Lessons from Ascension: The Path to your Divinity | Liberty

Lessons from Ascension. The path to your divinity.

All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves.

El Michael of Nebadon, answer me!

We are together.

Let's continue with the bodies and other issues. Much is still unclear. With the three lower bodies it is more or less clear what to do: cleanse. How is the causal body transformed during the process of initiations, how are the layers of the causal body processed, what specifically leads to the combustion of the causal body?

I would call it the word: include. Now your causal body functions in automatic mode, like all bodies. And the information recorded in this body is also inaccessible to most of you. Some of you begin to work on this body by remembering your past incarnations. For your understanding, it is best to imagine this body as a kind of switchboard or a huge circuit, or a kind of labyrinth. Or a multi-storey multi-room house. Each room (cell of the body) stores all the information about your past incarnations. In each of the rooms of the labyrinth or house, a certain event happened to you.

You made a certain choice that led you to the next event. Like in a fairy tale: if you go to the right, you will lose your horse, if you go to the left, you will find your wife. This is a complex system of passages and labyrinths of your consciousness. And, gradually passing layer by layer this labyrinth of consciousness, you, once again finding yourself in each choice room, remember the lessons that you should have learned. You begin to consciously understand why in your current life everything turned out the way it is, and what happened to you earlier.

Why is this body also called the body of time? Because only here does time exist. Do your feelings have time? Do your thoughts have time?

No. But my physical body has time. It's getting old.

It does not age in your understanding of time. It just wears out. If each of you treated your physical body the way it deserves, with care and sensitivity, it would not wear out and would be absolutely healthy. So, time exists only in the causal body as just a “plate on the door of the room”, which indicates the date and time of the occurrence of events.

Accordingly, if you start wandering through this labyrinth, you will discover a lot of fascinating and interesting things for yourself. Firstly, you will be able to watch this, like a movie, from the outside, since your emotions will no longer be connected. You won't be hurt or scared. You will simply watch the film to yourself and decide whether you like it or not, whether you made the right choice. But, in addition, you will discover an interesting property of this labyrinth. You will see that repeatedly entering the labyrinth from different sides still leads to a certain room.

That is, in other words, in this labyrinth there are, so to speak, the main rooms of your experience, which you chose to go through before incarnation. In these rooms, just like in your quest games, there are hints and keys. There are the keys to your development and your movement towards your divinity. But besides these main rooms, there are many more secondary, distracting ones, intended for relaxation or study, and sometimes just confusing you. And all your past incarnations have been wandering through this labyrinth of rooms.

But until you find the main, key rooms in one way or another, you will not get out of this maze. Because you will not have all the keys to your divinity, all the tips on how to get out of the labyrinth. Many of you have not completed all the clue rooms; they still have to do this. Therefore, you will see that no matter how you wander through the distracting rooms, the labyrinth still leads you to the main rooms, again and again with each incarnation, returning you successively to the level of the labyrinth where you ended in your previous life, to those main rooms, which you never completed. And until you go through all the main rooms, you will not leave the maze.

And most importantly, in the center of this labyrinth there is the most important room: the room of your meeting with God. Having gone through all your labyrinths and all the key rooms, you seem to receive the main key that unlocks this most important room of meeting with God, and many tips on how to find it.

But why is it so difficult?

This is an automatic mode for selecting your experience. This is how your causal body functions automatically. In the form of some kind of program or game. When a person dies, they show him that part of the labyrinth that he tried to go through in his last life to understand his lessons, and then five show the entire labyrinth and explain what exactly he did wrong, where in the labyrinth he turned the wrong way, went off the straight road into another selection room. And he has the right to choose to go the same path correctly again, or he has the right to choose another room, try to find the next room, and return to the previous one later. This is your choice when incarnating.

All this is done so that you gradually, step by step, master your divinity. Such an intricate labyrinth is designed so that you either automatically, sooner or later, reach your divinity, open the main room of communication with God, or in a conscious mode during physical life, increasing your awareness, consciously travel through this labyrinth of rooms of your choice.

