Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/triedinstvo-dukha-dushi-i-tela-materinskaya-dusha/#ixzz8JPvVzl6r
We will continue our conversation about the structure of the Soul.
In its desire to enrich itself as much as possible and experience all possible options for existence in the physical shell, the Soul multiplies in a geometric 12-fold progression.
And the Mother Soul, which processes and synthesizes all the experience accumulated by each of its particles, helps her cope with this colossal amount of information.
Now almost every person living on Earth is part of the Mother Soul, which guides and protects him during this crucial period.
The Mother Soul has a very complex structure, since hundreds, and sometimes thousands of its particles are scattered throughout your planet - on different continents, in different countries, cities, social strata and religious communities.
In this way, she insures herself against regression in her development: after all, not every “seed” can germinate in the “arid soil” of the three-dimensional world...
And this is becoming especially relevant now, since many pieces of Great Souls who have ever lived on Earth have come to Earth.
The Mother Soul does everything possible to ensure that they wake up and remember their mission, which they themselves chose before their birth.
Each particle of the Mother Soul has its own consciousness, which means free will.
It contains a genetic memory of all its incarnations, and especially great and significant ones for all humanity, but only a few manage to remember this while on Earth in physical bodies.
Sometimes associative memory helps them with this. Some little things seen in a picture or icon, information gleaned from historical literature or certain places on Earth where they were brought by “chance” contribute to glimpses in their consciousness, the awakening of deep memory, and sometimes visions that return them to the past life.
The connection with the Mother Soul can be felt differently for each person .
Some feel her presence during meditation or simply in a state of peace and harmony, while others, on the contrary, at the most tragic moments of their lives.
In any case, you feel it as a Divine presence spilling with grace in your Soul or called upon to help you in difficult times and protect you from danger.
Since the Mother Soul is located in very high dimensions, it is truly capable, like the Higher Powers of the Universe, to envelop you with its Light and Love, to share its maternal warmth with you.
But she also has another task - to guide your life in such a way that you turn onto the path that your Soul chose before birth, so that the three-dimensional world into which you plunged does not drag you too far from your goal.
And the main goal of every Soul that comes to Earth is precisely to escape from the three-dimensional environment that is alien to you and to find the lost Divinity.
But this can only be done when the spiritual principle takes precedence over the material side, which is cultivated in a person by modern society from his very birth.
And in my next messages I will tell you about the “methods of work” of the Mother Soul with her children, who now live on Earth in physical bodies.
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Trinity of Spirit, Soul, and Body: Mother Soul | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/18/2023 10:38:00 PM