Leave Fear of Change Behind | Liberty

Leave fear of change behind.

You came to Earth for the changes that you yourself planned

Hello dear ones, I am Kryon, and I am with you again to help you get rid of fear. I want you to receive the energies of love and light from your Divine home now. Where there is love and light, there is no fear. There is no fear in your Divine home. You were not afraid of anything when you were there. You were not afraid of anything when you were going on a brave journey across planet Earth. Oh, you knew that you would be greeted with all sorts of surprises. You knew it would be difficult at times. You knew everything you would have the opportunity to go through. But you weren't afraid. Do you know why? Because you knew your own potential very well. And you knew that you were capable of going through everything that you had planned for yourself in advance when going on a journey through the material world.

Dear ones, today we will talk about one of your biggest fears - the fear of change. You are afraid of change because you are afraid of the unknown. You are afraid of change because you are afraid of losing what you have. But these are not the real reasons.

The real reason for your fears is only one - you forgot that nothing unknown exists for you - you were aware of everything that was happening to you in advance and you forgot that you cannot lose anything, but you can gain a lot thanks to changes.

Thus, the cause of your fears is oblivion. This is your forgetting of yourself and the forgetting of the goals for which you came to Earth. And you came for the sake of change! Yes, yes, you are afraid of exactly what you came for, exactly what you rushed towards with joy and courage, being the Spirit!

That is why I now tell you, each of you: remember! Remember who you are, remember why you came to Earth, and the fear of change will go away forever, it will be replaced by joy, pleasure, the happy creation of a new self and a new Earth.

Tremendous changes are taking place on Earth. You came to take part in them, to be on Earth in these wonderful great times. And now to you, as people, these changes seem dramatic, sometimes even catastrophic and too frightening. But once you remember their true meaning, the fear will pass.

The earth is transforming. The earth is being transformed because through your efforts an earthly paradise is being created on it - the Divine home that you decided to bring with you, from where we all come from. Transformation does not always happen smoothly - or rather, it never happens smoothly, because the old energies resist, they do not want to transform smoothly and peacefully, their transformation sometimes occurs explosively, which you observe in the form of all sorts of cataclysms both in people's lives and in life of the planet as a whole.

You ask: “Kryon, how can we not be afraid of disasters, since this is a real threat to our lives, the lives of our children and loved ones?” Dear ones, I understand your feelings and concerns. I know the conditions in which you live. And yet I will tell you this: nothing will happen to you, or to your children, or to your loved ones that was not planned in advance. Nothing will happen to any of you that you have not given your free consent to.

Yes, you don't remember this! But deep down you know everything that awaits you. You know your potential. You know that there are no random victims. And everything that you have planned for yourself carries enormous opportunities. Everything that happened to you, is happening and will happen is necessary for your highest good.

This does not mean that your life is 100% predetermined. She's gone. There are possibilities, there are options for the development of events that you are aware of in advance - even before the start of your incarnation. But there are also opportunities to change everything the way you think is best for yourself.

Dear ones, you can start living right now in such a way that all disasters will pass you by. You can live in such a way as not to plan disasters for yourself. If you live in the Spirit, it is within your power, nothing is impossible.

You can eliminate the possibility of unforeseen events, disasters and catastrophes from your life

So, the first thing you must do is remember that nothing unexpected, nothing unknown, nothing not planned in advance will happen to you. Are you afraid of the unknown ahead? But the unknown is a chimera. Each of you, in your hundreds of incarnations, has already gone through everything possible. You've been through it - and you're still alive, aren't you?

Dear ones, I promise you that there will be nothing in your future that is not familiar to you. There won't be anything you haven't been through. And you went through everything that befell you with honor! There is nothing unknown to you about this. You can face your future without fear. There is only what is already familiar to you. There is only what you can do. There's nothing new there. It just seems to you that you are newbies, dear ones. In fact, you are experienced travelers. You are ready for whatever may await you. It’s much easier for you now, because each of you has vast experience from past incarnations.

Start treating yourself differently: as someone who has vast experience in going through a wide variety of life situations, including dangerous and catastrophic ones. You know how to act in them. You can feel confident.

And the second thing you can do is simply remove the possibility of danger and disaster from your path. You have already gone through all this in past lives. You can accept these lessons and say you are enough. You can choose a smooth, prosperous life. You can move through changes smoothly and gently. It's within your power.

Believe me, Spirit does not insist that you go through catastrophic experiences if you don't want to. On the contrary, the Spirit wants you to choose the soft option for the development of events, no matter what it concerns. Do this and you will face change calmly and without fear.

