All our problems trace back to him? No. Really?
By Steve Beckow, November 12, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
An Inadequate View of Reality – Part 1/2
I just read an account of the last three hundred years or so which so warped “history” that I finally blew my stack. If I’ve done any professional study, it’d be as an historian.
This post is long for which I apologize. I feel the need to have my say.
I was reading alleged accounts of various “peoples” as being at the heart of the world’s troubles. Each account seemed to serve somebody’s purpose.
The various religions and races became good or bad depending on whether they served the writer’s or reader’s group desires and intentions. All the articles on the subject took for granted a great degree of cohesion through time.
One purpose was to explain how we got into this mess. Everyone picks someone other than their own team to blame. “Nations” – really, more like elites – (1) that were at the top of the pyramid are scrambling to patch up the crumbling narrative.
Not us! Not us!
Yes, us! (2) Always us. For so many reasons, as I hope to make clear.
We tend to identify and put our arms around the good guys. They’re the guys we like. They dress like us, speak our language. Just like us. … One thing is consistent: We’re always the good guys, right?
And we push away and isolate the bad guys. They’re the guys we don’t like. Maybe we don’t like their food or how they hold themselves or the sound of their language. They’re fundamentally just … well, not like us. Again,what’s consistent is we’re never the bad guys.
Who knows what guides our choices or their choices overall? Our choices or their choices are all individual. We’re all individuals, which stereotyping, meming, labelling, etc., downplays or ignores.
Having decided on the characters and plot, we then shape or control the narrative to have our group win, be acknowledged, be applauded, etc.
This, at the level of the history of the world, has been our standard fare throughout human history, as far as I’m aware; witness ancient stelae (or monumental pillars) dutifully lauding this or that leader. Is there such a thing as an unbiased account?
And, if there were, what would constitute a history of the world? Who would get to choose what goes in and what stays out?
We already have a history of the world: It’s called the Akashic Records. (Google. No, maybe don’t Google.) The Akashic Records don’t lie and they serve as the basis of the universal justice system which no one who’s causing the wars and the mayhem today will be able to avoid. (3)
I’m so tired of divisiveness and squabbling.
But at the same time, I also refuse to be divided and conquered or bamboozled over anything – climate change (human CO2 contribution is miniscule), pandemics (laboratory manufactured), Ukraine (money-laundering, child-trafficking), Hamas/Israel (elite genocide to clear way for Ben Gurion Canal).
Thank heavens for people of all persuasions who share a desire to live in love, peace, and the other divine qualities. This community usually calls themselves lightworkers and loveholders. Some prefer one divine quality; some, another. But all are servants of the Mother and all are acknowledged.
All qualities are simply flavors of love and end up at the same place: Home, what the Bible calls Salvation and Redemption. What the Buddha called Nirvana and Buddhahood. What Hindus call Sahaja and Vijnana.
Every religion knows it: We call it Ascension. (4)
It’s ascension to a higher vibration of consciousness where such a love exists that all chaos and mayhem disappear from the “within” of our minds. And thus they disappear from the “without” of our world as well.
All the chaos is here because the love energies are rising on the planet and forcing our incompletions up. As individuals and as a society.
We won’t have our favorite punching bag to blame the ills of the world on where we’re going. Love – tangible, wonderful love – will wipe away from our minds any thoughts of fear or harm or worry. (Yes, I’ve experienced it.) (5)
But before that permanent planetary heart opening we call Ascension, (6) we live now in a world that couldn’t be more divided and has been divided by a very definite group. They know who they are. I call them the elites. Just another name, as imprecise as any others, but at least one that I believe is accurate.
I leave it to the white hats, (7) backed by our star family’s federations (8) (who won’t allow nuclear weapons to be used or for a world war to occur), (9) to stop all serious human-rights abuses on the planet now.
That’s not what I’m addressing. It isn’t in my soul mission.
I’m addressing ideas and behavior – I call that “human culture.” (10)
But let me end the discussion here and continue tomorrow.
