Meditation exercises to release negative emotions and dissonant energies
Kryon: “There is no energy that you cannot transform into love and light.”
Dear Ones, you are masters of energy. Do you remember this? You came to Earth to transform energies. The essence of this transformation is an increase in vibrations. The energies of the highest vibrations are the light and love of God. Everything that has lower vibrations must be turned into light and love. And you do it!
There are still many low-frequency, dissonant energies in your world that you call negative. Negative is not the most appropriate word, but we use it for lack of a better word in your language. Although, rather, it would be necessary to talk about low-frequency, or rough energies. These include everything that destroys you - these are energies opposite to love.
While you are on Earth, you cannot completely protect yourself from their influence. You yourself become the source of such energies or are exposed to them from the outside. These are the conditions of your earthly journey that you have voluntarily accepted. But you did not accept them in order to suffer from these energies. You accepted them to transform these energies.
Dear Ones, energy of any quality can be transformed into light and love. There are no exceptions. Even the lowest frequency energy, even what you call negativity or darkness, can become light and love. But this requires you to show your skills. This requires your intention, this requires your love. Love is a magical instrument that transforms everything it touches into love. And you can do it. You can remember that love is your true essence. That love and light are a force more powerful than which there is no force in the world. That no negativity and no darkness can persist where there is love and light.
Don't be afraid of dissonant energies, dear ones! Don't be afraid of what you call darkness and negativity - even if you unwittingly become their source. Just be conscious about it - control such energies and transform them. And there will be nothing left in your life that could harm you or others.
Exercise 1. Liberation from dissonant energies, the source of which you, voluntarily or unwittingly, have become
Dissonant feelings - such as resentment, irritation, anger, a feeling of inferiority, humiliation, etc., sometimes arise in us against our will so instantly that we do not have time to control them. This is natural, because in earthly conditions few of us manage to never experience negative emotions at all. Even those people whom we call saints could not avoid this. And you don't need to reproach yourself for it.
The question is not to prevent such emotions, but to neutralize the dissonant energies associated with them in a timely manner. This, in fact, is the task of the energy master - to transform everything that can cause harm, neutralize it, and even better - turn it into love and light. By doing this constantly, you enter a mode of not causing harm to yourself or others, as you eliminate the causes of possible harm - dissonant energies - even before they lead to undesirable consequences.
This exercise is advisable whenever you feel that, voluntarily or unwittingly, you have become a source of dissonant energies.
Direct your attention inward, mentally connect with your Divine center. Imagine that there, in the depths of your inner space, in your Divine center there is a shining source of light. Or you can imagine it as the purest crystal, a diamond. This light source can neutralize those dissonant energies that you emit.
Now remember the uncomfortable situations you had during the day and the feelings you experienced. Don't be afraid to touch those feelings again. Then direct light from the Divine source onto them. Or you can mentally place these feelings into your Divine light source and watch them dissolve, disappear, transform into light.
Then imagine that you are in the arms of a beautiful snow-white angel, a shining being of Light. This angel is your Divine hypostasis. He stands behind you and hugs you, enveloping you in Divine light.
Look at yourself – a human being – through the eyes of this angel. Look through his eyes at the situation that causes you the greatest discomfort. Mentally envelop this situation in light. See in your mind's eye how it is enclosed in a luminous sphere in which all dissonant energies dissolve and transform.
Mentally return to your human form again. Thank your Divine Self for helping you neutralize dissonant energies.
You can do the exercise every night, even if it seems to you that the dissonant energies you emitted that day were very insignificant. Do not neglect this, because even a minor imbalance tends to grow into big problems if we do not remove it in time. Don’t expect problems - every evening, mentally review all the situations that happened during the day and fill them with the energies of love and light.
Exercise 2. Transformation of the energy of condemnation
It is the habit of judging ourselves and others that becomes the main cause of dissonant energies, leading to many problems in our lives. It is very important to recognize and transform these energies in time, which is what this exercise will help. You can do it every day at any time convenient for you. It will sharpen your senses, teach you to recognize dissonant energies and work effectively with them.
Be alone with yourself. If you want, close your eyes. Direct your attention inward. Determine a point deep in the chest, in the space between the solar plexus and the heart area. Imagine that your inner space is another dimension, an area where you meet the Divine part of yourself. Connect with your Divine Center. Then set the intention to find and transform the dissonant energies affecting you.
Think about whether there were someone’s judgments against you that left you with unpleasant feelings and emotions. Also remember if you have ever judged someone. Or maybe you judged yourself and that’s why now you also feel uncomfortable? Determine in which area of your body (rather, your inner space) this discomfort is located. Send there a flow of light and love from your Divine center. At the same time, thank those people with whom these dissonant energies are connected for the lesson.
The transformation of energies is often accompanied by a desire to throw out emotions or take some action. You may want to cry, or scream, or start breathing deeply, or punch your fist, etc. Do this - in this way the energies are also transformed. Just try to maintain a feeling of light and love in your soul.
By spending at least 5-10 minutes on this exercise, you can prevent the harm caused by dissonant energies by transforming them before they take effect.
Exercise 3. Strengthening protection from dissonant energies from within
This exercise will help you strengthen your defenses and get rid of what could be destroying it from the inside.
Pay attention to your body. Notice if there is any discomfort or tension somewhere. Think about what these unpleasant sensations may be associated with. Maybe something is bothering you, bothering you? Are you worried or worried? Maybe there were some unpleasant experiences not so long ago, and something causes negative emotions in you?
