How to get out of the influence of social fears
Your success and happiness do not depend on whether you follow the criteria of society, but on whether you follow your Spirit
Hello, dear ones, Kryon greets you, beautiful and powerful, bright Divine angels in human form. We are happy to be here and now with you. We are honored to speak with you, and we are immensely grateful to you for agreeing to listen to us, talk with us and accept our help and advice...
Oh dear ones, you don't really need advice because you have the same knowledge as us. You just temporarily forgot what you know, and we are here to remind you of it, and nothing more.
Today I remind you again and again of who you are - you are Divine angels, you are beautiful beings of light, each of you is an immortal, eternal, powerful Spirit, possessing all the capabilities of the Creator God. Yes, dear ones, this is who you really are. Each of you is God. Do you remember this, do you mean this when you say “I”? What do you mean when you say “I” - your true essence or that social mask that may have stuck to you very strongly, but, nevertheless, is not your true “I”?
Dear ones, when you identify with your Divine Self, you go beyond all fears. When you identify yourself with your social mask, all the fears operating in society immediately begin to have an effect on you.
- Fear of being unsuccessful.
- Fear of making a mistake.
- Fear of others' negative opinions.
- Fear of judgment and ridicule.
- Fear of not being accepted in a society that is important to you.
- Fear of low social status.
- Fear of not meeting socially accepted criteria for well-being.

These are all typical social fears that most people have. These fears take you away from your true self. These fears interfere with the development and realization of the Spirit. These fears cause you to value the impression you make above the values of Spirit. These fears deprive you of the opportunity to be happy, as they force you to constantly look at yourself through the eyes of other people. When you care about the external, you move away from the internal. And if you have not found happiness and harmony within yourself, you will not find them anywhere.
Society sets traps for you at every step, it gives you false guidelines. Society dangles in front of your mind a whole list of different things that you supposedly need to be happy. Career, family, money, property, status, prestige, recognition, popularity and many more things are included in this list. You begin to blindly follow it, without even asking yourself whether you need it, exactly you, whether it will bring happiness to you. You don’t ask your Spirit what it needs. You can get everything that is indicated in this social list, but if you ignore the interests of the Spirit, no benefits will bring you happiness.
Many of you need a lifetime or even several lifetimes to understand this simple truth. Dear ones, it's so simple! You can stop pleasing society right now if you understand that you are doing it to the detriment of yourself and your Spirit. You can tear up and throw away all the social lists posted on the walls of your mind. You can finally turn to the Spirit, do what the Spirit needs, and stop being afraid of someone's disapproval or rejection.
When you fully approve and accept yourself, other people's disapproving opinions simply cease to exist for you.
Understand that your success, as well as your feeling of happiness, does not depend on whether you please society and whether you follow its criteria. It just depends on whether you follow the needs of the Spirit. The choice of which path to take is up to you.
Exercise 1. Learn to follow the Spirit always and everywhere
Go to the mirror and, looking into the eyes of your reflection, say out loud:
“ I am the Divine Spirit experiencing life in the three-dimensional world, in the human body. My task here is to learn to love as I knew how to do while in the Divine house. My task is to remember myself as a Divine being of love and light. My task is to bring the energies of Divine love and Divine light to Earth and realize myself here as the Divine Spirit.
My Spirit, my Divine Self, is the only true guiding star on my path. From now on, I follow this guiding star, focusing on Divine love and Divine light, and not on the values and criteria accepted in society. I focus on the eternal, not the temporary, the true, not the false, love, not fear.
Everything that helps love manifest itself in my soul is all true, all of it is from God. Everything that gives rise to fear is all false, and I am not on my way with this.
I go where there is love and light. I do only what contributes to the manifestation of love and light in myself and in the world around me. I only do what the Spirit calls me to do. My Divine Spirit is my only authority and the only leader I am willing to follow. I follow the path of the Spirit - and this is the path of happiness. So be it ."
