Meditative Exercises for Fulfilling Desires, Achieving Goals, Success, Well-being, Abundance | Liberty

Meditative exercises for fulfilling desires, achieving goals, success, well-being, abundance
“Spirit has already prepared gifts for you that you have never even dreamed of.”
Dear ones, each of you has enormous creative potential. If you open and activate it, you can access the inexhaustible abundance of the Universe. There are gifts available to you that you may not even know about. Each of you deserves to receive not only everything you need for a happy, beautiful, abundant, fulfilling life, but much more than that.
You have the power to fulfill any desire, to get everything you want, to create for yourself the life you dream of, because that is what Spirit wants for you. Believe that these gifts are already prepared, they are waiting for you. It’s up to you whether to reach out and take it or pass by. Many of you do not believe that you are worthy of these gifts, that it is possible to receive them, and it is your unbelief that becomes the main obstacle preventing you from taking what is rightfully yours.
Believe that God created an abundant Universe where there is enough for everyone. Believe that you are worthy of this abundance. Believe that you have enormous creative potential and can create everything you need yourself. Go towards the gifts prepared for you.
And remember that Spirit only wants happiness for you. The Spirit is ready to bestow upon you all blessings beyond all measure, because the Spirit is by nature immeasurable. Your only task is to learn to accept these gifts. And then you will understand that no one has ever deprived you, no one has forced you to live in need, only your limiting beliefs and your lack of faith in yourself did this. You are beautiful, you are powerful, you are magnificent, and you are immensely loved, dear ones! The Spirit is telling you this, your Divine family is telling you this. Believe it, believe it with your whole being, and your life will be transformed.
Exercise 1. Identifying the Spirit's True Desires
We cannot always distinguish which of our desires are genuine, correspond to the tasks and needs of the Spirit, and which are inspired by selfish considerations, or inspired by the environment, society. Happiness brings us only the fulfillment of the desires of the Spirit; everything else only generates disappointment. This exercise will help you figure out where true desires are and where they are not. You can do it whenever you are not sure what you really want, or when you are faced with a choice and need to make a decision.
Be alone with yourself. Breathe deeply and measuredly. Bring all your attention inside yourself, to the center of your chest. Mentally connect with your Divine center. You can imagine a golden or silvery glow there. Stay in the center, thinking that you are a Divine being of Light.
Turn to God, to the Spirit, with a request to help you distinguish the desires of the Spirit from the desires of the ego. Remember a wish you want to achieve or a decision you want to make. Continuing to remain in your Divine center, formulate the question: “ Is this the desire of the Spirit? ", or " Is this in accordance with the Spirit's intentions? “You can also ask: “ Dear Spirit, is what I am about to do now appropriate? "(Name exactly what you want to do.)
Don't expect any answer or try to predict it. Having formulated a question, imagine that you simply stepped aside and watched what would happen.
Usually the answer is whatever comes first to mind: “Yes” or “No.” In addition, you can determine by your feelings whether the answer is positive or negative. A positive answer corresponds to pleasant warmth, relaxation, and comfortable sensations in the chest and solar plexus. If the answer is no, there will be slight discomfort.
If you are attentive to your feelings, you will gradually learn to distinguish between “Yes” and “No”. In this way, you can check each of your desires for truth and compliance with the tasks of your Spirit.
Exercise 2. Feel the nudges of the Spirit on the path to your dream
We succeed only when the Spirit leads us. If we do something that goes against the desires of the Spirit, then we only encounter problems and failures. Before you take any steps, you need to hear the voice of the Spirit and understand whether it is really necessary to do it. The Spirit leads us only along the path of happiness, which is why it is so important to trust it. This meditative exercise will help you tune in more sensitively to the voice of the Spirit and understand whether changes are already ripe in your life, and if they are ripe, what exactly they are and what needs to be done for this.
At any time convenient for you, take a free, calm and relaxed pose, close your eyes. Breathe normally at first, then gradually slow your breathing until it becomes as slow and quiet as possible for you. Imagine that all your thoughts fly away from you - much like the fluff flies off a dandelion.
Imagine that you are standing in an open space that stretches from horizon to horizon - in a field, or in a flowering meadow, or surrounded by any other pleasant landscape. The main thing is that it is a flat place, visible in all directions to the horizon, so that your eye does not encounter even the slightest obstacles.
Imagine that roads go in different directions from you, each of which disappears beyond the horizon. How many of these roads - decide for yourself: their number should correspond to the number of changes that you would like to make in your life. But don’t let there be too many of them, for starters – no more than four, otherwise doing this exercise can take a long time and take a lot of energy from you.
You can plan the number of these roads in advance, designating them in accordance with the most significant areas of your life that need change, for example: personal life, professional activity, creativity, etc. Think about what kind of changes you would dream of in each of these spheres Let each such dream be personified by one of the roads spreading around you.
