By Steve Beckow, November 15, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Tomorrow, I’d like to look at what I suggest is the relevance of the Divine Mother’s Plan and pattern to our future political discussions.
Today, I need to do some preparatory work by going over that Plan and pattern with us so that tomorrow’s discussion doesn’t get overburdened.
I assert that the Mother’s Plan, in a sentence, is one of spiritual evolution. We are born from Mother/Father God, ignorant of our true identity and learn, grow and realize who we are in the Mother’s realm of matter (mater, Mother) before returning to the Mother/Father One.
For what purpose? So that God can meet God in moments of our enlightenment. (1)
The pattern she (2) chooses to facilitate our spiritual evolution is her universal pattern of creation, preservation, and transformation.
Examples of the latter in operation? We’re born, age, and die. A flower is born, blossoms, and dies. A star is born, persists, and dies. This definite pattern informs all activity in the material domain.
To really anchor in our understanding of this pattern, let’s look at how ubiquitous the pattern is in her tools of creation. It shows up everywhere, as these examples from important celestial processes illustrate:
- AUM, the universal creative vibration, the Word of God = Akar (Creation), Ukar (Preservation), and Makar (Transformation);
- The gunas or cosmic forces, drawing things together and pulling them apart = Rajas (Creation), Sattwa (Preservation), and Thamas (Transformation);
- The Trimurthy or Three Forms of God = Brahma (Creation), Vishnu (Preservation), and Shiva (Transformation). (3)
This is not just me speculating. I had the supreme honor and privilege of asking the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon if I was correct in linking these cosmic processes together. She said yes:
Steve: [I’d like to] know if the gunas, the cosmic forces which are called rajas, sattwa, and thamas, are the same as the Trimurthy [Triad] of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Divine Mother: Yes. We are the same as that triad.
S: All right. And the Trimurthy of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is a subset of the Universal Creative Vibration [Akar Ukar Makar or AUM] that you are at your essence. Is that correct?
[Not “at her essence.” She’s much “larger” than that.] (4)
DM: That is correct. It [the Trimurthy] is much the same as we have been speaking of. It is a way in which my beloved children can come to know me and to have that experience. It is formless and yet it is form. It is a way of connection and it is a way of understanding and entering into a higher vibration of being. So it helps the emergence into my energy.
S: Sort of like stair steps?
DM: That is correct. (5)
You might say, but, Steve, you forgot to ask her for the linkage to creation, preservation, and transformation.
You’re right. I forgot.
But I say in my defence that it’s common knowledge among Hindus that Brahma and rajas, say, equate to creation; Vishnu and sattwa to preservation; and Shiva and thamas to transformation. For instance, this graphic in an introductory essay online:

Credit: seechangeindia.blogspot.com
Pass? No pass?
“A way in which my beloved children can come to know me.” The purpose of life is that we should come to know Mother/Father God; more precisely, that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment. (4)
That overarching purpose is what organizes all the rest.
Now that I’ve said that, I hope I’ve laid the ground for a discussion of our political discourse and the Divine Plan for life tomorrow. (6)
(1) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-3.pdf, especially Chapter 13.
(2) “she” – Archangel Michael: We do not want anything capitalized. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 12, 2016.) (Hereafter, AAM.)
Steve: I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.
AAM: You know what? We want you to be familiar. (AAM, Jan. 3, 2017.)
(3) See Grandeur Beyond Grandeur: Toward a Cross-Cultural Spirituality Vol. 3: The Trinity at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Grandeur-Beyond-Grandeur-3-8.pdf
(4) Divine Mother: When I have spoken about … Shakti, I have spoken about a part of me. … She is not the totality of my being. My being is bigger than you can fathom, dear one. So I do not simply mean that she is an aspect manifesting. But it is simply larger than any of you can imagine, particularly at this point. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
(5) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.
(6) See “Political Discourse and the Pattern of Life,” Nov. 16, 2023.
The Divine Mother's Plan and Pattern | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/16/2023 01:46:00 AM