Meditative Exercises for Realizing your Divinity | Liberty

Meditative exercises for realizing your Divinity, restoring your spiritual nature, gaining connection with the Spirit

“Each of you is a shining angel temporarily pretending to be human.”

Dear Ones, I want to remind you again and again of who you really are. Again and again I urge you: remember! Make an effort, do it day after day, with all possible persistence. And not only to remember, but most importantly - to feel, to feel like who you are. You are a Spirit making a fascinating journey across the Earth. You are an angel playing a game called Life. It's a complex multidimensional game, but it's a game. Be the one who plays. Become light and love. Feel your Divinity and your life will be transformed. It will be filled with love, light and happiness, and will become an exciting adventure in which you can get a lot of joy and a lot of useful experience. And to do this, you just need to remember that you are Divine, and accept your Divinity with your whole being.

Exercise 1. You are love

This exercise will help you become the center of your own universe and find the source of love within yourself.

Find time for privacy, take a comfortable, relaxed position. Light a candle and stare at the flame for a while. This will calm your thoughts.

Turn out the candle and close your eyes. Before your eyes are closed, you will see the “imprint” of the flame. Say to yourself, “I am the light.” And mentally place this flame imprint in the middle of your chest. Imagine that a bright warm fire is burning inside you. But this is no longer the real flame you were looking at. It's like a source of light - bright white, warm, but not burning. Imagine a spot or ball of such light. It plays, sparkles and seems to have its own consciousness. This is a living, animated light.

Tell yourself: “ I am love .” Imagine that soft light from the source is smoothly spreading across your body. You feel how it gently envelops you. You feel how pleasant warmth spreads throughout your body, how it relaxes and as if every cell of your body begins to breathe more freely. You feel very loved. You are loved by God, by the universe. The whole world looks at you with love.

Mentally direct a warm flow of light and love from your source in the chest area to the whole world, planet, and people. Feel the response flow rushing towards you. Feel the energy of love flowing into you.

You can give love - and receive it. This is felt physically as the movement of energy. When you are able to radiate and receive love, you can establish the most favorable relationships with other people and attract into your life those people who you need, who can love and understand you in the best way.

Exercise 2. Angel's Hug

You can do this exercise any time you feel the need for support and love.

Be alone with yourself. Close your eyes if you want.

Imagine that beautiful beings of Light, beautiful angels are standing behind you, protecting, protecting you and directing their pure Divine love towards you. Unconditional love, forgiving love, merciful love.

They are magnificent, big, strong, shining. They stand behind you and extend their arms or wings over you, or simply envelop you in light. You feel their immense kindness and compassion towards you. Feel yourself to be protected by these energies, these angels, these beautiful beings who are your heavenly father and mother. Feel yourself in their arms. Feel safe under their protection. Feel worthy of their unconditional love - because you are worthy of it, no matter who you are or what you do.

Now imagine that they are joined by another angel, equally beautiful and majestic. He stands next to them behind your back, and your Divine father and mother step back a little, giving him primacy. You feel his love, his strength, his protection, his compassion and kindness towards you.

This angel is yourself. This is you in your Divine hypostasis. This angel is who you really are.

Mentally connect with this angel. Become one. Look through his eyes at yourself in the physical shell, at your body. See that this body is exactly as it was originally intended. That this body is ideal for teaching exactly the lessons that need to be taught on Earth. See that this body is now at the perfect age for this meeting. That this is a wonderful age for enlightenment and reconnection with the Divine. Bless this body and send healing energies to it. Imagine how you envelop yourself, a human being, in the light of love. Direct streams of light and love to yourself, the person.

Again, imagine that you are a person in the arms of an angel. You are the one who receives love and light from him. Feel yourself in the streams of light. Feel every cell of your being ignited and energized as the Divinity encoded in your DNA awakens. You are filled with love and light. You gain Divinity.

