Meditative exercises for obtaining Divine help and protection
“Divine protection is always with you - you just need to claim it”
Dear ones, let me remind you: you are absolutely safe. Always, everywhere, no matter what happens, you are protected, you are invulnerable, nothing can harm you, nothing bad can happen to you. You, as Spirit, are eternal and immortal. Everything that happens to you as a person is a game, it is an illusion.
You yourself chose to be in the space of this game in order to experience the Divine energies of which you are the carrier. Until you identify yourself with the Spirit, you do not feel protected, you do not feel safe. But at the same time, you remain powerful in the sense that you create your reality with your thoughts, intentions, beliefs and attitudes. And if you think that living is dangerous, your life becomes dangerous. If you think that life is full of worries, it becomes filled with worries. If you consider yourself unprotected, your protection collapses.
Dear ones, everything depends only on you! The reality around you is under your control. It carries out your commands - conscious or unconscious. If you prefer to forget that you are eternal, immortal, that nothing threatens you, your life will present you with surprises that will probably not please you. But you can change everything. To do this, you need to remember that you are protected. And most importantly, you need to claim this protection. You need to show your will and express your intention so that your life passes under Divine protection.

And then you will become invulnerable not only as a Spirit, but also as a person. And then your life will be as calm and comfortable as you want it to be. Everything is in your hands, dear ones. And remember that your Divine family is always nearby, and is always ready to provide you with help and protection, at your first call.
Exercise 1. The look of loving angel eyes
This exercise will help you strengthen your connection with the angels. It will also support you in difficult times.
Be alone with yourself. Close your eyes. If you have dark, anxious thoughts, drive them away. Tell yourself that now you can allow yourself to spend some time only on good thoughts.
Imagine that somewhere not far from you, maybe in the next room, there is someone who loves you very much - exactly the kind of love that you would like to receive. This is your second “I”, which knows everything about you and understands you very well. He loves and accepts you for who you are. He knows everything about your problems and shortcomings and never judges you, but only sincerely empathizes with you and is always ready to help. This is the one from whom you receive only selfless warmth, love and care.
You feel the gaze of these loving eyes on you. They contain peace, warmth and understanding. You feel very calm and comfortable when those eyes look at you. You feel that their eyes approve of you and look at you with admiration. All worries go away, you relax, you want to smile.
Thank the owner of these invisible eyes for the goodness and love that they radiate. And know that these eyes always look at you only with love and approval - no matter what happens in your life.
You might think those eyes were only in your imagination. But at the same time, you clearly felt a change in your condition, because the feeling of love, warmth and kindness directed towards you was very real? The thing is that it was not a figment of the imagination. You felt the energy of an angel. You can turn to his warmth and love any time you need it. Your angels are always with you and will always respond.
Exercise 2. Finding Divine Protection
This exercise can be performed without restrictions, anytime and anywhere.
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and steadily to relax and drive away extraneous thoughts. Focus your attention on the heart area and connect with your Divine center.
Mentally turn to the Creator with a request to place you in the flow of Divine radiance. Imagine that you are inside a stream that flows from above, from infinity, and goes deep into the earth. It is an iridescent, shining white light. Now mentally ask the cells of your body to accept this Divine light and, with its help, activate your own Divine nature. Imagine watching light enter the cells and they burst into white, glowing light. Now you are engulfed in light both outside and inside. You have united your human and Divine nature.
The Divine light also burns in your eyes. Imagine that your Divine nature is looking at the world through your eyes. Mentally direct this light to your loved ones, your friends, acquaintances, and then to those whom you consider an enemy or ill-wisher. You will notice that you can wish him well too and that his attitude towards you no longer affects you. You see in him the same Divine being as you yourself, which means you no longer judge his behavior, even if it is far from perfect or, from your point of view, contrary to Divine laws.
Learn to maintain this state first alone with yourself, and then you will be able to maintain it in communication with other people and, as a result, be invulnerable.
Exercise 3. Staying in a space of security
At any moment you can find yourself in a safe, protected, comfortable space for you - for this you just need to express the appropriate intention and visualize the world of peace and comfort that your Divine family creates for you.
Stay alone with yourself, take any comfortable position, close your eyes. Imagine that a golden angel with snow-white wings is standing behind you. He is similar to you, but only larger and taller than your human body. This is you in your Divine manifestation. You feel the warmth and love he sends your way. You feel protected, good and comfortable.
Imagine that there are other angels next to you - this is your Divine family. You and them are surrounded by a white-golden glow. You are in a space of protection, safety, warmth and love.
Tell yourself: “ Everything is fine. Everything is going as it should. Everything goes according to plan. Divine protection is with me. Angelic protection is with me. I am led and directed. Everything's under control. Everything is fine ."
This exercise can be done before falling asleep. It eliminates worry and anxiety, improves sleep, brings you into a state of peace and inner peace, which will help you act more effectively and make the right decisions in any situation.
Exercise 4. Point of absolute rest
This exercise is suitable for daily performance at any time convenient for you.
Stay alone with yourself for a while. Close your eyes if you want. Direct your attention to the heart area. Without straining, easily and very gently penetrate an imaginary ray of attention deep into your being. Remember that attention is energy, and there are no barriers to energy. It easily and freely passes through dense matter, without even “noticing” it. Therefore, following the ray of attention, you will immediately find yourself in another dimension - the inner space of your Self.
You will find there a point of absolute rest. This is a point that is not touched by anything happening in the outside world. Connect mentally with this point. Tell yourself: “ I am returning to love and light .” Repeat this several times if you like.
Be silent for a moment, listening to this inner point of peace. You will feel yourself imbued with peace and tranquility.
Remaining in this point of peace, imagine that your body is filled with radiance. You can visualize a sparkling and sparkling silver or golden glow - whichever you prefer. Imagine that this is not just radiance, but a flow of love energy. It soothes and pacifies, filling you from the inside with softness and tenderness, making your eyes glow with a warm light. Imagine that this radiance literally permeates your body from the inside and at the same time surrounds you from the outside.
Stay in this state. Listen to your feelings. You may feel calm, peaceful, self-sufficient and protected.
You can return to this state at any time, no matter what external circumstances try to knock you out of it.
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises for Obtaining Divine Help and Protection | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/13/2023 04:46:00 AM