Lessons from Ascension. Pure Gold of the Spirit. Return to Eden.
All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves.
El Mikhail Nebodonsky, answer me!
We are together. I'm with you.
I still have questions about human bodies. I don't understand a little. Seven chakras and seven bodies, it seems that everything should be symmetrical.
Three lower bodies (physical, astral, mental) and three higher bodies (causal, buddhic, atmic) and their connection in the center - in the fiery body. Then it turns out that the fiery body is centered in the heart chakra. But our literature tells a different story. They also describe the etheric body, which is a layer between the astral and mental bodies, the so-called “etheric double,” which often does not disintegrate after death, but lives in the form of ghosts. Is it not attached to any chakra? And in this last description, the seven bodies look like this: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhic, atmic. In this chain, the center of symmetry is the mental body. Which is correct?
Everything is symmetrical. Words are simply symbols. All bodies are simply different clothes of the Spirit. You and I talked about bodies as spacesuits of the Spirit, which he puts on for immersion into the depths of density. And that the three lower bodies are simply three layers of a “dense spacesuit,” and the three higher bodies are three layers of a “thin spacesuit.” These three layers of "thin suit" simply give different characteristics of the Spirit's immersion, like different sensors. The “dense spacesuit”, consisting of three layers, is the etheric body. The “thin spacesuit”, consisting of three different layers, is a fiery body.
But you said that the fiery body is the central body, that it unites three higher and three lower bodies.
Yes, this is partly true. Because the symmetry of the Spirit is slightly different from the symmetry of the physical world. There is a basic centering in the symmetry of the Spirit. That is, in various qualities the manifestations of the Spirit are still more significant.
The flower is symmetrical around the center, all its petals are the same and none predominates. In the centering of a Spiritual Flower, such as your bodies, there are more significant and less significant centers. When you, as Spirit, throw off the three lower bodies, the center shifts. This shift of center shows your movement upward, towards the Spirit. This mechanism is the mechanism of your return movement to the Spirit.
Following the analogy with a flower, if three petals wither and fall off, then the flower is, as it were, incomplete, partial, asymmetrical. However, with spiritual development, the flower is transformed. Three petals combine into one, and four petals remain, and then three more petals magically appear. This is difficult to explain in human terms.
The fire center is truly the center of the heart chakra. And it’s not for nothing that you call it the heart chakra, because without a heart you cannot live in the physical world. It is in this center that the fire of the Spirit is concentrated. It is around this middle center that all human bodies, both present and future, unite. It is in this center that the essence of Divine energy is concentrated - love and compassion.

All other personal characteristics, such as memory, incarnation experience, sensory baggage, knowledge, perception of higher worlds, are simply clothes, simply points of contact of this fiery center with worlds of varying density, with various illusions created by the Spirit in the process of self-knowledge. The center is there, in the heart, and not in the head and not above the head, as many of you imagine.
The three lower bodies communicate with the lower planes. The three higher bodies communicate and contact the higher planes. In the Universe there are many Planes of Existence and manifestations of the Spirit. And the Spark of the Spirit simply travels through these worlds, putting on various body-suits that are more appropriate to the energies of the world where the Spirit descends and penetrates. And these bodies were created not only so that the Spark of the Spirit remains unclouded after such travels. The spark of the Spirit, in fact, cannot be dimmed. But also so that the Spark of the Spirit does not ignite everything that exists - it is so strong and powerful.
And so the little sparks of the Spirit put on clothes and begin their journeys through the levels of the Universe to explore various variations of self-manifestation in separation from the main Fire of the Spirit. And there are a great many of these clothes. When these sparks of the Spirit manifest themselves in other panes of reality-illusion, past clothes are taken off and the present ones are put on.
But you said that all human bodies are important. That the physical body cannot be discarded so that it can simply skillfully, but it must be transformed so that it can further travel together with the Spark of the Spirit to other worlds.

Yes, because the death of the physical body and the throwing off of clothes are not the same thing. Why were you given a physical body if after death it is simply destroyed? What's the point? In your physical body, in its cells, all the characteristics of your dense life, the characteristics of matter, are written. These characteristics are valuable for the Universe as your personal unique experience of living in matter. But these characteristics contain both essential information for the Universe and the Spark of the Spirit, and non-essential information.
Irrelevant ones are those that do not bring novelty of knowledge and have mainly the characteristic of repetition. Like annoying thoughts in the mental body. A thought that has arisen once already carries novelty. But a thought repeated many times is no longer new and does not introduce a new spectrum of energies. The same is true in the physical body.
