Conversations with Kuthumi: Dancing with your shadow
I AM Kuthumi and I come forth on the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and give you the most special blessing of awakening.
It is with great joy and great pleasure in our hearts that we gather with you on this day as we hold each one of you firmly here in the Heart of Christ and securely in the arms of God.
Dear beloved beings of all parts of the world, the dimmer and brighter, for the beloved it is all Light!
As always, we bring a message of inspiration and hope through the energetic frequency of Love emanating from our essence. Whether you listen or read these words, you will feel our essence and vibrational frequency as you touch the essence of Love, yourself and everything else, and through this you will be able to expand and open yourself to receive Love. extends to you from All That Is.
Beloved, the essence of light and darkness is a topic of intense discussion that we will try to address over time. At this time you are experiencing an eclipse, a darkening of your sun. The Sun is an essence of light and energy that emits its magnificent vibrational frequency to enhance what is alive on solid earth.
The Sun brings life, it is known to be the Star of your system. She brings everything to life (light) and physically illuminates you with her light. When the sun goes into eclipse and is obscured by the lovers of the moon, even if there is a “shadow” that passes through its reflection, it in no way diminishes its light or slows down its life-giving frequency.
Symbolically and metaphysically, the effect of this, allowing darkness to slide into light, is in many ways a metaphor for your own life, as this is a great time of cleansing and cleansing. This is a fantastic time from an energetic point of view to release the ties that bind you to the past or that bind (bind) you to a limited space that the time of day does not allow you to, thereby preventing you from breaking through to be your immaculate self. which you actually already are.
This energy requires a deep “check” if you will, so as to create a “check” list of things that you feel are still out of balance. Since this is a planetary event, it affects everyone equally, consciously or unconsciously, so we invite you to maintain these intentions for the rest of your brothers and sisters and your planet. Set the intention that these intense frequencies of “death and rebirth” anchored in your time will be experienced as a “transition” of energy, just as Easter is a reflection of death and Vesak is a reflection of birth. Spread these awakening frequencies of Light throughout your entire planet.
The darkness has no power over you unless you give it to it. The room is only dark until you light the candle, and once the candle is lit, the light maintains a vision frequency so that you can physically see the light around you. There are various energy bodies (chakras) within you, and even more etheric bodies in your aura field. Your physical influences the etheric, and the etheric reflects your physical, and through this entire system of light, beloved, you shine like a beacon! You shine with the most beautiful brightest light whether your candle is lit or not, for that light is you, shining from within, without, and without, within. This light is noticeable everywhere you go, day or night, in times of joy or darkness, so you may perceive it as a time of shadow.
The shadow extends as far as the light allows. When you allow the reflection of light from your sun to cast your shadow on the ground, when the sun goes down, that shadow is no longer there, but its reflection remains (metaphor), so as I have always said, learn to dance with your shadow.
Currently, there is such a debate when it comes to the play of light and darkness. Therefore, it is imperative, especially in times of despair, to understand that the “darkness” has no power over you, it cannot “do” anything to you except what you allow it to do.
Extension codes.
The earth gets its energy from the sun, and even though a “shadow” effect may fall on the sun during an eclipse, it remains. Therefore, the energy frequencies directed towards you never decrease or dry up. It is up to you to integrate, work with and accept it, and through dedication allow yourself to expand from it. Work with the Expansion Codes as part of the New You meditation we took you through a few years ago (for those who have been following our work over the years), which we will repeat shortly.
In fact, we will ask this channel to include some information about these codes, many of which can be integrated and experienced in your own way. It is a deeper understanding of Love that allows you to do this.
Note: I have included this information at the bottom of this channel - Chanel.
Always hold the frequency of Light and Love in your heart, no matter which of your darkest hours you are experiencing. Within the darkness there is immense light. In complete blackness (as in emptiness) there is light. This light is you. So, it is very clear that at times when you step into these deep levels of “expanded” consciousness, you should never be afraid, because within any darkness, YOU hold the light.
This transformational time you are in is asking you to get excited! Become again! Pay attention to Key Date events as integration and manifestation are of great importance. Hold in your heart the essence of the dream you want to create and allow it to become your reality! Do this by bringing it in through the 3rd eye and expressing it through the heart as always. (Note - more on this in the next channel) At these times, the energy around the planet becomes so intensified and powerful that it allows you to gently move into a deeper understanding of the void, the veil, the abyss, whatever you 'supposedly' is separating you from worlds within worlds.
Beloved, we move among you. We pass by you, we bump into you, and you bump into us, but since you yourself are unable to register our frequency, you say we don't, yet we extend our frequencies to you.
Feelings and sun.
Just like the energy of the sun that continues during an eclipse, we are constantly sharing our energy and our Light Essence with you, even though your lower senses may not agree. The five senses of human awareness with which you have been blessed are the most advanced tools provided to humanity to manage itself through the system of survival and expansion. But when you combine them with an expanded knowledge of the essence of the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether, then you allow yourself to pass through the gates of consciousness that previously did not allow you to connect to the worlds beyond the worlds.
These gifts (of expanded knowledge) are extended again through this gate period of which we are now speaking, from Easter to the New Moon in Taurus. This repeats from mid-July to mid-August and again later in the year when eclipse season returns.
