Lessons from Ascension. Paths of purification.
All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves.
El Mikhail Nebodonsky, answer me!
We are together.
You said that in order for us to begin our ascension, we need to cleanse all our bodies that we have managed to pollute: physical, astral, mental, casual. Let's figure out how again. Is the physical body cleansed by fasting, by removing animal products?
All the methods that we will consider work together. Because all bodies are connected. And everything that enters your physical body is also filled with energy from different planes. Therefore, the food that enters your body also fills your astral, mental, and causal body. Everything is connected. But for your understanding, let’s separate this and consider it separately. Fasting or fasting as you know it. What does fasting do?
Firstly, it cleanses the body of the accumulations that have accumulated in it over many years of poor nutrition. But this is not just slagging of cells. You absorb food not only with your stomach, but with every cell. Along with assimilation of the physical component of any food, you also assimilate its energy. Why is animal food bad for you? You've heard that it has lower energy, but why?
Because it is denser, and accordingly the level of vibration of denser bodies is lower. For example, you cannot eat rocks and minerals because these are even lower density levels. And the salt that you take is simply a taste habit and it is removed from your body as indigestible.
But the main difference between animal food is the degree of separation from Unity. The plant world represents a unity at the level of the Plant Kingdom. Each plant is one with its kingdom through the element of earth. We have already told you that all plants, as it were, sprout from a single primordial seed, which contains all the information about the entire Plant Kingdom. And therefore, every blade of grass, every flower and every tree has a direct connection with its unity. And therefore, without soil, it dies or degenerates. It cannot receive all the information about its unity.
Therefore, when you pick a flower or even weed, you do not destroy the plant. You simply destroy its visible, manifested part. But the plant itself continues to live in the potential of the primordial seed or in the potential of the roots. And it is a small prism of the consciousnesses of the entire Plant Kingdom. Like grass growing all over the earth, where each blade of grass is just a point of exit of the single consciousness of the Plant Kingdom into the manifested world to interact with the other elements: air, sun and water.
This also means that the degree of individualization in plants is very small. It develops differently in different plants. Let's say a beautiful flower is already more individualized than a blade of grass and develops according to a more individual program. But in general the degree of separation from unity is very low. This is not the case in the Animal Kingdom.
There the degree of separation from one’s unity, from the animal kingdom, is higher. Each animal is an individualized consciousness of its species, and its connection with the greater unity, with its “prime-seed” is already very subtle. An animal perceives the programs of its species and its commands and, accordingly, as an individualized consciousness, carries the karma of its species. And therefore, when you absorb animal food, you absorb the entire totality of energies that are in it.
Firstly, it is the energy of lower vibrations due to its density. Secondly, this is the energy of separation, the energy of individualization, this is the degree to which animals are separated from their unity. But at the same time you absorb the energy of animal karma.
That is, if in the plant world karmic consequences have little effect on each plant, since the entire Plant Kingdom is responsible for this, its consciousness as an essence, and an individual blade of grass practically does not carry these energies, at least these energies in it are negligible, then in In the Animal Kingdom, everything is already more separated and personified. And the karma of the species of the Animal Kingdom already puts more pressure on a specific animal. And therefore, by eating animal products, you also take a part of their karma onto yourself.
You asked the question whether it is possible to eat animal food or is it an absolute taboo. And they answered you that the vibrations of consciousness can cleanse any food. This is exactly the case. A person who has achieved a high degree of awareness and merging with his unity can purify any food, including animal food, with his vibrations.
Cleanse it precisely from separation programs and from karmic energies. But it also takes a lot of that person’s energy. And so why would he do this? Purify your energy, so that you can then take unclean energies into yourself and cleanse them again. Therefore, prudence says that animal food interferes with your spiritual development, although it is not an absolute taboo.
In addition, due to their already greater degree of separation from their unity, animals suffer when they die, or even more so when they are killed. Suffering is generally a sign of separation from one’s unity. Because the partial consciousness of the plant simply immediately returns to its unity, to its original seed, without experiencing any suffering.
