Relationships, Finding Loved Ones, Getting out of Loneliness | Liberty

Relationships, finding loved ones, getting out of loneliness

I just can’t understand how you can love your offenders and even your enemies. And why is this necessary?

Darling, your offenders and enemies are just as loved by God as you are. Does this surprise you, does it seem incomprehensible? Understand that they were not always offenders and enemies. These are just the roles that you have assigned to each other together. You did it out of love!

Your offenders don’t remember this, but they love you, and you love them. The roles you have assigned to each other are necessary for learning important lessons. Your offenders and enemies actually behave this way so that you remember these lessons and gain the experience you need. When this happens, offenders will no longer be offenders, and enemies will no longer be enemies.

What is the main lesson? It's about learning to maintain love despite insults.

It is to carry love and light around you and transform, with the help of love and gratitude, all the dissonant energies of enmity and resentment. It seems to you that it is difficult, but in fact you know how it is done. Ask your Spirit for help. Express your intention accordingly.

And let love fill your soul, unconditional love that does not discriminate between friends and enemies, because love is everything you see, feel, experience. Resentment and enmity are illusory, it is just a game. Remember this, and may balance be restored in your soul.

Verbal formulas for restoring harmony in relationships

? Light and Love are my true essence. I bring Light and Love to everything I do on Earth. I fill my life with Light and Love and illuminate the lives of other people.

? I am protected by Light and Love, like a strong energy cocoon. No dissonant vibrations can penetrate this cocoon of Love and Light. I am in a state of peace and tranquility, no matter what happens around me.

? I am filled with a sense of Divine dignity. Therefore, offenses do not concern me. I forgive easily, thereby freeing myself from dissonant energies.

? I transform dissonant energies into love and compassion. I treat my offenders with gratitude because they create trials for me through which I move towards enlightenment. I treat my offenders with compassion, since they do not know the truth of Light and Love and doom themselves to suffering. I send them energies of Light and Love to help them see the truth and free themselves from dissonant energies.

? I live in Love, Light, peace and quiet, no matter what happens around me. I don't let anyone dim my light. On the contrary, the more darkness there is around, the brighter and stronger the energies of Light and Love emitted by me. I know: everything that is done is done in the name of the highest good for me and all people.

? Thanks to Love and Light, all problems in relationships with people are resolved, uncomfortable relationships go away. My life includes people who love and are loved, with whom I establish the most harmonious relationships based on trust, mutual understanding, respect and love.

How can we help people remember that we are all one family, so that they stop fighting?

Darling, you help people remember this simply because you know about it yourself. You don't have to preach anything. You don't have to force your truth on people unless they ask for it. But if they ask, tell me what you understand and how you understand it. And the rest of the time, just be a source of light and love. Just live according to the truth that you know.

Just treat all people, without exception, as members of a single family.

You are all a loving family, luminous beings, angels who came from one common Divine home. You all love each other deep down. You play your games of enmity and hatred, forgetting about this love - but love has not disappeared anywhere, it cannot disappear. Returning home to our side of the veil, you will all hug each other lovingly, laughing at your former enmity.

You are all loved by each other, and the connection between you never breaks. Even when you are alone, you can feel like part of a loving family. All humanity is brothers and sisters, and no illusions of enmity can destroy what binds you forever - the light of Divine love, which is always with you.

Verbal formulas to help you find unity with all people

? I am the Divine Spirit experiencing life in a human body. I am a part of the whole - a single Divine family. I am never alone, for I am embodied on Earth as part of the Divine family called humanity and in a group of souls closely related to me.

? I feel a spiritual connection with souls close to me and like-minded people, regardless of whether we know each other or not, whether we are dating or not. No one and nothing can interrupt this connection, no one and nothing can deprive me of the support of my Divine family.

? I constantly feel the love and support of other people, near and far. This invisible spiritual thread connects us and does not allow us to feel alone. I know that I am not alone, even in solitude. I call on my like-minded people and closely related souls to manifest themselves in my material reality - for the sake of co-creation, cooperation, for the love and light of God, which will fill our lives thanks to this meeting.

? Everything I do is for my highest good and the highest good of all humanity. I am part of a harmonious orchestra where my melody joins the overall magnificent sound. We people are a beautiful, majestic Divine family, where everyone is unique, and everyone rightfully occupies their unique place. I am part of the whole, a beautiful, majestic whole, and am happy to be a unique Divine note in the magnificent Divine orchestra. I am fulfilling my purpose, I am working towards an earthly paradise with other people and I am happy to be who I am.

