Fear of Abandonment and Getting Rid of it | Liberty

Fear of abandonment and getting rid of it.

You have nothing to fear because you are never truly abandoned.

Hello dear ones, Kryon welcomes you! We are together again, although, strictly speaking, there is never any separation between us. We are beyond time and space, we are always there for you whenever you want. You are never abandoned, dear ones. Your connection with our common Divine home is eternal and continuous. No one can take away your own Divinity from you, nothing and no one can break the thread that connects you with God.

You are always loved, you are always cared for, and you are never alone. Do you remember this? We want you to remember this more often, and especially when you feel lonely and abandoned.

Yes, dear ones, in fact, no one has ever left you, no one has ever rejected you and no one can reject you. But there is an illusion of abandonment and rejection. An illusion that many of you are subject to. An illusion that brings you not illusory, but very real suffering.

Why is this happening? Let me tell you a few stories.

One little girl was very afraid of the dark. I was so afraid that I couldn’t sleep in the dark. She cried because she couldn't sleep. She called her mother, but she did not hear, or maybe she was too busy with her own affairs. The girl was so exhausted from tears that her strength left her and she still fell asleep, because the child’s body had to take its share of sleep. But for some reason she grew up with the feeling that no one needed her. For a long time she did not dare to love, because she was sure that she would be abandoned anyway. And when she finally dared and opened her heart, what she was afraid of happened: she was abandoned. Yes, dear ones, what you fear is happening to you, because you are so powerful that you easily materialize your fears.

Another story happened in a completely different place and at a different time. A boy grew up in a kind, loving family, but the war began, and it so happened that all his relatives died - father, mother and brothers. He was left alone and lived his entire life as a hermit. What prevented him from establishing relationships with other people was the deep conviction that everyone he loved would sooner or later be taken away from him.

The third story involves a child who was born with some kind of physical disability. Maybe it was a very minor flaw, but those around him paid too much attention to it, and some even mocked him. His peers did not take him into their company. The child grew up with the feeling that he is “not like everyone else,” “worse than others.” Perhaps this disadvantage became unnoticeable or even completely disappeared when the child grew up, but the feeling that he was an outcast, that he would not be accepted into the company, remained for the rest of his life, preventing him from being loved, accepted in society as an equal, in demand and happy.

Dear ones, maybe you are familiar with similar stories? Maybe something similar happened to you? Perhaps this happened to you in previous incarnations, and therefore you do not remember about it. But if you have a fear that you will be abandoned or rejected, if there are episodes in your life when you are abandoned and rejected, it means that you have somehow experienced the experience of abandonment and rejection - in this incarnation or in past ones, but your energy remains corresponding mark.

This is an example of how karma is formed. An unwanted experience creates a fear of repeating it. Fear becomes a program that materializes exactly what you fear. As a result, unwanted experiences of the same type are repeated in life again and again.

Yes, dear ones, karma is generated precisely by fear. Getting rid of fear means overcoming unwanted karma. This means becoming free from it, free from repeating in your life exactly what you are afraid of and do not want.

Today I want to give you several steps to get rid of the karma of a rejected, abandoned person. You can change this karma. You can get rid of this fear.

You are powerful, remember that!

You can consciously change the thoughts and beliefs that form karma. You can change entire programs embedded in the subconscious and leading your destiny in a direction that is undesirable for you. You don't have to suffer from karma. You don't have to suffer from the fear of abandonment. You don't have to suffer from having abandonment situations happen over and over again. You can seek help from your Divinity and your angelic family and go through the steps that I want to list here (and, of course, help you through them).

These are the steps.
  • Stop denying yourself! Learn to accept, support and approve of yourself.
  • Remember or simulate a situation in which you are afraid of being abandoned or rejected. Accept your fear and live it.
  • Remember or simulate in your imagination a situation where you were abandoned or rejected. Relive the situation from the perspective of the Spirit receiving the experience.
  • Step towards what you fear - not in your imagination, but in real life.
Do not be afraid! It's time to get rid of the fear of abandonment - and the karma of an abandoned, rejected person. I'll walk you through these steps right now. You can do it easily and quickly. Everything is within your power, you just need strong intention and determination.

