Lessons from Ascension. Desires of God.
All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves.
El Mikhail Nebodonsky, answer me!
We are together.
It turned out that the seemingly long-described topic “Our Bodies” is so vast. You spoke about the physical body and its cleansing. Tell us more about the astral body.
This is the body of emotions and desires. Because desires are connected with emotions, and emotions with desires. When you want something, you experience certain feelings. And vice versa, when you experience certain feelings, it is either due to the fulfillment of your desires, or, conversely, you did not receive what you wanted. These two concepts are inextricably linked. And that is why they tell you about the practices of renouncing desires and the practices of fighting temptations.
It turns out that there is no need to desire anything at all? If I learn not to desire anything, this means that my desire body will become empty. That is, there will be no desires, there will be no feelings. Why then this body?
To become a pure conductor of the Divine Spirit. To become the perfect lens for reflecting the perception of God in you. To become the pure eyes of God, unclouded by tears of joy or sorrow. When you desire something, is your desire the desire of God?
To some extent, yes. Because God manifests himself into this world through me and explores Himself in me.
Yes. But this is not a desire for Wholeness, but a desire for a part. Even more, this personalized part of perception mainly relates to the individual. And you need to learn to distinguish between the desires of God and the desires of your personality. A personality is a part of God that has forgotten that it is God, trying to introduce its own rules of perception, creation, worldview, communication, and so on. This part of God, with which He has lost contact, is called personality. And the task of each of you is to restore the lost connection, transform the personal into the Divine, and find the lost part.
The criteria for distinguishing desires are very simple. When you follow the path of serving yourself, these are personal desires. When you follow the path of serving others, these are manifestations of God in you. For it cannot be said that God wills something. For desire is a consequence of feeling, and feeling is a consequence of desire. God doesn't want anything. For everything is already in Him. They usually want what they don't have. There is no desire to breathe in you, as long as you have enough air, you don’t even think about it.
Therefore, God, Who includes everything in Himself, does not desire anything. And if you become a god, remember your divinity, then your desires disappear. Because you no longer have anything to desire, because you have Everything, and you realize it, and you have Everything. When you have desires, it means that you are missing something. And this is no longer the Divine, but your separation from unity.
Are you talking about the path of asceticism?
I am talking about the path of unity. Asceticism is simply a way to carefully consider your desires and reflect on them. And this reflection leads a person sooner or later to the understanding that all desires are transitory and insatiable. Any desire can be satisfied, almost any. But this does not give an end to desires. Therefore, desires are not connected with their satisfaction, not with wealth, not with luck, not even with the ability to magically attract into your life everything you need. Desires are connected precisely with isolation from Integrity.
For if you are whole, then you have nothing left to desire. Therefore, the path of asceticism is the path of purification of one’s body and consciousness, the path of reflection. The path of asceticism is not suitable for everyone, because it is a path of constant struggle with oneself. But the path of struggle is difficult, although shorter.
In the Universe, struggle is not inherent at all as an obligatory property and condition of development. Therefore, all revolutionary methods bring only temporary changes, which then turn into their opposite. And you have often seen this in your history of the development of the present race of mankind. The path of consciousness evolution is more natural and gentle.
And this path implies that you simply gradually and consistently examine yourself and remove everything in yourself that is not divine. And in the same way, you look at all your desires and all your feelings that arise with these desires, and you renounce them not by force, not as a result of fighting yourself, but simply by trusting God within yourself, opening the gates of perception to Him, opening yours to Him. heart, accepting more and more streams of His energy. And this filling with the energy of God allows you to feel your unity with Him and restore your connection with Him. And sooner or later you will feel like Everything, and your desires will disappear.
But wait. There are many desires that are simply built into us. Well, for example, the desire to eat. It does not exist because my personality requires it. My physical body requires this. Also the desire to drink. Well, and – sorry – all other physiological desires. It turns out that when I become a god, these desires will also disappear from me?
Yes. Certainly. Many desires are built into you and act automatically. These are not even really desires, but some programs for automatically maintaining the functioning of your bodies. Let's call them needs. The needs to eat, drink, and breathe are the essence of the needs of the physical body. But your personality builds its own into these needs, into these programs. You prefer to eat certain foods, drink certain drinks and smell certain aromas. This is your specialty.
