Free yourself from anxiety and worry
Choose anxiety or peace? It's up to you
Hello dear! Kryon welcomes you and sends you the energies of peace and tranquility. Oh, dear ones, each of you can be calm and peaceful whenever you want, and not only when circumstances are favorable for it. “But, Kryon, our lives are so hectic, and there are so many reasons for anxiety around!” - you say.
Now you are in the energies of the Divine home, dear ones. There is no cause for concern here. There is only light and love here. Do you feel how your tension goes away, how nervousness weakens and anxiety disappears?
Yes, dear ones, this is because we met you. But not only. Each of you carries within you the energies of the Divine home, each of you, in the depths of your heart. And these energies are the essence of love and light, and they are also the essence of peace and tranquility. And each of you chooses in which situations to carry these energies within yourself, and in which to indulge in anxiety and worry.
Do you understand, dear ones? Peace is energy, anxiety is another energy. These are only energies that you control yourself. There are no objective prerequisites for them, even if it seems to you that there are.
It's a matter of your choice, your preferences. You can choose one feeling, or you can choose another. Because these are only feelings, and feelings are what exists inside you, not outside, not in reality.
You feel like your life is worrying, and you choose to worry. But you might as well decide that your life is calm and peaceful. Then you can choose peace. And do you know what will happen? Your life will flow calmly and peacefully!
Dear ones, anxiety and worry are types of fear. And they are illusory, just as fear is illusory.
And yet most of you continue to live in this illusion. A constant background of anxiety and worry is not even realized by many people and is perceived as the norm. But it is a destructive fear that eats away at you on the sly. Maintaining this anxiety takes energy, which ultimately is not enough for health, creativity, success and simply for the joy of life.
Dear ones, you are worried and worried for the following reasons.
- You feel like you are moving in the dark or fog, unable to see where your next step is leading.
- It seems to you that your life is determined by chance; you are afraid that one of them will become fatal and something will go wrong.
- You lose touch with or don't trust your Divine Self, and therefore don't feel led or directed.
- You judge things and events based on your past experiences, and do not see how things really are.
Let's expose the illusion and inappropriateness of your worries and concerns and eliminate their very causes.
How to come out of the darkness and see the way
Dear ones, you are worried because it seems to you that every next step you take is into the void of the unknown. But actually it is not. Every step you take is known to the Spirit. Since you are Spirit, each step is actually known to you, you just are not always aware of it.
But, even if you are not able to look a little ahead on a conscious level, you still feel what awaits you, because your subconscious, closely connected with the Spirit, knows it and gives you clues.
Trust your intuition, open your spiritual vision, listen to the voice of the Spirit, trust the Spirit, and you will not need to be afraid of the unknown, you will not need to worry about what will happen, because you will know for sure: whatever happens is for the best , it will serve your highest good and the highest good of others.
How to eliminate the possibility of accidents from your life
There are no coincidences in your life. Whatever happens, there is a good reason for everything. But if things happen that you don't want, you say it was an "unfortunate accident." This is what you are afraid of, this is what causes your anxiety and worry.
Dear ones, if you walk the path of the Spirit and trust the Spirit, you do not need to fear that anything will go wrong. Even if something happens that you did not expect, you can be sure that it is correct, that everything is as it should be.
Let the Spirit guide you and don't worry about anything. Stay in the flow of Divine energies, which themselves will lead you along better paths. You will be surprised at how harmoniously everything in your life comes together. You will know for sure that at the right moment you will be in the right place and everything will be exactly as it should be, even if you cannot foresee and plan it in advance.
The Spirit will lead you exactly in those paths that are necessary - necessary for you, for your happiness, for your good. And all you need to do is not hinder the Spirit and not worry. Because your anxiety sometimes makes not the best adjustments to the actions of the Spirit.
If you do something out of anxiety, the Spirit warns you that this is not the best step, but the Spirit cannot undo this step if you decide to take it. Try to identify yourself with the Spirit, especially at some important, turning point or critical moments. Then you will not introduce dissonance with your anxiety, then you will be protected from those decisions and actions that are not the best for the given moment. The Spirit knows the best decisions. Your calmness and trust are the best help to the Spirit in finding the happiest paths for you.
