Lessons from Ascension: Divine Flow of the Father's Power | Liberty

Lessons from Ascension. First lesson. Divine Flow of the Father's Power.

All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves.

The ruler of our Universe is El Mikhail Nebodonsky.

Answer me.

I greet you. The time has come to open the veil. You are not ready, but you are hungry for new knowledge. And therefore we pass on knowledge to you, O beloved children!

You have wandered in the darkness for a long time, but now your journey in the darkness is nearing completion and the Light of God opens the gates to Heavenly Paradise for you. We salute you all, all those who strive to be worthy of our Father.

We greet you too, my daughter. We watch you and your development and are happy about your aspirations.

Tell us about the ascension. What does humanity need to ascend? Teach us.

The path ahead is not easy. But it is open to all seekers. For all those who are ready to dive into themselves, into their essence. Who has no fears about the future and has Faith.

Let's define what Faith is. Because many people understand this differently. Religious people and clergy believe that there is someone above us who decides everything for us and whose will is done. And what is most important is humility and submission to him. I understand Faith as faith in one's divine capabilities.

Faith is a Power that you can awaken within yourself. This is a channel of communication with the Father, who bestows this Power. And the one who receives this Power USES IT AS HE CHOOSE. Faith is faith in the power and omnipotence of our Creator and Father, whose Power is limitless and inexhaustible. If you believe in this Power, in the omnipotence of the Father, then there is no obstacle THAT YOU CAN’T OVERCOME.

There is no goal that you cannot achieve. By turning to the Father in prayer and having Faith in this limitless Power of the Father, you allow the action or event to happen. Your Faith is so strong that you don’t think about possible failure.

But more than that. Having a goal in front of you, you trust this Power unlimitedly. You trust the flow of this Power. You let it happen. And then you will be able to walk on water and raise the dead, just as beloved Jesus did. And then your possibilities are limitless, just as the Father’s possibilities are limitless.

But then it turns out that if a person sets not very bright goals for himself, for example, to rule the world, and has Faith in the Father, does this mean that the Power of the Father will allow him to rule the world?

The Father's power is a huge responsibility. Responsibility is not in a moral sense, although all this is connected, It is the responsibility of bearing the Force. The power is so great that it can only be carried in a certain state of consciousness. If a person is full of pride and fears, then this same Power can simply crush him. Because this is the Power of Creation.

This is the Power that creates worlds. Faith is a state of a person when he is able to connect to this Power. The greater his faith, the more capable he is of connecting to this Power. But when he receives this Power, the burden is heavy for the unprepared.

Yes, the Father gave this power to many of the people who possessed such Faith. But not everyone could bear this burden. You know in the history of mankind many tyrant leaders who had Faith in this Divine Power. But you also know the end of their earthly life. The one who receives this Power must be detached from his earthly attachments and desires.

Because it is an unearthly Force. Because it feeds Everything and creates Everything that is in man. And if he has fears, hatred, pride, then that Power strengthens all these properties and qualities. And then this Force literally tears the person apart. Leads him to a sad end.

To conduct this Power through yourself into the world, you need to be a crystal clear conductor of Faith. If obstacles appear on the path of the movement of the Force that hold it back, obstacles in the form of fears, pride, hatred, then this Force, locked in these obstacles, becomes destructive.

If this Power, passing through the human form, does not encounter obstacles, and the person is a pure conductor of the Divine Will and Divine Power, this Power creates, this Power heals, this Power harmonizes, this Power works miracles. All cases of miraculous healing are the action of this Power. All the miracles of the saints are the action of this Power. Those healers who have embarked on the path of true healing are conductors of this Power.

But not everyone can cope with this Power.

Did you say that they are conductors of the Divine Will? What is the Will of the Father? So it turns out that only He decides what should happen? “Thy will be done as it is on earth and in heaven?”

HE fills with His Power those who believe in this Power. And then everyone’s choice hangs down. The Father's will is to fill the hearts of people and all created creatures with his support. Will, like Faith, is a definite concept. You say “willpower” and that makes sense. The Father's power directed towards a specific goal is the Father's Will.

So it turns out that my goal and the Father’s goal are the same? That is, who decides?

Your goal and the Father’s goal are the same, for we are all His children, and we all fulfill His Will.

