Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/triedinstvo-dukha-dushi-i-tela-chto-takoe-dusha/#ixzz8JPpG21ff
What is Soul?
Figuratively, it can be called an individual particle of consciousness that has broken away from the Spirit.
She is also a Divine substance, but a set of individual qualities is concentrated in her, which determines the personality - unique and inimitable.
There are no two identical souls in the entire Universe.
Each Soul contains a certain Divine “code”, which at the same time is the keeper of all the knowledge and experience it has accumulated.
The process of the birth of human souls is a little difficult for you to understand, but it is based on the desire of the Prime Creator to manifest itself in myriads of its particles for endless knowledge and creativity.
Each Soul has its own origin, its own history, its own age, its own geography.
Souls are born at different times in different galaxies and on different planets.
There are very ancient and mature souls, and there are very young ones.
And so that the knowledge and experience of each soul is deep and fruitful, all souls endlessly “mix” - to enrich each other, and, by and large, to complicate the task, since only in interaction with feelings, emotions, views that are polar to it, can it learn wisdom , perseverance, patience and Unconditional Love.
Planet Earth is an ideal platform for self-knowledge and self-realization of the Soul, since amazing diversity reigns here - natural, racial, social, political, religious...
And the Souls who come here, dressed in physical bodies, go through a long path of self-improvement, from birth to birth, rising higher and higher along the spiritual ladder, which ultimately can lead them out of the wheel of reincarnation and allow them to gain their experience in the higher spheres of existence, no longer being born into physical bodies.
But in the third-density world in which you now live, the task for the Soul is further complicated by the fact that its stay between incarnations is completely erased from a person’s memory, and it seems to him that he is starting his life anew.
In fact, with each new incarnation, she moves to a new stage of her development, consolidating the material she has covered or learning new ones.
This “forgetfulness” often leads to the fact that the Soul begins to walk in circles, repeating the same mistakes again and again, thus living life in vain.
As a rule, this happens to very young souls who have enjoyed playing three-dimensional games and whose consciousness is not yet ready to accept anything new and unknown.
To accelerate the development of the Soul, its multi-stage structure was created - a kind of insurance and a guarantee that the Soul, immersed in the low energies of the dual world, will not die or disappear completely.
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Trinity of Spirit, Soul, and Body: What is Soul? | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/18/2023 10:34:00 PM