Previously, when you were incarnated on a planet, you were simply placed in front of a certain entrance to the labyrinth. Then you entered, and the passages of the labyrinth and the doors of rooms appeared in front of you, which you could open and go through a certain experience.

The child had few of these moves, and there was little choice. But, as a person grew and matured, from the age of 14, more and more new passages of the labyrinth opened up before him. And every time he had to make a choice. Imagine that there are doors in front of you, and there are signs on them, for example: “suffering”, “pleasure”, “motherhood”, “unrequited love”, “happy love”, “unconditional love”, “rich life”, “mercy” , "compassion" and so on. It is difficult to describe the entire experience of mankind in these tablets. Which ones will you choose?

As you understand, most people choose not the main rooms at the initial stages. They choose happy love, wealth and pleasure. But going through these rooms does not give them the main experience of realizing their divinity, but simply allows them to understand what this experience is. And in the next life, when you have already gone through the rooms of wealth, happy love and pleasure, you are again placed in front of these rooms and again asked to choose. And for the sake of variety, you choose unrequited love. And again you go through not the most important experience, and so on.

But sooner or later, your curiosity will still lead you to the main rooms from this list: mercy, compassion, motherhood, unconditional love. And you will pass them. And then a new passage of the labyrinth will open to you, in which there will already be the following rooms, for example: “enlightenment”, “transition”, “service to others”, “celebrity”, “channeling”, “clairaudience”, “clairaudience”, “possibilities of God”

...What will you choose?

Most of you choose enlightenment, channeling, clairaudience, clairvoyance and go through this experience, and after going through it you understand that these are only small pieces of experience that again will not lead you to the main room. And then, having sequentially gone through other distracting rooms in each next life, you finally choose “service to others.” And then new rooms of the labyrinth will open to you, and so on ad infinitum.

Moreover, the labyrinth game is built in such a way that if you immediately choose the right room, then the next level, the next move of the labyrinth, will immediately open to you. If you are not distracted by various less important experiences, if you persistently move towards your goal - towards your Divinity.

In addition, at each level there are, so to speak, the same distraction rooms. For example, the wealth room on the first level is material wealth. At the second level, this is more thinly disguised wealth, spiritual wealth, burdened with a lot of knowledge and power. If at the first level pleasures are reduced to simple physical pleasures, then at the second level these are more complex impressions and pleasures, which at first glance can be mistaken not for pleasure, but for new opportunities and delightful sensations.

For example, the feeling of being connected to cosmic energies. But it’s still fun too. These are still distraction rooms. If at the first level power is power over people, the ability to decide their destinies and control them, then at the next level power is more subtly veiled. This is perhaps the power over the minds of people, say, a famous channeler. Or energetic power over someone, if you go through the experience of energetic interaction and the discovery of new divine abilities, and so on.

But you must understand that at every level there are such trap rooms. They are made to test your unwavering aspiration, your courage, your unbending intention on the path to God. They are made so that you can separate the wheat from the chaff consciously, and not by random choice or under duress. They are also made so that you can play all possible games. So that the main path does not become violent for you and does not turn into a burden, but so that you have a conscious understanding of the necessity and inevitability of this path.

So it turns out that now I have fallen into the trap of channeling?

That's a good question. The rooms are arranged in such a way that if you find the main room, after finding this room, you still need to look again at all the others in this part of the maze to check if you made the right choice? Do you regret leaving the distracting rooms? For example, at your level there is a room for serving others, channeling rooms, a clairaudience room, a clairvoyance room, and an enlightenment room. You chose the clairvoyance (channeling) room. But at the same time you chose the room of serving people. These two rooms are connected in you.