The desires of the Spirit are only those whose fulfillment makes you feel happy
Dear Ones, are you choosing to follow the path of the Spirit? But do you know what your Spirit needs? What are his desires? How exactly does he want to realize himself in the earthly world? Oh, dear ones, we know that earthly reality can greatly drown out the voice of the Spirit. The great virtue is to hear it, despite all the interference and distortion introduced by three-dimensionality.
But you are awakening masters, and you can follow the Spirit even where everything seems to hinder it. Many of you are doing this successfully. I invite you to start living with awareness of your spiritual essence every moment. I invite you to begin to recognize the desires, goals and needs of the Spirit whenever you have to take a step, make a decision, choose a path. Do this consciously, do not blindly follow society - follow the Spirit, and you will always win.
Dear ones, you do not need to ask anyone for permission to be happy and free. You can give yourself this permission, without regard to others. Give yourself freedom, give yourself the right to do what you need, and the way you need it.
Because your freedom or lack of freedom does not depend on others - even if it seems to you that it depends on others. In fact, everything is within you, and everything depends only on you.
Break the circle of addictions - gain consciousness of the owner of your life
Each of you is essentially the master of your own life, although you sometimes forget about it. And then it seems to you that someone else is leading your life. You begin to live with the consciousness of a victim, although in reality you have never been a victim. Remember this.
Gain the consciousness of the creator and owner of your life. Come under the control of the Spirit. And you won't have to depend on others. You don't have to build your life trying to please society and adapt to it. You will gain freedom and independence. Not your environment, not other people will be responsible for your happiness - you and only you will build your happiness. You will not give this responsibility to anyone and you will not allow anyone to influence you. You will no longer live in fear of whether society will accept you or not. Because your new self-awareness will also influence society.
Society will change. Its criteria and rules will change. Society, too, sooner or later will accept the primacy and primacy of the Spirit. This is already happening all over the world, although it is not yet very noticeable.
The values of the Spirit are gaining weight. Human uniqueness and originality are increasingly recognized as valuable. More and more people are defending the right to their own path, to unique self-realization. Society is forced to take this into account and change. To change so that entire communities live driven not by fear, not by the desire for immediate gain, not by the pursuit of material wealth, not by self-affirmation in someone else’s eyes, not by competition with each other, but by the values of the Spirit, the values of the light and love of God.
Exercise 2. Learn to identify which of your desires are the desires of the Spirit
Take paper, pen and write a list of your desires that are relevant at the moment. Let these be desires, both large and very small - write about everything you would like. Re-read the list and for each item in turn ask yourself the question: “ Will this make me happy? »
If you answer “no,” it means that this is definitely not the desire of the Spirit and in fact you do not need it. It makes sense to fulfill only those desires that will make you happy, because the Spirit wants us to be happy.
If you answer “yes,” think about what exactly you mean by “being happy.” Will you really feel happy - or will you appear happy in the eyes of other people? It is your inner feeling of happiness that is important. If it is not there, then you may outwardly correspond to the idea of a happy person, look like one - but not be one.
Reframe the question: “ Will the fulfillment of this desire give me a feeling of happiness? Will I really feel happy? “If it’s difficult to answer, imagine that the wish has already come true. Do you feel joy, inspiration?
If it’s still difficult to imagine, try to do something that brings the fulfillment of your desire closer - for example, collect information about people who have already achieved what you dream of, find out how they did it. Or talk to someone who can help you make this wish come true. If in the process of such work you feel something similar to inspiration, you are moving in the right direction. If there is a reluctance to do this or no positive feelings arise, this is not the direction that the Spirit chooses for you.
This simple habit of focusing on your feelings is a very good way to figure out whether your desires are the desires of the Spirit or not.
Exercise 3. Gain mastery of your life
Remember if there were situations in your life when you did something as your heart told you, even if others told you that you were wrong. But in the end you turned out to be right, because the heart does not deceive, its voice is the voice of the Spirit.
Remember those situations when you trusted others more or the preferences of society and did not do as your heart told you. You will understand that these were the wrong actions, they did not lead you to success, happiness, or anything you dreamed of.
Think about the challenges facing you now. How are you going to solve them - the way your heart tells you, the way it seems right to you, or the way it seems right to someone else? Put yourself first and think about how you can solve these problems in accordance with the promptings of the Spirit, in what feels right to you.
