourself (and for ALL) --- most PARTICULARLY so when it comes to bypassing and beating desperate technological censorship attempts such as those being attempted by the Deep State ones upon Planet Earth today. And the best part, it is all too SURPRISINGLY SIMPLE to boot! Here's how you too can pull this off in here…
ALL you even need to do here is to merely (and simply!) DECIDE upon the TOPIC that you wish to speak to people about (i.e, people of your choice / liking), or even enlighten the ENTIRE HUMAN COLLECTIVE about (if you so wish to!), and go to sleep with that INTENTION set in place! That's IT! Because, my dearest friends, THAT'S ALL IT EVEN REALLY TAKES to get the job done in here! If you still need any (complimentary!) add-ons to make this process even more fun / better; FEEL FREE to call on all of your spirit guides, helpers and God to assist you in the process to the greatest degree imaginable…and SO shall it be done, EXACTLY as you asked! Remember, THEY (namely: the higher beings and energies) are simply UNABLE to assist you (no matter how INFINITELY willing, as they always are to assist you!) WITHOUT your EXPRESS, FREE-WILL permission and request to do so! That's just the Divine Universal Law, here! Finally, to make all of this even better, you can also IMAGINE/ VISUALIZE speaking to the crowd of people you so wish to speak to (to whatever degree/s in which you are able to imagine this) as you drift right off to sleep! Remember, you don't even really have to visualize the entire 7.5 billion or so human populace standing in front of you --- were you wishing to communicate to ALL of humanity regarding your favourite topic of choice in here, only and ONLY your INTENTION matters (and is ALL that is even NEEDED in here!). Besides, it's not as if you'd even really be AT ALL BE ABLE TO imagine such a thing in here ANYWAYS with your limited human mind to as much as begin with in here, lol. But you most certainly CAN INDEED communicate in this realm (to PERFECTION and to levels of UNTOLD AMOUNTS OF SUCCESS that would be virtually (heh) UN-IMAGINABLE in a 3D Earth-ly conversation!). So whether it be a friend or a foe, or a particularly dense family member to boot; in the Astrals, your communication will ALWAYS bring you the DESIRED 'RESULTS' --- much faster in any case than any of your (ever so futile) Earth-based communications ever shall or even CAN! For here, your Will IS the Way. Enough said! (ProTip: You can also give your mind / subconscious a command or order prior to your sleep sessions using the same method as above to HEAL your body / mind / psyche / heart / spirit or to even heal a very SPECIFIC part or aspect of your mind / body / heart / spirit / psyche! You can also use the above provided method to download spiritual guidance, or get guidance / wisdom upon absolutely ANY topic in all of existence pertaining to your liking, or get inspiration or ideas or creative seeds, or visit a loved one across space/time/dimensions or go have a certain experience from any space/time/dimension/imagination of your liking or what-else-have-you! For the sky isn't even a limit here! And for the doubters, you'll IMMEDIATELY realize and recognise as to just how REAL this even is when you request a healing / energizing / massage / spa session prior to your sleep; and wake up after a refreshingly restful sleep, all healed, revitalized, massaged, "fixed", and energized unlike absolutely ANYTHING that you've ever known before in your entire LIFE! In fact folks, if you can truly "get" what this means, there is absolutely NOTHING that you cannot do, get or achieve using this one, truly super-simple method of life! Go give it a shot! (What have YOU even got to lose in here by merely trying it out in here for yourselves anyways?). So, go play! And don't forget to ask for the Higher Assistance while you're at it! Makes things SO MUCH MORE simpler, here.)
Finally, if Astral / Etheric communication STILL feels but a helluva lot too complicated for you, fear not. For indeed you can do pretty much the EXACT SAME THING using your imagination / visualization skills and your INTENT --- right here, right NOW in this manner alone! All you even need to do is to simply IMAGINE being in front of the people of your choice or all of humanity, if that's what you choose to do. And then, to simply SAY that which you wish to even say in here. Please remember here that how well you imagine / visualize this doesn't matter ONE BIT in here. Only and ONLY your INTENT really does --- and that's ALL that it even really takes here to as much as begin with! As for the rest, it's always (more than!) recommended that you ask for higher assistance and help here with this too as always --- because they can SO VERY POWERFULLY enhance the effectiveness and efficacy and the sheer POWER of your communication and INTENTION in here indeed --- and why wouldn't you even want that? Moreover, this extra assistance costs you NOTHING. ZERO. ZILCH. So yeah, put it all to good damn use now, won't ya?
And, in conclusion, here's a truly BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE that details out the many, many, more EPIC ways by which you can use this tool in (previously) un-imagined ways to boot! Go make the most of it!
FOUR: Skip the process and just go MANIFEST what you DO prefer.