But animals, more separated from their unity, at the moment of parting with the life form, seem to get lost, for some time they seem to freeze and look for their unity, strive for it. Therefore, at the moment of death of an animal, the energy of fear and pain is also released. And you also take this energy as food.
Now you understand why animal food is harmful and should not be eaten. And of course there is also the fact that killing life forms is also a karmic act. The Creator gave them this life, and you have no right to take it away. And if you simply take what other kingdoms give you: fruits, milk from dairy animals, wool from sheep, and so on, then you should simply accept these gifts with gratitude. Why with gratitude?
This is not just a concept of education or morality. This is an energetic action. Thanking someone for the gift given to you, you seem to pay him back with your gratitude. Because the energy of gratitude is close to the energy of love. And you can say in your language that you are paying with one of the most valuable “currencies”, as if you were giving diamonds or gold for a gift. For the highest gold, the most precious diamond of consciousness is love, unconditional love.
And if you simply give your unconditional love to the entire space around you, then in return it will bring you many gifts, and you will never be left without food, without water, without shelter. That's how it works. These are not just moral concepts. When you receive something as a gift, you become, as it were, energetic debtors to the giver. This creates a connection between you and the giver. And in order to close this connection, so as not to owe anyone, you must give something in return.
And the energy of gratitude, which is of course lower in vibration than the energy of unconditional love, but still approaches it, this energy allows you to close this energy debt. Therefore, everything that you took from animals and plants without returning the energy of gratitude, even just everything that you took from them as a gift, created a huge energy dependence of humanity on the Animal and Plant Kingdom, which needs to be repaid.
Those of you who know how to thank all the surrounding space and God for everything they give him, have everything they need. So your saints do not worry about food, because the whole space responds to their unconditional love and is in a hurry to give them their gifts, to share with them, at the same time falling to this life-giving source - unconditional love.
This is why birds and animals come to them, why plants feed them, nature protects and protects them. They are in harmony with the world, they are the Divine channel of pure love, to which All That Is is drawn. And this channel of love, this amazing energy purifies everyone who is drawn to it, and in each of the individualized consciousnesses there is a purified perception of the world, in which even predatory animals play with such holy people as children.
I have given you many reasons why eating animal foods is not beneficial for your development.
So milk can be accepted if the animal allows it?
Yes, if you know how to thank an animal for its gift. The energy of gratitude not only breaks debts, but also fills the gift itself and purifies it. And even if there are any negative energies in the animal gift given to you, they are also cleansed of this negativity. Therefore, accept all gifts with sincere gratitude.
There is a theory that many viruses constantly live in us, and not only viruses of the physical body in the form of disease viruses and, say, stomach bacteria, but also viruses of consciousness. And that if you cleanse food, not only the viruses of the physical body will go away, but also the viruses of consciousness.
It's all connected. There is no virus of just the physical body. Everything is plural and similar. The virus penetrates all bodies at the same time. And if you eat viruses of separation, then this is first of all a virus of both consciousness, and a virus acting on the astral plane in the form of fears and suffering. Multidimensional separation virus.
Therefore, all cleansing must be carried out in a complex manner. It is not enough to simply not eat animal food. Then the virus of separation will manifest itself more on the mental level or the astral level, and therefore will still exist in you. However, if you turn off one of the feeds of the separation virus, then it seems to be more difficult for it. And therefore, this is the beginning of the path to removing consciousness viruses from your bodies.
In nature, many creatures live in symbiosis. And in our body there are, say, intestinal bacteria that process food. And milk contains lactic acid bacteria, which change and oxidize milk. There is also one theory that milk was, as it were, introduced to us, that it is a breeding ground for various bacteria, which, entering our body through lactic acid products, feed on us, feed on our energy and thus prevent our consciousness from waking up. This is true?
This is exaggerated. Nutrition is a process of interaction. You've already been told this. If there is only energy intake, then this is nutrition. If there is an exchange of energies, then this is already an interaction. Each level has its own limit, its own template, its own level of interaction.
