Since your childhood, you ALL have been told a BIG, FAT, LIE. You've been told that magic isn't real. Excellent. Now, let's debunk this BS once and for all with just one quick and easy experiment. And here's how THAT works:
What you focus on, you only continue to get more of. I repeat, because this is SO very important to understand, very, very, clearly: What you FOCUS on, you only ever get MORE and MORE and MORE of. Both in your life, as well as in terms of your thoughts, ideas, conversations, relationships, and what-else-have-you!
Here's a fun experiment for you to try out this week: Take a topic that you don't usually think about each day. Something that is just "somewhat interesting" to you, but mostly "neutral" in terms of the FEELINGS that it generates within you. Like, say, differently coloured shades of wall paints. Or, types of spoons. Or anything that is not something that you hold a very CLEAR / DIRECT / DISTINCT interest in.
Next, proceed to think about it ALL THROUGHOUT your week. You focus on it as if that (thing / idea / subject / topic) was the ONLY THING that EVER mattered to you. You imagine interesting things about your chosen topic all day long. You search all about it all day long on the internet and blogs and YouTube and Instagram and Facebook and wherever else that you possibly can.
Within a day or two (max) of beginning this practice, you'll find that information about the topic of your choice just automatically begins to FIND you. Even WITHOUT your trying. You overhear people talking about it, and see newspaper or web articles about it (without ever even LOOKING for them), and you even start seeing it on your TV programs, your news, and from all kinds and sorts of channels and outlets and places surrounding you. Because you see, your focus is like a MAGNET. Whatever you put it on, you only and ONLY attract more and more and more of it into your life. Don't just take MY word for it, go try it out for yourself and see just how incredibly (and crazily!) true this even IS!
Now, just go think of the endless POSSIBILITIES that you now have opened up right in front of you as a result of this (seemingly) "easy" or "simple" understanding / hack of how life even really WORKS. Want to find ways to earn more money without having to work too hard? Start focusing only and ONLY on THAT. Want to find cool new ways and solutions to help benefit the environment and help build a greener world? Focus only on THAT. Want to find ways to stay happy all day...or even all year or all life long? Focus only on THAT, and search only for THAT and whenever you go on the Internet or in your Library or wherever else, look only and only and only for THAT.
Want to create a world in which EVERY LIVING CREATURE is loving, prosperous, peaceful and happy? Focus, focus, and focus only and only on THAT and you WILL find ways to make it happen, for such is indeed, one hundred percent GUARANTEED. After all, what's "impossible" but just another word that says "i m possible"? ;)
The longer and more regularly and MORE CONSISTENTLY that you focus, the quicker and more POWERFUL will be your results. And guess what, nothing's too "impossible to get" really for an expert in focus usage! ;)
...is that you GO SPREAD THE WORD about this (quite literally) 'magical' experiment EVERYWHERE THAT YOU POSSIBLY CAN once you've witnessed its effects with your very own eyes (and ears!) for good! That's quite frankly one of the GREATEST gifts and blessings that you could EVER deliver our (extremely depressed) human brethren right at this specific moment, particularly now that it is struggling with viruses, unemployment, fear, depression and just what not! Your one small trick could well help bring smiles to the faces of many, MANY, stuck, depressed or troubled souls! So go forth, and spread the word be it through your social media via copy-pasting or screencapping/screenshotting; or through your 1-to-1 conversations with your near and dear ones, or through your Blogs and your YouTube channels, or through absolutely ANY OTHER METHODS that you could POSSIBLY think of, conceive of, or come up with!
I solemnly thank you all SO VERY MUCH for your most incredible of services to humanity at this most spectacularly challenging of times in / throughout human history!
And have a fabulous day! :)
A Message to all Who say Magic isn't "Real" | Aseim
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/28/2020 10:12:00 PM