Activate your intuitive intelligence, and all changes in your life will only be happy

Dear ones, you came to Earth to gain experience, grow and develop. Development is change. Without change there is no movement forward, growth and improvement. It happens that you yourself limit your opportunities for growth due to fear of change. Whenever you get a new chance, you look back and think: “Isn’t there a risk in this? Will I lose what I have? And where is the guarantee that I will get more than I lose?

Dear ones, when the Spirit leads you to new chances, when the Spirit invites you to open new doors, the Spirit always gives you a guarantee that it is for the best. The Spirit will not deceive you, the Spirit will not give you a stone in your hand if you asked for an apple.

And if you open your spiritual vision , if you listen to the voice of your heart , the voice of intuition , you will always distinguish those chances, those opportunities that come from the Spirit. Don't be afraid of these changes - these are happy changes. Don't be afraid to leave something behind - what you get will be much bigger and better. All you have to do is trust in Spirit and you will no longer have to hesitate or be afraid when change comes knocking on your door.

Use the energy of change for your benefit and the benefit of all humanity

Dear ones, you can make sure that all the changes in your life are only happy. Powerful energy of change is now coming to the Earth, because the Earth is being transformed. You are powerful, don’t forget about it, and therefore you have the power to transform this energy.

Even if this energy potentially carries the possibility of disasters, it is within your power to transform it into the energy of good changes. Do it!

And know that even natural disasters have a gift for you. They release enormous energy potential that you can transform and direct towards good changes. You, energy masters, are called to do this! Therefore, please do not stand aside when something like this happens near you, or far from you somewhere on Earth...

The further course of events depends on you. Take this energy - it is yours. Take it and extract light and love from it. This is what you came to Earth for.

Exercise 1. Choose a life without disasters and shocks

Stay alone with yourself, take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and calm down, drive away extraneous thoughts.

Imagine that your life, from incarnation to incarnation, is like moving in an upward spiral. Life is not a movement in a straight line, where the past and future find themselves somewhere beyond the horizon or in the fog. Life is a movement from turn to turn, where at each new turn you encounter what is already familiar to you, but only at a new level.

You, as Spirit, can simultaneously see everything that is in the past and in the future. There is nothing that remains in the fog of the unknown. And you see that there is nothing ahead or behind that is not well known and understandable to you. Moreover, with your intention you can change events and build your future the way you like best.

Say out loud or to yourself:

“ All events in the past, present and future are well known to me. There is nothing that is unknown to me, there are no secrets and mysteries, there is nothing that is beyond my power. I got all the experience I needed, and now only I decide what from this past experience to take with me into the future and what not.

From now on, I don’t plan for shocks and disasters. I don't need them anymore.

From now on, I plan for the most favorable opportunities for myself. I plan to move gently and smoothly through all the changes I need. I choose a smooth, calm, peaceful, prosperous life. I choose a long happy life.

This is my firm intention. I ask the Almighty to accept this intention of mine and facilitate its implementation .”

Think of your future as a pleasant, joyful, meaningful, calm, peaceful, creative existence. Think about your life - what you would like it to be. Say out loud or to yourself: “ So be it .”

You can do this exercise at any time and as often as you want.

Exercise 2. Return to the starting point: joyful readiness for change

Be alone with yourself, close your eyes. Breathe evenly and steadily, focusing on your breathing to drive away extraneous thoughts. Remember that you are the Divine Spirit. Imagine that you, as a Spirit, are making a journey to the starting point before the start of your current incarnation, to the point where you assessed the prospects and opportunities awaiting you in this incarnation, and your potential, your strength, your ability to cope with all the tasks that you remains to be decided.

Imagine that you are surrounded by your Divine family - the angels are next to you, Kryon is next to you as a loving luminous angelic entity, all the souls who love you and are loved by you are next to you. Imagine that so much energy of love, care, support, and faith in you comes from them that you are filled with love, light, strength, and self-confidence.

Imagine that you are holding in your hands a map of your future journey around the Earth. There are events that can expect you at different points in earthly time and space. You see all the possibilities and probabilities in advance. There is nothing in your future life on Earth that remains in the fog, about which you would be in the dark.

You are absolutely confident that you can handle everything you encounter on Earth. You know yourself and your strengths. You know for sure that you will cope with all the situations that await you, that you will come out of them with honor, having gained new strength and experience.

