Lessons from Ascension. The path that calls.
All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves.
El Mikhail Nebodonsky. Answer me!
I'm with you. We are together.
I have questions that were sent to me not on the topic of ascension, but on the topic of “Light and Darkness”. As a representative of the Light Hierarchy, can you answer them?
I'm ready.
1. What is the true nature of the confrontation between the forces of Light and Darkness?
2. Why are they not given the opportunity to coexist peacefully side by side, offering souls a choice of light and dark paths of evolution? What is the reason for the irreconcilable struggle between them?
True nature is the separation of the inseparable. Formation of Infinity. Infinity Gap. True nature is the introduction of duality into your life. When two magnets are pulled in different directions, they will still tend to each other. But the poles of one magnet were changed. Then they will begin to push away. However, it is a single magnet that was initially attracted, which was uniform and equally polarized. The indicator of duality was introduced into your development so that forms would appear in Infinity. A vector was introduced into the field, which introduced the scattering from the Center of Infinity. But since this scattering from the Center of Infinity is eternal and infinite, the second pole was left so that this Infinity would not get lost in its scattering. So that each of you, each of the forms, can find their way home. The road to your Unity.
Immersion in duality implies study and exploration of all its sides. You and I have already talked about the fact that in order to know himself as truth, God must understand what does not correspond to him. He must know Himself as something other than His true nature. And since His true nature is Unity, His disunity, His fragmentation into forms, became the opposite. And thus, in every part of the separation of Himself, He began to know Himself as God, before realizing that He was not.
There are two types of attraction: material and spiritual. And each of the magnets is strong. But Spiritual Gravity must return you to the Bosom of the Father from your path of scattering from Infinity. Can we say that two magnets oppose each other? Rather, each of them performs specific functions. He reveals what he is. He conducts the power that is expressed through him by the Creator.
The Divine Diamond shattered into fragmented forms. And each of these fragments should shine with Divine light. And this path is long. And each of the fragments is the essence of the Divine Diamond. But God must awaken in everyone and illuminate a new world.
Each soul does not simply choose the light or dark path. Each soul follows the path of cleansing itself from everything that is not truly divine. But for purification she needs to know that which is not truly divine. Like a taste test. In order to understand what bitter is, whether it is good or bad, whether you need it or not, you must try it. Otherwise you will not be able to distinguish between bitter and sweet. So God in each of you tastes the Being of Reality. Tastes all shades of taste.
Therefore, each soul simply tries all its possibilities and all directions of separation in duality. To realize what is not Divine. To consciously choose only what is true. You could say that God is remembering through you what or who He is. We can say that He awakens in each of you after a long sleep of Non-existence.
Therefore, the choice is not to accept the side of Light or the side of Darkness. The choice is only to consciously understand the difference between the divine and the non-divine, in order to consciously go through all the ways of exploring the Divine within oneself. Therefore, in the end everything is predetermined.
Ultimately, you will all sooner or later return to the Light of the true Father, for this is the Light you are. But in your wanderings you are given the freedom to choose different paths, the freedom to choose paths to explore your divinity.
3. Why is victory over its opposite so important for the forces of Light and Darkness in their battle for the souls of humanity, given that the strengthening of one of the parties mutually strengthens its opposite? What does this strengthening mean?
Imagine that you let your children go for a walk in a huge metropolis. Or into the forest. You know that anything can await them along this path. And you understand that you cannot keep them locked up, that sooner or later they will have to develop this forest or this metropolis on their own. They will have to learn to find their own way, communicate with the inhabitants of the forest or metropolis, and overcome their fears.
They need to learn how to interact with residents. You understand that different people and residents of this forest-metropolis may meet on their way. And that your children will have to learn to defend themselves. And they need to learn to help others. And so on. You release them into adulthood. But you know very well what traps lie in wait for them on the path of life, because you yourself once went through them. But there is no other way of knowing this.
And you know that sooner or later they will certainly return home. You know that life works like a computer game: if someone fails the test, he is simply returned to the beginning of the level that he could not pass. And sooner or later he will pass all levels. But you love your children and want to be close to them. You want to help them as much as possible on their journey. Therefore, you will strive to be close to them all the time. As a mother, you will choose to serve your children.
And it will be so natural that it cannot even be called service. There is simply love when you try to console them, guide them, ease their suffering, send them signs and tips, rejoice with them and with tenderness and watch their victories over themselves, empathize with their failures.
This is exactly what the Light Hierarchy does. This is her purpose - to be loving parents, siblings for you on your path of knowing yourself as gods, to guide, console, teach. When a child learns to walk, an adult always walks nearby to support and comfort him at the right moment. Therefore, representatives of the Light Hierarchy are always next to each of you. And we are ready to help you at any moment.