How to discover the source of love within yourself?

God is love. And you are God. Understand? You are love and you are the source of love at the same time. This is your original property. You are already a source of love. Just claim this gift.

Being a source of love in your essence, you could simply not know about it. Now you know about it. Express your intention to claim this gift. Say: “I am the source of love.” This is enough for the gift to start working.

Bring love wherever you go.

Just let the Divine flow of love flow through you. You don’t have to do anything - let this flow through yourself, be this flow, share it with those around you. You don’t need to say anything, you don’t need to explain anything to anyone. Just be a flow of love.

Don't ask "how?" It's impossible to explain until you try it yourself. Express your intention, try it - and you will understand everything. There will be no need for questions and answers. You don’t ask “how to breathe?” You're just breathing. It's the same with love. Just be her. Your Spirit knows how. So you know too.

Verbal formulas that help you become a source of love

? I am part of the Divine whole, and rightfully belong to an immensely loving angelic family. My right to be loved is undeniable and does not need proof. I am loved by God, the Universe, and my angelic family simply because I exist. I accept and love myself for who I am. I accept my right to love. From now on, no one and nothing will make me doubt that I am worthy of love.

? I am the source of Divine love. My heart radiates love, always and everywhere, every moment, no matter what. Love is my essence, love is what I am. I have no need to look for love outside, because it is always with me, always in me.

? I direct a warm and gentle flow of love energy to myself, and only then to other people. For myself, I come first. I give selfless, unconditional love to myself - and because of this, I become so loving and strong that I can also love other people selflessly and unconditionally.

? I am worthy of loving and being loved, I constantly and unceasingly radiate love, I become a source of love first for myself and then for others, and thanks to this I attract only truly loving people into my life.

? I am worthy of love, respect, care, sympathy and understanding. I deserve the best, warmest and most respectful relationships based on selfless love. From now on, I attract into my life only those relationships that I am worthy of as an eternal, immortal, Divine Spirit.

? I wish Love and Light for myself and all people, so that Love and Light become the main law of life on Earth.

If your loved ones leave, what should you do? How to get rid of melancholy and find new happiness?

Thank those who were next to you - thank and let go. Everything in life has its own meaning. They were there as long as it was appropriate, and they left when the time came. All this was planned by you. One of the lessons that comes from separation is to find the gift it contains for you.

Yes, no separation occurs without leaving a gift. What is he wearing? Find the answer to this question.

Separation brings with it more than just loss. It carries within itself something that could not come into your life any other way. Find that treasure, that acquisition that became possible at the cost of this separation. And you will understand that everything is not in vain. Everything has a meaning, and in the end everything works out for your good.

Thank the departed for the gift he left you. After thanking him, you will let him go.

By letting go, you will open your heart to love again. Remember that you yourself are love. And nothing can extinguish its source in you. Give love, carry it high and bright in your heart. Remember that you are loved, always and everywhere, and no matter what. Remember that everything in life happens according to your intention.

If your heart is open, if you are ready to share love, if you express your intention to meet your loved ones, it will be so. You create your own life. It only depends on you.

Verbal formulas for finding loved ones and loving people

? I came to Earth, being a particle of Divine love. I am the source of God's Love and Light. Like every person, I deserve to live in love.

? God is love, the world created by God is full of love. I live in a universe full of love, and I rightfully radiate and receive love wherever I go.

? I fill my life with love, I share love with other people. I see the Divine principle in every person, and the Divine love that I carry within me easily overcomes all our differences, disagreements and conflicts. My love is so strong that it forgives enemies and reconciles the irreconcilable.

? I easily let go of old outdated connections. I thank those who have been with me and lovingly bless them on their own path in life. I meet on my way those people who I need now - the closest, loving and understanding.

? Love is always with me, and the most loving people are always with me! The most favorable circumstances are developing in my life for new happy meetings and the most harmonious relationships.

How to learn to live without conflicts?

Make peace with yourself first. If you are not at peace with yourself, if you are in conflict with yourself, you bring the energy of conflict into all your relationships. Get away from all programs of struggle with yourself, self-rejection.

Your strength is not in fighting. Struggle drains, not empowers.

Make peace with yourself. Accept everything about yourself as it is – including what you don’t like. By accepting yourself, you will accept others. By accepting others, you will not conflict with them. Giving up the fight does not mean that you admit defeat. Refusal to fight is a victory, because the winner is not the one who won the dispute, but the one who abandoned the dispute as such.