At first, the child only knows how to pick up, he feeds on mother's milk because he needs to grow. Including your consciousness. He just needs this energy. There is a law in the Universe that any higher level voluntarily feeds the lower one. Any more highly developed consciousness bears the burden of helping the lower one. And this nutrition is not only in physical food, BUT ALSO IN SPIRITUAL, IN ENERGY REPLACEMENT, AND SO ON.
You feed your children, you feed your pets. And you feed the bacteria that exist in your body. They seem to live in your environment, exist in it, because they cannot exist outside the environment. They grow in their awareness and sooner or later they will grow into a more isolated simple organism, then into a more individualized form of it, and so on.
And sooner or later they will grow into a cell of the human body, and from a cell they can become a whole human organism. Intestinal and lactic acid bacteria exist in the human body, and between these types of bacteria and the human community, many thousands of years ago, an agreement was concluded about that interaction, about this symbiosis. In addition, they help you in your physical and physiological processes, and thus contribute to your development.
Say, you said that every more highly developed consciousness is obliged to nourish a lower level. But there is a theory that all lower levels nourish and fill the higher ones, that the highest gods feed on us, our energies of both joy and suffering, depending on taste preferences.
It's different. Nutrition is a process of intake without return. And some higher gods, as you call them, actually did this and sometimes do. But any debt has to be repaid sooner or later. And many of them, no matter how they delayed this process, have now just reached the point where they need to pay off their debts. The process of filling the highest level is not nutrition.
This is communion with your unity. When you begin to correspond in your energy to a higher level of consciousness, you simply fill it, or rather, you simply rise to this level, flow into it, or, more precisely, dissolve the boundaries that separate you from this level. Is this food available?
These are simply steps of returning to your unity. As for the higher levels, the sun shines on everyone without demanding anything in return, simply because light is its essence and its purpose is to illuminate all other spaces and levels. Also the light of the stars. Also the light of love of the teacher system and the angelic system. And also the Light of the Creator.
There are also universal methods of cleansing all bodies, such as breathing, prayer, mantras, water, fire, music, meditation. Breathing practices are given to you in many ways. Together with your breathing, you inhale prana dissolved in the air and thus cleanse all your bodies, which is why breathing practices are so important. Cleansing practices with water are also given to you in large quantities.
Starting from bathing at the moments when all sources of water on the planet become healing and filled with Divine grace, during the winter and summer solstice on the holiday of Ivan Kupala and baptism. And besides, water has the ability to remove any negativity. That is why you unconsciously, when a person is worried, offer him a drink of water. Not so that he calms down while drinking, but so that the water can absorb this negativity and then be removed from the body.
Therefore, the more water you drink, the better. Of course, this does not mean that you need to drink water, but listen to your body in everything. There is a water-salt balance in your body, it is like a balance of a certain density of your body. As soon as the liquid medium becomes more than the denser crystalline one, the body signals and you want salty food. Conversely, as soon as the solid medium prevails, you become thirsty. Everything must be balanced.
Water plays a very important role in the development process of all your bodies. At all levels, it takes away, records into its crystal structure all the negativity that you accumulate during the day, and removes it from the body. That is why the condition of the body can be judged by urine, and this is exactly how your doctors divide it. In addition, you know about the properties of water to record information, and an example of this is holy water, that is, water charged with the positive vibrations of prayers.
And you know that in the same way you can charge any water yourself. Simply by saying beautiful words over her and putting pure energy into these words. Or turning on beautiful music near a water reservoir, then the water comes into resonance with the outgoing energies of the music and is balanced, records this information and then brings it into your body.
What about swimming in an ice hole?
Bacteria and viruses can mostly live in a warm environment, so to speak. no stress. Therefore, when you suddenly dive into very cold water, you thus seem to create inconvenience for them, and they rush to leave you, they are not used to existing in such a cold environment. Therefore, frequent swimming in an ice hole in this way hardens your body and cleanses your bodies as well.