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) All our use of group names need to be re-examined. What is an “American”? A “Catholic”? “A European”? A “capitalist”? A “communist”? A “leftist”? A “rightist”? These are all blunt instruments, even though I know we have to use words at this stage of things.
I’d like not to have to use any word to denote groups because any word would be too clumsy. But, if I have to use a word for what we usually call the cabal, the deep state, the Illuminati, I’d choose “elites.”
(2) By the Universal Law of Within and Without: The chaos, ignorance, and mayhem without is a result of the chaos, ignorance, and mayhem within.
(3) SaLuSa: Bear in mind that whatever happens where your dark ones are concerned, they will stand in the Halls of Justice before they start a new experience. (SaLuSa, Dec. 10, 2008, at https://web.archive.org/web/20200213162751/http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/December%202008/12.10.08SaLuSa.htm.)
See:The Hidden War: Stopping the Illuminati at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/The-Hidden-War-R8-1.pdf
There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/No-Nuclear-War-R4.pdf
The End of Darkness on Earth: the Dawning of the Light at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/The-End-of-Darkness-5.pdf
(4) Sahaja = Natural state. Vijnana = Perfected wisdom.
On Ascension, see:Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V1-R4.pdf
Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a Brand New Space at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V2-R3.pdf
On enlightenment as the purpose of life:The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-3.pdf
(5) See various accounts of the love and bliss in the higher dimensions in An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/An-Ascension-Ethnography-12.pdf . This book is intended to be a searchable database for spiritual experiences. Search on “heart opening,” “bliss,” “ecstasy,” “mastery,” “abundance,” etc., to take you to discussions of some higher-dimensional states and divine qualities.
(6) Not to be confused with the temporary Ring of Fire or Wave of Love, which I expect after the emergency broadcasts. See The Ring of Fire: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Ring-of-Fire-Planetary-Heart-Opening-2.pdf
Ascension is also a heart opening but a full and permanent one. It’s ascent into the Fifth or higher dimension. “Ascent ” is a vibrational matter and reflects spiritual physics: Having enough light within us to tolerate more refined conditions.
(7) For obvious reasons, the White Hats, apart from their flag-bearers, don’t want to be identified. Two articles are helpful for general background: “Program Guide to Tonight’s Performance from Juan O. Savin,” October 29, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/10/29/program-guide-to-tonights-performance-from-juan-o-savin/ and “Ezra Cohen-Watnick: Spelling It Out 1 Time,” October 28, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/10/28/ezra-cohen-watnick-spelling-it-out-1-time-2/
(8) See Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-R2.pdf
(9) See:The Hidden War: Stopping the Illuminati, ibid.
There Will be No Nuclear War for the World, ibid.
The End of Darkness on Earth: the Dawning of the Light, ibid.
(10) “Culture, whether considered as a continuum or a class of phenomena, may be seen as an organization of ideas, manifest in act and artifact (though consisting of neither), by means of which we experience our world and take purposeful action.” (Slightly edited.) (S.M. Beckow, “Culture, History, and Artifact,” National Museums Association, Gazette, Fall 1975.)

Control and abuse of power (1)
By Steve Beckow, November 13, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
An Inadequate View of Reality – Part 2/2
(Continued from Part 1.)
All elites operate the same: They reward their friends and eliminate their enemies in order to gain and hold onto power. How they use that power varies with the individual.
Some hire us historians to write their biographies and rewrite history to support their point of view. Some buy newspapers and journalists to propagate their perspectives. Elite members are to be found in all nationalities and religions. They don’t appear to be united by race or religion or even ideology, but by a desire for power.
Having been set against each other for so long, we’re becoming used to the ways of our oppressors.
They use ridicule to disempower their opponents and we, the lightworker press, seem to have taken up that practice as well.
In particular, in my view, we need to stop trying to sell the world the view that one group, religion, or nation is the root of all evil in the world. Did we not learn from Hitler?
Or that all members of one nation or religion are after controlling everyone else. That’s not the truth. Even on the face of it, one can see that it’s not.
When we stoop to labelling and ridiculing, as we are more and more, our arguments become simplified and depart further and further from the truth.