The New Earth is a land where there is no place for struggle, hostility, aggression, or conflict. Do you know where the creation of a new Earth begins? In your heart, in your soul. Everyone begins with themselves the construction of an earthly paradise. Create a harmonious, conflict-free world in your soul, and you will bring heaven closer to the whole Earth.

Verbal formulas to help you avoid conflicts with yourself and others

? I am a harmonious and perfect Divine Spirit, experiencing life in a human body. I am designed to be a being in harmony and peace with myself on all levels. Now I am regaining the Divine unity and harmony of my entire being.

? From now on, I show respect and love for myself in every moment of my life. I treat myself with understanding and patience. I understand myself well, I understand the motives of my actions, my behavior, the reasons for the appearance of certain feelings in me, why I treat different people this way and not differently, I understand why my mood and well-being changes. Thanks to this understanding, I easily forgive myself for mistakes, for those manifestations that I did not like about myself. I understand the reasons for this - and these reasons are always valid.

? I am a good and worthy person, and if I do something not the way I would like, then there are serious reasons for this. I take this into account and don't beat myself up, instead I treat myself with understanding and forgiveness.

? There is no need for me to reproach myself, there is no need to conflict with myself - when I can treat myself with understanding, patience, love, compassion and forgiveness. I accept everything in myself as it is and feel how peace and harmony are established in my soul.

? I live in peace and harmony with myself. My mind and my feelings, my soul and my body are parts of a single whole, and they all coexist in deep unity, harmony, and agreement with each other.

? I am the light and love of God, and all the contradictions within me are dissolved in the light and love of God. I'm making peace with myself. I'm making peace with the world. I make peace with everything inside and outside of me.

? I am building my new world, I am building my harmonious, perfect life on the basis of peace and harmony that always reigns inside me - in my heart, my soul, my mind, my feelings, my body. I am a harmonious Divine Spirit, harmony and perfection are my true nature. From now on, my whole life is built according to the laws of harmony and Divine perfection.

How to overcome loneliness?

You are never alone. Loneliness is an illusion, a mistake in your perception. You are always at the very center of your loving angelic family. Moreover, you are members of the same family that is humanity. You are all brothers and sisters and there is a very close bond between you. This connection is based on unconditional love. You simply cannot break this connection.

And if you feel lonely, if there are no close souls nearby, this is only the result of your delusion: you consider your loneliness to be something real, when in fact it is an illusion.

Continuing to believe in the illusion, you continue to suffer from loneliness. But if you get tired of playing this game, you can change the game conditions. You can express the intention to see, to find close souls next to you. And you will see. There are many of them - more than you think.

The reason for your loneliness is not that there are no close souls. It’s that your eyes are closed, that you don’t believe in the possibility of harmonious relationships or believe that you are unworthy of them. Get rid of these illusions, open your eyes to the truth, and you will understand that there is no division between people, no walls alienating you from each other.

These walls are only in your mind. And you have the power to destroy them.

Verbal formulas to overcome feelings of loneliness

? I am the Divine Spirit experiencing in a human body on planet Earth. As Spirit, I am a part of the Divine whole. I make up a whole together with other people. Each person, as a Spirit, is the same particle of the Divine whole as I am.

? We are one! All humanity is Divine in its essence. We are all particles of God, His sparks, His rays. We are all rays emanating from a single Divine source. We are all one, we are all God.

? Now I feel my oneness with the Divine family, which is all humanity. In God we are always together. No loneliness! I feel connected to the Divine Family. I'm never alone!

? I am in the energies of light and love of God, and these energies attract to me, to all levels of my existence and into my earthly life, the love and light of other particles of God - people whose vibrations are similar to mine. I call upon those who vibrate at the same level as me. I call upon those whose love will be attracted by my love. I encourage those with whom a relationship of love, mutual respect and understanding is possible. I call on kindred spirits, like-minded people and everyone who has discovered the energies of love and light within themselves.

? We are together to create a new, happy life full of love and light. We are together to build heaven on Earth. We are together to give each other warmth, understanding, help and support. We are together in the name of love and God. Let it be so.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Relationships, Finding Loved Ones, Getting out of Loneliness | Liberty  Relationships, Finding Loved Ones, Getting out of Loneliness | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/06/2023 03:06:00 AM Rating: 5

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