I don't understand. For example, there is a person who does not want to give anything to anyone, but wants to save everything for himself.

Is this the will of the Father?

The Will of the Father is the direction of the flow of the Father's Power. This flow is eternally and endlessly directed towards Creation, towards Creation. And therefore the direction of the flow of the Father’s Power is always unchanged. And therefore the Will of the Father abides in all who believe.

And even if a person does not believe, the direction of the Flow of the FATHER’S Power is ALWAYS UNCHANGEABLE. And therefore, either a person connects to this Stream with the help of Faith, or cannot do this for various reasons. And then either he uses the Father's Power or he doesn't.

But at the same time, the very direction of the FATHER’S Power DOES NOT DEPEND ON EVERYONE’S PERSONAL ASPIRATIONS. It is unchanging.

But they say that there is an upward flow and a downward flow. What does this mean?

Just like on a river you can swim against the current and with the current. Those who follow the “channel” of the Father’s Stream, in line with the direction of His Power, “float with the flow” and accept the Will of the Father, this is the direction of His energy for Creation.

Those who resist and “swim against the flow of the river” do not accept the Will of the Father; this is the direction of the Father’s Force towards destruction. That is why their path is so difficult. But just as your waters in the flow of a river sooner or later wash away all obstacles, so all creatures sooner or later submit to the Will of the Father, for it is invincible and inevitable.

So this is ascension...

This is following the Will of the Father. Following the Flow. Trust in this Power. Belief in her omnipotence. This is purification of oneself for the most complete acceptance of this Power. This is what all your religions were aimed at.

To purify your form to fully accept the Father’s Power and follow His Will. That is, “following the flow of the river” of the Father’s Power, following the flow of that “river” that leads everyone to creation and to the realization of all creative plans and dreams.

Therefore, a lot of information is being conveyed to you on how to cleanse your bodies and prepare them for this Flow of Power. Because as you prepare, all your bodies must be cleansed and rebuilt so that every cell of each body perceives the most purely Flow of the Father’s Power, that is, his Will.

What about Lucifer?

Does HE follow the Father's Stream? It also represents centrifugal forces. POWERS OF DESTRUCTION and says that in order to be able to create, you need to be able to destroy. It turns out that you need to be equally able to follow the flow of the river and swim against the flow of the river?

The flow of the river exists only where there is a difference in heights, otherwise the river is motionless. Therefore, the movement of the Flow of the Father’s Power or his Will can manifest itself if there are differences in aspirations, differences in heights, that is, there are poles of movement.

Brother Lucifer represents that part of the Universe that creates a potential difference and thus strengthens the direction of movement of the Father's Will.

That is, if there is no this opposition, that is, there are no poles, there will be no Will of the Father?

Yes, as Manifested Will. There will be Peace and Non-Being of the Father and All That Is.

But Lucifer calls us to balance both forces within ourselves, and not to follow the “flow of the river” of the Father’s Will.

This is the case if you want to experience Non-Being and the absence of duality. In addition, the conscious choice of the direction to follow, that is, the choice to “swim” with the flow or against the flow of the “river” of the Father’s Will, can only be made in a state of balance. Now you are simply tossed back and forth depending on your mood, the opinions of others, and the information they give you. That is, due to the lack of Faith in the Will of the Father, you change direction all the time. And in fact, because of this, you stand still.

If everything that exists in the Universe obeys the Will of the Father, that is, the direction of the flow of His Power in a creative channel, then what will happen to those who still choose opposite aspirations?

I don't understand. If the forces of Lucifer are necessary in order to create polarity and manifest the Will of the Father (that is, the direction of the Force of the Father) towards Creation, then it turns out that he is doing the right thing. What then will become of those who are his followers and also go “against the flow” of the Stream of the Father’s Will? Will they never ascend?

Wherever a person or another entity “floats”, “against the flow of the river” or “with the flow of the river”, he is still in this “river”, in the Divine Stream of the Father’s Power. The forces of brother Lucifer create the aspiration of the Stream. This seems to increase the speed of the Flow.