So, you are at a crossroads, but you don’t yet know which road to take first, and whether you have correctly outlined your goals on each road. Imagine that an angel is standing behind you. This is a beautiful creature glowing with golden-white light, much taller than you. The angel places his hands on your shoulders and you feel completely protected. You are very comfortable, you feel the flow of energies of love and light directed towards you.
Turn towards any of the roads you have identified. Imagine as clearly as possible what goal you would like to achieve by following this road, what changes you dream of. Mentally turn to the angel with the question: does this dream of yours correspond to the desires and needs of the Spirit and whether, from the point of view of the Spirit, you should follow this road.
If you have the feeling that an angel is gently and lovingly pushing you, blessing you along this path, or even taking you by the hand to carefully lead you along this path, then your choice is correct. Then just give free rein to your imagination: perhaps a picture will appear in front of you of how you walk along the chosen path and what you encounter along it. This way you can even get hints on what exactly and how to do and what you should expect from your realized dream.
If you have the feeling that you don’t want to move, but want to stay in place under the protection of an angel, it means that the time has not yet come to realize this dream, or this dream does not at all correspond to the tasks and goals of your Spirit. In this case, turn to another road and do the same thing from the beginning.
Once you complete this exercise, you will feel confident about the changes you want to make. In this case, be prepared that the Spirit will begin to push you towards these changes in real life. Remember that the Spirit only leads you to the right doors, and you must open them yourself. Therefore, do not expect the Spirit to do everything for you: after receiving hints from him, act!
If you have the feeling that the angel has not blessed you to follow any of the roads you have planned, take it for granted and do not complain about fate. This means that for your own good it is important that for now everything remains as it is. Perhaps change will come when you fully accept the situation you are in and ground, and therefore transform, the energies that gave rise to it.
Exercise 3. The world of your true desires
This meditative exercise will help you intuitively determine which of your desires are true - that is, they correspond to the needs of your Divine Self and will benefit both you and other people. Treat the exercise like a game. There is no need to stress too much and strive for seriousness. Just enjoy, have fun - the way children do when they play. Imagine yourself in the role of a fairy-tale character - and travel in the fairy-tale world into which this exercise invites you to plunge.

Close your eyes and take a few slow breaths in and out. Direct all your attention to the heart area. Imagine that you find yourself in a space filled with a golden glow. In this space, a door opens in front of you, you enter it and find yourself in a fairy-tale world - on a wide road that leads to the world of fulfillment of your desires.
You are walking along the road and all around you is the most beautiful landscape you can imagine. Ahead you see the fortress walls, behind which lies a beautiful city - this is the City of Treasures. In this city all dreams come true, there you can get any treasures you need, and you must get there at all costs.
The road leads you to a high gate that closes the entrance to the city. You stop in front of them, and an invisible voice asks what treasures you want in this city. You understand that treasures mean not only material wealth, but also everything that your soul requires: love and relationships, success, the discovery of talents, a favorite activity, health... Focus on the heart area and begin to slowly list out loud everything you wanted would get.
You may feel that your voice does not sound very confident, and you yourself doubt whether what you are talking about is really necessary. But at some point you will certainly feel that you are saying out loud your true desire, the fulfillment of which you really want with all your soul. When you name at least three such desires, the gates will open in front of you. If you feel that the gates are not opening, turn again to the very depths of your heart and look there for those desires that really come from the very depths of your soul.
When the gate opens, you will see a wide road beyond, filled with a golden glow. Walk boldly along this golden road. You will feel that you are surrounded by this golden glow on all sides, and therefore are completely safe. It is very comfortable and pleasant for you to follow this road. You approach a huge palace, the doors to which are open. You enter and find yourself in a huge hall with high transparent ceilings through which sunlight streams. In the center lie large, taller than human-sized, golden balls. On the balls you see luminous inscriptions, meaning what kind of treasures are hidden inside: one says “Qualities, abilities, talents”, on the other “Circumstances of life”, on the third “Health”, on the fourth “Material goods”. If you want, label the other balls as you wish.
Nearby you see an angel, he also glows with a golden light. The angel explains that he has come to help you achieve your desires. But to get what you want, you must go inside the ball. However, you don't see anything like doors. The angel explains that if your wish is true, the ball will become transparent and let you through.
First you must choose one ball - the one that seems most important to you. Approach him and state your desire out loud and immediately explain why exactly you need the desire to come true. If your desire is true, and your explanation is convincing, you will see that the ball seems to have come to life, began to shine and become more transparent. Feel free to go inside the ball, feel that you are in a golden luminous sphere, and visualize your desire in as much detail as possible (imagine that it has already come true and you are happy about it). Then inhale as much golden energy as possible and step back out of the ball.
