Protection and Safety: How to Become Invulnerable | Liberty

Protection, safety. How to become invulnerable

How to ensure safety for yourself and your loved ones?

When you live in multidimensionality and escape the drama of the material world, you are safe. When you are one with God, you are protected. No matter what happens around you, you can remain invulnerable and confident in your invulnerability. Nothing is impossible for the Spirit.

Do you really think that it is difficult for the Spirit to stop the danger approaching you? No, this is not difficult for the Spirit at all. The Spirit has done this for you many times, is doing it and will do it. But please take into account that it is difficult for the Spirit to do this if you remove yourself from its protection. This happens when you are immersed in drama and are in the grip of dissonant energies.

The Spirit does not turn away from you, no, the Spirit never turns away. But if you yourself prefer other means rather than the means of the Spirit for your protection, the Spirit simply cannot violate your free will. He allows you to act, even if He sees that your actions will not be as successful as if you acted under the guidance of the Spirit. That's why sometimes your attempts to protect yourself do not end in success.

Ask Spirit what is best for you. And then act - together with the Spirit.

Stay in unity with the Divine, in multidimensionality. When you are in multidimensional protection, the forces of the three-dimensional world no longer have power over you. Do you understand what multidimensional protection is? It is a defense of the love and light of God. She is always with you - when you want her. It all depends on your desire. Claim this protection. Express your intention accordingly. And you will see that the security issue is not as difficult as you thought.

Verbal formulas for creating and strengthening Divine protection

? I live in safety. The world around me is safe. I trust God, my Divine Spirit, my angels and heavenly guides. Everything that happens happens for my good. No one and nothing can harm me.

? I am at peace, no matter what happens around me. I radiate strength, peace and love. I hear the Spirit’s promptings on my path, which always guide me to joy, goodness, prosperity, and happiness.

? I thank my Divine Spirit for strength and protection! The power of my Spirit creates a cocoon of the Light and Love of God around me. I am protected as long as I am in Light and Love. This shell is strong, stronger than diamond. She protects me from all troubles, allowing goodness and love to come to me.

? I bring Light, Love, goodness, joy to the world. I create an island of Light, Love, goodness, security around me. I am the Divine Spirit, bringing Light and strength to others. My Light is a force so powerful that darkness cannot approach me. I neutralize evil just by existing. Light and Love are my true essence.

? If obstacles come my way, I know that it is for my own good. I ask the angels to help me easily overcome these obstacles. I learn the lessons I need painlessly for myself. I feel how my strength increases from overcoming, and I rejoice in it. My path leads to Light, Love, to God, and nothing will stop me on this path. My strength is always with me, and nothing is impossible for me.

Dear Kryon, how to protect yourself from negative feelings when encountering injustice, deception, meanness? I'm thrown off balance when I see this...

Darling, your problem concerns not only you, but many, many people. I know how difficult it can be for you. And yet I encourage you: stay in your Divine center, no matter what happens, no matter what you face. The thing is that you don't always see the big picture. You see some manifestations that seem unfair to you, but you do not see the broader design behind it.

Believe me, everything is not accidental and everything is for a reason.

What is happening is the fulfillment of the great plan of the Spirit. And in this regard, everything is in its place. What seems to you like injustice can ultimately lead to the victory of justice, to the triumph of light and love. What appears to you as a lie or meanness can tip the scales towards mercy and compassion.

It may be difficult for you as a person to understand what the logic is. Therefore, maintain peace and light within yourself. Therefore, look with compassion at what touches you, but do not let yourself be overwhelmed by dissonant emotions. Just bring your light to where you think you see injustice. This way you can help dispel the darkness and tip the scales in the other direction.

A lot depends on you, including whether the injustice will continue or not. To prevent it from continuing, all you have to do is bring light and preserve love. Always remember this.

Verbal formulas that help you be invulnerable to any influences

? I am a spark of God, I am an integral part of God, I treat myself with great respect as a being of Divine Light. I rightfully place myself at the center of my world - and at the same time I recognize the right of every other person to also be the center of their own world. I have enough strength, I have enough Light and Love to remain invulnerable to outside influences, and at the same time be open to the world, without putting barriers between myself and people.

? I am an equal part of a great single organism, humanity. I send Love and Light to humanity and every part of it. I have enough strength, Light and Love to, while remaining with my convictions, calmly, without judgment or rejection, treat other people, even if they are very different from me. I give every person the right to be himself and behave as he sees fit. I give the same right to myself. I respect the free will of every person. I also have the right to exercise my free will at every moment of my life - but at the same time I am aware that I myself bear full responsibility for my actions and must be prepared to fully experience all their consequences.

? I choose to be guided only by Light and Love in every action, thought, desire, and intention. I choose to always think about my own and the common good. I choose to live in such a way that the consequences of my actions do not harm me or anyone else. I take responsibility for being a conduit of Divine Love and Light into the human world.

How to learn not to depend on other people's opinions, how to protect yourself from other people's influences?

Dear one, your Divine Self does not need to be compared with others. Does someone else's opinion make you think that you are worse than others? Do other influences plunge you into a state of dissonance? Remember that you are Spirit and as Spirit you are self-sufficient, not subject to influence, because you are always filled with self-esteem.

Many of you have self-esteem issues, and it's not your fault. You were born and raised in an era when the energies of planet Earth did not support your sense of self-worth. Now is a different time. Now each of you can remember that he is a being of light, a Divine angel in human form, a member of a loving Heavenly family.