How to Restore Your Sense of Divine Protection
Dear ones, God and your angelic family are ready to provide you with protection constantly, at any time, without any interruption. But you won't always claim this protection. You don't always trust this protection. Sometimes you forget that she is available to you at your first call. Sometimes you express your intention to act without resorting to defense. You have the right to this, dear ones. Even if this intention is expressed by you unconsciously. You have the right to this - and therefore God and your angelic helpers, respecting your will, allow you to act without this protection.
It is not someone who decides to deprive you of protection - it is you who decide!

You can restore this protection at any time - if you just want to. You can restore contact with your Divine Self at any time, you can restore the feeling that you trust your angelic helpers to show you the best paths. This trust will save you from anxiety and worry, dear ones. Be sure that you will not be left or abandoned halfway. Rest assured that the path along which the Spirit leads you will always be successful, happy and without any unpleasant surprises.
Exercise 1: Let Spirit Be Your Guide
Go to the mirror and, looking into the eyes of your reflection, say out loud:
“ I am the Divine Spirit undertaking a journey across planet Earth in human form. Now I open the eyes of the Spirit to see my path clearly.
Now I am tuning in to clearly hear the voice of the Spirit giving me clues along the way. My Spirit, my Divine “I” is my ideal, perfect guide on all my earthly paths. I trust the Spirit, knowing for sure that he leads me only in the best ways.
Every step I take is exactly what it should be. Every step I take is directed by the Spirit and is done for the highest good of myself and others. Everything that awaits me ahead is correct and perfect. My future is as it should be, as planned by the Spirit, and the Spirit plans only the best.
My Spirit, my Divine “I” becomes the best guide on my path. I trust the Spirit as a guide, as a powerful guiding and guiding force with which I can joyfully walk any earthly path without fear or anxiety. So be it ."
Exercise 2. Go with the flow
When you feel that you are overcome by anxiety and restlessness, for example, on the eve of some event that is important to you, and you want it to go well, stay alone with yourself for a while, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine that you are easily rocking on a wave in the sea and allowing it to carry you, or floating with the flow of a river, or, if you don’t want to imagine yourself in the water, imagine that you are watching a clean and transparent stream of water carry a paper boat, or a leaf of a tree, or flower. Imagine letting go of control and trusting the flow.
Then imagine yourself becoming that flow. It doesn't have to be a flow of water - just imagine the movement of energy. Tell yourself: “ I am the flow.” I trust the flow of energy, because it is the energy of light and love. This energy restores harmony. This energy directs all events where they need to go. Everything is right, everything is good, everything is as it should be .”
Stay for a while in the feeling of moving in the flow. This will relieve your anxiety.
The exercise can be performed in the evening, lying in bed, before falling asleep - it will only take a few minutes. Your sleep will improve as a result.
Exercise 3: Submit Yourself to Divine Protection
Stay alone with yourself, take any comfortable position, close your eyes. Imagine that a golden angel with snow-white wings is standing behind you. He is similar to you, but only larger and taller than your human body. This is you in your Divine manifestation. You feel the warmth and love he sends your way. You feel protected, good and comfortable.
Imagine that there are other angels next to you - this is your Divine family. You and them are surrounded by a white-golden glow. You are in a space of protection, safety, warmth and love.
Tell yourself: “Everything is fine. Everything is going as it should. Everything goes according to plan. Divine protection is with me. Angelic protection is with me. I am led and directed. Everything's under control. Everything is fine".
This exercise can be done before falling asleep. It eliminates worry and anxiety, improves sleep, brings you into a state of peace and inner peace, which will help you act more effectively and make the right decisions in any situation.
How to stop being guided by past experiences and start seeing things as they are now
Dear ones, very often your anxiety is caused only by the memory of past experiences - your own or someone else's. Otherwise, how would you know to worry in a given situation? You compare your situation with those you or someone else has already had, and if those situations turned out unfavorably, you assume the same possibility in the present moment.