Eclipses are an extremely important time for introspection, fine-tuning your desires, desires, manifestations, bringing whatever you desire to the table as you place your order in the one-size-fits-all kitchen, so to speak. This is the time to focus on what you want to create and set an intention to make it come true. Don't let your shadow self overshadow you in the sense that you are afraid of your own darkness, which creates the opposite.
The planet needs your love, it does not need you to save it, nor the people on it, save yourself and everything will be transformed! If one person at a time commits to shifting their energy to a new frequency of balance and alignment, all is “saved”! You are beautiful beyond words, and no matter what you think of the shadow within, the light that shines within as well as without always prevails.
When faced with what you call your shadow, how do you deal with it? What would you think of first when I say these words?
I can guarantee you that the first thing that comes to mind is usually the last thing you should think about. This, so to speak, sets the self up for retrograde. Place this thought last on your list and move the last one to the top of the list.
There are also pockets of darkness brewing in the tiny crevices of consciousness and brain activity when you refuse to shine your light on them. We encourage you to shine your light to allow the things you consider to be your biggest weaknesses to become inspiration for your complete transformation.
Where you see darkness, shine your light
Instead of being afraid of the darkness or complaining about it, shine a light on it! Use your positive frequency to dissolve the negative connotations surrounding what you call dark.
Let me be clear here, in this conversation I am not discussing evil, I am talking about your shadow, that is, what you need to face, for very often within this shadow are the greatest gifts that can only manifest after you clear her. from the layers of his sharp onions. You are an extension of the Creator Light, you cannot exist without it, so remember this, especially in moments when you feel that you cannot be anymore.
Embrace Your Shadow – Activation
Imagine standing outside with the sun's rays washing over you from behind. Let it cast the shadow of your shadow on the ground. Pause. Once you feel comfortable, allow your shadow to become an extension of you. In other words, see yourself manifest as yourself in the shadow aspect of yourself, extending a couple of meters beyond your self. Pause.
Now imagine your shadow rising from the ground and facing you. Pause
Reach out your arms to greet your shadow. Pause.
Where light and darkness merge together, a magnificent frequency of LOVE is created. Let this gift create an electric spark in that handshake, holding of hands. See these sparks of light traveling into your shadow and into yourself. Let the shadow and your embodiment be filled with mini-flashes of Light from head to toe, like a magical explosion of a trillion sparks of Light! Pause
Feel this vibration within yourself and extend it to your shadow. Pause.
Now look into the eyes of your shadow, into your eyes. Take a moment to notice your eyes, do you know what they look like? Pause. Hold the reflection of the light within your shadow self in your eyes as your shadow self embraces the Light in your eyes. Pause
Now carefully approach and hug each other. Pause. In doing so, beloved, make peace with what you consider to be your enemy. Pause. Acknowledge it, thank him, but don't give him your power. Set the intention for your perceived enemy to leave if necessary. This will give you the opportunity to experience a new fresh start.
Remember what is stopping you and preventing you from succeeding! Do not see it as your darkest energy, but rather see it as experiencing it, thus a supporting tool that now allows you to succeed, break through and step into a new path of Light so that you can set out to explore, knowing that balance within creates balance out there and you no longer have to fear your darker frequency, run from or be questioned by your shadow, OR live according to the terms set by something that has no power unless you give it to it.
Do not treat the supposed dark energy or shadow self with malice, negativity and anger, for we have said time and time again to LOVE what you need to let go of because by loving it you give yourself power over it and by hating it you give it a force that holds you in its grip. Only by loving something and thanking it for being in your life, and acknowledging the experiences and frequencies with which it has enveloped you, will you find the gift of Light in its deepest and darkest parts. The hold begins to loosen and thus the vibrational frequency of what you thought it was and what it really is sets in motion a new tone for you to see things in a light where it can no longer control you when -or.
It's important to keep working on it. Embrace your shadow, see this infusion of Light within as well as without.
If you are like Light, how can you be in darkness?
Beloved Ones, allow the transition of the “shadow” moving across your sun to symbolically become a shadow moving through your life so that you can finally learn to dance with it! Together you can create anew, which means recognizing that these are all different frequencies of Light. When people with dimmer light and lower frequencies are being questioned, you sit them down, shine the light on them, see the light in their eyes, take their hands and give them a symbolic hug.
Control creates division. By integrating the Yin-Yang of your self, thus holding the power of light and darkness in the essence of your Light and Love, fear no one. As a Christed being, true darkness can never be again, for wherever you are, there is light too.
This is the Aquarius Gate, which you have steadily overcome over many years, decades, lifetimes and even longer. So stay true to yourself. Stop criticizing and judging yourself and others, because when you do this, you give the shadow self the power to express itself.
Tap into your inner light and embrace what you shy away from, allowing Love to bring peace into your world and you will be transformed.
May the Light of the living Christ burn brightly within you and may you know that you cannot be alone now or ever. Until we meet again, I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and Master Cohen of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I salute and bless you in the Light, Adonai.
** Channel: Chanel Lingenfelder
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Conversations with Kuthumi: Dancing with your Shadow | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/07/2023 09:56:00 PM