It sometimes surprises you that the messages coming from them are quite monotonous. But they are all just words of comfort to children who stumble along their path. What do you say to a child who is learning to walk and falls? You say: don’t be afraid, come to me, I love you, everything will be fine, you will succeed, let me heal your wound, hold on to me, and so on. Your teachers and representatives of the Light Hierarchy do the same.
You demand that they tell you about the foundations of the Universe, although you are still at the stage of children learning to walk. And if they start explaining the basics of the Universe to you, you don’t understand and get angry, because you can’t understand them yet. Therefore, all information is given to you in the form of fairy tales and allegories.
When you grow up, you can start reading more serious books. Some of your representatives move faster and learn faster. And they are trying to give them new information about the structure of the universe and its laws. But many of these books are inaccessible to you; you do not understand them yet. Your training is still ahead. Take your time! Learn to step confidently, confidently enter the new world. Learn this consciously, and then new tasks will appear.
Dark mentors are called upon to show you all the difficulties on your path, to show you everything that you, as a god-man, are not. They create obstacles and traps, temptations and seductions for you. They are designed specifically to do this job. You can think of it as a huge space of built-in obstacles and trials that you must go through on your way. And you can complain about the obstacle, declare it an enemy.
But still, the only way is to overcome it. Because there is no way back, but there is a way forward. The exit is ahead. You can stagnate in one place for a long time, gathering the determination to overcome the next obstacle, but sooner or later you will have to go. It's like climbing high into the mountains. You will not go back down the steep slopes that you have already overcome. You will go forward. And the guiding star of your divinity leads you ahead.
I was told that the more Light, the more Darkness, that all this is interconnected, for in the world there is a balance of Light and Darkness. Then it turns out that Darkness is ineradicable as long as there is Light?
No. This is not entirely true. The goal is not to eradicate the Darkness. And the point is to transform it back into Light, to return it to its original state. Therefore, by consistently passing all the dark tests, you accordingly increase the Light in yourself and in the world. You discover Light in Darkness.
You cleanse the Divine Diamond of perception from everything dark, from superficial things. And in this way you multiply the Light. Not in the sense that the more the light shines, the more Darkness reigns.
And in the sense that, by purifying the Darkness, you are constantly strengthening the Light. You return the darkness, the dark in you, to its original state, to the Light, and thus the Light grows in each of you. But this growth is relative, relative to the Darkness in you.
Because in reality there is no Darkness, but only Light, which has partially emerged as its opposite. Therefore, with the development of Light, Darkness does not increase. And the balance of Light and Darkness is just the purification of that part of the Light that has temporarily become Darkness.
Darkness is ineradicable as long as there is duality. But your task is to take duality to a new level. When it won't be a confrontation. And there will be a new stage of interaction between Darkness and Light, in which Darkness will be only a new form of Light, in which true Light will exist, as well as light, separated into forms and aware of its separation. But at the same time realizing himself as Light. Understand? It is like a jug in a river that is both water and a jug.
4. Possible consequences for humanity depending on the outcome of the struggle between the forces of Light and Darkness for the Earth?
Remember what they told you: think like God. There is no struggle between the forces of Darkness and Light for the Earth. There is a separation of the wheat from the chaff. There is an isolation in the form of the truly Divine. At your level, you see this as a struggle, because the lower the density, the stronger the polarity, and therefore the stronger the forces of opposition, that is, the forces of repulsion and the forces of attraction.
The outcome of the struggle between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness is predetermined. For there is no other way, there is no other outcome other than the return of all of you to your Divinity. No matter how long it lasts, it doesn't matter for eternity. You are the Light and will always remain so. You cannot change your essence and your nature. But for a while you forgot that you are light, and you are trying to study your opposite properties in order to comprehend all the possible properties of Light. Therefore, any victory is temporary. For in the end there is simply a higher level of development of Light, its development in forms.
5. Is a complete victory of one of the parties possible, since, as it seems to me, each of the parties is convinced of this possibility?
This will be a joint victory. And not a “draw”, but a victory. Imagine that athletes have a team of coaches and a support team. The trainers train them mercilessly, ask them more and more new tasks, give them new loads, force them to train more and more. And the support group is trying to support, heal, encourage. Which of them is considered the winner when the athlete completes his distance in record time?
Only the athlete himself. Because both teams simply carried out their task. And each side is convinced of its victory. Coaches are convinced that they can train the athlete. And the support group is confident that they will be able to support him. And both teams work for one victory - the athlete’s victory over himself.
6. What should be the finale of the struggle between the forces of Light and Darkness, as well as the possible outcomes of their confrontation? What will this mean for the souls involved in the struggle?