But as soon as you do leave the room of serving others, your channeling experience begins to again distract you from your main path. And then, if you leave the room of serving others and stay only in the channeling room, trap rooms will open up for you again: wealth, celebrity, power, and so on. That is, you can be a famous channeler and have power, wealth and celebrity. But this is the wrong way. Because in this way you left the main room of experience - service to others. And you will have to come back again and again. And again and again you will be presented with the first choice again. And you may again and again choose first clairaudience, then clairvoyance, then clairsentience, and so on. Again and again you will have to be distracted by the temptations that exist in this part of the labyrinth.

Is it possible to first enter the room of serving others and only then go from it to the rooms of, say, channeling and clairvoyance?

Can. The labyrinth is magical and all the rooms are connected quantumly. And you are being led precisely to the point where you consciously determine your own path through this labyrinth. So that you yourself choose the form of serving others. But now you are not able to do this.

Because you haven’t seen the whole labyrinth yet, because you haven’t played enough of the various games-rooms in this labyrinth, in other words, you haven’t yet gone through all the temptations of this labyrinth. And you haven't entered all the main rooms of the experience. When you consciously enter into all the main rooms of experience and understand what is true unconditional love, what is true mercy, what is true compassion, what is true service, you will not feel the difference.

Once you are completely and completely immersed in the experience of true unconditional love, you will not be able or want to return to other types of love relationships. It will be like a breath of clean air. When you are completely immersed in the experience of true compassion, you will no longer want to just go through the experience of suffering, it will be like a ray of light. When you are completely and completely immersed in the experience of serving others, you will never need power, wealth, or power. But at the same time you will have all this.

You will have enormous power, but you will not need it. You will have all the riches of the world, but they will be insignificant to you. You will be like God in your power, but you will never use your power for harm, and in general you will rarely resort to your power. Because you will go through the main experiences of your life: compassion, mercy, unconditional love, service to others.

And from these rooms you can move further towards your highest divinity. Rooms of enlightenment, rooms of transitions, rooms of ascension will open to you. But even at this level, distracting traps await you. This is the way. The Path itself is looking for you, and you are looking for your Path. But the Father wants your path to be joyful and gives you many games and entertainment along the way. Because the direct Path to your divinity is quite difficult and requires significant effort and complete detachment.

That’s why the Father gives you respite-choices. Moreover, He gives you the opportunity to create these rooms of relaxation and entertainment yourself according to your choice, according to your imagination. For example, you are again placed in front of a labyrinth, you have already gone through all the distracting rooms many times, and they are no longer interesting to you, but you do not yet dare to enter the main room. Not ready yet. That’s why you say: I want to go through such and such a distracting room, I’m not ready for the main choice yet. And they create this room for you, and you go through it according to your choice.

Father is patient. Because He is eternal and infinite. And He knows that sooner or later all His children will return to their Father’s house and complete all their lessons. The Father has assigned many teachers, mentors and observers to you only so that His beloved children can fully enjoy the experience of their divinity, be filled with it beyond measure and return to the Father’s house filled with impressions of their wanderings and having gained wisdom in these wanderings. And when they return, they will be able to tell the Father about all their misadventures and their choices. And He will listen to this with a smile, lovingly watching how His children have grown, matured and acquired divine wisdom.

But all this is in the future. In the meantime, room by room, you master this labyrinth of experience. You master not only the rooms themselves, but also their relationships. For example, you understand that the path of self-service will sooner or later lead to suffering. And the path of wealth sooner or later also leads to suffering. And the path of power leads to suffering sooner or later. And you, like sappers, move along this path and draw in your consciousness the correct plan for moving towards your divinity.

For now, this all functions automatically. Coming into each incarnation, this is why you are deprived of the memory of past incarnations, because your conscious choice is needed. When, at the next stage of your development, you are again placed in front of the rooms of power, authority, wealth and pleasure, you once again must pass by them, demonstrate your unbending intention to take the shortest path to your divinity.

