Working with the energies of nature
Why do you need to ground energies and how to do it correctly?
Grounding is the most important tool for energy transformation. You came to Earth to transform darkness into light. You have come here as energy masters who are called upon to raise the vibrations of earthly matter, thereby raising it to Divinity. By transforming energies you create an earthly paradise. There is no other way.
With your light and your love you can transform any energy into light and love.
There is no darkness that cannot become light. There are no dissonant energies that you cannot neutralize and then turn into love.
You do this with the energies of love and gratitude. You do this by the light of Divinity that each of you carries in your heart.
And in this most important matter of energy transformation, your planet itself, the Earth, is ready to help you. Don't neglect this help. The Earth is able to neutralize and transform dissonant energies if you ground them - direct them to the Earth.
This requires compliance with two conditions: the first is your firm intention to cleanse and transform these energies with the help of the Earth, the second is your conscious request to the Earth for help.
You can send dissonant energies into the Earth - and it will transform them into light according to your intention. But you can also ground the energies of love, light, joy! Send them to the Earth, and you will receive them back strengthened many times over. And don’t forget to thank the Earth for its help, support, strength and love.
Verbal formulas for grounding and energy transformation
? I am the Divine Spirit who came to Earth to experience life in the material world and to participate in the work of enlightenment and ascension of the Earth. As the Divine Spirit, I am immortal and perfect. By voluntarily accepting the role of a human being, I act as one of the masters of Light, the masters of energy, acting as conduits of Divinity and creators of the Divine home on Earth.
? As a Master of Light, I transform low-frequency energies into high-frequency ones and do this every moment of my life, with every step, every action, every decision, every thought and every intention. As a being of dual nature, earthly and heavenly at the same time, I act as a conductor of Divine energies, directing them to the Earth, grounding and thus enlightening earthly matter, raising the Earth to the level of Divine vibrations.
? My gift of transformation and grounding of energies, given to me by right of my Divine origin, strengthens and grows day by day. I use the power of God's love and light, the power of intention, the power of gratitude and the power of words to transform any energies into the pure substance of God's Love and Light, and I do this for my own good, for the good of humanity and the Earth.
? I ask the Earth to help me transform energies. I thank the Earth for this help. I call on the Divine energies that create paradise on Earth, and with all my soul I wish for its speedy reign.
How to get strength from nature?
First, determine which of the natural elements you are most drawn to. Each of you has a penchant for one or another energy or element - fire, earth, air, water. This is due to the fact that in past incarnations you entrusted the storage of your power to one or another element. Now the time has come when you can return this power. This does not mean that you cannot receive energy from other elements. After all, natural elements are actually interconnected and exist in unity. You have to restore this unity, this harmony within yourself.
Begin to consciously come into contact with natural energies. Whenever possible, be in the fresh air, expose your face to the wind and sun, walk barefoot on the ground, swim...
Use all the wonderful opportunities that your biological body gives you. At the same time, do not forget: it is necessary to come into contact not only with the physical manifestations of the earthly elements, but also with their very essence - the soul, or energies. Convey to them the light and love of God, transmit the vibrations of your Spirit. Direct these vibrations from your Divine center, from your heart, to water, air, earth, sun...
Then accept the vibrations of the natural elements into your being. In this way, you will regain your own energies, which have been stored by the elements for thousands of years. In this way, you will not only regain your strength, but also work to increase the vibrations of the earth’s nature itself. This is your help to the Earth in its enlightenment and Ascension.
You see that this is not just “feeding” that you receive from the Earth, it is a mutually beneficial cooperation. You win, and both the Earth and the earth’s elements win.
Verbal formulas that help in obtaining strength from natural energies
? I am the Divine Spirit experiencing life on Earth in a biological body. I combine in myself the spiritual, Divine, and earthly, material nature. Here and now I restore integrity, harmony and unity of body and Spirit. Here and now I become a single being, combining the energies of Heaven and Earth. By doing this, I am fulfilling the most important task for which I came to Earth.
