Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/voznesenie-v-deystvii-zakon-prichiny-i-sledstviya/#ixzz8Lb8TMuR4
We will talk about the Law of Cause and Effect or, in other words, about the fact that the external always reflects the internal .
Perhaps the effect of this particular Law is easiest for you to trace, since its results manifest themselves outwardly quite quickly.
You can see this at every step.
For example, you didn’t like a certain person, and then you may hear him being rude to you or simply feel the negative energy emitted by him.
Now this works almost instantly, because thanks to the high vibrations coming to the Earth, its time parameters have changed, and all a person’s energies emanating outside immediately return to him in the same quality, and sometimes in an enhanced form.
And this has its own positive side, since such a time-shortened cause-and-effect relationship allows you to complete your lessons externally, adjusting your behavior, your thoughts and emotions on the fly.
Surely many of you have already noticed this.
But now, my dears, you need to learn to apply this Law on an expanded scale.
And now I will explain to you what this means.
As already mentioned in my previous message , creating an atmosphere of Love in a group of people or in a large team is the key to the fact that a single energy component can take it to a completely different level of existence.
And then the common goal is achieved with the least effort and in the shortest possible time.
But if at the same time you strictly observe another Law of the Universe - the cause-and-effect relationship, then all your difficulties and problems will be resolved instantly, as if by magic.
Let's look at this with a specific example.
Let's say you are preparing some kind of project, the implementation of which requires time and considerable effort from your entire team.
And if the goal or “reason” for developing such a project is to create better living conditions, that is, it is aimed at the benefit of people, and all its participants are aware of this and work on it with full dedication - with a feeling of happiness and joy from what their project will bring benefit people, then the “consequence” of this will be its successful implementation in the shortest possible time.
This is how the Law of Cause and Effect will manifest itself on the physical plane, supported by the fullness of your work with the Divine energy of Love.
Conversely, if your project is aimed at satisfying the personal needs of a narrow group of people trying to benefit from the troubles and misfortunes of others, that is, its energy component carries the energies of the lowest vibrations, then it will encounter obstacles at every step in the form of such energies , emitted by people who will create these obstacles.
This is especially noticeable now, when the energies of high vibrations displace the old energies of the dual world, and they involuntarily “compress”, which means they concentrate even more.
Remember this, my dear ones, and watch how this happens so that you can show it to others - those who are still at the very beginning of the path of their spiritual development.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Law of Cause and Effect | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/11/2023 08:46:00 PM