In this way, you seem to divide everything that exists into what you like and what you don’t like. This is personal, these are desires and feelings. You choose from the palette of everything that exists, only what you prefer, and this is how desires are born.
But it seems like everything was designed this way, that there is a choice from the palette. And studying this palette of choices by each person allows God in each person to study all the details of Himself. That is, all the details of All That Is.
Yes exactly. But the fact is that your choice means that you have not yet explored all the possibilities of choice. And when you study them all, when God in you studies all the possibilities of your choice, you will have nothing to choose from, you will already go through all possible choices. But you will go through them, not just distinguishing or knowing in your mind that they exist, you will integrate the experiences of going through these choices into yourself in the form of parts of yourself. And in this way you will begin to gain your integrity.
But wait. Let's take smells. Or tastes. For example, there are very pleasant smells and tastes, and there are simply nauseating ones. And this nausea is caused not by my personality, but by the reaction of my physical body to these smells and tastes. It turns out that I should accept and love them, fight my nausea and consider this the experience of God? That is, if I, for example, don’t like the smell of decaying organic matter, I won’t be able to find my integrity?
Your perception of smell or taste is dictated solely by your personal choice. That is why they say that there is no comrade according to taste and color. Everyone likes their own smells. But you're right that there are tastes and smells that most people don't like. Every taste, every smell is also a vibration of energy. And, accordingly, each level of development corresponds to certain vibrations. There were periods in the development of mankind when he did not perceive the most delicate smells of flowers, but calmly perceived the smell of rotting flesh.
A negative smell, like a negative taste, is a signal that these vibrations are not suitable for your current development. But this also means that you have already passed this level of development, that a more subtle palette of smells and tastes has opened up to you. And you still exist in the stage of discrimination, distinguishing bad smell from good, aroma from stench, sweet from bitter. And thus you move further along the palette of your choice. Do you remember how we talked about the musical row of piano keys, on which you simply raise the octave of your sound, and the lower sounds practically disappear from your perception, as if already mastered? However, the palette is still huge.
But at a certain stage of development, you will discover that the circle has miraculously closed, that all your passed “keys” seem to close the sphere of perception, and you have closed this sphere of perception, you have passed all its points, all the keys, all sounds and discovered their unity. And then you will no longer have feelings and desires, your perception will become holistic and not fragmentary. Can you imagine a holistic smell that includes all smells? Or a holistic taste that includes all possible tastes? This will be the acquisition of sensory integrity.
And then your astral body will also become perfect. It will not desire anything, but will perceive everything as one, as equally necessary, as its own, as perfect. And there will not be a single bad smell or taste. Because there will be harmony in the unity of all the smells and tastes in you. And you, of course, will be able to isolate some kind of smell or taste from this, just as an artist takes some color from a palette of colors to paint beautiful pictures of Genesis.
When I listen to you, I begin to understand that we are still so far away from all this, and it becomes sad. Because the majority of humanity is generally asleep and does not know or think about it. And even those who have awakened are still very far from such perfection. And everyone, including me, faces a long and painstaking path of cleansing themselves from every desire, every feeling, every thought, every event. This work on ourselves will last for decades, and we are all waiting for a quick transition.
Nothing is impossible in the Divine world. Everything is wonderful and magical. And everything is quantum connected, as you were taught. Firstly, now is a period of development in which many powerful healing and cleansing energies descend upon you. Like a shower that can allow you to get a quick cleansing experience. And it is also experienced by those who are still sleeping and do not suspect that they are also washed by these healing energies. Secondly, you are given a lot of knowledge, and this knowledge helps you find yourself and understand how it all works and how everything is interconnected.
And thirdly, any person, at least one, who has managed to undergo purification in one way or another, immediately begins to influence the entire space around him. It’s as if one light bulb suddenly flashes in a dark space and a little light appears. And from this light others can already discern the outlines. Then a few more lights flash, and it becomes lighter. And now a decent portion of the light bulbs have flashed and are illuminating the way for others. And now everyone suddenly understands that he, too, is a light bulb on this beautiful Divine panel, and that all the other flashing light bulbs are of different colors, and this, of course, means something. That is, he begins to assume that all the light bulbs should highlight a certain picture.
