Like a Bubble Rising in the Ocean of the World | Steve Beckow


By Steve Beckow, December 5, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I seem driven to paint. And write. I swish some gold glitter glue onto a bottle I’m working on and immediately the ideas start to press themselves upon me and I have to write.

I pitch bottles as fast as I paint them because there’s no more room in my apartment. If I create one, I have to let one go. (Or store it.)


It’s the creative process itself that’s important. That’s what I’m exploring and for that I need to be … creating.

Keep in mind that all this is happening after June 12, 2023, on which date I realized or remembered or recognized what it was Archangel Michael was asking of me as one of his spiritual, co-creative partners on the planet at this time. (1)

You’re watching the – public – unfoldment of a co-creative partnership between an archangel and his servant. To actually diarize it and then post that is a good part of my mission, at least right now.

No, that doesn’t mean “what a good boy am I.” (2) It brings with it a tremendous responsibility which I’m very much aware of. But ready to take on.

Following Michael’s advice, with any “elevation” in profile, I’m taking the elevator to the basement. (3)


One of the things I’m learning from all this – on a spiritual level, not on a physical level – is that everything can be fixed.

When I’m working with water-soluble paints, everything, except getting it on my clothes, can be fixed.

I just slopped some gold, water-soluble glitter glue on a band of blue paint. I didn’t mean to do that.

No worries. What I can’t just wipe off with my finger, I can repaint when it dries. In fact I like the look of only partially wiping the gold off the deep blue… Hmmm….

There’s nothing that can’t be fixed by simply adding more paint in the world of painting.


[What follows, I consider to be channeled. Whoever it is just joined in. This is the first time I’ve caught this flow of energy while it was building:]

Similarly, in the spiritual world or spiritual life, there’s nothing “damaged” spiritually that can’t be fixed.

If that were not the case, the basis of the law of karma would be removed. Karma is always about “fixing” what we haven’t rightly understood, is that not so?

All of us are embarked on a return journey to the One who birthed us – the Alpha and, it turns out, the Omega, am I correct?

Some of us are at a place of scrapping and complaining. Karma instructs us on the costs of that freewill choice. One cost: we need to stay at that level – repeat those classes – instead of graduating and going on to college.

Some of us have graduated from college and are looking for our first job.

Since ours becomes exclusively a spiritual world as we advance, we need no pay. We need nothing more than what we already have. What’s next?

To serve. We must share love for it to flow and, since we need nothing ourselves, we’re available to serve.

By now, in any of the higher dimensions, life is a process of giving and receiving, sharing and enjoying. Since we can create anything we may need, it becomes about sharing love and its many flavors, the divine qualities.

As it turns out, the one experiencing real love already has for itself what it always wanted anyways. There’s nothing now to do but to make contact, if one wishes to, by sharing love.

Service now becomes another way of experiencing the all-satisfying love as it flows through us from our hearts to theirs.

[End of channeling. Thank you, Guiding Light.]


[This is me again:]

Until then, as long as our needs last, in my view, life will always be about “I want.”

My “I” never disappears. It just comes into clearer and clearer focus.

And “want” will never disappear until we are One with Mother/Father God. The longing for liberation ensures that one want remains: To re-unite with God. (4)

What then matters, on our journey from God to God, is which “I” and “want” we serve: Are we feeding the good or the bad wolf? (5)

It’s those two (“I” and “want”) that change by the action of karma, the teaching tool of the Mother, in whose realm (matter, mater, Mother) we’re passing through, like a bubble rising in the ocean of the world, on our way to re-uniting with God.


(1) See:“Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at
“What Was in the Envelope – Part 1/2,” June 15, 2023, at
“What Was in the Envelope – Part 2/2,” June 15, 2023, at

(2) Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating his Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said, “What a good boy am I!”

(3) Steve: I worry that sudden wealth will (with me too by the way; I’m going to have to battle this one myself as well) magnify those vasanas or core issues [of greed, power, etc.].

What to do?

Archangel Michael: Let us … begin by saying that this is one of the reasons why we have been speaking so much about being the steward, the leader, the wayshower, the participant observer.

As you assume profile – whether it is because of money or notoriety or political power or financial power, it matters not – it gives you a sense of being elevated. We would encourage you to take the elevator to the basement. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 22, 2016.)

(4) See The Longing for Liberation at

(5) “One [wolf inside of us] is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

Which wolf wins? … The one you feed.” (The Tale of Two Wolves at
Like a Bubble Rising in the Ocean of the World | Steve Beckow Like a Bubble Rising in the Ocean of the World | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/06/2023 02:50:00 AM Rating: 5

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