If you feel like you lack determination and self-confidence, go to the mirror and say out loud:
“ I am an adult, free, independent, independent person. I am taking back my right to be the master of my life.
I and only I, in co-creation with my Divine Spirit, control my life. I no longer allow anyone or anything to control my life.
I live my life and only my life. I don’t allow anyone or anything to lead me astray from my path or impose other people’s decisions on me.
I make my own decisions in my life. I know better what is good for me and what is bad, what I need and what I don’t.
I live guided only by my desire for love and light and the promptings of my Divine Self.
Repeat these words whenever you need to find your path and make your own decisions without allowing others to lead you astray and control you.”
You don't have to be afraid of each other, because you are all one family
You often forget what humanity really is. You are all members of one family, a common Divine family! You are all one and you are all loved by each other. Yes, you have forgotten about it, but still, deep down, you all love each other.
You act out dramas and tragedies, sometimes you hate each other - but all these are games, illusions, all this is not reality. If you remember this, you will not need to fear judgment and criticism. There will be no need to be afraid of a bad attitude if you know that this is only an appearance, just a chimera behind which the truth is hidden, and this truth is love.
You live in a three-dimensional world, you play the games of this world - play, defend yourself, fight with each other, demand respect for your rights, do not let anyone control and manipulate you, but at the same time... do not forget: this is just a game. A game that masks your deep love for each other.
Even when playing games of enmity, struggle, hatred, resentment, keep love in the depths of your soul. Don't let these games touch your true essence. When you return to the Divine House, you warmly embrace those whom you considered enemies and laugh cheerfully at your enmity. If you knew with what love you meet each other here, on our side of the veil, you would already laugh at your fears.
Carry love for each other in your soul, dear ones, no matter what games you have to play. And don’t forget the truth: where there is love, there is no fear.
Exercise 4. Wherever you are and whoever you communicate with, bring love and light to your heart
Don't forget that people intuitively feel how we treat them, and pay us the same. It is no coincidence that they say: “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” If you remember that all people are essentially Divine, all are one family and love each other (even though they do not remember it), you will be able to maintain light and love in your heart, no matter what happens around you and with whomever you are with. I had to communicate. Even if others show you the opposite, remember that in fact there is love hidden behind this.
Try to simply leave the house, determined to keep light and love in your heart and broadcast these energies outward, directing them to everyone you meet along the way, acquaintances and strangers. You don’t need to demonstrate this in any way, you don’t have to smile at everyone you meet (although you can smile if you want). The main thing is to feel in your soul, in your heart, the soft light and warmth that spread from your heart in the form of streams of energy.
You will notice that there will be much fewer aggressive, hostile or unfriendly people on your way. You will meet people who are similarly minded, carrying love and light in their hearts, although perhaps doing so unconsciously.
And even if you encounter manifestations of aggression and ill will, immediately remind yourself: “This is an illusion, this is a game, this is not real, but in reality there is only light and love.”
Over time, you will notice that your very presence already helps restore peace, pacify the most aggressive and malicious people, and for this you do not have to do or say anything, it is enough to be present, maintaining light and love in your soul and not succumbing to the vibrations of anger and aggression.
With this attitude, you will not have to be afraid of anything, because low vibrations will no longer touch you, other people’s emotions will not hurt you, you will remain in a protective cocoon of light and love, maintaining contact with your Divine Self, everywhere and always.
Dear Ones, each of you is inherently fearless. Each of you is a Spirit, and the Spirit has nothing to fear. By identifying yourself with the Spirit, you move beyond the scope of social fears. You neutralize them, transforming them into light and love.
Yes, dear ones, you are Divine and therefore powerful. Fears fear you, that's how powerful you are! Fears disappear when you claim your power. So do it, dear ones! Do it day by day, minute by minute. Soon you will laugh at your own fears. We are with you, dear ones, with you at your first call.
You are immensely loved, remember this - it was, is and always will be.Kryon
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
How to Get out of the Influence of Social Fears | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/13/2023 04:40:00 AM