And if you still choose one of these distracting rooms again, this will indicate that you have not yet played enough of these distracting rooms, you are not yet ready for the main path. To the main choice. And vice versa, if you have consistently gone through all the main rooms on your way, then you are, as it were, filled with all the experiences, you have already demonstrated your determination on your path, and therefore you already remember all your previous experiences. This is not turning your memory off or on.

This is similar to the example that was given to you: a filled jug or vessel. As soon as the vessel of your experiences is filled to the brim, when you have gone through all imaginable and inconceivable experiences, as well as secondary experiences, and finally consciously chose the main one, only then the “water” filling the vessel, as it were, turns on the memory button of all incarnations, and you are already you can impartially remember all your previous experiences.

While your lower bodies are unclean, the memory of your past incarnations can cause damage to them. When, for example, you again plunge into some negative sensory experiences, say, burning at the stake, this can cause damage to your psyche and your current experience. When you have already gone through this experience and let it go, when there are no traces of suffering left in your astral body from that moment, then you will be able to look at this experience calmly, like some kind of movie, without negative emotions that could again lead you to the wrong place. the labyrinth room of your current incarnation.

And so, step by step, you move through this labyrinth of incarnations, and the memory of this movement is recorded in the cells of the causal body. And now, when you come to your awareness, you must go through this labyrinth step by step, find the main rooms in it and understand if you have missed any of them. And understand how much more distracting rooms you need.

Nobody calls you to heroic deeds. The Father, in His immeasurable love for you, will allow you to have exactly the experiences that you choose. On the other hand, in order to renounce everything earthly and material, you need to go through all this through experience. To understand the frailty of material things and their lower quality compared to higher substances. Because earthly love is incomparable with Divine love. When you know Divine Love, no earthly love will attract you anymore. When you know the wealth of the Cosmos, you will not need any earthly gold. When you know true compassion, you simply cannot pass by a suffering person, so strong is your desire to alleviate his suffering.

But for many, these goals are still ahead. And this path is quite harsh. Because they are used to pleasure and entertainment. There is a straight path, a narrow path, as you call it. This is the path directly through the main rooms. But it cannot be passed directly straight away. All the same, you will still have to look and know what you will give up in due time, despite your reluctance.

Only those who have already gone through all this throwing around various distracting rooms come into embodiment with a clear consciousness of choosing the main path. And then they live the life of saints, hermits, avatars, teachers, and so on.

This means that I must somehow remember all my past lives and understand which experiences were wrong. How to do it?

Immersing yourself in yourself and your memory. You are the manager of your destiny. The main choice is yours, and no one can contradict it. And if you chose the experience of viewing your past lives, sooner or later they will give it to you. “Sooner or later” means your degree of readiness for this. For example, you are not quite ready to remember the experience of being burned at the stake, but you are ready to remember some of your other experiences. Therefore, when you apply for these experiences, they will gradually be revealed to you, and you will go through them. And when you are able to cleanse your lower bodies and balance them, your other experiences, more painful ones, will be revealed to you.

So you can go in stages. Dive into your consciousness and ask for the experiences of your past lives. You already have human operators who help you through this experience. Which lead your consciousness to this. Because your mind tends to wander, and it is better to do this under the guidance of someone from the outside, when the operator constantly returns your mind to the chosen topic and leads you to memories. But one who has control over his mind can do this on his own, simply by plunging into himself and observing his experience.

At first it will be scattered pictures, scattered information. But gradually, step by step, if you continue to practice remembering, you will begin to connect these pictures into storylines and watch “movies” of your experience. Many, at your request, will be allowed to undergo this experience in dreams. The main thing is your intention. Without your desire and expressed intention, no one dares to open it to you. This is the law of choice that the Father established. Because He does not want to force a path and choice on you, but waits for you to make it yourself.

But simply looking at your lives will not give anything except the ability to return to them. You must clear all these paths. And this goes in parallel with the cleansing of your lower bodies. You must ensure that the memory of your past experiences does not entail negative emotions, does not entail any emotions at all, because this will be another trap that will again pollute your astral body and affect your physical body.

