This is a brief message for all Lightworkers, Wanderers, Starseeds, Spiritually Awakened / Awakening Beings, and all of Humanity in general. Essentially speaking, this message is for every single member of the human race who is by now sick and tired of this entire Covid-19 / Coronavirus situation -- and of the immense disruption that it has caused within our respective beautiful lives.
Despite the virus itself having been engineered by those of lesser-light for entirely nefarious reasons, as such, it was a "necessary wake-up-call" indeed for the ENTIRETY of our sleeping human collective at large to even as much as begin with. A necessary evil that would make human beings the world over pause, introspect, and see as to what exactly they are creating -- both within their own lives as well as within the planet itself. Above all, the virus gave our planet a wonderful 2-month long or so "break" from all of the pollution, destruction, toxicity, madness, and what-else-have-you. Such a "break" was essential (and quite frankly, welcome) indeed for our planet - and for its waters, its winds, its plants and its animals - so that they may once again be restored to health, joy and renewed vigor. Moreover, our planet GREATLY needed to be healed and refreshed and revitalized all over once again -- and this virus, though seemingly "unwelcome" (to say the least) -- powerfully provided our world with a grand, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for such an outcome to be achieved. But now, it is time indeed for each and every single one of us to finally MOVE ON (as a collective), from this massive, mass wake-up call of sorts of inexorably historic proportions. For it is time.
And how does one even as much as go about doing that? Well, we start with very clearly, and very FOCUSEDLY manifesting the end of this entire depressing situation - using our thoughts and feelings alone.
For those new to manifestation, or the law of attraction, or even as much as the idea that our very thoughts, feelings, intentions, and beliefs create and shape our entire reality -- here's how you're supposed to be ending this entire global virus situation once-and-for-all to begin with.
STEP ONE: Enter into your mind (i.e. your imagination space), and start imagining and visualizing this situation ending in whatever ways that you possibly can. Imagine ALL of news channels on your TV reporting the complete and total END of the Coronavirus -- and see and FEEL your entire world returning to normalcy once again, once more. Imagine ALL of the news websites, news resources and alternative news sources that you visit everyday relaying this positive, happy, joy-bringing news to one-and-all-concerned. Imagine everyone on earth resuming their normal lives with joy, ease and even further grace.
Imagine the streets and the bylanes of your world once-again brimming with people, joy, laughter, activity, and most importantly, a newfound LOVE, RESPECT and CONNECTION towards one another -- that has only been renewed by all of this isolation and separation madness to begin with. Imagine co-operation between one and all, unity, health and well-being of one and all, and the whole world in PURE LOVE.
STEP TWO: FEEL what it feels like to be ACTUALLY EXPERIENCING such a world RIGHT NOW. NOT in "the future." NOT "tomorrow." Not "laters." But RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. Imagine all of the joy that fills you up upon seeing your beautiful world returning back to normalcy. Imagine ALL of the physical, mental and emotional sensations that you begin to experience -- as you go out for a beautiful walk (and an ice cream even) within a world filled with joyful, connected, and most importantly, FULLY HEALED people.
ADD in AS MANY (major and minor) DETAILS to this imagination / visualization exercise (experience) as you possibly can manage. But even more so importantly, FEEL all of the FEELINGS AND SENSATIONS that come with experiencing the very restoration (and resurrection) of our world back into its original true form; and its very state of normalcy and well-being.
Once again, FEEL as if all of the above was happening right in front of you, RIGHT AT THIS. VERY. MOMENT.
You've done what was needed to be done. Now just sit back, relax, and ENJOY -- as what you just CREATED slowly (but surely) begins to manifest within your own life. You need to do nothing else further in here.
QUESTION ONE: What if I absolutely SUCK at visualization, imagination, detailing etc.?
ANSWER ONE: That's perfectly fine here. After all, it is only your INTENTION and FEELING that ultimately help create your reality. Even if you can FULLY FEEL what it FEELS like to have all of the above happy moments occurring RIGHT NOW -- you've more than done your job here. And if even the "FEELING PART" is way too difficult for you, that's okay too. Just set an INTENTION that these (aforementioned) things begin happening RIGHT NOW IN FRONT OF YOU -- either mentally or out loud -- and you would've STILL done way, WAY MORE than what you would have otherwise done by doing nothing-at-all. Just TRUST the process. And TRUST YOURSELF and your OWN TRUE POWER here. And (trust) that ALL will work out, just as you intended-it-to here. And when you do all of that with FULL AND TOTAL CONVICTION here, you will so NOT be disappointed. I guarantee you that.
QUESTION TWO: How can JUST ONE PERSON create or recreate an entire reality for the ENTIRE WORLD AT LARGE?
ANSWER TWO: Hitler was "just one person". Gandhi was "just one person." And even the Buddha was "just one person." And yet, their actions impacted the entire world. So did their thoughts, principles and dreams.