If you are already in this “river”, then you are still attached to the Power of the Father, whether you believe in it or not, whether you want to move in the direction of His Will or not. It's about a conscious movement for everyone. If a person is simply carried by the waves, simply carried by the current in one direction or the other, simply pulled in by the funnels of the river, this is not a conscious process.

Man dangles like a sliver in the abyss of the waters and does not feel his reunification with the Will of the Father. If a person begins to realize the processes that are taking place, he consciously chooses one direction or another, and thus becomes a conscious Son of the Father, a conscious conductor of His Guidance, a conscious conductor of His Will.

Individual forms were separated by the Father into self-aware parts. But your Consciousness sleeps within you. Divine Consciousness sleeps within you. You are tossed around like chips in the whirlpools of the movement of the River of Existence, which you were told about. And no matter what direction you choose to swim in, you will still be attached to the Will of the Father.

Because the river is movement, it is the direction of the Father’s Power. And this Power, with a “minus” or a “plus”, is still the Power of the Father. The Power of Creation or the Power of Destruction is still the Power of the Father.

But then it turns out that, say, wars are also the Power of the Father?

This is the use of the Father's Power contrary to His Will. Imagine a stagnant river. Nothing moves in it and there is no movement. Or rather, there is movement, but it is very slow. You need to strengthen the movement of the river and direct it in a certain direction. And then you build dams, obstacles, change the slope of the river bed and create movement of the river.

Suppose you need to transfer this stagnant river to a certain reservoir, to a certain lake as the river flows. To do this, you build a system of barriers, and the flow of the river accelerates and is directed into this reservoir faster and more efficiently. And sooner or later, most of the water will flow into this reservoir, and the dam itself will no longer matter, its purpose will be exhausted. But if the river is infinite, just as the Will of the Father is infinite, then more and more parts of the “water” will rush in the direction of the Will of the Father precisely because there are obstacles.

When all the water is drained to the required level, the need for a dam will disappear. All the water will be transported to the new lake, and there will again be a state of peace. And in order to direct the “water of the lake” into new channels of movement of the Will of the Father, it will be necessary to build new dams.

Somehow everything is very complicated. It turns out that duality was created to, so to speak, accelerate the movement of humanity and all essences existing in the zone of duality, according to the Will of the Father? And it turns out that duality, that is, polarity, is infinite, since this directs the Force of the Father?

This is one of the ways of manifesting the Will of the Father. But as it moves from “lake” to “lake”, more directions of river movement will appear. Duality, trialality and so on. And then you will not choose between flowing against the flow or with the flow, but your choice to expand in both directions. You will taste the Father's Power in all its directions, AND THUS COMPREHEN THE WILL AND POWER of the Father.

So, figuratively speaking, we are now being “transported to a new lake”, to a new level of our Being, and therefore the forces of centrifugality are working to strengthen the movement of the Stream of the Father’s Will? And then, when we are all transported there, a new stage will begin, and again a movement will be organized, that is, new flows of the Will of the Father?

Yes. This is true.

It turns out that Lucifer is doing an important job for humanity, and all the dark forces that organize the flow of centrifugality are thus fulfilling the Will of the Father?

Yes. For without the Will of the Father nothing happens. Not a single entity in the Universe can fail to fulfill the Will of the Father in one way or another. And therefore: Thy will be done! Because he is the main director and director of all actions and all manifestations.

And we are all His children and doers of His Will. Lucifer fulfills the Will of the Father in terms of creating a difference in potential. And in this sense, he is a hostage to this work, because until you are all transported to the “new lake”, he will not be able to free himself from this mission and stop directing the forces of centrifugation.

So all that is needed to ascend is to simply trust the Will of the Father and “go with the flow”?

First of all, you must have Faith. Faith in the limitless possibilities of the Father. Faith in the Power of the Father. And the faith of many of you has been shaken. If you do not have this Faith, you will not be able to accept the Will of the Father.

You will not be able to trust and swim with the flow of the River of Genesis, you will fight with it all the time, because you do not accept the Will of the Father, because you do not believe. Faith means that you accept the River of Being as it is and accept what it holds for you. Faith is about letting the Father's Power into you and trusting in it.

Next, you must cleanse your vessels of the Spirit, your bodies from everything superficial that does not correspond to the Will of the Father. From everything that prevents you from trusting the Ascension Stream. You must understand that you and the Father are One, that you are one.