Step 1: Stop denying yourself

Your fear was a mistake - now you understand it. You don't need to be afraid - you need to transform negative experiences into positive ones. And the first thing you need to do for this is to stop rejecting yourself. You were rejected or abandoned by someone near and dear to you - and, regardless of the reasons why this happened, you began to perceive yourself as someone who was not worthy of anything else. Since these situations occur, as a rule, in childhood, when the child is not yet able to critically perceive what is happening, he makes the only conclusion accessible to himself: “There is something wrong with me, I was abandoned, rejected, which means the reason is in me, which means “There’s no other way with me.”

As an adult, you can realize that it is not your fault. The reason is not you. And you don't need to deny yourself anymore. God never rejects you, God never abandons you. Be like God - you are created in His image and likeness. Start treating yourself the way God does—with love and acceptance.

Step 2: Come out of the abandonment situation with a positive experience

Everything that happened in the past (in this or other incarnations) did not happen so that you would have fear, not so that you would accumulate unwanted karma and begin to suffer from it. This was to encourage you to remember your Divinity. This was necessary so that you, having received an unwanted experience, would learn to transform it into a useful experience for yourself.

The light and love of God is the energy that can bring about such a transformation. Even if you were unable to do this in the past, even if you suffered from unwanted karma for many years, it is never too late to change it. And now you are close to these changes.

Exercise 1. Meeting yourself

If you are afraid of being abandoned or rejected, it means that you are rejecting yourself to one degree or another, that is, you do not accept something about yourself, you do not want to be who you are. To stop rejecting yourself means to accept everything in yourself as it is, it means to come to terms with yourself, to stop reproaching yourself, scolding, and condemning yourself. Criticism, condemnation of oneself is a rejection of oneself. In this way, you seem to turn away from yourself, say: “This is not me, because I don’t want to be like that.” As long as you do this, others will reject you.

You can imagine a meeting with yourself - or rather, with that part of yourself that you reject. You can visualize the situation of a happy meeting with yourself. Do this using your imagination.

To do this, find an opportunity to be alone with yourself, relax and calm down, drive away extraneous thoughts. Think about what you do not accept and reject in yourself. What qualities do you not like about yourself, what shortcomings do you reproach yourself for, what do you think pushes other people away from you?

Understand that people perceive you the way you perceive yourself. On a subconscious level, they convey your own attitude towards yourself. If you push something away in yourself, it will push other people away too.

Imagine that you see yourself in front of you with exactly the quality that you don’t like about yourself and seems repulsive. See how this quality manifests itself. Refrain from criticism and negative assessments. Instead, look at this self-image through the eyes of a loving God. Connect with your Divine Self, identify yourself with the beautiful shining angel that is you, look with a loving gaze at your shortcomings - and you will feel that you can accept and love yourself in every way, even with shortcomings, that these shortcomings dissolve in the love of God and cease to be so significant.

Mentally ask yourself for forgiveness for the fact that you judged, reproached, did not accept and did not love yourself enough. Confess your love to the part of yourself that you have been rejecting. Imagine yourself wrapping yourself in a warm hug, asking for forgiveness, and forgiving.

You will feel how the harmony and integrity of your being is restored - after all, when we reject something, do not accept something in ourselves, it is as if we are dividing ourselves into parts, into small fragments. And when we accept everything in ourselves, we restore our integrity and unity, which is why we begin to feel more satisfaction, fullness and happiness of being.

Spend as much time as you want on this meeting with yourself. Imagine the scene of self-acceptance and reconciliation with yourself as vividly as possible. Return to this exercise from time to time - especially when you feel insufficiently whole, unbalanced, dissatisfied with yourself and life.

Exercise 2: Feel like someone who is never abandoned or rejected.

Think about a time when you felt abandoned or rejected. If you don’t remember the details of the situation, model it in your imagination as best you can. The main thing is not the situation itself, but the feelings that you experienced.

Relive those feelings again. Don't hide from them. Admit to yourself that you feel abandoned and rejected and it hurts.