? I receive strength from an inexhaustible, eternal Divine source. I bring this power to Earth, share it with the planet and its natural elements. From now on, I feel my unity with God, with the Universe, with the Earth and earthly nature. I thank the earthly elements for preserving my strength. I thank the earth's elements for returning my strength. I send my love and gratitude to Water, Air, Fire, Earth as a planet and as an element.
? The world is one and indivisible, and we are one with nature. I accept the energies of nature with my whole being. I transform them with my Divinity. In myself, I combine the love and light of God with the strength and power of earthly nature. I transform the world and myself, creating heaven on Earth, raising the vibrations of earthly nature and the entire material world. The New Earth is an Earth where the Divine and the natural are one. The New Earth is the Land of people endowed with Divine and earthly power. Now I am collecting and combining this power within myself. I am now being reborn into my new strength and renewed nature. Let it be so.
Is it possible to create a place of power yourself?
Dear ones, each of you, by your very existence, does nothing more than create a place of power where you are. This happens due to the fact that you yourself are a flow of energy connecting Heaven and Earth.
If you want, you can do this more consciously and more actively. To do this, you need to express the corresponding intention - to create a place of power where you are. Then create a double flow of energy coming from the Earth to the Sky and from the depths of the Sky to the depths of the Earth. Gradually make it as powerful and broad as possible. Then embrace with this flow the space that you want to make a place of power.
Decide exactly what it should be like, what characteristics it should have - for example, make this place safe, filled with the energies of health and happiness. Express your intention accordingly. In this way, you can incorporate these characteristics into the flow of energy with which you create a place of power.
Repeat these steps daily. This will keep the energy flowing. But you won't have to do this all the time. Gradually, the place of power will begin to maintain itself, simply because of your presence, and then regardless of your physical presence.
Dear Ones, your capabilities are sufficient to create many places of power.
Not only will you not get tired, but you will also become stronger. Soon you will notice that your entire Earth is gradually becoming a great place of power. This is what you do: spread light throughout the planet. This is how you create heaven on earth. By creating places of power, you bring it closer.
Verbal formulas to help create a place of power
? I am the Divine Spirit, embodied in a human body to connect Heaven and Earth, becoming the bridge that connects Divine energies with the material world.
? Here and now, with my intention, I create a column of energy from the Earth and Heaven, moving in two directions at the same time and creating a space of power. I endow this radiant, flowing, pure energy with the qualities of happiness, peace, tranquility, prosperity, protection, security.
? With my intention, I increase the volume of energy flow, placing myself and the place where I am inside it. I call on my Divine Self, my angelic helpers and my entire Divine family to help create this place of power.
? From now on, the power resides where I am. The power is always here, regardless of my absence or presence. From now on, power works here for the benefit of me and all living things. From now on, power creates here a space of joy, happiness, peace, tranquility, prosperity, and security. Let it be so.
How and why do you need to establish contact with the Earth as a living being?
Planet Earth is not just a living being, it is an extension of yourself - an extension in space and time. After all, you are the souls who once created the Earth. You created it for yourself, in order to live in this beautiful world and create a paradise here.
Once upon a time you came to Earth in your energy bodies and simply created this matter, which you now call your planet, with the power of intention. You breathed Spirit into her - and it was your own Spirit. That is why the Earth can be called your continuation, a part of yourself. This is truly your beloved child, although you call the Earth mother. Yes, she became a mother for you - people, but only because you - the angels - once created her for this purpose.
Do you understand now how close the ties that bind you are? Do you understand what explains your deep mutual love with the planet? That's why when you transform yourself, you transform the planet.
By walking towards enlightenment and ascension, you enlighten and ascend the planet. And she does her best to help you with this. Don’t forget about this love, don’t forget to express it, confess your love for the planet, thank it. This will help both you and the Earth become stronger. And, of course, without your care for the Earth, earthly paradise is impossible. Take care of the Earth as you take care of yourself, your own body. It is impossible to live in purity if you do not care about the purity of the Earth. By introducing dissonance into her body, you are harming yourself, because you are one.