You have just realized in practice the duality of your being. Duality is something that is characteristic of all people who pass their lessons on Earth in a biological shell. There is no duality in Divine dimensions. But while we live on Earth, we are both people and beings of Light, angels. The meeting of these two hypostases means reunification with Divinity. In your earthly life, you can look at the world both through the eyes of a person and through the eyes of an angel. Don’t forget to remember at least several times during the day that behind you is your Divine hypostasis. Receive love from this majestic angel. See the world and yourself through its eyes. Then you will begin to pass your life lessons more easily and will always radiate love and dignity, which will become your constant attributes.

Exercise 3. Unity of earthly and heavenly energies

This exercise will help you better experience your Spiritual nature.

Sit in a comfortable position, placing your feet firmly on the floor. Imagine that they are attracted by a magnet. Close your eyes. Take deep breaths and exhales, as you inhale, imagining that you are inhaling streams of light, and as you exhale, imagining that you are exhaling your fears, anxieties, and restless thoughts in the form of a gray fog. When you can imagine that you are both inhaling and exhaling streams of light, then you have cleared your mind.

Now imagine that you are growing, increasing in size. The space around you seems to dissolve, walls and other obstacles disappear. You reach the ceiling and grow higher and higher. Now you are already reaching your head to the clouds. You feel like you are becoming one with the whole world. You are part of the world, just as a drop is part of the ocean. But at the same time, the ocean merges with each drop, and the entire ocean is reflected in the drop. Therefore, not only you are part of the world, but the world is also part of you. You grow further, and now space with stars is around you. It is both around and inside you, because you are part of this cosmos and at the same time you contain it within yourself.

Feel how you dissolve into space and become it, while maintaining your human consciousness. You become humanized, spiritualized by the cosmos.

Imagine that you are inhaling and exhaling streams of starlight. Feel how your entire body is filled with starlight. You breathe not only through your nose, but as if with your whole body at once. You both absorb and emit starlight.

While maintaining the sensation of starlight in your body, imagine yourself gradually shrinking and returning back to where you are. Feel your feet tightly “magnetized” to the floor. Focus on the streams of starlight within you. Mentally send a flow through your feet into the ground, and imagine that this flow has reached the very depths of the Earth. This is your gratitude to the Earth and at the same time your gift to it - you brought to Earth another piece of high vibrations - stellar energies.

Then mentally through the top of your head, direct the flow of energy upward, as high as possible. This is your gratitude to the Universe and at the same time recognition of your kinship with the heavenly, star family.

You are a dual being, earthly and heavenly at the same time. Remember the state when you stand firmly on the earth and at the same time contain the entire cosmos within you. This is the usual state of a being of a dual nature - an angel in human form, which you are.

Exercise 4: Journey of the Spirit

First, read the text of the exercise once or twice, or more if you like, and then put the book down for a while to do it.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and slow, long exhalations: inhale gently until your lungs are completely filled with air, and then exhale, simply allowing the air to come out slowly - without forcefully blowing it out. Mentally ask your Divine Self to envelop you in a bright white radiance. Imagine that you are inside a cocoon of shining, sparkling and sparkling white energy. Ask your angels and heavenly guides to help you maintain and strengthen this protection.

Direct your inner gaze to the area of the heart. Imagine that a soft golden light is smoothly spreading in your chest. You enter this light and, as it were, dissolve in it. You find yourself inside this space filled with a golden glow - in another dimension of reality.

Imagine that a huge beautiful world, flooded with golden sunlight, stretches out in front of you from horizon to horizon. You see blooming gardens, magnificent temples, green forests, mountain peaks, clear lakes, a sea with golden beaches. You can imagine whatever you want - whatever you particularly like. This is your world and you can arrange it as you wish.

You are now in the center of this world, but you can move around it as you wish. There are no barriers for you, no distances. You can fly. You can swim underwater. You can grow to the size of a mountain, or you can shrink to the size of a ladybug. You can turn into a variety of creatures - birds, butterflies, animals, and maybe elves and gnomes. To do this, you just need to express the corresponding desire - you don’t need to make any more efforts.

In this world you are an immortal being. You are invulnerable - no one and nothing can harm you.