Imagine that pure light streams of energy flow through your body. They flow into the crown and go through the feet into the ground. They are like a river that picks up along the way and takes with it everything unpleasant and disturbing, all anxieties, negative emotions and experiences. Look at this flow as if from the outside, and it itself will wash away from you everything that makes you experience unpleasant feelings. You will feel how tension leaves your body, how you relax, freeing yourself from low energies and giving way to high ones.
If suddenly some not-so-pleasant memories begin to emerge in your memory about how someone treated you badly or you did something unsuccessfully, let these memories dissolve in a stream of light energy and go away. If you remember people who make you feel offended, irritated or feel some kind of discomfort, mentally talk to each of them individually.
Tell us how it hurt you, how much suffering you experienced. Then tell the person that you forgive them and no longer hold a grudge. Let him go his own way. He's here to help you through your lesson. Now that you have openly admitted your pain and forgiven, you have completed this lesson. With peace and gratitude, let go of everyone who comes to your mind.
Again, allow all feelings of irritation, pain, resentment, and discomfort to flow through you and go away. Tell yourself that God's love and light are much stronger than these feelings. Light and love give you so much power that low energies have no chance to stay with you. They go, go, go...
You are completely calm and relaxed. Pure, bright energies flow through you. Imagine that they envelop you in a cocoon and at the same time fill you from the inside. Imagine that you are in a shining cocoon, through which no grievances, no anxieties, no worries, no fears can pass. You are protected. You are calm. You are strong. You are at peace.
Breathe calmly a little longer. Then smile, stretch and open your eyes.
Exercise 4. Neutralizing dissonant energies expressed verbally
Although they say “a word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you won’t catch it,” but we can neutralize the energy of even already spoken words. Of course, it would be better to learn not to utter negatively charged words at all, but this is not always possible. It takes training and self-discipline. And while this is not the case, negatively charged words sometimes fly out on their own, so that we do not have time to control it. If this happens to you, at least learn to notice when you say such words. This way you will learn to understand why you say that. You will learn to recognize those destructive attitudes that exist in your consciousness and subconscious that push you to utter these words.
For example, you may notice that deep down in your soul you still have remnants of a not very good attitude towards yourself, which is why you sometimes say the words “oh, I’m a fool”, “I’m always unlucky”, etc. Or you may notice that you still have a habit of judging others and this comes out every now and then in your conversations. This means that you will now know what you still have to work on. And you can neutralize the energy of spoken words right now.
Sit in a comfortable position, take several deep breaths and smooth, slow exhalations. You don’t have to close your eyes or cover them if it’s more convenient for you. Remember the content of your conversations over the past 24 hours. Try to reproduce in your memory as much detail as possible what and how you said. Notice which of your words were marked by negative energies. Did your words contain such feelings and moods as condemnation of yourself or others, resentment, anger, disappointment, lack of self-confidence, despondency? Understand: if you put, for example, offense in your words, then, after doing the work, these energies will return to you, bringing people or circumstances into your life that will offend you even more. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to neutralize this energy.
Mentally return to the moment when you uttered these words. Imagine them in the form of a flow of energy, which you stop with an effort of will, not allowing it to leave you, and mentally enclose it in a purple ball. You see how in this ball, located right in front of you, a boiling, movement, seething of energies begins, which is growing.
You see multi-colored flashes and flashes there. They are getting brighter and stronger. Finally, the ball flashes brightly with a purple flame and explodes, turning into a bright white glow. Mentally release him to heaven. Imagine how it rises higher and higher and finally melts into the heights. The energies you emitted have been neutralized and will no longer be able to harm you.
Do this exercise whenever negative words come out of you against your will.
Exercise 5. Healing energies
This exercise will help you release dissonant energies and associated unwanted thoughts and emotions.
It is important to relax and take a comfortable position. Imagine that you, as the Divine Spirit, are examining your biological body. You look at this body with great care, with the desire to bring it into harmony and heal it. By mentally examining the body from the inside, you notice areas where there is discomfort and tension. With the eyes of Spirit, you may perceive some obscurations or voids corresponding to these areas. There may also be a feeling of heaviness, immobility, or some kind of thick, viscous, opaque substance. You may feel that there is no light there and that there is no energy circulating there.
Direct light energy flows there. The darkness in these areas shifts and dissipates. At the same time, the emotions that created these dark energy substances may surface. Allow these emotions to manifest themselves, and then they will leave you more easily. Fear not, this darkness is merely low vibration energies. In the presence of high vibration energies - the Light you direct - they simply will not be able to continue to exist and will be transformed.
Imagine that in place of these “black holes” or voids, clean, light, transparent energy flows begin to circulate, dissolving the remnants of dissonant energies.
If you feel that the darkness is giving in poorly, that the dissonant energy inclusions in your body are more like solid stone, ask your Divine essence and your angelic assistants to help you form a violet flame, which you will direct to these dissonant energies.
The violet flame is a powerful transformative, transformative force that dissonant energy cannot resist, no matter how powerful and ingrained it may be. But remember that creating the violet flame is an energy-consuming job, so do not do it if you feel tired and lacking energy. And in any case, ask for help from your Spirit and angels to carry out this work.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditation Exercises to Release Negative Emotions and Dissonant Energies | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/15/2023 04:57:00 AM