Meditative exercises for healing mental trauma and neutralizing karma, liberation from inherited beliefs, attitudes and complexes
“The Divine power that you contain within yourself is much more powerful than any karmic programs”
Dear ones, you live in such a wonderful time when it has become very easy to neutralize even the most difficult and long-standing karma. You accommodate more and more Divine energies every day. And the Divine energies themselves do this work, if only you express your intention for this. There is no magic in this - it’s just that the strength, the power of God that you contain within yourself is much stronger and more powerful than any karmic programs. All the dissonance that you have inherited from the past can now dissipate like smoke literally in an instant. And if in previous times – still very recent even by your standards – people made a lot of effort and spent years on liberation from karma, then for you every day it requires less and less effort and less time.
Let God do the work. All you need is awareness and intention. Become aware of the dissonant programs that are preventing you from living. Many of them you received in childhood - these are limiting beliefs and false attitudes of society. Many mental traumas also come from there - until they are worked out, they continue to provoke situations where you get the same unwanted experience. You inherited something from past incarnations, but it’s time to put an end to these programs that are no longer needed.
Dear ones, express the intention to free yourself from everything within you, in your spiritual, energetic and biological structure, that prevents you from being happy, living a full life and receiving the gifts that you deserve. The time has come to get rid of the karmic legacy. Claim your power - and take your life on a new track, become free from karma, from limiting beliefs and from any dissonant programs that prevent you from living.
Exercise 1. Connect to the Divine source of energies of maternal and paternal love
Many people have learned from childhood that they are loved only when they meet the expectations of other people, when they fulfill their demands. Meanwhile, true love - calm, soft, as if enveloping us with kind, caring warmth - is available to us at any moment, no matter who we are or what we do.
Our Heavenly parents love us constantly, unconditionally, not for anything, but just like that. There is and cannot be any reason why this love could end. And if you lacked in childhood, and even now you lack, real maternal and paternal love, if you need it for your own happiness (and it is necessary!), you can gain access to the energies of maternal and paternal love. This is love from a Divine source - which means it is stronger and purer than the love of even the most loving earthly parents.
Find an opportunity to be alone with yourself. Relax, calm down, drive away extraneous thoughts. Focus on the heart area, connecting with your Divine center. Mentally place yourself in a luminous sphere filled with the energies of warmth, love, understanding, acceptance and care. Say, “ Dear God (Spirit, Creator, Supreme, Creator, etc.) , show me what a mother’s love feels like .”
Focus on how you feel and allow the energy of this love to enter you. You can, if you wish, speak mentally or out loud to your Heavenly Mother and feel truly cared for, understood, loved, and approved.
Then say, " Dear God, show me what a father's love feels like ." Also listen to your feelings and allow the energies of this love to enter you. Thank God and your Heavenly parents for their love and support. Send them the energy of your love.
Now you can access this love at any time, whenever you want. Know that you will always receive support, approval and understanding, no matter what happens to you.
Exercise 2. Liberation from childhood complexes and problems inherited from the parental family
This exercise will help you free yourself from the limitations that you have inherited from the past and gradually become more and more free. Perform it whenever you again feel that some outdated habits, beliefs or prohibitions are preventing you from moving forward.
Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and measuredly. Drive away all extraneous thoughts. Imagine being transported to your favorite place, where you feel absolutely calm and relaxed. And the main thing is that you feel safe. To do this, you can imagine that you are surrounded by a cocoon of golden shining light, and behind your back there is an angel guarding you. No one and nothing can influence you, and nothing, including your past, has power over you.
Imagine that you see your mother in front of you. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you have or had in reality, now it’s time to resolve all contradictions. Now the time has come for peace and love between you. Mentally thank her for giving you life. Tell her you respect her for this.
Then tell her about the good things you received from your mother. What qualities inherited from her have helped you in life? Thank her for this. If it happens that you cannot remember anything good, still try to find at least something to be grateful for. Even if there were only hardships and trials in your parental family, they made you stronger. Give thanks for that too.
Then you can tell your mother about how you felt in her family as a child. Remember that you are safe now. The past can no longer hurt you - you are very far from it. Therefore, you can speak calmly, without offense or accusations - if these were not the most pleasant feelings.