Then imagine seeing angels and your entire Divine family around you. They wipe away your tears. They console you. You are literally bathing in streams of love. You understand that they have always been, are and will be there. You have never been and never will be abandoned. Connect with your Divine essence. Tell yourself on behalf of your spiritual essence, the angel: “I am always with you. I love you. I will never leave you."

Start to perceive the situation in which you were abandoned as a game, a convention, as something illusory. This is just an appearance - in fact, no one has ever left you. Remember and keep these feelings in your soul - acceptance, love, warmth, care, attention. Live in this state - and you will never again feel abandoned or afraid of it.

Step 3: Accept the fear of abandonment and move through it

When you can emerge from previous abandonment situations with positive experiences, it will be easier for you to accept, process, and overcome your fear of abandonment. There is no need to run from fear or deny it anymore. The best thing you can do is accept this fear and live through it.

Think about any situation where you were afraid of abandonment or rejection. Maybe you were afraid to confess your love to someone, or simply ask for help. Maybe you tried to hide from people, afraid that you would not be accepted or rejected. Then you probably tried to hide this fear from yourself. You chose to run away from him. You refused the idea of declaring your love, or asking for help, or going to people, you chose the illusion of safety, preferring to stay away from situations where you thought you could be rejected.

But the more you ran away from these situations, the stronger your fear became. The only way to get rid of it is not to run away from it, but to step towards it, accept it and experience it.

Step 4: Do what you were afraid of in real life

After the previous three steps, this step will be easy for you to take. There may still be some residual fear, but don't let that bother you.

Exercise 3: Accept your fear of abandonment

Think about what specific things you are afraid to do out of fear of abandonment or rejection. Are you afraid to ask someone for something, to tell about your good feelings towards someone, or are you generally afraid to communicate or enter into a relationship?

Admit it to yourself honestly: you are afraid that you will be abandoned, abandoned, rejected. Experience these feelings. Then imagine that what you were afraid of happened - you opened up to people, but they rejected you. Again, don’t hide from these feelings, experience them.

Remember that there is a God who will never abandon you, forsake you or reject you. Remember that there is a loving angelic family who will never leave you. Call on her for help and ask her to surround you with love and care. Share your feelings - tell your angelic family how scared you are of being abandoned, abandoned, rejected.

When you stop hiding from these feelings, when you experience them and share them, they will first weaken and then fade away.

Exercise 4. Act in spite of fear

Despite your fear, do what you were afraid of - meet people halfway, ask for the help you need, build relationships.

Now, even if you are rejected, it will no longer be as traumatic for you as before. You will feel a deep inner acceptance of yourself, you will feel like someone who is never rejected by God, never rejected by a loving family.

You will stop feeling responsible for someone rejecting you. You will lose the feeling of guilt, the feeling that “there is something wrong with you.” The one who rejected you is most likely simply “not your” person. But there are many people who will not reject or abandon you. If you have no fear of abandonment, you will easily search for and find such people.

Don’t stop, do more and more new things that you were previously afraid of. This way you will overcome the fear of abandonment - and the karma generated by it.

Dear ones, please do not forget that the fear of abandonment, like abandonment itself, is an illusion. You are one with God. You are one with the Divine family. You, as humanity, are a single system. Each of you is in Divine unity with all humanity.

You can't leave each other! You can only play it, create the illusion of it.

In your earthly world, you leave each other, reject each other only in order to give each other the necessary experience - this is the experience of preserving Divine love, the experience of overcoming fear, the experience of reunification in God despite external, visible separation, the illusion of which you experience on Earth. And even when your loved ones leave you, having completed their earthly incarnation and leaving behind the veil, they do not really leave you.

This is not separation, because separation does not exist. You are all always close to each other and every time you return to the Divine House, you see with what joy and love your loved ones, whom you thought were lost forever, greet you. You cannot lose loved ones, you cannot lose loved ones, dear ones, because you are all eternal, you are all Divine, you are all part of the intelligent Universe, which loves and honors everyone, which is you, because you and there is God.

You are loved beyond measure, dear ones. It was, is and will always be so.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Fear of Abandonment and Getting Rid of it | Liberty Fear of Abandonment and Getting Rid of it | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/05/2023 12:57:00 AM Rating: 5

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