You are loved beyond measure, each and every one of you. You are endlessly appreciated. You are loved, accepted and approved for who you are. Feel the love of the Divine Family and accept it. And then no one’s opinions, no one’s influence will be able to influence your true essence - the priceless essence of God who lives in each of you.

Remember the God within you. Remember also about the God who lives within others.

Do you understand that you are all loved and are all worthy of love? Regardless of anything? Let this understanding make you open to communication and at the same time invulnerable. If you try to close yourself off, withdraw into yourself, avoid communication, you do not become more protected - on the contrary, your vulnerability increases. But if you internally feel protected by your Divine dignity, you can be open to the world and people and at the same time not subject to unnecessary influences.

Verbal formulas for self-respect, self-esteem and protection from other people's influences

? I am a beautiful Divine being, I am an angel in human form. My Divine essence is eternal, perfect and invulnerable. I am the Spirit, who is a spark of God, like Him in everything. Like God, I am endowed with strength, power and invulnerability.

? No matter what happens around me, my Divine essence remains unchanged in its integrity, super-value, perfection and security. No matter how the people around me behave towards me, they are not able to touch and change my Divine essence. My Divine essence remains in love and light, no matter what happens.

? As a human being, I connect with my Divine essence. I become one with God by being human. I become God-human in my essence. As a human being, I receive the protection, strength and invulnerability of God.

? I remain in my Divinity constantly, I look at what is happening through the eyes of the Spirit, and therefore I see that the external influences of the human world are a game that cannot seriously affect me. I am in love and light, no matter what happens, and I know that the love and light of God is my best protection. I'm protected. I'm invulnerable. I am empowered. I am filled with love and light and am in Divine multidimensionality, not allowing the events of the material world to influence me.

We live in a time when around us every now and then something explodes, collapses, floods, hurricanes, and other disasters and catastrophes occur. Is it possible to somehow insure yourself against this?

Darling, you and your loved ones live in a troubled place, and Spirit knows it. But did you know that even in the most restless, dangerous place you can create your own island of security? You are already doing this by trying to carry light and love in your soul, no matter what happens. And you succeed!

Continue to form the corresponding intention. Place yourself and your home in the flow of Divine light and love. Stay calm and peaceful. And you will feel that you are becoming invulnerable, no matter what dangerous place you are in. This is within your power, because you are the Divine Spirit, for whom nothing is impossible.

There is another way out: you can simply move to a safer place. God is not insisting that you and your family live where you now live. You have already completed all the necessary lessons that connected you with this place. One of the lessons was precisely to learn to maintain light, love and peace even in a dangerous place. You can do this. Therefore, you can leave if it is your will. If you make such a decision, the Spirit will help you with this.

Verbal formulas for creating a safe and peaceful space around yourself

? I am in the space of God's love and light. My true essence is the love and light of God. My true home is the love and light of God. I'm in the Divine House. I'm safe. No matter what happens around, it cannot disturb my peace, my tranquility, my invulnerability.

? I create a space of peace, calm and security. I call on my angelic helpers to help me with this. The center of this space is in my heart. I maintain peace and harmony while in this space, and thereby create the best, perfect protection for myself.

? My Divine Self, my dear angelic helpers! Help me create and hold a protective cocoon of love and light energy in the place where I am. Let everything that happens here happen only according to the will of the Almighty and only for my highest good and the highest good of other people. Let it be so.

I often notice that after communicating with certain people, my health worsens, and I may even get sick. What to do in this case?

This happens if you take on someone else's imbalance. People who are in a state of imbalance often seem to invite you to share this imbalance with them. They can provoke you, often unconsciously, to express dissonant emotions. Don't blame them for this.

Every person is endowed with free will and has the right to choose for himself what he should be and how he should behave. But your right is not to succumb to these provocations and not to respond to the invitation to join the imbalance. Begin to recognize the moments when such invitations occur. Be more aware of them. If you are used to reacting automatically, connecting to other people's dissonant emotions, challenge yourself to stop doing this.

If you unwittingly connected to someone else’s imbalance, neutralize it as quickly as possible.

First, remind yourself that it is someone else's imbalance, it is someone else's dissonant emotions, not yours. This way you will separate yourself from them.

Secondly, you can transform these energies into something else, dissolve them in the energies of the love and light of God, cleansing yourself with a cold violet flame, or turning on the energy of gratitude to another person for the lesson that you are going through with their help. All this will eliminate dissonant energies, and they will not have time to create consequences in the form of illness and poor health.

The main thing is to carry out this work immediately, without delaying it, and you will notice that no one else or anything can harm your condition.

Verbal formulas for liberation from the influence of other people's dissonant energies

? Here and now I return to my Divine center. I am in my Divine Self, and this person is just passing by and has nothing to do with me. It doesn't affect me in any way. I refuse to place myself at his disposal.

? Everything he does and says is not mine. I do not need it. And I refuse to accept it. I leave it to him.

? I place myself at the disposal of the Almighty, God, Spirit, my Divine Self. I place myself at the disposal of the love and light of God, Divine harmony, Divine balance. Anything less than this passes by and does not concern me in any way.

? I am a strong, free person, I am the Divine Spirit, I abide in my Divinity, I manage myself, I manage myself and my life and do not allow anyone else to do this. No one and nothing can influence me if I don't want it.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Protection and Safety: How to Become Invulnerable | Liberty Protection and Safety: How to Become Invulnerable | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/06/2023 02:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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