But this past is gone forever, it cannot happen again. So why do you persist in waiting for a repeat?
Dear Ones, you are powerful, and when you expect something, it is not uncommon for it to come true. If you compare your situation to something in the past and expect it to be exactly the same, you increase the likelihood that it will actually happen again. But the world becomes new every moment. Why don't you accept it as it is now - new, and with a huge variety of probabilities for the development of events? Why don't you choose a new possibility instead of clinging to the possibilities of repeating the old ones?
Remember yourself as a child. You were then more fearless, less anxious, more joyful and enthusiastic about taking on new opportunities, precisely because you were not burdened with the experience that dictates that something can go wrong. You were convinced that everything would go as it should, that it would be interesting, joyful, delightful. This is how most of your encounters with something new happened in childhood, unless adults intimidated you, explaining how scary and dangerous it was.
You boldly went on a trip through the forest, swam, soared into the sky on a swing and did it without a feeling of fear or anxiety, didn’t you?
I am not advocating for you to be reckless; I am not advocating for you to lose caution in situations where caution is necessary. But I encourage you not to create the possibility of undesirable consequences with your own anxiety.
If you do not look at events from the point of view of past experience, if you do not put judgments made by your mind between yourself and the event (and they are always based on past experience), then you will begin to see the present moment as it is. You will see reality, not your own past ideas about reality. And then reality will reveal itself to you - it will show both the best paths and the obstacles that need to be overcome.
Be open to reality and not to the mind's past ideas about it. And then you will be able to boldly, fearlessly, and with an open heart enter into life every day, doing it as if it were the first time, opening the world from scratch.
You can do it, dear ones. You just need to realize that your anxiety is caused by judgments gleaned from the past. That these judgments do not correspond to the reality of the present moment. When you realize that these judgments mean nothing, you will see the world as it is and any situation as it is. And you will have no reason to worry.
Exercise 4. Clear your mind's eye of judgments from the past
Be alone with yourself. Think about what is currently causing you the most anxiety and worry. Why are you worried and worried? What are you afraid of? What would you like from this situation, what do you expect?
Then close your eyes and tell yourself, “My thoughts mean nothing. My judgments mean nothing. My worry means nothing. My thoughts, my judgments, my worries have to do with the past. They have nothing to do with the present. In the present there is only the light and love of God.”
Feel how your judgments, thoughts, worries are crumbling, like pieces of a mosaic or like petals falling from a flower. They no longer stand between you and reality. Your reality is a blank sheet of paper on which you can create anything... Not what past experience dictates, not what your judgments and worries say, but what you really need, what you want to.
Remind yourself often that your worries mean nothing because they reflect the past, not the present. This will help gradually eliminate the energy of worry in your life.
Dear ones, there are no real reasons for anxiety and worry - these reasons are invented by your mind, which is divorced from reality, since it lives in the past and not in the present. The present is known only to your Spirit. Spirit knows that you have nothing to worry about, nothing to fear, and nothing to worry about. All your problems have already been solved.
The “map” of your life has already marked the points where you will find solutions to these problems. And if you move through life, being led by the Spirit, you will certainly come to these points.
And you will understand that you worried and worried in vain. So don't waste your energy on this. You need your strength for wonderful achievements, for a happy life, for prolonging youth, for health and longevity, for creating an earthly paradise for yourself and your loved ones, and then for all humanity.
There is a wonderful road ahead of each of you. The spirit of each of you longs for wonderful self-realization. You have everything you need to make your journey on planet Earth a wonderful, exhilarating adventure, a happy and enriching experience.
We love you, dears! We will always love you, no matter what you do or what you are. We are happy to talk with you. We are grateful to you for the miracle of our meetings. But we don't part. We are always and everywhere together. We are one Divine family.
You are dearly, immensely and infinitely loved, dear ones. It was, is and will always be so.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Free Yourself from Anxiety and Worry | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/15/2023 04:53:00 AM