Imagine yourself taking off easily and soaring above your beautiful world without any effort. From above you see that your world is richly populated: animals and birds live in the forests, herds of cows and sheep graze on abundant green pastures - and maybe even other, fantastic, never-before-seen animals. You know for sure that all the creatures living in this world are friendly and treat you with love. This world is absolutely safe. There is no place for evil and fear. Such concepts simply do not exist. Everything around is permeated with love, light, goodness.

You fly and admire the beautiful world from above - flowering gardens and meadows, seas and mountains, pastures, rivers, lakes, and maybe palaces and temples (at your discretion, you can fill the world with any beautiful things, you can decide what to refuse, what you don't need in this world). Birds join you in flight, and you briefly turn into a bird to join the flock. You talk to the birds and they answer you. You send each other greetings and blessings full of love and kindness. Then you regain your appearance and fly on. If you want, you can turn into a shining, luminous being of Light - an angel and travel further in this form, or you can remain in a human shell.

You can fly to the mountains, sit down to rest at the top to breathe in the beautiful clean mountain air and collect a bouquet of magnificent mountain edelweiss. You can fly to the sea to swim with dolphins. You can go to a beautiful garden to walk among the fragrant flowering plants, or maybe turn into a butterfly and flutter from flower to flower. You can do whatever you want - after all, this is your world, and your possibilities in it are unlimited!

There is only one limitation: nothing negative and destructive can enter this world. If you have even one negative thought, you will simply immediately find yourself out of this world, returning to your normal reality. Don't be afraid, this won't harm you in any way. You can try to return and stay in your wonderful world again and again, as many times as you need, to begin to feel good and comfortable there, like at home.

This exercise is very good at reminding us of our true essence. We, as Divine beings, are created from energy, and there are no barriers to energy. There are obstacles for us only in the material world, where we agreed to go on a temporary journey, putting on a biological shell. But in our present, Heavenly home, we are pure energy that can change its form at our sole desire. We can really create worlds, we can fly, and turn into different creatures, and even breathe under water, because energy can acquire any properties, and energy is controlled by our intention.

By remembering our true essence and experiencing the boundless freedom of a being who is pure energy, we restore our strength and gain much more power in our earthly life. And most importantly, we return to a state of peace, harmony, conquer our fears and gain an even, stable emotional state that will allow us to easily and quickly go through the necessary changes and cope with all our earthly tasks.

You can do this exercise as often as you like. You can, at your discretion, vary the exercise from time to time, imagining different facets of your world and traveling either by water or by air, meeting with a variety of friendly creatures, etc. Your imagination, being in close connection with your Divine Self ", will tell you a variety of options for traveling around your Heavenly home.

Exercise 5. Life through the eyes of the Spirit

The veil of oblivion continually makes us forget both our Divine essence and the true meaning of our stay on Earth. This meaning is serious work to bring the light and love of God into the earthly world, and also a game designed to please the Spirit. Moreover, only work with energies is serious for the Spirit (transformation of low-frequency earthly energies into high-frequency energies of love and the light of God). But all the ups and downs of human life from the point of view of the Spirit are not serious, but are just a game designed to give pleasure, and also contribute to the fulfillment of the main task - to transform energies. If we forget that this is a game, then we begin to suffer and suffer instead of enjoying it, and we are also distracted from our main goal and task - the transformation of energies.

The solution is to constantly accustom yourself to perceive the world and what is happening around as the Spirit sees it. Only then will we begin to see the true essence of all earthly events and learn to transform these events, transforming the energies involved in their creation. Then the world, having become the object of the game, will be subject to us. And we will no longer have to suffer and suffer because of external events - we will simply learn to change them with the power of the Spirit, the power of love and the light of God.

But for this we must at least not forget that we are the Spirit and are endowed with the capabilities of the Spirit. Since the world around us literally every moment makes us forget about this, we need to remind ourselves of this as often as possible, and not only remind, but turn into a habit the mindset of playing, of transforming energies, of seeing the world through the eyes of the Spirit.

This exercise is intended for this purpose, which you can perform at any time, in any environment and as often as you want.

Imagine that behind your back is a beautiful being of light, your Spirit. You can imagine him as a snow-white angel with wings or in any other form that is pleasant to you. Imagine that he is bigger than you, taller than you, and the energy of love, warmth and care emanates from him.