You look at the map of the path ahead of you, and it fills you with joyful inspiration. You are looking forward to a happy opportunity to “flex your spiritual muscles” by participating in earthly events, solving earthly problems, gaining earthly experience. You are eager to fight, you accept this challenge. Your Divine Family bless you.

Say out loud or to yourself:

“ All the paths that await me on Earth are familiar to me. There is nothing that I cannot do.

There is a clear plan according to which my earthly life unfolds. Step by step I am implementing this plan. I have all the strength, capabilities, tools and abilities to go through this path in the best possible way.

I joyfully set out to fulfill my earthly destiny. I accept this challenge! I can do anything! I am happy to demonstrate my powers and capabilities of the Spirit as I travel around planet Earth. I am happy to prove myself in a variety of situations, events and challenges. Life is the happiest opportunity to get to know yourself and realize yourself fully.

I am going into a world of change, and these changes are for the good! »

Feel your strength and confidence increase. Imagine yourself, blessed and supported by the Divine Family, stepping out of the multidimensional world into the earthly world, but retaining the memory of who you are, your strength and your capabilities. Think about how you can begin to act like Spirit right now, embracing change rather than fearing it.

Exercise 3: Activate Your Intuitive Intelligence

Intuitive intelligence is a tool given to every person, but in many people it is inactive. To activate it, you need to express the corresponding intention. And then you will be able to clearly determine where are the happy chances coming from the Spirit, and where are the unwanted opportunities provoked by your ego or unprocessed dissonant energies. Intuitive intelligence will help you always follow only favorable paths, consciously choose what serves you for your good and makes you happy.

Go to the mirror and, looking into the eyes of your reflection, say out loud:

“ Dear Almighty, my Divine Self, the Spirit that is me! I express my firm intention to activate my intuitive intelligence, to always clearly hear the promptings of the Spirit and decipher them with the help of my heart and my intuition. I choose to follow the path of the Spirit, choosing only happy chances in life and opening only those doors to which the Spirit leads me.

I ask my heart to be open to the promptings of the Spirit, to always hear its voice and decipher these prompts, acting in co-creation with my mind.

I ask my mind to open up to the promptings of my heart and act in close cooperation with it, making only the right decisions and directing me to the best paths.

I turn to my heart, mind and Spirit with a request to jointly reveal and develop my intuitive intelligence, capable of becoming a perfect conductor between my human and my Divine essence. From now on, mind, heart and Spirit act in harmonious unity, thanks to which I choose only the safest, most favorable and happiest opportunities in my life .”

Repeat this exercise repeatedly, preferably daily for any period of time. This exercise is especially necessary when you need to make a choice or make an important decision.

Exercise 4. Transformation of natural energies for favorable changes

You can transform those energies that come to Earth, and those energies that are released as a result of various natural disasters, catastrophes and disasters, regardless of whether these events took place in the past or present.

You can transform the energies of smaller events - strong wind, rain, any natural phenomenon that is at least a little outside the norm. After all, everything that goes beyond the norm is a sign of the transformation of the planet, its transformation, and we can help direct this process in a favorable direction.

Tune in to perceive the energies of the planet. To do this, relax, take a comfortable position, close your eyes, mentally establish contact with the Earth, as if it were a living being, and listen to space. When you are fully focused, you will be able to feel something like a rolling wave of energy. It could be energy released by some past event or something that is happening somewhere on Earth, not necessarily near you, right now. Such waves are now constantly circulating on Earth, this is a sign of the changes taking place.

When you feel such a wave, imagine that you are opening up to it, allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by it, and accept into your biofield as much energy as you can accommodate from this wave. Immediately direct streams of light and love towards this energy, imagining how a bright glow engulfs you in a flash. Say out loud or silently: “I take this power and transform it into the love and light of God to direct it for the common good of all mankind . ”

Your glow fills the entire planet. You have transformed the energy, thus gaining the power to make positive changes in your life and sharing this power with the entire planet. Thanks to this, you and many other people will have better chances for yourself and a happier course of your destiny.

This exercise can be performed repeatedly - when you feel the need for it.

Dear ones, remember: you make all the changes yourself. There is no one to make these changes but you. You have nothing to fear. Your power is enough to take control of the process and change only what you really want to change, and only the way you want. You don't have to go blindly - everything is predictable, everything is subject to your will. Your Divine Family is always ready to come to your aid, we are nearby, do not forget, we are here to help you.

You are immensely loved, dear ones, it was, is and always will be. Kryon

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Leave Fear of Change Behind | Liberty Leave Fear of Change Behind | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/12/2023 12:26:00 AM Rating: 5

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