The Feel Better in 1 Second Mind Hack | Aseim

September 30, 2020

If the year 2020 has pushed you well past your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual tolerance limits, folks, you're currently in JUST the right place. For what I wish to offer one and all during this trying time, is a REAL, WORKING, SOLUTION. A true blue "feel good" solution that is very much MINUS any of that accompanying BS. A solution that you don't need to pay any money or buy snake oil for, but rather, a solution that you can read, understand, and start implementing RIGHT AWAY, ZERO CAVEATS. A solution that can help you change your state of being from negative (angry / anxious / afraid / etc.) to positive (blissful / peaceful / loving / etc.) in exactly ONE SECOND OR LESS. Yeah, I'm well aware that this sounds EXACTLY like a snake-oil commercial, but it very much so ISN'T, as you're ALL about to find out to your very greatest of joys and bliss in here.

Before I begin however, I would first like to address a question that's on many a mind / heart post my intro to this post. That question asks: "How exactly can I afford to feel good when the rest of the world around me is in such immense PAIN and SUFFERING?"

Excellent question. And the answer to that is rather simple:

ONE: the ONLY WAY by which you can eliminate all of the pain and suffering around you (to the greatest degree possible) is by feeling AS HAPPY / BLISSFUL / PEACEFUL / CALM / CONTENT as you POSSIBLY CAN during these times of massive upheaval. And how / why is that? Because of something known as the Law Of Attraction. A truly UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL LAW that says: What you FOCUS on, you only continue to generate MORE AND MORE OF, both for YOUR-selves AND for the REST OF THE WORLD around you. Which means that if you focus on experiencing more love / joy / freedom / peace --- you will quite literally CREATE / MAGNET-IZE it for yourself AND the world around you because of the Law Of Attraction, aka, the "Like (Energy) Attracts Like (Energy) Principle.

Furthermore, I can very much so GUARANTEE YOU here that you are doing NOTHING GOOD for the world by being un-happy, fearful, sad, angry, or what-else-have-you. As a matter of fact, you are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you'd desired (if you'd desired to assist one and ALL at all); in that, you are MAGNET-IZING even MORE pain, suffering, sadness, anger, fear, and emotions of the same variety into your OWN world, and BY ASSOCIATION, into the very world that you IN-HABIT currently. Viruses and Lockdowns have already added in WAY MORE THAN TOLERABLE AMOUNTS of that dark and depressing energy upon our beloved and beautiful planet already; so why add in EVEN MORE misery of the said kind onto this planet now? THINK ABOUT IT.

TWO: By being happy, peaceful, calm, loving, kind, compassionate and (above all) BALANCED during this particularly challenging time, you are also being an EXAMPLE of the right way to live life (and (re) set its trajectory back to normalcy / betterment) for many, MANY others. Some, who may not even KNOW who you are or where you come from. Some, who have been impacted by someone whom YOU (positively) impacted, inspired, taught and TRANSFORMED to live this way. You would become a leader without leading. A teacher who never had to "teach." You can literally affect people ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE by the simple virtue of your becoming an EXAMPLE of how to stay blissful / peaceful / balanced / content during times of turmoil such as these; and, as a result, literally help shift the ENTIRE WORLD back to not only "normalcy", but oh so much more. And in the times of our world becoming ever so smaller by the day and video chats and such having become commonplace, this is by NO MEANS an exaggeration. Just a slice of reality served piping hot and delicious. Ever heard of the idea that your one compliment can make someone's day; who in turn makes someone else's day as a result, thereby kickstarting a GLOBAL CHAIN REACTION of UNTOLD AMOUNTS OF GOODNESS? This is pretty much the exact same stuff in here.

Ponder upon that for a bit in order to very clearly decide as to which side you'd rather be on during these most tumultuous, most globally crazy of times that have arrived in here. And to conclude this in the words of a great spiritual teacher of our times: "If you're not HAPPY, you're not HELPING."

Now, moving on to what you actually need to be DOING in order to really be applying this method...

The idea is surprisingly simple (to understand), and, dare I say, even more so easier to execute and EXPERIENCE TANGIBLY for yourselves. Basically, you ALL can very easily "program your mind" to let you experience amazing feelings such as JOY, BLISS, LOVE or PEACE in literally A SECOND OR EVEN LESSER. That too, by using a literal "magic spell" of sorts. How? Well, here's how...

For this particular example, we will attempt to (re)program our minds to achieve the feeling of 'TRUE PEACE' -- whenever we so wish to -- that too, well within a SINGLE SECOND OR LESS no less! And here's how...


To start with, IMAGINE being in a place that makes you feel really, REALLY Peaceful. Is it the calm shore of a lake? A nice, tranquil beach? The luxurious lounge of a beautiful hotel overlooking peacefully quiet mountainside or oceanside views? Is it your neighbourhood coffee place? A relaxing waterfall set near your favourite picnic spot? Or a warm, cozy chair by the fireplace accompanied by a warm mug full of utterly delicious tea? Is it your favourite book-reading chair or bed? Choose the scenario / setting that works for you the best or come up with your own settings and environments that make you feel truly, bliss-fully, PEACE-FULL!