All processes in your body that occur automatically with a certain degree of repetition do not carry the properties of novelty for the Universe and are not valuable for it. Therefore, such information is discarded during the transformation of the physical body. The same thing happens with the astral body and the mental body.
We can say that the process of transformation of bodies is a kind of filtration process, a process of washing golden sand. When everything unimportant is sifted out and burned, not bearing the character of an evolutionary movement, not introducing something new into the development of the dense world. It’s like if you receive different data from different sensors of a spacesuit, but you don’t record the same characteristics, you are interested in new data. So here, with the transmutation of the three lower bodies, everything that is unnecessary, repetitive, and does not carry novelty and development occurs.
In all three bodies, non-essential meanings for the Spirit are discarded. Unimportant for his current incarnation. In the astral body, feelings are discarded that do not lead to the development of the Spirit, to its ascension, to its return to the bosom of the Father. Hatred, malice, rejection, lust - all that you call sins - are discarded. In the metal body, knowledge that is not essential for the universe is discarded.
Well, for example, the political structure and information about your religious beliefs and much more. In the physical body, data that slows down the development of the physical body is discarded; these are aging programs, restriction programs.
That is why a person with a transformed physical body becomes conditionally immortal, the life span of his body is extended by orders of magnitude in anticipation of his further transformation. That is why it is impossible to undergo the transmutation of lower bodies without discarding everything unnecessary and superfluous, not leading to the evolution of the Spirit, not of interest to the Universe, namely, unnecessary feelings, unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary information.
And while you yourself cling to all this unnecessary, your lower bodies cannot be cleansed and undergo transformation. And therefore, the formation of the etheric body occurs incorrectly, an incorrect fusion of your lower bodies occurs.
The etheric body is like a cocoon that must unite the three lower bodies and let in this triune energy. You can imagine it in the form of a reservoir into which the energy of the three lower bodies filtered during the current life, suitable for the further development of the Universe and representing value, enters. In addition, the etheric body is a kind of storage reservoir for energy that is released after the destruction of one of the shell-bodies.
When the physical body dies and disintegrates, the energy contained in this physical shell cannot simply dissolve; it corresponds to the physical level and cannot be raised to other levels. Therefore, it flows into the etheric body, filling it with itself. And it exists there until this soul receives a new incarnation in a dense physical body, that is, after the death of the physical body, this fragment is simply waiting for a new physical body.
When the soul comes into incarnation, its task is to develop the qualities of the Spirit most fully in each of the bodies, that is, to open the “Eyes of the Spirit”, allowing the Spirit to see everything in any of the created worlds in such a way that all “spacesuits-bodies” work in full working order and transmitted all the data about all the plans of its manifestation purely and without distortion, so that this experience of the Spirit would appear as new information for the development of the entire Universe.
This soul goes through its own unique development experience, choosing its own paths of search in new spaces. And at the same time it works, as it were, for everyone, obtaining for the entire Universe information and data that will allow the entire Universe to follow new paths of development, to open up new possibilities for the manifestation of the Spirit.
In the first incarnations, the soul gains mainly the experience of the three lower bodies. And higher bodies are waiting in the wings. With each death of the physical body, the experience of all three lower bodies is, as it were, filtered, and everything necessary and significant accumulates in the etheric body. Until the soul has learned to consciously discard what is unimportant for the Spirit and concentrate only on the essential development of the three lower bodies, incarnations into the physical world will continue.
In each such incarnation, each of you works, sometimes in turn, sometimes together, on the three lower bodies, learning to consciously control these three “suits”. And only when a person learns to fully consciously control all three “suits” and, as it were, extracts the maximum from their capabilities, that is, has mastered all the capabilities of these bodies and learned to control them, only then can we say that the experience of the three lower bodies has been completed.
And then a person will be able to transmute them, not just getting rid of them, but combining them into a single body. It’s as if you first explore the properties of each layer of the “space suit”, and then, as you learn, you begin to realize that these are not three layers, but one “suit”, just with different functions. And all these three layers work under your control harmoniously and harmoniously, completely subordinate to your consciousness.
Therefore, in the process of such transmutation or unification, everything unnecessary is discarded. Everything that you yourself have heard, seen, felt, observed, realized, thought many times, and only the essential remains. And this essential energy-information is concentrated in this single “suit” - the etheric body - and begins to interact with higher “suits”.