First, thank for the good things that happened in your childhood. And only then talk about what didn’t suit you, what made you feel disadvantaged, not good enough, offended or an unhappy child. Remember that these were lessons that you had to learn in order to become stronger and gain self-esteem, even despite what you received in your parents' family. Give thanks for this.
Then think about what you received in your family that bothers you to this day. Maybe these are parental prohibitions, or limiting attitudes, or bad habits, or distorted ideas about life, about relationships between people. Give thanks for this too - after all, these were the very barriers that were provided for in your lessons and that you need to overcome. Remember that you do this without judgment. You should not try to change your mother, re-educate her and start holding different views. You give her the freedom to be who she is. But for yourself, you choose the freedom to follow a different path, to be different from her, just as you are.
Mentally tell your mother that you forgive her for the troubles that she, voluntarily or unwittingly, caused for you. Say that you keep for yourself all the good things that you received from her, and free yourself from everything that bothers you, from unnecessary or bad things that you received from her. Tell her that you give her freedom and choose to move on freely, in your own way. Imagine that an angel standing behind you blesses you for this. It helps you forgive your mother completely and feel forgiven and liberated yourself.
Then imagine that the father takes the place of the mother. Talk to him the same way you would to your mother. And also at the end, feel forgiven, liberated and forgiven.
After doing this exercise, you may feel like you are looking at yourself, your behavior, and your life differently. It will become clear to you what you did wrong before and what needs to be changed. You will feel that you have the strength and opportunity to make positive changes. Plus, if your parents are alive, your relationship will be much better. If your parents are no longer alive, any heaviness and pain will go away from your memories of them, and you will be able to calmly and easily learn important lessons from your relationship with them, even if this was difficult for you before.
Exercise 3. Coming under the control of the Spirit
Spiritual, Divine programs of our destiny are always the most favorable, since God has endowed each of us with happy opportunities for each of our earthly incarnations. But other programs that we receive from society, parents, and our earthly environment very often prevent Divine programs from taking effect. We, unwittingly, often live according to programs that do not bring us any benefit, or even bring outright harm. Only by coming under the control of the Spirit (our Divine Self) can we neutralize unwanted programs and put into action the Divine programs that provide for a happy destiny for us.
Find an opportunity to be alone with yourself, sit in any comfortable position, close your eyes. Breathe evenly and measuredly to calm down, relax, and put your feelings and thoughts in order. Focus on the heart area and connect with your Divine center.
Mentally or out loud say: “ Dear God (Spirit, Creator, Creator, etc.) , show me the non-Divine programs to which I have unknowingly given control of my life.”
Focus on the sensations in your body and inner space, identify areas where there is some discomfort (tension, a pulling feeling, a feeling of something viscous, dense, hard, cold, dark, etc.).
Mentally or out loud, ask the question, again turning to the Creator: “ How exactly did these programs affect me and my life? »
Afterwards, you may spontaneously have memories of your past, but in a new light for you: with the full awareness that all the troubles and unfavorable circumstances that took place in your life were not the result of the fate destined for you by God, but arose only by mistake, due to the action of unfavorable programs, which you unknowingly allowed.
Your task in connection with this realization is not to fall into self-regret and worries about the past, but to understand that these mistakes were natural and you needed to go through them in order to come to the knowledge that you have now.
Mentally or out loud say: “ I forgive myself for the mistakes I made in the past. I thank my past for the mistakes that helped me come to the realization of my Divinity and gain the necessary knowledge and experience. I let go of the past in order to neutralize those programs that led to mistakes, correct these mistakes, and put into action Divine programs that allow me to build the happy destiny destined for me by God. ”
Direct the energies of light and love from your Divine center to those areas of your body and inner space where you feel discomfort from the presence of unwanted programs. Imagine a series of bright flashes before your eyes, in which unwanted programs dissolve, transforming into the love and light of God. Feel the change in sensations in your body to comfortable and pleasant ones (feelings of warmth, relaxation, light, softness, transparency, cleanliness).
Mentally or out loud say: “ From now on, I come under the control of the Spirit, and only the Spirit. From now on, my body, every cell of it, comes under the control of the Spirit, and only the Spirit. From now on, everything that happens in my life is initiated by the Spirit, and only the Spirit. From now on, I build my happy destiny according to Divine programs, which involve the creation of the highest good for me and other people. So be it ."
