TRINITY OF SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY. Structure of the Soul.
Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/triedinstvo-dukha-dushi-i-tela-struktura-dushi/#ixzz8JPsm91Eu
Today we will talk about the structure of the Soul.
Since it is very difficult to explain the process of its birth using the concepts of the three-dimensional world, I will focus on what is of practical importance for you now and what will help you overcome the barrier separating you from the Transition from one dimension to another.
So that the born Soul does not get lost in the endless ocean of the Universe, it is assigned a “code” - a kind of Divine “mark”.
This code is the “spark” from which the “flame” of the Soul then flares up.
The process of the birth of souls can be compared to Divine sowing, when the Creator of the Universe scatters the “seeds” of souls throughout his patrimony, and they end up where they ended up by the will of fate.
And already in the “earth” of this or that planet, they begin to “sprout”.
And if the Spirit is eternal and immortal, since it is the fundamental principle of life in the Universe, then its Soul particles have temporary boundaries: birth and rebirth into Creators who begin to create their own Universes.
If we take the time frame of the third dimension, then this process takes millions and billions of years.
But within other dimensions, where space and time do not exist, this cyclicity has completely different parameters.
Now let’s talk about the Souls now living on Earth, and let’s dwell in detail on their structure.
The human soul is multidimensional, since its components are in different dimensions, but its basis - the core of the soul - is unchanged.
This is the same “code” - the “golden fund” of the Soul, which bit by bit has absorbed the precious experience of hundreds and thousands of its incarnations.
Very mature ancient Souls who have ascended to the sixth, seventh or eighth dimensional level often become Mother Souls to many other souls living on Earth.
What does this mean?
They are already capable of dividing into many consciousnesses, embodied in their children - souls living in lower dimensions.
And the older the Soul, the deeper it “takes root” in the Universe, sometimes covering more than one galaxy.
Her “children” can be born on different planets, in different dimensions, in parallel civilizations and at the same time have a single Mother Soul, which is in touch with them all the time.
Why is this happening?
First of all, because the Mother Soul itself has already been born in all these worlds and, having gone through fire, water and copper pipes there, knows perfectly well everything that awaits their inhabitants.
And she really wants to help them, because, having risen so high, she is Love itself - Unconditional and Comprehensive.
She could rise even higher and begin to create her Universes, but she chooses a different mission - to remain the patroness of souls going through a series of incarnations in worlds of lower vibrations, to become a link between this and the souls and the Higher Powers of the Universe, in order not to let them forget about your Divine origin.
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Trinity of Spirit, Soul, and Body: Structure of the Soul | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/18/2023 10:36:00 PM