And not just the physical body. In addition, the water itself in the ice hole has certain properties similar to those of melt water. Melt water is purified water, it is a kind of reboot of water, when as it melts from the ice it is purified, all added programs are erased from it and it becomes like a clean information carrier, like a clean formatted flash drive. Therefore, it is useful to drink melt water and wash with melt water.
In addition, the water after condensation is also purified, which works in your distillation units.
Please tell me, there is a theory that all thermally processed food and boiled water are dead food and dead water. And that you need to eat raw foods and drink raw water. But many are afraid to drink raw water because of the bacteria and viruses living in it.
Cooked food is truly dead food and decomposes very quickly. This is food in which energy has already been released. FROM WHICH THE CONNECTING ENERGY HAS ALREADY BEEN EXTRACTED. It seemed to rise with the steam when the food was boiled or rose with the fire and steam when it was fried or stewed. And this heat simply merged with space. This energy is eventually released into the smell of cooking or finished food.
And that's why you love food smells so much, because they contain the released energy that was released during the cooking process. We can say that if you, say, cook an apple, then the soul of the apple is released into steam and smell and merges with space, and the physical body of the apple dies. Therefore, of course, a raw food diet is a higher level of nutrition.
As for water, all fears are inappropriate here. WATER RECEIVED FROM NATURAL RESERVOIRS IS AS THE UNIVERSAL WATER OF THE PLANET. Because the element of water is also one, and information transmitted through water spreads throughout the planet. Therefore, drinking water from reservoirs is not only necessary, but also beneficial. But a special phenomenon is your sources.
It is the planet itself that tells you where the water is the cleanest. It was she who made her way to you through the thickness of the earth in order to share her life-giving power. And such springs are also called holy by you, and they heal.
Wait, but scientists are analyzing some water sources and finding harmful impurities in them.
Any admixture carries certain information needed for this area. And that means for these people living in them. You need to learn to trust more the planet and nature to take care of you.
That is, if there is a lot of iron in the water, does it mean that all residents of this area lack it?
The main number of residents. Please note that not everyone will come to this exact source. If a person relies on his intuition and casts aside his fears, he will find exactly his source. How animals find it, despite the fact that they do not know about any water tests.
But often through reservoirs the water was contaminated with deadly bacteria. And then if the whole city drank this water, everyone could get sick.
The etymology of disease is more complex than simply drinking contaminated water. What you call your immunity is a complex system of protecting your body, and this is directly related to many factors, including your spirituality and your energetic power, and your thoughts, and your karmic connections.
That is, your bodies in this incarnation carry certain information blocks that either perceive certain viruses or not. This is your body's immune system. Therefore, in the process of increasing your awareness, by purifying your bodies and consciousness, and increasing the level of your perception as a unity, you also increase your immunity. And highly spiritual people are no longer susceptible to flu and cold viruses.
And even more highly spiritual ones are inaccessible to other terrible viruses, such as the plague, and inaccessible to various epidemics. Moreover, the bodies of these people are already so filled with divine energy THAT THEY WILL PURIFY ANY WATER AND ANY FOOD THAT COMES INTO THEM. You had examples of doctors who treated in the very centers of epidemics and did not become infected.
But we all live in different weather conditions. And there are northern countries where you need hot food and hot water to stay warm.
For residents of hot countries, purification with water is more useful, since the energy of fire is very well represented in them in the form of solar energy. And accordingly, the inhabitants of the northern cold countries are better suited for purification by fire, because the energy of water is represented in large quantities in the form of snow, including melted snow, ice, and fog.
Accordingly, you can move around the planet if you feel that you are uncomfortable living in these conditions, and you are more striving for purification with water or fire.
Fire is a powerful means of cleansing all your bodies. That is why you love the light of candles and the fire of fireplaces and fires so much, that is why you have stoves that also have the property of cleansing. Hence your Vedic traditions of jumping over fires and Russian ovens, which also burn out various viruses that can only exist at a definitely comfortable temperature. You understand that an increase in temperature is not only a physical indicator, but also an energy one.