Repeat this exercise whenever you feel an uncomfortable mental or physical state, because any discomfort indicates the presence of unwanted programs that need to be neutralized. Of course, it is impossible to eliminate all programs at once, especially since many of them tend not to manifest themselves for the time being. But if they “surface” in the form of discomfort, physical or mental (bad mood, anxiety, nervousness, etc.), then these programs are quite ready to be neutralized. Then return to this exercise again to eliminate them with the help of the creative capabilities of your Spirit.
Exercise 4. Healing spiritual wounds received in the past
Perform this meditative exercise when you feel even the slightest discomfort in your physical and/or mental state - this is how hidden mental trauma manifests itself, ready to be processed. There is no need to do this work preventatively when you are in a state of comfort and harmony. Work only on what manifests itself, what really bothers you. Thus, this exercise is not for regular repetitions, but to be performed as needed.
Find an opportunity to be alone with yourself. Sit in a comfortable position, breathe evenly and measuredly to calm down, relax and free your mind from extraneous thoughts. Tell yourself that you intend to devote the next half hour to self-healing from painful traumas inherited from your past.
Close your eyes and tune in to deeply explore your physical and mental state. Your task is to identify the presence of discomfort, both physical and mental. Even a hint of discomfort can indicate some kind of pain, sometimes unconscious, but depriving you of strength. You may detect some kind of tension or just a feeling of discomfort, as if something is “aching” inside, not necessarily physically.
Tune into that area of discomfort in your body (or in your inner space) and mentally direct the light from your Divine Center there.
Mentally ask yourself the question: “ What is this? What hurts? What is the reason? - and tune in to receive an answer. This may be an intuitive response or a memory of that moment in the past with which the wound is associated. Be attentive to any thought and memory, even if it flashes just a hint. It could be an unexpected memory of something you had long forgotten. But your subconscious and your true essence remembers this.
Remember, now consciously, this situation and the pain associated with it. If the pain comes out in the form of some kind of emotion, let it be released.
Then say out loud or to yourself: “ I thank this pain, because it did me good. I thank this pain because I have become stronger through it .”
If this pain is associated with a specific person, mentally thank him too - for giving you the opportunity to go through the experience of suffering, transform this suffering and become stronger.
Then say: “ Now I transform this pain into golden Divine energy .” Imagine a flash of golden fire before your eyes, in which the energy of pain instantly flashes and burns (in the form of a black clot, which immediately turns into a golden flash).
Say: “ It is finished. ” I'm free ." Thank the Creator and your angels for your help.
Exercise 5: Put Spiritual Values First
This meditation exercise will help you remove the barriers between you and Spirit - barriers that are outdated values and beliefs related to the material world. Every person is Divine in essence. As for our earthly existence, here we must create a projection of God on Earth. We can create it only through ourselves. If there are no barriers between us and God, we become a pure ray and create a projection of God on Earth. But if obstacles arise, then they begin to cast a shadow, and instead of a projection of God, we create only a reflection of our own distortions.
We can look at our outdated value systems and change them. This must be done more than once, since habitual beliefs inherited from the past can be very persistent. Awareness is important in this work because we often follow old beliefs unconsciously. This exercise will require honesty with yourself, because you will have to honestly admit to yourself that you still have beliefs that do not correspond to the purposes of the Spirit, and that you place some values in your life above Divine truth.
But remember: prioritizing the values of the Spirit does not mean giving up everything else that was important to you. It means putting all your other values in their place, where they will serve you and not work against you.

This exercise will help you with all this.
First stage. Find some privacy so that no one will disturb you. You can do this exercise in the evening, lying in bed, before falling asleep. Close your eyes, focus your attention on the heart area, imagine a soft white glow there. Mentally enter this glow and connect with your Divine Self.
Second phase. Imagine that you are inside a flow of energy - a ray of light that goes down to the center of the Earth and up into the infinity of the Cosmos. Imagine that this flow is a luminous tunnel that connects you to your Divine home. The earthly part of you is on Earth, and the other part, the Divine part, is in the Divine house - in the higher dimensions of reality. The tunnel of light connects both parts of your being.
Third stage. Say mentally: “ From now on, I put myself in my Divine manifestation first in my life. This is my highest, unshakable value. From now on, no one and nothing can come between me and God. So be it ."
