Meditative exercises to get out of loneliness and find loved ones
“There is no such thing as loneliness; souls who love you are always there.”
Dear ones, you are not alone and have never been alone. You simply cannot be alone because you are part of the Divine family and this family is always with you.
You may feel lonely - but this is just a feeling that exists inside you, not in reality. Reality - Divine reality - is such that there is no loneliness in it. God does not leave any of you alone, God does not abandon, abandon or betray anyone. And if such phenomena exist in the human world, they are illusory, they are just a game. You can exit this game at any time by calling on your Divine family and feeling the warmest, most loving presence. You can always feel it because it never goes away. And if you do not feel this loving presence, it is only because you do not believe in it, you do not expect to notice it, because you are firmly convinced of your loneliness.
Feel the love of God, dear ones, feel our love, feel that we are always there. We have always been, are and will be next to you. And in the moment of deepest loneliness, in the moment of sadness and despair, you can feel how an angel smiles at you, how he touches your shoulder, how he washes you with the energies of love and says: “Don’t be sad, I’m near.”
But not only angels are always next to you - those people who can become your loved ones, loved ones and dear ones are also next to you, they walk the same roads with you, but you do not always notice them. You see, no soul incarnates alone. Souls always incarnate in large groups. Each soul comes in a group of closely related souls.
Believe me, tens of thousands of people live on Earth at the same time as you, capable of becoming your like-minded people, friends, partners, spouses, loved ones and lovers, close, understanding people. Tens of thousands of people, with each of whom you can be happy! Get out of the illusion of loneliness, free yourself from limiting beliefs that force you to consider yourself lonely, misunderstood, a stranger - and you will begin to meet close people, you will be surprised that there are much more of them than you expected!
There is no loneliness, dear ones. Loneliness is an illusion. You are all one and inseparable, you are all loved and you all love each other. Open your hearts, become loving and you will be loved, it cannot be otherwise, because love is your true essence, and you came to Earth to show it.
Exercise 1. Eliminate the feeling of loneliness from your life once and for all
This exercise offers an example of how you can stop feeling lonely even in solitude. Do it every time you feel lonely.
Find a time and place where no one will disturb you. Breathe deeply and steadily, focusing on your breathing to drive away obsessive thoughts.
Think about all the people you have interacted with recently. Do your thoughts return to any of them again and again? Maybe you have a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety associated with some of them? Maybe you are worried or experiencing negative emotions associated with one of these people? Maybe you are constantly having an imaginary dialogue with someone, thinking about what you would say to them when they meet, or what you should have said to them during a meeting that has already passed?
Focus on the heart area. Imagine yourself connecting with your Divine Center. Your attention, which was scattered to the sides, being drawn to other people, again gathers in the center, concentrates inside you. Imagine that you are surrounded by angels - these are representatives of your Divine family. They are closer than family and friends, because each of them is like a part of you. You are part of this angelic family, its equal representative. They know you very well here, they understand you even without words. Here you are truly loved and truly cared for. Here you can not be afraid of anything, not worry about anything.
Imagine seeing warm, loving, understanding eyes directed at you, seeing sympathetic glances and approving smiles. Say out loud or to yourself: “ I am with you and only with you now, my dear Divine family.” There is no one else here - just you and me. Help me cut off unnecessary painful connections with other people. Help me stay only with God, with my Divine family and with myself .”
Feel how tension and anxiety go away, how peace and tranquility reign in your soul and you feel as if all the weight is leaving your shoulders and love and warmth are entering your heart. You feel the joy of freedom that you have never known before - freedom from stressful, exhausting connections. Even in solitude, you could not always free yourself from them. Do this now with the help of your angelic family.
When you feel this freedom and self-sufficiency, when you gain a sense of peace, comfort and security, you will feel your strength restored. The energy spent on exhausting relationships returns to you. Now that you have left other people to their own devices, you can finally fully experience your free, strong, Divine essence.