Think that all of the above methods are a tad bit too tiring? Well guess what, there's an even better (and faster!) way to doing all of THIS stuff! Just simply go MANIFEST the reality of your dreams! One wherein there is true (and truly ENDLESS!) PEACE and EQUALITY and LOVE and HARMONY and CAMARADERIE and UNITY! One, wherein there is INFINITE ABUNDANCE and ENDLESS PROSPERITY for ONE and ALL! One wherein there is free and infinite AND infinitely HEALTHY food on every table and infinitely pure and pristine water INFINITELY AVAILABLE not only in every single cup but also in ever single lake and ocean and iceberg to boot! A reality wherein ALL races, ALL sexes, and ALL (categories of people) are all EQUALLY respected and loved and honoured for WHO THEY ARE; and one wherein NO ONE is EVER left alone or to die. A reality in which EVERY SINGLE PERSON'S FREEDOM of speech / choice / being is respected beyond ALL ELSE --- and wherein EVERY SINGLE PERSON naturally respects another's freedom to live, express or just be! A reality in which all DIFFERING PERSPECTIVES are not only honoured and appreciated, but also WELCOMED! A world of wisdom and untold amounts of beauty. Of inspiration and creativity. Of TRUTH and INTEGRITY. Of END-LESS FUN and FROLIC! A sexually liberated and perpetually fulfilled world fit to be considered a true PARADISE! A world where the skies are clear and so is the air. A world wherein the waters gush with as much joy as the truly BEAUTIFUL fish and mermaids that live and reside within it. A world in which plants and animals and birds (and even the minerals) revel in the joy of life…and a world in which CELEBRATION and LEARNING and EXPERIENCING THE NEW are all permanent and ETERNAL features! A world of immortality and forever vital, youthful health. A world of PEACE and INSTANTANEOUS manifestation and healing and SPEED-OF-THOUGHT movements and transportation (personal spaceships for ALL)! A world that is IMMENSELY advanced be it materially or technologically or spiritually. A world in which differences and likings and preferences are truly, deeply, CELEBRATED, instead of frowned upon. A world where benevolent galactic and universal friends and FAMILIES of hu-man beings come to play and share and love and celebrate with one another. A world filled with NEVER-ENDING prosperity, wisdom and tele-empathic (a combination of telepathy + tele-empathy) SUPER-humans who can well achieve ANY damn feat there is that is even really IMAGINABLE (and many are even BUSY DOING some of that already in here, folks). An abode for GODS.
Now, how do we even BEGIN to really achieve and truly CREATE any of that? Well, you already did it ONCE here just by merely IMAGINING this! So, the trick to do this is rather simple: One, visualize any / ALL of the above scenarios as BEST as you possibly can. Remember, your "visualization" / "imagination" skill doesn't even matter in here, only and ONLY your INTENTION does. The visualization / imagination is but a nice bonus. A cherry on top of the cake, if you will. Two, FEEL (all of the physical and mental and emotional feelings/emotions AS WELL AS all of the physical and mental and emotional SENSATIONS) associated with you experiencing your desired reality RIGHT. NOW. Right at THIS. VERY. MOMENT. (This is key; for you are so NOT supposed to imagine this being in your "future". But you most certainly CAN imagine this as being your NOW. Your PRESENT. And THAT is when it begins to work its real magic, in here). And once you're done feeling this all out, just let go and fill up with pure GRATITUDE for experiencing what you did. As a bonus (and to make things a Helluva LOT smoother, simpler and faster --- as always --- FREELY invite ALL willing higher beings and energies to work with you, assist you, and amplify your energies intentions here INFINITELY in this regard. Stuff works MIRACULOUS wonders. Every. Single. Time. Don't forget to end this (experience) without expressing a FEELING of DEEP GRATITUDE towards each and every single one of these beings for assisting you so freely, so selflessly, and so very UNCONDITIONALLY in here!
And in case, JUST IN CASE any of you are feeling "skeptical" regarding the feasibility of this (or the chances of IT ever WORKING), here's some truly ONE HUNDRED PERCENT UN-DENIABLE PROOF OF THAT for you all.
Now ALL you even need to do is to simply KEEP focusing upon (and FEELING) this beautiful reality that you just visualized / imagined / intended into creation just now, again, AS IF YOU WERE ALREADY LIVING IT / IN IT…and do it so as often as possible, whenever you so can. If nothing else, just visit it once a day, for just a minute or so even! For the MORE that you pay ATTENTION to it and keep your FOCUS upon the FEELING of it…the FASTER shall it start INFUSING itself with and eventually BECOMING your current life no less! You gotta see it to believe it…or more accurately, you gotta BELIEVE IT to SEE IT come to life right in front of you! That's ALL that it even really TAKES, in here.
For even further guidance in this regard, here's another article and YET ANOTHER ARTICLE (and even a wonderfully fantastic GUIDED MEDITATION!) to assist you in this truly BEAUTIFUL endeavour of yours! Go make the MOST of it!