You are not separate from the Earth, dear ones. You are a single whole, a single organism. That is why without close contact with the Earth, with her soul, with her beloved Gaia, you cannot come to enlightenment and ascension, to the earthly paradise. The earth cannot achieve this without you, and you cannot do it without it. This is a simple truth. Try to remember it in your daily life and remember to thank and care for the Earth.
Verbal formulas of gratitude to the Earth
? I am the Divine Spirit, who took on human form for the sake of a wonderful journey on the beautiful planet Earth.
? I am grateful to the Earth for its love, kindness and hospitality. I am grateful to this beautiful planet for accepting me as its own son, providing me with food, shelter and all the resources necessary for life.
? I admire the extraordinary beauty of the planet, the richness and diversity of its nature. There is no better place in the entire Universe, more suitable for gaining the experience of life in the human body.
? I am grateful to the Earth and all its inhabitants, all organic and inorganic nature.
? I am the Divine Spirit and at the same time I am part of earthly nature. Every moment of my life I remember my unity with the Earth, that I am one with the planet and its nature, with all the creatures inhabiting it and with all humanity.
? I am aware of my responsibility for the safety and prosperity of the planet and do everything in my power for this.
? I send my love and the light of my heart to the Earth. I see my beloved planet as a beautiful Garden of Eden. I see a reborn humanity on a reborn Earth. The collective intention of people will cleanse and revive the planet to create Heaven on Earth. Heaven on Earth is close, it is coming right now, first in the minds of people, and then in reality. Let it be so.
Dear Kryon, I use medicinal herbs for healing. Is this appropriate in the energies of new times?
Dear, all natural remedies are appropriate for healing. Just remember that you are dealing with living substances. “Alive” is not a metaphor. In natural substances, including water, rocks and, of course, plants, there is a multidimensional living consciousness. It is this living consciousness that helps you in healing - first of all, it is the energy-informational essence of the plant and, secondly, its physical, material components.
Plant energy is not only useful, but necessary for you. You can use different ways to interact with it - not only take medications made from the plant internally, but also receive healing through energy exchange with a living plant. Simply taking a drug from a plant without making energetic contact is pointless. Make internal contact with the plant. Send him your intention for recovery along with a request for help, along with your love and gratitude. And help will come immediately.
When taking the plant, remember that even one drop of the drug prepared from it contains all the healing information that the plant carries. Therefore, do not get carried away with the quantity, take little by little, but do it regularly, without missing the time of taking the drug.
When taking medicine, remember that you perceive primarily energy. Begin to consciously let this healing energy into your body, and the healing processes will definitely begin. First, healing will begin on the energetic level, and then on the physical level.
And be sure to spend as much time as possible among nature, in flowering gardens, fields, and meadows. It is no coincidence that you love flowers so much. They remind you of the Garden of Eden. They help you build heaven on Earth. Just being among flowers, exchanging energies with them, can heal you, harmonize your energy, balance you at all levels of your being.
Verbal formulas for setting the mood for healing with the help of natural substances
? I am the Divine Spirit, embodied in the blessed earthly biological shell in order to experience unity with the Earth, earthly nature and bring it the love and light of God.
? The earth's plants have prepared their gifts of healing for me, which I accept with gratitude and love.
? Earth's plants carry a balanced, harmonious energy that I perceive with my whole being. They bring me healing at the deepest energy-informational levels and at the physical cellular level.
? I express my firm intention for healing. I ask the plant to help me heal and thank it for this help. I accept the healing with love and gratitude, joyfully letting the energy and health information that the plant brings me into my body.
? I am balanced, I am healthy on every level of my being. Let it be so.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Working with the Energies of Nature | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/07/2023 09:25:00 PM