When you succeed and you feel strong and confident enough, imagine that in the distance, behind the circle of angels surrounding you, you feel the presence of other people. This is a safe presence for you, these people cannot take away your power because you are protected by your family - your circle of angels. You don’t see these people and don’t even look in their direction, but you try to feel it, listen to the space. At the same time, be focused on your heart, on your Divine center. Then you will perceive the presence of people precisely from the Divine center - which means you will feel the presence of their Divine essence, and not of people as individuals in their human manifestation.
Express your intention to send love and light from your Divine essence to these people. There is no need to make an effort, you don’t need to imagine how you are sending streams of energy - just express your intention and watch how these streams flow to other people as if by themselves, without your knowledge. That’s right - at the Divine levels you don’t have to try to do anything, it’s enough to express your intention for the action to come true, and all you have to do is watch it.
As before, continue to feel into this space, and you will feel how bright flashes appear here and there, and from there rays of light, warmth and love are directed towards you. This is the response of other people to your warmth. They felt it and sent you an answer, and it doesn’t matter at all where these people are in their physical body, far or close, and it doesn’t matter at all whether any of them felt what was happening - what matters is that their Divine felt and responded essence.
Now express your intention to send light and love one by one to each of those with whom you felt an exhausting, intense connection. Do this also from your Divine center - to the Divine center of each of them in turn. Feel how love and warmth comes from them to you too. Your relationship in reality will then be normalized and will be marked by greater harmony.
Now you have understood and felt that all distances, all differences and barriers between people are a chimera. No matter how far you may be from others in your physical body, in reality all people are always together, always close. You can at any moment establish mental contact not only with the angels, with your Divine family, but also with all the people of the world, with all of humanity, and thus forever part with the feeling of loneliness.
Exercise 2: Connecting with a Loving Family and Like-Minded People
Perform this exercise whenever you feel the need for help and support from the Divine Family.
Read the text of this exercise first, and then put the book down for a moment to complete it.
Close your eyes and imagine that many, many people are reading this book with you and listening to the words of Kryon. You are all in a space of light and love, where both people and angels have gathered together. This is your Divine family. Here everyone loves and understands each other even without words. Here are your friends, like-minded people, your closest and beloved people. Imagine that many loving eyes are turned to you and you are enveloped in the energies of love, care, warm attention and understanding.
Mentally send your love and well wishes to all the people and angels around you. You will feel a connection between your Divine Self and the Divine essence of everyone to whom you have sent your love. This connection will always stay with you.
Wherever you are, you can feel the presence of your Divine family, experience their love, attention, warmth and care. From now on, your feeling of loneliness and your fear of loneliness will go away. In addition, you will notice that in your ordinary reality more loving and understanding people appear around you, and it becomes easier for you to open up to communication with such people.
Exercise 3. Calling to kindred souls
Every person has kindred spirits - people with similar energetic characteristics, similar to you not externally, but internally, capable of accepting and understanding you for who you are. If you don’t meet such people, it’s only because you don’t fully accept yourself as you are. If you don't like yourself, you won't like those who are like you. You will intuitively avoid each other.
Meanwhile, there are many more soul mates than you can imagine, and sometimes they are very close. If you want to meet them, do this exercise every day for a week, then you can take a break and, if you wish, repeat it again daily or two or three times a week, according to what your intuition tells you.
Find an opportunity for solitude, take any comfortable free position, close your eyes, breathe evenly and measuredly to relax, calm down and drive away obsessive thoughts.
Focus on the heart area, connect with your Divine Center and take several deep breaths, imagining that you are inhaling and exhaling through the center of your chest.
Imagine that you are in the center of a huge sphere glowing with a white, radiant light. Mentally or out loud say: “ I speak now to my kindred souls - to those who came from the same source with me. I invite kindred souls to manifest in the space of my life .”