There are no finals. There is Infinity. You can think of it as your competition, in which there are several sports: running, shooting, and so on. All endings are temporary. So you master the skill of a short-distance runner, you train, compete, rest and accumulate strength, study your opponents, study the distance. And all the time you compete rather than with others. Because there is only one indicator for you - your personal record.
And at a certain stage you overcome yourself and reach the finish line in a short time. Then they give you a rest, congratulate you on your victory, and present you with a prize. And then they will show a new distance, now long. And you start all over again. Again you train, again you compete with yourself to cover this distance. And after some time you master it, and you reach the finish line in a short time, you overcome yourself.
And then everything repeats again. You simply appear at a new level of your capabilities, discover them in yourself. And so on ad infinitum. And at every stage you will have coaches and support groups. And at every stage you have to overcome yourself. Overcome your separation from your Divinity. The outcome of these stages is predetermined. Sooner or later you will go through all the stages of overcoming yourself and return to your truth. And you will shine with the Diamond of Divine Perception.
Now you resemble sleeping athletes or children running after the first caller. They do this unconsciously. But at the initial stage of mastering the skills of a runner, this is also necessary. Think back to your mass races. When a lot of people are running, but everyone is running along the same road. Some people get tired and stop, others get ahead. Someone turns off and looks for workarounds. Someone is trying to unite in groups, and so on. As you run en masse, invisible teachers and instructors note those who are especially gifted, those who are especially stubborn, those who get ahead, and individual work begins with them.
These people already have individual trainers. They show the way to other people and help teachers and trainers understand what training techniques everyone else needs, what the load limit is for runners, and so on.
Is this involvement in the struggle? Yes, but only in the struggle to overcome oneself. Because no matter how an individual runner runs, in a group or on his own, quickly or slowly, ahead or behind, no one will be able to cover this distance for him.
You are all endless distance runners. And all of you chose this path initially, when you decided to incarnate in the zone of duality, when you came to these “competitions”.
But during the development of the World, within the distance of your run towards your divinity, many intermediate points of entertainment, shelters, trainings, canteens, shops, cafes and other things have grown. As you run, you have been lined up with many distracting stops, which should, on the one hand, make your path along this distance easier, give you the opportunity to relax, have fun, and have fun.
On the other hand, it tests your determination to move on. And many of you are stuck at these stops and don’t want to move on. Many of you simply fell asleep at your next rest stops and are sleeping soundly. Nobody is rushing you. The path is eternal. It’s just that some of you and those who are mastering this divine distance with you are already far ahead.
And they are trying to pull you up, awaken you, tear you away from your entertainment and remind you of the Path. Because everything that is along the “edges” of the Path, everything that is at short-term stops are simply created movies that you can enter and immerse yourself in. All of this is just a distraction. And most importantly, this is the goal that you all strive for. Return to your Divinity. Return to father's house.
And this will be the common finale, which the whole team, including mentors and instructors, will celebrate.
Please answer one more question sent:
“On the one hand, the Forces tell us that it is necessary to disidentify with the 3D space, they say, our spiritual growth directly depends on this, and on the other hand, about the need to achieve Unity with our planet, i.e. take responsibility for everything that happens on the planet; our integrity, in turn, depends on this. How is it possible to simultaneously disidentify with the 3D space and achieve Unity with it?”
You achieve unity not with space, but with yourself. This is spiritual unity. We talked about physical and spiritual gravity. You overcome physical gravity with the help of spiritual gravity. To disidentify from 3D space simply means to step out of the illusion of this space in which many of you are stuck. In our example with an endless running distance, you seemed to be stuck at one of the stops of the distance, settled in its hotels and cafes, and were so carried away by shopping and attractions that you forgot that the Path was waiting for you.
And that there will be many more similar stops along the Path with their own entertainment, rest and traps. You have closed the doors of the rooms in which you have settled and do not want to open them. You don’t want to leave hotels and cafes to go to the running track. And those who provided you with such a distraction are glad, because they clearly fulfilled their task: to distract you from the Path. And those who are waiting for you at the distance are correspondingly worried about you, because it’s time to hit the road again. Everyone performs their tasks.
But it is you who have to take this step - open the door and leave the stop. And this door is within you. Not outside, but inside. For every time you enter the Path again, you plunge into yourself, you do it through yourself. And when you stop on the Path and enter points of various entertainment and recreation on the Path, you go outside of yourself, into the environment, you fall into these illusions outside of yourself.
Therefore, there is a narrow path, a path through oneself. And among you there are people who have followed this path. It is difficult because it does not involve respite or entertainment. But no one is forcing you onto this path. You choose how you want to return to your Divinity. You yourself choose whether to identify or disidentify with 3D space, with illusory reality. And this choice can only be made consciously.
Now you resemble people who were drawn into some city of illusions on the Path and who cannot find a way out of it. But many don’t want to, they are so carried away by this city of illusions and its attractions that they have already forgotten how they got here and that there is a Path.