And then, at least out of curiosity, he will ask the other “light bulbs” how they were able to light up, and will also try. Sometimes out of a desire to prove, sometimes out of a desire to be no worse than others, sometimes just out of curiosity, but he still tries. And sooner or later, most of the light bulbs will light up. And those who have not yet caught fire will feel uncomfortable that they are delaying others. And all the other lit “lights” will help their unlit brothers in every possible way. And so sooner or later all this will happen, and the majestic single panel of the human picture of perception will flare up with beautiful Divine light.
But this is rather a figurative human example of thinking and perception. Everything is much more complicated. The principle of holographicity is inherent in you. Therefore, any process occurring inside you immediately begins to occur in all other holographic particles. If you receive information, it immediately becomes available to everyone.
If changes occurred in you, then not only did others become aware of them, but these same changes occurred instantly in everyone. You just don’t yet know how to look into your Divinity and see and perceive these changes. Your perception is habitually tuned outside of you. And not much happens there. Because the reality that you perceive is supported by the personal perceptions, thoughts, desires, aspirations of each of you as members of the human community.
Inside each of you there is a quantum space of connection to All That Is, to your Divinity. And if each of you at least daily connects to this Quantum Unity within you, all the changes that have already occurred in progressive people, those who were able to overcome the barriers of dimensions in their consciousness, all these changes will manifest themselves in you, for you are all inextricably connected.
It’s as if you simply opened the doors to these dimensions and let them in. Because without your permission, your quantum connection, your quantum unity will remain only in potential. For the Creator gave you free will, and your right is to be one or separate, to make a choice or not to make it. And if you let Quantum Unity into you, it will begin to work in you. Quantum connections are restored, and now you are no longer transformed as individuals, because this is really difficult and long. And you are already being transformed as a Unified Consciousness, as part of a Unified Consciousness, as part of Quantum Unity.
Besides, the concept of time only exists in your head. It's hard for you to understand this. But it’s as if you had a space of points in front of you and you had the opportunity to enter with your consciousness all the points at the same time and thus perceive this space, and you choose to enter each point sequentially, and so a sense of time is born in your head. You simply forgot how to enter all points at once and only know how to perceive them sequentially.
Because the world that you perceive from the outside is a consistent world. This is the world of sequential passage of all points in space. But the world inside you is not like that. It is the world of simultaneous quantum perception of all points.
The simultaneous quantum perception of all points means that in this perception you will no longer be able to distinguish the points from each other. In other words, in white light you will no longer be able to distinguish the colors of the rainbow; this will already be a new quality. But, perceiving holistically, you acquire new levels of knowledge, new qualities that are still unfamiliar to you. The qualities of your unity.
However, you choose to sequentially study all points of space, afraid of losing your personal perception of each of them. Understand? Your personality is afraid to dissolve in this Unity and therefore clings to each color separately, to each point of space separately. She does not understand that when consciousness merges into Unity, new qualities of integrity are acquired. And this, one might say, will be a new level of personal perception.
For the personal always exists when there is at least some level of separation from the Absolute Ocean of Consciousness. It reminds you as if your cells were stubborn and stubbornly did not want to feel like your single organism, did not obey the commands of the brain and the commands of your personality.
In addition, this desire of your personality also indicates that all points in space have not been passed. Because when they are all passed, everything magically closes, like an electrical circuit closes, and a garland of light bulbs flashes. This means that you are not yet fed up with going through your experiments, with your choice from many points in space or from many colors.
And therefore, when you have already gone through all the shades of each color a million times, having found out all the details of the perception of all points of space, and finally decide to complete this experience, only then will the “garland” flare up. Because in this case your conscious decision is needed.

For now, all this operates automatically. You are like a certain choice experience. And the next time you are consistently offered the entire palette of choices, and you again take in a certain sequence of perception. But you don’t choose holistic perception. And so, step by step, you explore the entire palette of choices many times until you get tired of it, or until you realize that you have explored it completely.