If they can single-handedly change the ENTIRE WORLD merely through using the power of their dreams, imaginations, and visualizations alone...well...so can YOU do the same YOURSELF. YOU are FAR, FAR MORE POWERFUL than you THINK or have been led-to-believe. Your THOUGHTS are FAR, FAR, MORE POWERFUL than what you've been told (they are) till date. And honestly deep down, even YOU KNOW this to be the TRUTH. This information isn't exactly "new" to ANY OF YOU (reading this). And as a matter of fact, most or nearly ALL people reading this have known the above things to be true INTUITIVELY at some point as kids. But somewhere down the line, they either forgot this entirely or were made-to-forget-this-entirely by their parents, friends, society, and who-have-you. But now is the time indeed to TAKE YOUR TRUE POWER BACK -- so that you too may VERY CONSCIOUSLY CREATE the reality that you ultimately WISH TO SEE in here. And so it is. And so it is.
QUESTION THREE: How many times do I even need to do all of this?
ANSWER THREE: Doing this exercise / experiment just once-a-day is actually more-than-enough for most. It will take you what, like, 2 minutes max? In fact, it is suggested here that one do this whenever so possible, throughout-the-day if you will -- whenever one gets even as much as a couple minutes of free time throughout their day that is. The more that one does this, the better and faster will be the results. Simple as that. But even doing this "just once-a-day" is STILL FAR, FAR, BETTER than (doing) NOTHING. And even doing this JUST ONCE is still way better than never-ever-doing-it AT-ALL. So all of that is entirely your call, folks.
QUESTION FOUR: Should I freely SHARE all of this info with my friends, family members, relatives, acquaintances, neighbours, co-workers, colleagues and the like? Does this even BENEFIT this whole process in any way, shape or form here?
In fact, the MORE PEOPLE that you FREELY share this message with, the FASTER will our world be rid of this virus (and all of the PROBLEMS that came with it) ONCE-AND-FOR-ALL. And we will ALL be able to return right back to normalcy (in this manner) in no time whatsoever. PLUS I'm pretty sure here that all of your friends, family members and social media followers would themselves want nothing an IOTA-LESSER than this here either. So fret not and GO FOR IT!
Don't worry about what people will "say about you" or "think about you" if you post this publicly. All of that stuff won't matter anyways if this virus KILLS you or destroys your very life. So please, just for this once, please, please, be FULLY SELFISH and do this for your OWN GOOD.
Besides, many of your friends and family members might have been waiting their entire lives for this tremendously powerful info to come to them. PLEASE don't be the one to disappoint them NOW. You never even know as to just HOW this above message can even HELP and HEAL (SO MANY DISTRESSED) people out there. So be bold and just DO IT.
QUESTION FIVE: THAT sounds INCREDIBLE!!! Anything else you wish to tell us about all of this?
ANSWER FIVE: Yep! For I did indeed save the best (part) for the last here! It is what has been called (throughout the ages) as the GREAT MAGNIFIER or the GRAND AMPLIFIER here. And it is something that ABSOLUTELY OBLITERATES your very wildest imaginings here. Here's the full scoop on that!
Basically, imagine that each time you put out a "manifestation intention", that you put out 10 UNITS of PURE, RAW, "creation energy" out there into this very world of ours.
Now, imagine just 5 people doing THIS EXACT SAME THING.
How many units of energy does that make?
10 + 10 +10 + 10 + 10 = 50 (units of energy)......right?!
That would make it 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 100,000 UNITS (of creation energy)!!!
That's right. Just 5 people coming together to set a SINGLE INTENTION amplifies the SHEER POWER of that intention TEN-THOUSANDFOLD to send out a whopping HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITS OF ENERGY into this world of ours.
Now imagine "JUST 10 PEOPLE" doing the very same.
JUST IMAGINE as to what "just 10 people" coming together to set a single intention here can do for (and to) OUR VERY WORLD.
Then imagine what would happen if "just a 100 people" did this together.
Then a 1,000.
Then a 100,000.
Our world would be changed ENTIRELY within a day. No joke.
Which is why MORE AND MORE PEOPLE OUT THERE need to really understand as to just how these laws of energy and manifestation work.
Because when they do, our world will NEVER, EVER be the same again. EVER AGAIN.
And you'll all SEE FOR YOURSELVES as to how this virus situation ends FASTER THAN what you'd EVER as much as IMAGINED.
And it all just begins with you. And me.
Enjoy the show.
BONUS QUESTION: Are there ANY OTHER MANIFESTATION-INTENTIONS that we can ADD to these aforementioned intentions -- now that we have ALL THE FREE TIME IN THE WORLD to do the same?
BONUS ANSWER: FANTASTIC QUESTION!!!!! For one, you could simply NOW set an intention that ALL INDIVIDUALS behind the VERY CREATION of this virus be FULLY EXPOSED WITH-IMMEDIATE-EFFECT for ONE AND ALL to FULLY TAKE NOTE OF. And that all TRUTHS regarding this virus, the very PURPOSES behind it, and the very PEOPLE (who made it) and their TRUE INTENTIONS behind doing the same be EXPOSED-AND-REVEALED, FULLY AND TOTALLY for all of the ENTIRE WORLD AT LARGE to see and make note of.
Finally, you could simply follow the COMPLETE SET OF INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED HEREIN to assist in the creation of an even better reality for all of humanity at large out there. Alternatively, you could also help (humanity) achieve the exact same results (or better!) with this TRULY BEAUTIFUL GUIDED MEDITATION that has been exclusively and specifically crafted for that exact same (cause and) purpose!
Take your pick. And enjoy the show.
Tired of Coronavirus? Here's a Way out! | Aseim
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/11/2020 10:38:00 PM