And therefore, when the temperature of, say, air increases to fiery, the energy substances of space also change. And many viruses disappear from them. So you have always used fire to destroy plague viruses and other diseases.
And your baths, water baths, are universal means in which there is a high temperature of fire and there is water that cleanses the body, there are temperature changes to remove viruses and there is a state of condensation of water, which is similar to the properties of melt water, and the same is a kind of reboot. Steam is also a state of purifying water from unnecessary negative programs.
This means that daily ablution is also beneficial.
It's over, if done correctly. Of course, simply washing and taking a shower or bath certainly removes some of the negative programs accumulated during the day. You need to understand that cleansing must be complete, including the head. Therefore, it is worth immersing yourself in the bath completely with your head or taking a shower starting from the top of your head.
Cold douches work in the same way as water baths, when you don’t just cleanse yourself with water. But you also create stress for various types of viruses that are not used to existing in such temperature conditions. And besides, you simultaneously produce adrenaline, which also clears viruses.
It turns out that sometimes you need to give stress to the body in order to produce adrenaline?
This is a very strong remedy and therefore you need to use it carefully and in doses. Because a very frequent release of adrenaline into the blood and into all the energetic substances of your bodies can erase not only malicious programs, but also those programs that are needed for the functioning of your bodies.
And therefore, those who abuse this remedy may have problems with both viruses of the physical body, that is, diseases, and with viruses of consciousness. When, in the process of, say, the release of adrenaline as a result of some situation, the free cleared space will be taken by the fear virus. And this virus of fear, on the one hand, does not allow consciousness to grow, and on the other hand, it constantly forces a person to strive to again develop adrenaline in himself and be even more filled with the virus of fear.
A universal means of purification is prayer, as one of the highest and most powerful channels of purification. If you pray, you seem to allow higher powers to help you in your cleansing, you connect all their power, and through this channel you pass cleansing energies through yourself, which also cleanse all your bodies at the same time. This is why you are taught to pray daily, to be cleansed daily.
Fine. I understood with the physical body. Let's move on to the astral.
Oh, these bodies of yours are no less polluted than your physical ones. First of all, these are your fears, these are the deepest pollutions, but they are not so easy to get to. And therefore, you first need to clear the upper layers, remove all thoughts without exception that carry negativity: condemnation, rejection, hatred, division, anger, irritation, envy, and so on.
All this is on the one hand the work of malware and viruses, but all this is accumulated experience and information recorded in your body. And you can remove this. Because you have such feelings either with a certain person or with a certain event. Therefore, you need to consistently remember all these events and remember these people and clear your perception, remove all the accumulated negativity yourself. And after the work done, you yourself will feel relief in every sense.
And therefore, every person, every event that brought you negative emotions must also be thanked, precisely in order to close this energetic interaction and repay debts. And then, if you thanked from the bottom of your heart, even if you were still able to send love to this person, then your debt will be closed to him, and you will not have to return again to earthly incarnations to untie energy debts, which you call karma. And in this way you will also partially cleanse your casual body, and increase the degree of your energetic freedom.
Further, when you begin to clear away the rubble of negative information accumulated in your astral bodies, you will get to the deep programs - to your fears that have been cultivated in you for millennia. And which will not be so easy to part with. And if your fears of society are more or less soluble, because at a certain stage of development you begin to feel the support of the whole world, the love of the universe for you and the care of mentors and teachers for you, then there are fears that sit in you as very strong programs.
For example, the fear of losing the physical body, or the survival instinct. Such fears are instincts. And it’s harder to work with such fears. And they are destroyed collectively and gradually.
This means that in order to remove the fear of death, you need to go through the experience of death consciously, which is what all your esoteric sacred schools do - they offer their students to go through the experience of death through various stressful situations or complete renunciation from the world. This includes the practice of burying people in graves, walling them up in crypts, jumping into ponds with crocodiles, and many others. But these practices, with rare exceptions, in most cases only increase your fears.
