Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/voznesenie-v-deystvii-zakon-svobodnoy-voli/#ixzz8Lb4Xlsyr
Today we will talk to you about another Law of the Universe, which many of you apply (or do not apply) unconsciously and which has a great impact on your life.
We will talk about the Law of Free Will .
This concept is often confused with permissiveness, with which in fact it has nothing in common.
“Free Will” in the Divine understanding is the internal freedom of thoughts, emotions and perception of reality.
This is the open-mindedness of consciousness, its pristineness and purity, sincerity and naturalness in the expression of feelings and emotions.
These are the heartfelt impulses of the Soul, not restrained by the “grip” of the Mind and practical considerations.
This is the ability to hear your intuition and be guided by it in everyday life.
This is “free swimming” without regard to other people’s opinions and judgments.
These are internal Divine guidelines in the form of conscience, decency, spiritual purity.
Now let's see what a “violation of Free Will” is .
First of all, this is an invasion into the internal energy space of another person.
It can happen even without words, if you think badly about someone - with condemnation, criticism, hostility...
In this way, you mentally impose your vision of the world on another, denying his right to his own opinion.
As a result, without even entering into a dialogue with this person, you are already violating his Free Will.
This is what is meant when they say: “Judge not and you will not be judged.”
In other words, “Do not violate another person’s Free Will, and then he will not violate yours.”
Respect for other people's opinions is compliance with the Law of Free Will of another person.
In words, all this seems simple, doesn’t it, my dears?
What's really happening?
Already from the cradle, a person is driven into certain frameworks - those that are convenient and beneficial to parents, teachers, bosses, the government - the so-called society, in which a person turns into a small cog of a giant machine that crushes his will.
And now, my dears, the time has come to live in a new way, finding your inner freedom and respecting the inner freedom of others.
This can be called a revolution, but it will not be based on aggression, not on the violent disruption of people’s lives and way of thinking, as was the case before, but on a “TURN” OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
And in this case, the initiator of such a “revolution” is your Earth, which is released from old outdated energies and involuntarily pulls you, its inhabitants, with it.
This happens in the most natural way, without coercion and violence, since only those people who themselves have expressed a desire to make the Transition to the Fifth Dimension will follow her.
The rest, due to low vibrations and reluctance to change anything in their lives, will remain in the third dimension and continue to incarnate on other planets.
Thus, the Law of Free Will on a universal human scale is strictly observed.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Law of Free Will | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/11/2023 08:45:00 PM