Fourth stage. Remember the values that you placed in your life above Divinity, above yourself in your spiritual manifestation. Be honest with yourself about what those values are. Other people, even the closest ones? Job? Money? Property? Something else? Realize that all these values, no matter how important they are for you, cannot be placed above Divine values, above the goals and objectives of the Spirit - above you yourself in your angelic, Divine hypostasis.
Fifth stage. One by one, imagine all those values that were a priority for you in the form of a shadow, a cloud or a clot of dark energy that blocks your tunnel of light above your head. This is exactly what happens when you put someone or something above the tasks and goals of your own Spirit, above the Spirit itself - a priori the highest value compared to all earthly ones.
Tell yourself, imagining each successive value: “ I am removing the unnecessary significance of... (name what or who) in my life. I give priority value to the Spirit (God, the Most High - call the word that finds the greatest response in your soul).”
At the same time, imagine that you are directing a ray of light from your heart to this “cloud”, which dissolves in your light, and the rays of the “sun” - the light of Divinity - again shine unhindered for you. Thus, remove the excessive significance of all those earthly values that you can realize at the moment.
Sixth stage. Imagine yourself in the pure, unclouded light of Divinity. After this, you can take a few deep breaths and exhales and open your eyes (or fall asleep if you do the exercise before bed).
Return to this exercise every time you feel that you again have other priorities besides God. Find this feeling - when you remove the excessive significance of something or someone in your life - and you get liberation, you get the feeling that you are one with God and no one or nothing stands between you and Him. Then you will be able at any moment to remove the excessive significance of those values that are not Divine, as if you were simply throwing off a burden from your shoulders, and you will not have to close your eyes and meditate for this, it will be enough to mentally say to yourself: “I am removing the excessive significance... (who something or something) in your life."
And remember: removing the excessive importance of some value for yourself does not mean giving up the things that were of this value to you. This means starting to treat them differently - not putting them in a place that is intended only for God. Remember: for you, as a Spirit, earthly life is just a game, and therefore taking earthly values too seriously is inappropriate!
And, of course, removing the excessive importance of a person for yourself does not mean starting to treat him badly or stop loving him. On the contrary, your relationship may improve, become warmer and kinder. You can love him as you love all your neighbors, but do not place him on that pedestal that is reserved only for you as the Divine Spirit. Then all the values in your life will be put in their places. Then you will feel as if the shackles have been lifted from you. Then you will gain freedom, you will begin to independently manage your life, without giving it up to something or something that you are used to putting above yourself.
Even God is not above you, remember that. God is part of you, and you are part of God. Other people and other values cannot be higher. You do not put others down by refusing to put them above yourself. You simply establish equal, harmonious relationships - the way God sees them.
You are Divine. Remember this. Only you and God can manage yourself and your life. No one or anything else has been given such a right.
You and I were born free. So let us claim those gifts of freedom and happiness that have long been ours by right.
Exercise 6. Work on liberation from karma
Karma manifests itself in repeated undesirable events, in unfavorable situations from which there is no way out, or in dissonant relationships that cannot be stopped or changed. All these are clear signs that a program inherited from the past or even from past incarnations is operating. It is useless to try to change something externally until this program is neutralized. Kryon says that for such neutralization we only need one intention, provided that it is strong enough, solid and pure. This exercise is designed to express such intention.
Sit in a comfortable position, relax and neutralize extraneous thoughts. Think about the events, circumstances, or relationships that make you feel uncomfortable and focus on the unpleasant emotions associated with them.
Focus on the heart area, connect with your Divine Center and send a flow of light and love to the area of the body where dissonant emotions are felt. Say: “ Creator (God, Spirit), dissolve dissonant energies in Divine light and transform them into light and love. Let me become an observer of this process. Transformation is happening. The transformation has occurred. It's finished. Thank you, Creator ."
Express your intention to neutralize karma that has caused unwanted events or dissonant relationships with other people. Say: “ I express my firm intention to neutralize karma and untie the karmic knots that caused ... (name exactly what events and situations) , as well as connecting me with ... (person's name) . Creator, I allow myself to free myself from this karma and ask for Your help and support. Karmic connections are neutralized. It's finished. Thank you, Creator ."
This exercise can be performed quite often - but not preventatively, but as needed, when disharmonious events or relationships cause you real mental and physical discomfort.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises for Healing Mental Trauma | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/16/2023 01:54:00 AM