Because in the process of developing your lower bodies, you begin to discover the presence of other higher “suits”, that is, higher bodies. At first, teachers just tell you about it. But later you begin to be aware of them too, to literally feel them. Although this word more describes your physical contacts. And then gradually, when you have already mastered all three lower bodies and merged them into one, you will begin to master the three higher bodies in the same way and also form a single essential energy for the Universe in these layers of your knowledge of the possibilities of incarnation of the Spirit.
When you talk about cases where, after the physical death of a person, his etheric double, or etheric body, remains near the deceased like a ghost, this only indicates that this etheric body is not developed. At the time of death of a person’s physical body, it was able to accommodate only what was released from the physical body at the moment of physical death, and continues to contain the astral and mental properties of a person after death.
That is why it is called a double, because it practically contains only what you represented in your lower bodies. And that is why ghosts are mostly evil in your stories, because everything that was released after the death of the physical body was not accepted by the Universe as essential information. And then you have stories of ghosts having unfinished business on earth. These are cases when the soul does not want to leave this incarnation for some reason and continues to remain in the etheric body by choice.
The same thing happens when you travel in your dreams with the help of etheric doubles. At this time, the physical body is sleeping, it has not died, the energy of the physical plane has not been released. But the astral and mental information of a given person is, as it were, separated into the etheric body.
Moreover, this body travels mainly in the astral and mental worlds of illusions; it cannot rise to higher layers of the Universe, because its energy does not correspond to these plans. And only in rare cases, when a person’s etheric body is well developed, that is, when he has already sufficiently learned to control his astral and mental bodies, does he manage to touch the higher worlds and his etheric body. And then his consciousness, personified in the etheric double, can rise to the buddhic plane and interact with the buddhic body. And his consciousness is already capable of interacting with the causal body and the causal plane.
But further in the process of transformation of the lower bodies, when the three lower bodies become the perfect etheric double of a person and concentrate only essential information-energy, perfect energy, the intensive development of the three higher bodies begins, just as it was with the lower ones. The development of new properties of the Spirit begins, the capabilities of new “spacesuits”, or rather, the layers of the new “spacesuit”, and so on. And then, by analogy, a fiery body is formed.
The body that contains the most significant information of the embodiment of the three higher bodies, which fills the fiery body as a reservoir for the accumulation of this information. And after the transmutation of the three higher bodies, a higher fiery body is formed, which includes all the most perfect knowledge of the soul in the higher layers of the incarnation of the Spirit. And then all bodies merge into one. And this merging is not just a summation of information, but its transmutation, its interaction, its merging, when the Perfect Man, the God-man, is born.
Wait. This means that ultimately there remain two bodies around the fiery center of the spirit: the lower etheric and the higher fiery. And they merge into one. And earlier you said that the three lower bodies merge into a crystalline body.
All words are poor, and I am trying to explain this whole complex process in your terms. The newly formed bodies acquire new properties and unite into a crystalline body.
You can call it whatever you want, the main thing is that you understand the essence of the process. And when they merge into one body, the Perfect Man is born; he seems to be discovering his new bodies, because there are an infinite number of such Spirit suits. He can, by his own choice, form his new bodies during a new incarnation. But also, during a new incarnation, the incarnation of God, he is given spacesuit bodies of new levels, and again he will have three lower and three higher bodies.
We also talked to you about the fact that there is another path, a gradual path. When a person merges his lower bodies with his higher ones, then the bodies that were previously higher for him become lower, and he opens the next three higher bodies, and so on. The first path is the path of return, when the soul has a break. When, after merging into a single body, she can return to rest in her unity, share information, communicate with her fragments, return to heavenly bliss and stay in Non-existence, in order to then return to incarnation again, but with a more perfect essence, and receive more perfect bodies.
The second path is a consistent path, when step by step the soul ascends to higher and higher levels. Christ walked this Path and showed it to you. This Path has no respite if you follow only it. And Christ has no respite and remains with you on this Path until each of you passes along this Path, making the appropriate choice. Of course, each of you can alternate these paths, because the sequential path is quite difficult and requires complete detachment and complete determination.
You are saying that during the development of each body and its transmutation, everything that is not essential for the Universe is discarded. But what, in the current higher bodies of man there is a lot of non-essential things?
There is little at all in the current higher bodies of man. Basically, you have a developed causal body, but to a very small extent. Basically they include experiences of your relationships between your incarnations, as well as what you call karma. And, of course, as you understand, in the causal body there is a lot of unnecessary things, a lot of repetitions that are not particularly important for the Universe.