Next, truly IMMERSE YOURSELVES within the said imagination / visualization. Deeply and thoroughly FEEL all of the sheer amounts of PEACE and TRANQUILITY that relaxing or chilling in the place of your choice / liking brings you. Feel the sheer JOY of feeling so peaceful, so quiet, so SILENT, so COMFORTABLE, so COMFORT-ED, so warm, and so SOOTH-ED.

AND then, EXACTLY WHEN you can truly ACCESS this (peace-filled) feeling coming right from DEEP WITHIN YOU, when you can truly (and DEEPLY!) FEEL this feeling emanating from EVERY SINGLE ATOM AND MOLECULE WITHIN your mind, body and soul - just (verbally or mentally) say the word "Peace". And then again, FEEL the feeling of Peace that you are now experiencing (and emanat-ing) as deeply and as powerfully as you quite possibly can. Feel every single Physical / Mental / Emotional / Spiritual SENSATION that you feel within your mind / body / heart / soul as a result of (doing) this. Tune into this very FEELING. And keep on tuning right into it, over and over and over and ALL OVER AGAIN.

Repeat. Say the word "Peace" to yourself again (either verbally or mentally), as you repeatedly Visualize / Feel / Experience your chosen expression and experience of 'peace-full-ness'; REMINDING / COMMANDING your mind over and over and OVER AGAIN to associate the WORD 'peace' with the sheer FEELING of 'PEACE' that you are now experiencing in here So Very DEEPLY. Repeat over and over and over again until you can truly FEEL that the very MEANING of this word has deeply, unchangeably, SUNK IN deep WITHIN YOU. Sunk in DEEP within the very recesses of your consciousness and your subconscious mind. AND, just in case this doesn't happen within a few minutes or so, take a break and try again within a few hours or the next day.

REPEATEDLY KEEP DOING THIS and doing this for a few days or a week or so. At some point (within a week or two max), your mind will COMPLETELY and TOTALLY associate the word / command / spell "PEACE" with the very FEELING of COMPLETE AND TOTAL "PEACE-FULL-NESS" that you'd generated through your visualization / imagination exercises earlier.

And once such is done, then, WHENEVER you so wish to feel 'PEACE-FULL', ALL YOU EVEN REALLY NEED TO DO is to simply SAY the word "PEACE" either verbally or mentally, and your mind will AUTOMATICALLY and INSTANTANEOUSLY put you in the EXACT SAME STATE / FEELING of true, changeless PEACE, that you'd so very seamlessly generated through your intense visualization / imagination exercises earlier!

And last that I checked, a word that gets things to happen INSTANTANEOUSLY is called a "magic spell". So yes, enjoy your INSTANT MAGIC SPELL / COMMAND for experiencing true PEACE no matter where you are, no matter where you go, no matter how chaotic / disturbed / disturbing the world around you is at any given point in time; and NO MATTER how sad or angry or lonely you're feeling on any given day or time! For now, you can always, always, ALWAYS RESTORE your mental / feeling state to COMPLETE AND TOTAL PEACE-FULL-NESS, all by verbally or mentally uttering just ONE SINGLE WORD and in but ONE SINGLE SECOND (OR LESS!). And THEN (and then ALONE!) shall you easily and swiftly be able to (be)come More-Peaceful-Than-A-Saint in A-SECOND-OR-LESS-FLAT, and that too, very much so at any damn time that you quite possibly wanted to! PERIOD!

So now, please, please, DO go try this out for yourself; and then; once you've succeeded at this (which you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT WILL), go try re-programming your mind to then INSTANTLY feel other awesome and amazing feelings that you enjoy experiencing such as Love, Joy, Bliss, Warmth, Healthiness, Silence, Calmness, Gratitude, and what-else-have-you!

And also, and just by the sheer VIRTUE OF YOU generating these types of feelings for yourself, the Law Of Attraction will kick in automatically here to SHAPE UP AND SOLIDIFY YOUR VERY REALITY into the perfect REFLECTION / MATCH of your generated inner FEELINGS! Thereby giving you even more (and TANGIBLE!) reasons to experience more Peace, more Joy, more Love, more Bliss, more Abundance, and even more CELEBRATION within your life! Can it even really get any better than this now? You know the answer.

Furthermore, don't just keep this beautiful trick of the "reality manipulation trade" to yourselves alone either! Not when SO MANY SOULS all across the planet are currently busy flitting about in pain / anxiety / sadness / fear / challenge and what-else-have-you! Souls, who could GREATLY BENEFIT from this ancient knowledge JUST ABOUT RIGHT NOW! So go and freely TALK about it in your conversations with your near and dear ones (and ESPECIALLY within your 1-to-1 convos); and SHARE all about it all across your social media channels and platforms; and blissfully TEACH THIS trick-of-the-spiritual-trade to all of your fellow willing members of spiritual, awakened, awakening or similar communities, forums, groups, and what-else-have-you! SPREAD THE WORD, and we'll ALL have a better world to see / experience both FOR and AROUND ourselves very much so in record damn time in here! I assure you of that with the UTMOST certainty, dear spiritually awake brethren of mine.

I humbly thank EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU reading this for your most beautiful service to ALL OF humanity. Your efforts in this regard are more, more, and WAY MORE APPRECIATED than you will ever, ever, EVER really come to know.

Cheers. And go spread the LOVE :)
The Feel Better in 1 Second Mind Hack | Aseim The Feel Better in 1 Second Mind Hack | Aseim Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/30/2020 10:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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