Therefore, you just need to consciously go through all your deaths, remember them all, remember what happened at these moments and realize that death is simply a change in the form of manifestation of consciousness. But don’t just believe this fact, BUT EXPERIENCE IT AGAIN IN A CONSCIOUS STATE and return to physical embodiment with a consciousness cleared of this program.
The same applies to all other instinctive fears, that is, to those fears that are recorded in the cellular memory of each of your bodies, including the physical one.
It must be said again that all methods must be given in a complex, otherwise this is a useless exercise. Because by cleansing the physical body, but not removing, for example, negative thoughts, you create the opportunity for the viruses of consciousness to penetrate you again. Conversely, by clearing your thoughts and not clearing your physical body, you also allow viruses to enter you. And it’s like if you washed every day, and after washing you went back and got dirty with the same thing.
What about the mental body?
We already talked about this. First, you need to turn off all sources of negative information and zombie programs coming to you. This is largely television and the media, it is also largely the Internet. The method of differentiation is very simple. If you begin to feel negative emotions, if information is information about separation in any form, even very innocent at first glance, if it is persistently imposed on you, this is harmful information. And it needs to be discarded.
And in this sense, the practice of information starvation and cleansing is also good. When for some period you not only do not take food, but also information. You cleanse the cells of all your bodies with water and prayers, that is, you remove negative data and programs with the help of water and fill your body with high energy through prayers.
I would like to ask about prayers. It is clear that prayer cleanses and we feel it. Because when you pray, tears arise on their own.
Yes. And this is a good indicator. Tears as a cleansing tool were not given to you by chance; it is your body that helps you cleanse yourself using the same water when you yourself do not do this or are unable to do so.
But there is an opinion that prayer is an attachment to a certain egregor, and therefore the emergence of dependence on it. For example, Christian prayers are an introduction to the egregor of Christianity, Muslim prayers are an introduction to the egregor of Islam, and so on.
Yes it is. You perceive egregors as evil, and this is wrong. An egregor is simply a structure of fusion of a certain energy, energy of a certain quality. And the fact that the energies of power and dependence are brought into these egregors is not a property of the egregor, which only unites and structures.
These are properties of human nature that you yourself cannot overcome. The egregor itself is a kind of first stage of your path to your unity. When you combine your energies according to a certain principle, according to the principle of faith, and this energy already acts together, and therefore is stronger. And so Christians, when they pray, connect to the prayer channel of millions of people. And this channel is as pure as everyone’s prayers were pure.
It is certainly not crystal clear, because each of you prayed differently and with different thoughts. But this channel has certain properties. It is, as it were, structured according to the quality of energies, like a chimney in which soot settles at the lower levels, but purified steam still rushes upward. Therefore, if your prayers are pure, then you will calmly pass the level of “soot” and rise higher through the channels and through this channel join the Love of the Creator.
To this pure channel of love. And this is your step towards unity. And this will be the work of joint energies, amplified a million times, because the hearts of millions of people are connected to this egregor. And that's why prayers are so powerful. And so sometimes prayers don't work for some people because they don't believe in them, because they don't rise above the level of soot in the chimney.
And this was the initial stage of your development, when you learn to cleanse yourself daily and join your unity daily, first through separate special energy formations - religious egregors. But further, as your consciousness grows, you begin to realize that God is one, and therefore you no longer pray Orthodox or other prayers, you are already able to rise above these egregors. And pray new prayers. And then you also begin to create a new egregor - the egregor of the one God, and your prayers rush there, and your energy begins to work together as a new stage of your unity.

But still, this is also a separation, because you separate yourself and God separately, because you pray to someone who, as you think, is outside of you. But when you realize your connection with God from within you, when you realize and understand that you are God, that God is your Unity, then you will no longer need to pray. For your whole life will become a prayer - that is, simply opening a divine channel within yourself and passing through yourself the Divine energies of unconditional love.
Thank you for the lesson! And I thank you for your aspirations. We are together! SELENA
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: Paths of Purification | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/15/2023 05:03:00 AM