Imagine how the figures of people slowly appear around you inside a shining sphere, as if emerging from a luminous haze. There may be about a dozen or more than a hundred. All faces are turned to you, all eyes look at you warmly. These are people of different genders, ages, they are not like you, but in each you can see a piece of yourself - something that subtly connects you, so that you immediately understand: this is one family.
Mentally or silently say: “ I call on the Divine light to remove all obstacles, everything that prevents our meeting in the material world. I ask the Divine light to eliminate all the negative things that happened between us in the past and restore harmony if it was lost .”
Imagine how a bright flash of blinding white light appears before your eyes, like an explosion of flame, it illuminates the entire sphere within which you are located, and you see how brightly all the faces facing you are illuminated. Then the previous illumination is restored, and now you see faces much closer and more clearly and see friendly and joyful smiles on all faces.
Mentally say: “ We are all one.” We are inextricably linked. I invite my soul mates to manifest into my life on the material plane. Let it be so ".
Then take a few more deep breaths, focus on the heart area, feel your body and open your eyes.
You can repeat this meditation exercise until soul mates actually start appearing in your real life.
Exercise 3: Calling on your twin flame
A twin flame is an even closer energy than a soul mate - it is actually your second "I", an energetic copy, because in the process of separating from God His rays, or flames, that went into the material world, you were part of a single ray for a very long time. The meeting of twin flames always takes them to another, higher vibrational level, because the same energies, when connecting, resonate and create a flash, accompanied by a very powerful leap in the development of each of them. Twin flames, like soul mates, can be very close to you, and the only question is whether you are ready for the meeting.
If you feel that you are ready and you need such a meeting, do this exercise.
Find an opportunity to retire, take a comfortable, relaxed position, and drive away extraneous thoughts. Close your eyes. Focus on the heart area, connecting with your Divine center. Take several deep breaths in and out, imagining that you are breathing through the center of your chest.
Imagine that you are in the center of a luminous sphere. Mentally or out loud say, “ I invite my twin flame to manifest in the space of my life .”
Right in front of you, as if slowly emerging from a luminous haze, a human figure appears. You see a stunning resemblance to yourself - like looking in a mirror and seeing your reflection. You see your own face, your eyes, which look at you warmly and kindly. You feel that you are looking exactly the same - also being a kind of mirror image of the one you see opposite you. Noticing the similarities, you at the same time understand that this is not exactly you, but rather another part of you, not yet manifested, unknown to you, not encountered by you.
Say out loud or to yourself: “ I ask the Divine light to dissolve the barriers between us, to remove all the negative things that came between us in past incarnations, to eliminate everything that interferes with our meeting in this incarnation .”
Imagine how a bright flash appears before your eyes and, like an explosion of flame, brightly illuminates the entire sphere within which you are located. The previous illumination is restored - and you see that your reflection has become clearer, brighter and looks at you with a smile. You smile back too.
Say out loud or to yourself: “ My twin flame, I ask you to manifest in the form that you have in this incarnation, in the same space-time with me .”
If after this, calmly, without tension, look at the figure in front of you, then you may notice changes: now this image is no longer so similar to you, you can see whether it is a man or a woman, what is his age, appearance, and other distinctive features.
Perhaps you will recognize someone familiar in this appearance and understand that your meeting has already taken place. Or it will be a complete stranger - you should expect to meet him in the near future. If a clear image does not appear, remember your feelings - by them you will immediately recognize your twin flame when the meeting occurs in reality.
Then say out loud or silently: “ My twin flame, I call you to manifest in my earthly life on the material plane. Let it be so ".
Focus on the heart area, again imagine a bright flash in front of your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, feel your body and open your eyes.
You can repeat this visualization meditation daily. If nothing happens within one or two weeks, take a break, then do the exercise again. But be attentive to the people around you, to the meetings that will take place. When you meet a twin flame, you will recognize him immediately, there can be no doubt. But it is important that you meet halfway, that is, take every chance to go where new meetings are possible.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises to Get out of Loneliness and Find Loved Ones | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/07/2023 09:53:00 PM