In the same way, you can enter one or more other balls. If something doesn’t work out for you or you don’t know which ball to start with first, you can ask the angel for help and advice. When you get everything you want, thank the angel, leave the palace and return the same way you came, walk unhindered through the open gate in the wall and mentally return to where you are now. Focus on the heart area for a while longer, then take a few deep breaths and exhale and open your eyes.
What should you do if, visualizing golden balls and saying your desire out loud, you do not feel any changes in the ball - it does not become transparent and does not let you in? Think again about whether your desire is true, and most importantly, whether the goal of fulfillment of the desire that you name is worthy. For example, if, wanting to enter the ball with abilities, qualities and talents, you say that you want to become an artist in order to impress other people, the ball most likely will not open. After all, this is, apparently, a desire of the ego, which does not think about the welfare of people, but about the impression it makes.
Think about how the fulfillment of your desire can serve both your good, and the good of other people, and the whole world. For example, by becoming an artist, you can bring Divine love and higher truths from the stage. Or maybe, after thinking about it, you will choose another talent that is more suitable for you - for example, becoming a healer to help others, or becoming an artist to bring beauty to the world. If in doubt, seek advice from a golden angel. And remember that you can repeat this exercise at any time as many times as you want. Therefore, do not be discouraged if something does not work out right away - it will definitely work out next time.
Exercise 4. The creative energy of intention
Achieving any goal begins with intention. It is useless to act if we do not have a clear, firm and clear intention to achieve what we want. Intention is a creative energy that itself leads us to the goal. This exercise will help you shape it. Do it when you want to fulfill your desires.

Close your eyes and take several deep, slow breaths in and out. Imagine how all the tension leaves your body with exhalations. Imagine that behind your back there is a huge angel shining with golden light. He gently places his hands on your shoulders and you feel protected by your loving Divine Self.
This Divine angel, who is also you, your highest part, wishes you all the best. Think about what is most important to you now – what you need with all your heart. Maybe you need health, healing, vigor, energy. Maybe you need a new job, material well-being, or discovering your talents. Focus on your most important desire. And mentally turn to the one who stands behind you, the shining golden angel, with a request to help you form the right intention to achieve your goal.
Feel the golden flow of energy begin to flow gently through your body. Imagine that an angel lovingly directs this flow to the top of your head, and then this golden energy spreads throughout your body. You feel your body relax even more, you find yourself in a state of peace and tranquility. You don't need to strain, you don't need to do anything - just feel the movement of energy and think about your desire.
Imagine how golden energy is concentrated in the area of your solar plexus. You feel your strength increasing. You want to straighten your shoulders, raise your head, a smile appears on your face - this is your growing energy acting from the inside so that you begin to glow with strength. Now mentally ask the angel to help you direct the flow of energy from the solar plexus into space in order to fulfill your desire. You are still calm and relaxed, but at the same time you feel a powerful stream of energy bursting from your solar plexus and rushing out into space. This is a very thin and very bright beam. And where it goes, you see a picture of your desire fulfilled. These are bright golden images that capture everything that you want to see in reality.
Mentally create these images and watch them become more and more vivid. Then this picture flashes brightly, and the ray of intention disappears. The image of your desire has taken the energy it needs, and now it is no longer connected with you - it has begun the process of materialization, which is already happening independently of you.
Ask the angel to take control of the further fulfillment of your desire. Thank him for his help. Take a few deep breaths and exhale and open your eyes.
Exercise 5. Miraculous fulfillment of desires
Do the exercise every time you want to create something important in your life.
Be alone with yourself. If you want, close your eyes. Imagine that you are entering a beautiful golden palace. It glows and shines. This is a palace of abundance. Here you can find everything you need.
Passing through the tall golden doors, you find yourself in a huge round hall. There are many doors around its circumference. You see the inscriptions on them. On one is written the word “Wealth”, on the other “Well-being”, on the third “Relationships”, on the fourth “Talents”, on the fifth “Qualities”, on the sixth “Achievements”, on the seventh “Success”. The other doors also have signs, but no inscriptions. You can make these inscriptions yourself - mark on them the area of life in which you need to create something important for yourself.
You can choose any door you want. Imagine that you open this door and walk into the room. This is a very large room, and the whole thing is filled with a silvery or golden glow. In this room you can manifest everything you need.
First, verbally express your intention to get what you want and seek support and help from Spirit.
Then imagine that you see in front of you a picture of your dream already realized. You can see yourself, possessing the qualities and talents you desire and receiving all their fruits, being in a halo of success. You can see a picture of the life you dream of or the things you want to have. Place this mental picture in the center of the room. Imagine filling this picture with silver or golden light poured into the room.
It’s as if you are sculpting a picture from this light, or, more precisely, casting it in silver or gold, trying to saturate it with as much energy as possible. Imagine that the picture of your dream come true begins to shine very brightly, radiate, and then flashes brightly with a dazzling light like the sun. Leave that sun shining in the room and imagine that you are quietly leaving, closing the door behind you.