FIVE: Simply increase your Frequency.
Frequency, what the hell even is THAT? Well, in laymen's terms, it can simply be described as how you FEEL. The better you feel (i.e. the more POSITIVE feelings such as Love, Peace, Excitement, Inspiration, Creativity, Healing, Energized-ness, Bliss, Happiness, Joy etc.) that you experience consistently, the HIGHER is said to be your "frequency." And, as per the Law of Attraction, if you FEEL better; your reality will literally RE-ORGANIZE ITSELF to simply BE better. And the better you feel, the MORE REASONS your VERY REALITY will give you to feel better and better and happier and more contented ALL THE MORE. At some point, you will begin to feel SO DARN AMAZING AND INCREDIBLE that your very reality will LITERALLY RE-ARRANGE ITSELF to become the very paradise that we just discussed above. Besides, Reality, by its very NATURE and ESSENCE, is naturally INFINITELY INTELLIGENT. And, as a result, knows EXACTLY WHAT YOU'D LOVE TO SEE/FEEL/OWN/EXPERIENCE in that desired reality of yours. And the best part here is that the MORE BETTER that you are able to FEEL on a day-to-day and regular and consistent basis in your life; the BETTER and BETTER will your version of Paradise (that YOU would be living in) become…with each passing day no less! Easy as that!
Now, WHAT ALL STEPS can you even begin taking to really, truthfully, ACHIEVE this end? Well, for one, you can start with FOLLOWING YOUR EXCITEMENT to its VERY LAST END in quite literally ANY AND EVERY SINGLE GIVEN MOMENT. And then, to simply ALLOW for those excitements to change and shift and alter during the course of any given day…or even your very life itself; all WITHOUT insisting that your "excitements" should always be the same or look a certain way or FIT a specific pattern. In short, imagine a lazy Sunday where the first MOST (this is key when multiple excitements demand your attention) exciting thing for you and that you feel like doing is to drink a warm cup of tea or coffee. So you go do that. Then, you feel like taking a long nap. So you go do that. Next, you feel excited to play your favourite game. So you go do that. Next, you wish to read this new amazing book that your friend just recommended you! So you go follow that (excitement). On, and on and on…always doing the NEXT big exciting thing, one after the other, NON-STOP! Not "judging" your excitements. And most certainly not giving a DAMN as to what other people even really think about them or the new, EVER-SO-JOY-FILLED-AND-CONTENT version of YOU who follows his or her excitements to the T, and that too, END-LESS-LY! Above all, PLEASE DO refrain from judging your OWN excitements as being good or bad…and just, simply, GO WITH THE FLOW! And in ANY GIVEN SCENARIO wherein something is PHYSICALLY "unavailable" for you to go experience; just go experience it as freely as you'd like/enjoy within your own imagination no less! Besides, your imagination gives you the choice to do AB-SO-LUTELY ANYTHING…go flip reality backwards and play with fairies and bend clouds if you so like! For here, you are ETERNALLY EVER SO a GOD no less! So go make the most of it to find that inner JOY, PEACE and CONTENT-MENT!
Along with that, other things you could do to increase your frequency even FURTHER are: Start ACCEPTING reality as it is instead of fighting it. And from that place of pure ACCEPTANCE and ZERO "resistance" to reality, begin changing your world ever so easily to your liking…one tiny step at a time! If it means moving to a different REALITY itself (shifting to a new place etc.), then go do just THAT! If it means leaving a shitty job, then go do just THAT! And always, always, ALWAYS remember…where there's a WILL, there's a WAY! In short, those who truly WANT something will always find and seek and search and work out a way to GET IT…and life too will always, always, ALWAYS support them…and that too by divine LAW no less! So go make the most of THAT! Sure, you MAY just have a few failures and mis-steps here and there along the way; but then again, aren't failures but stepping stones to SUCCESS? So fear them NOT!
Get rid of ALL of your NEGATIVE/DEPRESSING friends and social circles and addictions and TV shows and music and movies and games and books and habits and crushes and idols and ideas about life and everything else of the "sad and depressing variety" that has infested your life one by one by one…for they so DO NOT serve you in increasing your frequency and making it into paradise in absolutely ANY way, shape or form in here! Above all, LEARN the art (and science!) of focusing only on what is GOOD and what is WORKING within your reality above ALL ELSE! For what you focus upon, you only shall MAGNIFY within your life no less! For instance, if you're stuck in a traffic jam, you could either choose to focus upon the cozy interiors of your car, or that one lone tree within your sights, or the very JOY of breathing, or your VERY ABUNDANT IMAGINATION --- OR you could (alternatively) choose to be sad and depressed and angry about the vehicle spitting smoke next to you, the choice is all YOURS! Just remember, THAT WHICH YOU FOCUS UPON, you only shall continue and continue and CONTINUE to attract and get ALL THE MORE OF! Your move! Finally, learn to feel grateful for ALL that you already HAVE within your life --- and you'll well be SURPRISED at how the list-of-things-that-you-can-feel-grateful-for continues to multiply and grow INFINITELY with each new passing day within your life! I'm not just the ONLY one saying this, by the way, your beloved SCIENTISTS are saying the EXACT SAME THINGS HERE themselves! And so is EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE, by the way, well including the presenters of this UNIMAGINABLY BEAUTIFUL AND INSPIRING REAL-LIFE STORY! Furthermore, I have this really cool and epic-ally incredible, quick and INSTANTANEOUS ONE-SECOND MIND HACK for you to help you shift to higher frequencies ON DEMAND, at ANY GIVEN TIME OF THE DAY here no less! You gotta try it out for yourselves to believe it, dearest folks upon the internet.