Here’s one thing we overlook that shows the inaccuracy of our view.
The spirit born into the body is not restricted in any important mental or emotional way by such attributes of the body as nation, religion, race, etc. I’m not born with the interests of my nation or erstwhile religion or any other ties to the physical world exerting a pull on me.
I’ve been outside my body on one occasion (2) and I experienced my native, natural Self on another. (3) As a result, I know that whatever belief systems go along with this body, I did not bring them with me at birth. I was taught them. They’re not native to me. What’s native to me is my own purity and innocence.
Therefore why does anyone assume that the mere fact of my birth says that I have an identical interest with everyone else of the nation, race, or religion I was born into? That doesn’t prove to be the case.
The customs that the society/nation/group wanted to socialize me into did not fit and I rejected them on many levels – religious, educational, professional.
This whole view of history that a race or a religion is to blame for the ills of the world just does not fit for me and I cast it down, as one would any paradigm that doesn’t fit with reality. (4)
If we look at behavior rather than people, it’s inequality, inequity, a lack of fairness that lies at the heart of what we’re opposing.
If we look at the overall view of life, it’s the view that we live and die only one life and need to fight each other to survive. Historians call that viewpoint “social Darwinism.” (5)
And it’s made ironclad by enforcing the belief that only what we see, hear, taste, touch, etc., is allowed to be entertained as real. Historians call that perspective “empirical materialism.” (6)
Goodbye to all sources of eternal wisdom. Goodbye, Mother, Michael, Matthew, SaLuSa. If I can’t see you, you aren’t real. Even if you are real, back in the closet anyways. Eternal wisdom is not what is wanted.
I tell you: All of the these beliefs are nonsense. None of them is true.
The New World will not be built on name-calling and discrimination against any group, religion, gender, or age. Not name-calling by Nazis and fascists. Not by religious leaders. Not by “good guys.” Not by “white hats.” Not by anybody who takes our attention off where the work really lies by blaming our circumstances on others.
Wake up to the times we’re in. Wake up to the nature of reality.
As within, so without. The people that need to “change” are us. “We” includes “them.” At a deeper level than we’re normally functioning at, they are us and we are them. Love will demonstrate that to us in the not-so-distant future.
There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in our philosophies. One thing we won’t find in Heaven is agreement that there are good and bad nations, races, and religions. (7) No higher being will be found, I predict, to agree with that.
In my view, this unproductive way of doing things isn’t how the world works or where it’s going. Can we lightworkers please stop the stereotyping and ridiculing, labelling and namecalling of people we don’t like or don’t agree with and return to reporting factually?
(1) Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/.)
(2) See “The Disappearance of the Fear of Death,” to be released November 14, 2023.
(3) See “Original Innocence” in An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/An-Ascension-Ethnography-12.pdf
(4) See Paradigmatic Breakthrough: Essays in New-Age Philosophy at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Paradigmatic-Breakthrough-11-1.pdf
(5) On social Darwinism, see:Killing for Market Share
The Impact of Automation on Work
(46 On empirical materialism, see “Welcoming the Divine Back into Our Lives,” July 10, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/07/10/welcoming-the-divine-back-into-our-lives/.
(7) There’s desirable, productive, and rewarding behavior and ideas and undesirable, unproductive, and unrewarding behavior and ideas, but the same cannot be said about people.
SaLuSa: It will sound odd to many of you, but it is best to send love to all those who have lost touch with their inner being of Light. They are as much a part of you as any other soul of the Light, and need help to see through their darkness.
To greater or lesser degrees, all of you have experienced lives that you would sooner forget and you have atoned for them and they no longer affect you. The object of being in this cycle of duality is to experience the dark and balance it against the Light, and eventually transmute it. In your subconsciousness you have all experiences that have shaped your progress upon the Path of Light. They serve you well and with the higher energies now being beamed to Earth, you can lift up and leave them behind. The detail is not as important as the lessons learnt through experience. (SaLuSa, Dec. 10, 2008, ibid.)
An Inadequate View of Reality | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/14/2023 01:25:00 AM