Because each of you repeated the same experience many times, going through it from different sides. After all, in fact, you go through a certain set of lessons, you go through these lessons in different ways, in different variations; however, they are all the same lessons: mercy, service to others, love, unity, compassion. What is called Greatness of the Soul. But in order to go through these lessons in the world of duality, you first go through their opposite meanings in order to understand what exactly is compassion, what is participation, what is unity, what is acceptance, what is love and what is compassion.
That is, what they are not. Each lesson you go through its opposite and each time you clear this opposite of what is not this lesson. And this work is reminiscent of cleaning the Augean stables or washing golden sand, when a single golden grain separates from a heap of sand. And it's not an easy job. It is in it that these golden grains appear, which are then transmuted in the form of your magnificent experience of perfect god-like beings.
I'm a little unclear why it's so difficult? That is, why create a bunch of dirt around golden grains and then isolate this grain from this dirt?
This is not dirt, but untransmuted gold. And if at first, during the transformation of the three lower bodies, you simply learn to distinguish dirt from golden grains, sand from gold, then with the development of your higher bodies you are already learning to turn this “sand” into golden grains, to transmute grains of sand into gold. This is the same sacred process of alchemy that you are talking about.
This is the creation of gold. But not the creation of gold in the physical sense, although this process is also possible and available to you, but only in the state of transmuted bodies, in the state of the God-man. But the transformation of all impure particles of matter, contaminated by the illusions of separation, their transformation into the Pure Gold of the Spirit, the discovery in every “grain of sand” of the golden property of the Spirit.
But if we ourselves are the co-creators of our illusions, then it turns out that we also create this “non-transmuted sand” with our consciousness in order to purify it later? What's the point? Why can’t we immediately create a beautiful golden world of the Spirit and exist in it?
You can. But the experience of your development as humanity has followed this path. There were many reasons for this. But now this is no longer significant. It is important that the collective human thought form now hides from the Spirit the gold of its essence under a pile of alluvial “sand”. And since you cannot simply throw away this “sand” accumulated by your race during your joint development of the capabilities of the Spirit, you have to cleanse and transmute every grain of human perception into the Gold of the Spirit. Each of you must do this within yourself first. And then help others do the same.
Because you are all inextricably linked. And that’s why we talked to you about the causal body, as about a set of experiences that you have accumulated, in which you must find precious grains of truth, the information that allows you to develop further as a perfect, divine being. And those parts of experience that do not correspond to this should be transmuted.
You are the beautiful Thousand Petal Lotus. Each petal is a body of a certain quality. And they are all connected in a single center, to which the petals are attached. This center is the Golden Grain of the Spirit. And you gradually master the individual petals of this flower in each of your lives.
This comparison is not given to you by chance. When you enter the atmic level with your consciousness, you begin to feel this Thousand Petal Lotus. In fact, there are not a thousand petals, but a countless number, just as the number of worlds and levels of development of the Spirit is countless. But in each incarnation you master only individual petals. And when this petal is completely mastered, it seems to fall off, and a new petal opens behind it.
But at the same time, the process itself is not finite, because the number of petals is not finite. And this is not dying in your sense, because each petal is connected with the Fiery Seed of the Spirit by a thin thread, along which it transmits all the information of experience accumulated by it in this body of incarnation. And through this Grain of Spirit, all other petals learn about this experience.
And thus the wonderful Thousand-Petal Lotus itself develops simultaneously, receiving all the information from all the petals, as forms of its development and manifestation, and blooms as a single beautiful Flower of the Spirit. And this flowering of the Spirit is eternal and endless.
And further, when you reach with your consciousness this Fiery Center of the Flower of the Spirit, you suddenly find yourself not as a Thousand-Petal Lotus, but as a petal on another, higher flower. That is, when your petals fall away as unnecessary, since you will go through all the possible countless experiences of yourself as an integral Flower of the Spirit, there will remain a single petal of you, the embodiment of your fragmentation of the Source. And then you will feel yourself as part of an even more beautiful flower of the Spirit.
And so on ad infinitum. This is the Garden of Eden they talk about. And you have to find it again. Once you left him for incarnations in the material world, you always yearn for him in your memories. But your journey back, your return to Eden, is majestic and beautiful. And we will all meet there, in the Garden of Eden, and find our bliss in our Unity.
Thank you for the lesson! And I thank you for your desire. We are together. Selena
(Translation from “Lessons from Ascension. Lesson 6. El Mikhail Nebodonsky. Pure Gold of the Spirit. Return to Eden“)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: Pure Gold of the Spirit and Return to Eden | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/13/2023 04:34:00 AM