Above all, you can always (and ALSO) raise your frequency by taking good care of your mind (through meditation / chanting and / or decluttering its very contents from time to time by making task-priority-lists)/ And also taking care of your body by relaxing and resting and sleeping more often; or by healing and detoxing it through natural remedies; or energetically healing it via Reiki and such; or through acupuncture and massages or even a self-massage no less! Exercising, eating healthy food, drinking ample amounts of water, and doing breathwork, Yoga, Pranayama, Tai Chi and such are EXCELLENT add-ons to this as well! There's even Energ-etic Massages on YouTube and Epic ASMR Videos and High-Frequency Music and even excellent Guided Meditations for Various Purposes and Still More So Exciting Purposes out there on the internet that you can use in here for just THIS. VERY. PURPOSE! You seek one way to raise your frequency, your life gives you an INFINITE variety of them! GO FIGURE!
SIX: Utilize the INFINITE power of PRAYERS and BLESSINGS.
This one's by far the simplest one of them all! Send a prayer out to the Universe / God / Angels / Guides / Your Higher Self / Ascended Masters / Jesus / Buddha etc. (whoever you trust in the MOST, including / even YOUR OWN SELF!) seeking your desired reality. Be it some specific thing/things/people/events/experiences/advice/inspiration/guidance/ideas etc. that will benefit YOU and make you happy; or something such as world peace and prosperity and healing and love and unity and equality and wisdom and balance and harmony and TRUTH and infinite abundance and spiritual and / or technological growth and such for the ENTIRE WORLD that will make EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH happy. You can ask / pray here for absolutely ANYTHING that you so desire, either for yourself or for the world, with ZERO exceptions on what you can even ask here for! And you can REST ASSURED in the KNOWING that what you seek / ask for simply HAS TO BE delivered to you (by Divine LAW!); and pretty SOON ENOUGH at that! (through the Law of Attraction or the idea that says "Knock, and the door is opened unto you"), ZERO EXCEPTIONS! In fact, the more you ANTICIPATE your prayer coming true and truly, deeply. FEEL IT (and have FAITH IN IT) to be so…the FASTER shall you accelerate its arrival WITHIN YOUR LIFE! Well, now that you DO INDEED KNOW as to just HOW you too can SO VERY EASILY change / upgrade the ENTIRE WORLD and manifest the very life of your WILDEST DREAMS --- that too, right from sitting at your very COUCH no less --- what's even stopping you? Go PRAY and BLESS all that you'd like! Go BLESS the world FREELY with ample Love and Light and Unity and Prosperity and Harmony and Togetherness and Camaraderie and Abundance and INFINITE Prosperity and Balance and Wisdom and Healing and WHAT-ELSE-HAVE-YOU-GOT! At the very least, you can always trust here in your OWN power as a God; whether you trust in any other beings or Gods or NOT. Who ever even knew it would all be THAT easy, huh?
Finally, as always, don't forget to seek assistance from higher beings and energies whenever you so can, it will only make your job THAT VERY MUCH SO EASIER in here! And finally, be it Prayer or Blessing, end it ALL with gratitude, always, always, ALWAYS. ALL of the links above should tell you exactly WHY.
Now that we are done, go create the world of your wildest imaginings; and as always, share, share, and FREELY SHARE ALL OF THESE AFOREMENTIONED TECHNIQUES FREELY with EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT YOU POSSIBLY KNOW! Go put it up freely on EVERY SINGLE SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLET that you're possibly on; and let the world know what ya got! Why? Just go read the Story of the Lone Candle for yourselves, and you'll ALL know EXACTLY as to why I even said any of that in here!
My NEVER EVER ENDING Love and Gratitude to you ALL for taking the time to read / implement / share this with the world, in absolutely ANY way, shape, or form whatsoever. Feel free to translate it into your own languages here as well…for the whole wide WORLD needs to know about this…just well about NOW!
Have a fabulous day :)
Disobey | Aseim
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/23/2020 11:46:00 AM