You must go through these past rooms of yours without judgment and balance, as if simply observing the paintings on the walls of a huge art gallery where you were the main artist. And simply note with your consciousness that this picture is so-so, but this one was especially successful, but this picture has not yet been painted at all and the canvas is empty.

And then you will see what experiences you have not yet gone through, and you will be able to consciously choose in this current life, without returning again to incarnation through death. And then you will see your main pictures, your main experiences. For example, the experience of mercy can be depicted in different event pictures. And the experience of serving others.

You will see special paintings in this art gallery that will shine with a special light and attract you. You will see their true light and understand their truth, and realize that everything else is just an illusion and a sham. This is if the intermediate paintings were painted in watercolors, and the true paintings were painted in oils. And when you direct a stream of purifying water onto all the paintings, the watercolor will blur and be washed away, and only true paintings will remain, those that will remain in Eternity.

And only these pictures should remain in your labyrinth of the causal body. And it will no longer seem like a labyrinth. And there will be a magnificent picture gallery of your experiences and choices. Your path to your divinity. And it is he who will enroll in Eternity at the highest levels. Because all other “watercolor” paintings are just an illusion, not needed in Eternity, which is not true divinity, which is, as it were, uninteresting to the Cosmos and the Universe.

And they are interested in your true aspirations, your divine qualities: unconditional love, compassion, mercy. And it is this contribution to the universal Gallery of Being that you can make. And this will be like your diploma work when you graduate from the school of disciples of God. And you will present these creations of yours to the Court of the Father, as the Creation of His true children, God-men.

And it is then that the casual body will ignite and be cleansed of everything superficial. More precisely, this is not a combustion, but a switching on, its tuning to the Tuning Fork of the Universe.

When along this ray all the information about your true choices, all your beautiful pictures of experiences will be sent to the universal bank and will become available to the entire Cosmos, and everyone will be able to enjoy these beautiful pictures of yours, admire and receive new impressions, new information about this unique experience. About your unique creation.

Your experience of working with your bodies resembles the example that you were told about, the example with matryoshka dolls. Cleansing the three lower bodies and balancing them makes it possible to remove the three lowest, smallest nesting dolls. You don’t even suspect that there are countless numbers of these same “matryoshka dolls”.

Because while your consciousness and your attention are focused on the three lower “matryoshka dolls”, you are not even aware of the existence of others. But then your attention begins to be distracted by other, higher “matryoshka” dolls, and you begin to realize that you also have bodies that are larger than the three lower dolls, and you begin to establish your relationships. And then your attention no longer returns to your lower “matryoshka dolls”.

They seem to dissolve and transform. There is no longer a need for their multiplicity, and the lower “matryoshka dolls” are replaced by one, you discover even higher “matryoshka dolls” in yourself and turn your attention to them, and you begin to explore these bodies of yours, your even higher bodies, you begin to move your consciousness into a higher tall "matryoshka" dolls.

But at the same time, having the memory of your lower “matryoshka dolls”, you can always return to them through your attention and again feel your lower bodies. But now these lower “matryoshka” dolls will be qualitatively different. Just as in a xylophone, each bar when struck with a hammer sounds a beautiful ringing, so your whole body will make beautiful sounds.

And this will be your divine playing on your “xylophone” of bodies. In this example, the hammer is your attention, which includes this or that body according to your choice and desire. And you will be able to sound like a person, a star, a planet, and a soul. You will sound like everything you truly are - a multidimensional divine being. And this beautiful Music of the Spheres will bring your melody into the general sound of the Divine Orchestra of the Universe. And so be it!

Thank you for the lesson! And I thank you for your aspirations! We are together. Selena

(Translation from Lessons from Ascension. Lesson 5. El Mikhail Nebodonsky. The path to your divinity.)

To be continued ...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: The Path to your Divinity | Liberty Lessons from Ascension: The Path to your Divinity | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/12/2023 12:24:00 AM Rating: 5

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