Mentally leave the golden palace and return to reality. Mind your own business, preferably forgetting about your desire for a while. From time to time you can return to this room to add more energy to the picture of your realized dream. All you have to do is monitor how events develop in your life and don’t miss the chances that bring your dream closer to reality day by day.
Try to imagine the scene of your dream come true in as much detail and specificity as possible. Important: do not mentally visit more than one room at a time. Give your Spirit one task at a time, do not scatter your strength on the fulfillment of several desires at the same time. Start with what is most important to you at the moment.
Exercise 6. Find your golden world of abundance
Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths in and out. Mentally tell your Divine Self that you want to travel to the golden world of abundance. If you wish, ask your angels and heavenly guides to accompany you and gently guide you on your journey.
Imagine that you are entering an elevator, brightly lit with a golden glowing light. When you enter the elevator, you find yourself in this golden light, and in the space of the elevator you feel separated from the outside world. Darkness remains outside the space where you are. All worries, problems, thoughts remained there - everything that concerns the material world. Once in the elevator, you find yourself in the space of other, higher dimensions.
Take a deep breath and turn your attention completely inward. Imbued with this feeling - that the outside world has disappeared. There is only you in the space of golden radiance. At this moment, nothing else exists in the world. Only your Divine Self and the angels are with you. Other people also remained far away, outside of your golden space.
Mentally dive inside yourself and imagine that time has stopped. Imagine that you have stopped a moment by an effort of will and are trying to penetrate into this stopped moment. Time no longer flows, you are as if inside the space of stopped time.
There is no outside world, no time... Now imagine that you too seem to disappear. Your ordinary self is also left outside the elevator. You moved it to the side - outside the golden space. Now you, in the everyday understanding, also do not exist - but you exist as a stream of Divine light, as a shining being without any signs of ego.
Having stopped time, pushing the outside world and your own ego away from you, it was as if you had dematerialized, ceased to exist for a moment - and then “gathered” yourself again, but in a different, light body and in a different, spiritual quality.
And so the elevator slowly and smoothly begins its upward movement. You feel like you are sliding up the golden light stream along with the elevator. When the elevator stops, the doors open and you, in your light body, step out into a space filled with golden sunlight. You can present it the way you want. This could be a floor of a spacious building that contains all the gifts and treasures you need. It could be a whole world with fields, forests, seas, temples and palaces. This could be your dream home or garden. The main thing is that you feel comfortable there, so that no difficulties or obstacles arise in anything.
Imagine that this is your world, where there is everything you want to receive, both material and non-material. Here is a place where you can rest, heal, gain strength. There is also a place where you can find any abilities and talents that you need. There are also treasuries where material wealth is stored. There are special areas where any dreams come true. Here you can find friends, loved ones, teachers, mentors, helpers... Here you can regain your self-esteem and self-respect and the feeling that you are a special, unique, much loved person.
Travel around your world as much as you want. If necessary, ask the angels accompanying you to guide you to where you can find something especially necessary for yourself.
Imagine that you have taken everything you need. Mentally return to the golden elevator again and imagine that you are smoothly descending in it. Then imagine that you are back in your material body. The doors open and you exit the elevator into your ordinary world, imagining that you took with you everything that you brought from the golden world.
Take a few deep breaths and exhale and open your eyes.
Exercise 7: Give Strength to Your Intention
You can perform this exercise to most effectively implement any of your intentions.
State your intention out loud. Close your eyes, direct your attention inward. Connect with your Divine Center. Imagine that there is a source of light - sparkling, silver or golden. Mentally direct the flow of this light directly in front of you. About a meter away from you, mentally form a sphere from this energy. Direct energy into it so that the sphere increases in size, reaching a diameter the size of your height or even more. Formulate your intention again, and then, together with the flow of energy from your Divine center, direct it into the sphere.
Imagine that your intention is placed inside the sphere. You can imagine intention as a kind of clot of energy that contains information. Let this energy enter the sphere and merge with it.
Now imagine that you are letting go of this sphere. You can imagine that you were holding it on a string, like a balloon. Now you release or cut the string and the sphere slowly begins to rise up. It rises higher and higher, goes into the sky, you see how it decreases in size and finally melts into the heavenly depths.
Open your eyes and return to your normal activities. Don't make any assumptions about how your intention will be accomplished. But be attentive to the “nudges” that the Spirit will give you, and follow them without hesitation. Your intention will ultimately come true in the most favorable way for you.
Having formed your intention from Divine energies and enclosed it in the energy sphere, you simply release it and thereby allow it to begin to act. You put energy there, you put a task there, you put some kind of project there. Now step back and let the energy unfold. Leave the rest to God.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises for Fulfilling Desires, Achieving Goals, Success, Well-being, Abundance | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/18/2023 10:32:00 PM