Therefore, in order to return to your unity, that is, to dive deep into yourself, you need to leave the illusions outside yourself. Or at least realize that this is all just an illusion. It's as if you are walking along an endless corridor with many doors. And, tired, you go into one of them and study what’s there.
And then you go into another one and experience what’s there. The corridor itself is deserted and simple. For this is your personal corridor for mastering your Divinity. But as you enter countless rooms, you meet other people who have also entered these rooms. And there you, together with them, study the new illusion and all the possibilities that it represents. But for now, most of you are stuck in certain rooms and have been there for so long that you have forgotten about the existence of the corridor. And for some, these rooms have become a cozy refuge. And they don’t even want to return to the unknown of the corridor. And only those who are driven by curiosity still leave these rooms and rush further.
And then, as you move along the corridor, as you return to the Divine, you will eventually begin to understand that the rooms are just illusions. That they are all, of course, interesting, but sooner or later they begin to get boring. You begin to get fed up with these entertainments and distracting illusions. You begin to understand that it is time to achieve your goal. Understand where the corridor leads. Or the labyrinth that you and I looked at.
And then, walking along this corridor, you discover that it has become wider and brighter, that there are already fellow travelers on the Path who are also walking along the corridor with you. And you try to look into the rooms not to go there, but to call the people stuck in these rooms. Call them with you on the Path to the goal, on the Path to your Divinity.
And in the corridor itself you achieve your unity, and as you disperse into the rooms, you separate again. For a part of you always remains in the corridor, so that your fragments do not get lost in different rooms, so that sooner or later you can put them together so that they can return to the corridor.
And the secret is precisely that the more often you enter different rooms, the more you fragment and move away from your unity. Because every time you enter any of the rooms, you leave a part of yourself there. And now you have to extract every part of yourself from every room you've ever entered. In particular, extract yourself from the 3D rooms where your fragments are located and your energy is left. For without this you will not be whole and you will not gather your unity back.
How to do it?
Disidentify with your attention. You look at everything that happens around you as an observer, and begin to realize that all this is just a game, an illusion. You consistently withdraw your attention from every point of this illusion and return it inside yourself, into the depths of yourself. Literally.
To do this, you can start with your current life. Namely, remember every moment of your life in which you were involved and where you left your energy, and again follow this path with your attention, taking back your energies. And as soon as you take your energies from there, this reality will, as it were, dissolve, because it was supported precisely by your energies. And the energies of other people. But you will, as it were, erase your part of this universal reality. And you won’t just erase it, but you’ll return the parts of yourself that are stuck at these space-time points.
Every time you were actively involved in some event in your life, be it joy or sadness, be it suffering or pleasure, each time you involved your energies in this event. And depending on the intensity of the experience, you filled this reality, this event with your energy. That is why the experiences that are strongest in you, the memories that bring the greatest amount of emotions, fragmented parts of you the most. Therefore, you need to remember all of them in sequence.
Find out what exactly the lesson was. And with your intention to withdraw your energy from there deep into yourself, into yourself as a whole. You will understand that you did this only after these events stop worrying you. But as you currently develop in an already awakened state, you continue to be drawn into various illusion rooms, which also continue to divert your energy and fragment you. And it turns out to be an endless process: you withdraw your energy from past events and invest it in current events, again getting involved in the same illusion.
That's why you are taught the practice of non-involvement, so that you can take back your fragmentation and not waste your energy. So that, remembering the Path-Corridor, you can also return to it, sequentially opening and closing behind you all the doors of passage of your attention that you once opened for yourself.
On the one hand, all these traps serve to ensure that you learn not to focus your attention on various illusions and consciously withdraw your energies from these distracting illusions. But on the other hand, there is a Path that is calling you. And no one can escape this call. This Path is the true magnet of your soul, which sooner or later will return you to the true path to your Divinity and allow you to reach your Goal.
In the meantime, as you move, you find more and more illusion rooms with new spaces and new possibilities. With new attractions and new challenges. And until you realize that you don’t need them, until you play enough with these illusions, it will be difficult for you to disidentify with them and find your integrity. For these illusion rooms are opposite magnets that attract you and distract you from the Path.
But still, in the end there is only the Path, there is only this Divine corridor leading you to yourself, and nothing more. That is why we are all waiting for you at the end of the Path, to meet you as perfect Divine children who have returned to their Father’s House. And we will celebrate your return together with the participation of all parties and forces that were with you on this Path.
Thank you for the lesson. And I thank you. We are together. Selena
(Translation from “Lessons from Ascension. Lesson 8. El Mikhail Nebodonsky. The path that calls”)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: The Path that Calls | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/14/2023 01:32:00 AM