Imagine that the Spirit is your Divine part that is always with you. Between you there is the closest relationship imaginable. And at the same time, the Spirit is that part of you that binds you together with God.

Imagine that the Spirit gently places his hands on your shoulders, and you feel his warmth and love even more strongly. You feel incredibly comfortable and protected in the arms of Spirit. Mentally ask him to show you how the world is perceived through his eyes. Imagine that the center of your perception has moved back and up. You have stepped away from yourself as a person and become one with Spirit. Now you see the world as the Spirit sees it.

Remember that for the Spirit, who lives in eternity and infinity, the journey to Earth is perceived as one bright moment. And he wants to learn, understand, and absorb as much as possible in this moment. Remember how you were a tourist in some new country. The duration of your trip was limited, and you tried to see as much as possible and get as many impressions as possible. This is approximately how the Spirit feels on Earth.

For the Spirit, everything is new; it rejoices and is surprised at everything. Imagine that you, as a person, are giving Spirit a tour of the earthly world, and at the same time you are looking at everything through the eyes of the Spirit. Be surprised, rejoice, admire with him. You will feel that you have begun to notice all the little things that you have not paid attention to, because for the Spirit everything is significant, important and valuable.

Now imagine that you are showing the Spirit some situation in your life that seems difficult, insoluble or in crisis to you. Imagine looking at this situation through the eyes of the Spirit. Imagine that the Spirit, figuratively speaking, rubs its hands and says: “ Wow, what a problem!” Well, we have a game ahead of us! Shall we play? »

Continuing to look at the situation through the eyes of the Spirit, imagine what moves the Spirit might offer you in this game. The Spirit always offers only those moves that are aimed at a sure win. Be filled with enthusiasm, a creative attitude and faith in winning - all this is the attitude of the Spirit. Express your trust in the Spirit and faith that he is leading you to victory.

Act as the Spirit prompts, without losing the ability to look at the world through its eyes.

Exercise 6. Your golden pedestal

This exercise will help you put into practice the Spirit's call to put yourself first in your life. Putting yourself first does not mean becoming selfish and indifferent to other people. Indeed, in this case, we put in first place not our ego, but our Divinity. Putting yourself first in the Divine sense means taking responsibility for your life, becoming the master of your life, and stopping being a victim of circumstances. This means giving priority to the needs and tasks of your Spirit. It means becoming yourself and living the way God intended for you. When we put ourselves first in the Divine sense, it benefits not only ourselves, but also other people.

Stay alone with yourself, take any comfortable, relaxed position, close your eyes. Imagine that you see a golden pedestal in front of you. It's meant for you. You are the one who must ascend to it and rightfully take center stage in your life.

Do you think this pedestal is free or occupied by someone else? It can only be occupied by those whom you yourself put there, giving them the first and main place in your life, leaving yourself with secondary roles. Whom have you placed on a pedestal, while you yourself are huddling forlornly at its foot? No matter how close and dear these people are to you, each of them has their own life, and each of them has their own pedestal, and they should occupy a central, first and main place in their lives, but not in yours.

You shouldn't stop loving them. But in your life you must give first place to yourself and only yourself.

Tell yourself, “ This pedestal is for me and me only. It was given to me by God, it is intended for my Divine “I”. I rightfully take my place on this golden pedestal to realize myself as a Spirit, to build my life the way I need, the way it suits my highest interests .”

Imagine that you are gently asking to vacate the place assigned to you by those people whom you yourself have placed on your pedestal. And when it becomes free, you solemnly take your place on it. And immediately your transformation occurs - you connect with your Divine Self, you become a majestic being of light, an angel, you are filled with love and power, you glow, and your whole being seems to sing a beautiful song praising life, joy, your Divinity.

Repeat this meditation as often as you like and you will feel yourself gaining Divine dignity and regaining your rightful central place in your own life.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises for Realizing your Divinity | Liberty Meditative Exercises for Realizing your Divinity | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/12/2023 12:30:00 AM Rating: 5

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