And then you will become reborn, a new divine personality of the Perfect Man will be born in you, who will not remember the small details of the choices of the previous personality, but will perceive them in their entirety, as a single experience of perception. And then a new palette of choices will open before her, and everything will repeat itself.
Tell. Is it possible to come into embodiment by immediately choosing the experience of unity?
Yes. Of course, the Plant Kingdom is an experience of unity. The kingdom of the elements is the passage of the experience of unity.
We tend to think the other way around. That consciousness first develops as an element, then as the plant kingdom, then as the animal kingdom. And then as a more perfect human consciousness. Isn't that so?
Everything is relative. There is no straight ladder of upward evolution, but there are labyrinths and roads. What you are talking about is the ascent (or descent) into individuality. This is a different way. The Unified Consciousness, in the process of evolution, is increasingly individualized, fragmented, divided into many experiences in order to cognize all shades of experience in order to bring the received experience into the Unified Consciousness of God. But there is a choice at every stage, a choice of development path.
And if a certain part of the Divine Consciousness does not choose to develop along the line of separation and further fragmentation, then It continues to develop in the consciousness of unity, for example, planetary. Or the unity of the elements. And it cannot be said that there are more perfect experiments or less perfect ones.
It cannot be said that the experience of the development of the elements is higher or lower than the development of human experience. These are simply different types of experiences of the evolution of consciousness. It is also a kind of palette of experiences, a choice of color in the palette of experiences of unity and fragmentation.
The experience of the elements is the experience of partial unities that are not divided into their fragmentations, but exist as a single consciousness. The experience of the plant kingdom is already a separation of partial fragmentation from this unity and an attempt to exist and perceive simultaneously both as a unity and as a separate consciousness.
The experience of planetary consciousness generally includes all these experiences: the experience of partial unity, and the experience of individual perception, and the experience of the elements, and so on. Here there is a more complex level of experience, like playing many musical instruments, it requires a certain skill. Therefore, each experience does not differ in height or lowness, does not stand higher or lower on the step of evolution in comparison with others, but differs exclusively in the skill of the perceiver, the one who undergoes it.
The experience lived and received can be compared to an orchestra, in which someone masters individual instruments, including violins and drums. Some people master entire groups of instruments. And someone knows how to be a conductor, has such skill that he can hear every violin and every drum in the orchestra, knows how to synchronize it all and is able to control the reproduction of a beautiful melody or a beautiful piece of music with the help of this orchestra.
In which each instrument plays its own part, and each part is important. Since without each fragment of the melody the work itself will be imperfect and will have gaps. And only the conductor knows all the melodies, all the scores, all the parts of the work. And only the conductor is able to control this Divine music and feel it holistically. Violins can sometimes feel like the drums are too noisy and ruin their lyrical melody, but by playing and listening to the entire orchestra, you can truly understand the role of each instrument in the melody. Because every melody, every piece, every symphony tells a certain story, and there are no repeating symphonies.
This is also your symphony of life, which is reproduced on your planet by your planetary consciousness. And you are just scattered pieces of this grandiose orchestra. You are still learning to play your “instruments.” To begin with, you simply try out the scale, then start combining sounds into chords. Then learn to play individual melodies. Then more complex works. Then you unite in groups based on the similarity of your choice: someone chooses violins, and someone chooses drums. And then the groups begin to interact and try to play together.
And gradually you discover that there is someone with a baton, and that if you follow it, you will hear some fragments of the overall symphony. And then you trust this conductor’s baton more and more and follow its movements more and more consciously. And then you discover that there are many instruments in your orchestra, that there are many groups of instruments. And that each group has its own time for entry into performance. And that each group has its own score that it must follow, otherwise there will be no unified symphony. And so, by tuning in and trusting the conductor, sooner or later you will sound your wonderful planetary orchestra and perform your symphony of life.
Then you will find yourself not just as individual instruments, but as the orchestra itself, and you will understand this new level of sound of the Music of the Spheres and new possibilities. And then you will discover that this planetary orchestra is only part of the huge Divine orchestra of the Music of the Spheres and you will also begin to master your new level of musical creation.
Let's return to the astral body. I understood you so much that while I decide whether to play the violin or the drum, it will still be an experience of separation, it will be desires and, accordingly, feelings. And then my astral body will not be ready to obey the orders of the conductor’s baton?
Everything is correct. While you try different “instruments”, different sound timbres, you have preferences. You act as a separate instrument. You think like a separate instrument. Try to think like the conductor of an orchestra in which the violins are as important as the drums, and there are no preferences.
And then you will stop wanting to choose a violin or drums, they will become equivalent to you. You can play both the violin and the drum. And it’s easy to give up both for the sake of a cello or a harp. Because every instrument is simply a tool for extracting music. And every instrument has both low notes and high notes. And on every instrument you can play any melody, if only you have the appropriate skill.
So what should we do now?
Try to explore your desires and understand where they come from. Whose desires are these? Are these the desires of Divinity in you? Try also to examine your feelings and understand how they relate to Divinity. As you carry out these investigations, you will surely immediately find that which is not Divine, namely, lust, envy, hatred, carnal desires, and so on. But that will also be your mistake. Because all desires are undivine and come from the excellence of one level or another.
God has no desires. But He has needs. Yes exactly. He has a need to love, a need to have compassion, a need to give, a need to fill others. This is His natural property. He does not want this, but he does it constantly, just as the sun always shines on you. This Divine need must become your need if you want to become gods. And all personal preferences dissolve in this Divine need. For God doesn’t care who to love unconditionally, to whom and how to give without counting and return, to whom and how to sympathize without division. He loves everyone. For this is His natural property. He has compassion for everyone because He suffers with everyone, and this is His natural property. He gives His Light to everyone without dividing into good and bad, worthy and unworthy. For this is His natural property.
And when these natural properties of God become your natural properties, you will purify your astral body, and it will no longer desire and feel. It will simply be the embodiment of its natural properties, the NATURAL PROPERTIES OF GOD - unconditional love, compassion and bestowal.
This means that God does not feel anything. I mean, if He suffers along with everyone else, but has no feelings, does this mean that He, say, cannot feel pain and understand what it is? If he has no desires, then he has no feelings, as you said.
This is a different level of feelings, and they cannot be called feelings in your understanding. Is love a feeling? You have been struggling with this question for a long time. But sooner or later you realize that this is more than a feeling. God can experience the pain of every consciousness if He enters His separateness with His Consciousness. But at the level of unity, this pain is transformed into some other perception.
I don't know what comparison to give you. You have feelings for your child when you see her pain and realize that all this is temporary. But at the same time, an irresistible desire is born in your heart to extinguish this pain, take it upon yourself, neutralize it, comfort your child. This is a rush of the heart, in the heart chakra, felt on the physical level. It’s like an inner pain in the heart, a torment that is unbearable for you – to see your child suffering.
This is, of course, a rough comparison. The beautiful torment of the heart, which requires surrender to a beloved being, is an approximate description of what God feels when he sees your suffering. It is like a spark inside that rushes towards the sufferer, an impulse of the soul. All words are poor to describe Divine feelings, for these are not human feelings, but a kind of feeling of Unity, when there is no division into your child and not your child, and every sufferer is a part of you, and for everyone an irresistible desire is born in the heart to extinguish this suffering.
The same thing happens when you see that when your child is happy, your heart is filled with such joy for him that you yourself become happy. This is also an example of quantum unity. In this state of maternal love, you are quantum one with your child. You suffer with him and rejoice with him. And in this suffering and joy, in this quantum unity, there are no preferences. You are one with your child. You as an individual do not exist.
You do not judge your child, do not try to figure out whether he is doing right or wrong, whether this is what you taught him. You just have unconditional love at work. She simply unites with the consciousness of the child and feels everything that the child feels. Both joy and pain. And there is no your personal perception. You exist as a whole. This is quantum unity, the Divine Unity of All That Is. This is the level of Divine desire and perception.
Thank you for the lesson! And I thank you for your aspirations. We are together. Selena
(Translation from “Lessons from Ascension. Lesson 10. El Mikhail Nebodonsky. Desires of God”)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: Desires of God | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/16/2023 02:03:00 AM