And therefore the Will of the Father is your will. And that there is no other movement than the movement of the Flow of the Father’s Power, and therefore there is no other will except the Will of the Father, there is no other direction of movement. Or rather, it exists, but each time you choose this other movement, you move away from the Father, you move away from your true movement.

I think most people go with the flow.

No. If they went with the flow, they would be happy. Because the Will of the Father is aimed at Harmony. Because the Stream of Existence in which you are is Harmony and fullness. But most of you suffer from the lack of this fullness.

From isolation from the True Source. You are like swimmers in a river who are thirsty. As you float down the River of Genesis, you can drink as much of this healing water as you want. She is always with you, you just have to let her in.

But you are separated in your form and your pride from this healing River. Moreover, you fight this River, creating additional suffering for yourself. By swimming against the current, you deplete your strength. But you don’t replenish them without trying to drink from the source of True Power. And it becomes a vicious circle. You suffer when you could be filled with the Joy of Existence.

While floating along the River of Genesis, you observe pictures on the shore, and sometimes you mistake them for true pictures, for reality. But this is an illusion created by your perception. And all that is true is the River of Existence, this is the Stream of the Father’s Will, which you follow, willingly or unwillingly.

When there are whirlpools and waterfalls along the river’s path, what should you do? Just relax, but at the same time be extremely attentive and be completely in the process. Be aware. Even if on the path of the whirlpool you simply close your eyes and trust the river, believe me, nothing bad will happen to you, you will survive.

You will survive precisely because you will not resist the river, you will trust the Will of the Father. It is not the Father's plan to hurt you or want you to die. But you resist the flow of the River and therefore create additional whirlpools and vortices into which you are drawn.

Trust the Will of the Father.

Fine. But what does this mean in terms of our actions? What exactly needs to be done?

Stop and dive into yourself. First dive into the depths of the River of Being and be like that. Be there to feel the greatness of the River. To feel the enormity of the River and understand that there are no whirlpools deep “underwater”. That everything is calm there. For the River is deep. And then, rising “to the surface,” be aware all the time and not resist the flow of the River. Your swimmers swim and surface to take in air. On the contrary, you must periodically plunge into the depths of the River in order to absorb Calm from the Power of the River.

By plunging into the depths of the River of Existence, deep into yourself and thus communing with the Will of the Father, you begin to realize not only with your mind that everything that is on the surface of the River, currents, banks, funnels and waterfalls is not the true essence of the River. For the true essence of the River is bottomless water that accepts everything.

But what is heavy sinks to the bottom. If we say we will be lighter than a piece of wood, then we will be carried along the river, we will be light.

Sliver dangles in the river without her participation. She's easy. But she does not take part in this movement. She completely trusts the movement of her hand. This is the highest lightness. When a sliver does not separate itself and the river. She is part of the river and never opposes its flow. You, on the other hand, periodically become heavier because of your fears, BECAUSE OF YOUR DISTRUST IN THE RIVER OF BEING.

Therefore, it is useful for you to periodically plunge into the depths of the River in order to distract yourself from the Illusion of Movement on its surface and realize yourself as a River. Realize yourself as water. When you become light as a sliver, you will no longer resist.

But what about freedom of choice? I mean that if everyone becomes chips and does not have a choice, but simply everyone trusts the Will of the Father, then, as I am told, there will not be such diversity of Creation that duality and choice create.

This is wrong. The river is so multifaceted and so full that it contains all the choices. And the River itself, as it flows, will branch into different channels and provide you with the opportunity to make different choices. And you, sailing along different channels of the River, will choose the landscapes on the shore that you want. You create your illusions outside the river, on its banks, and thus develop your abilities for Creation, also realizing the Divine Will and Divine capabilities. But you are resisting the River itself.

Imagine this exciting journey. You float along the River of Being, trusting it completely. Periodically, the River stops and offers you a stop on the shore, where you build huts, pitch tents, cook dinner, communicate with nature, build sand castles, and so on.

This is just a short stop. This is a rest stop. This is another workshop for your samples of Creation. This is the experience of God. WHEN A RIVER IN YOUR FORM COMES TO THE SHORE AND GET SOME EXPERIENCE. BUT NEXT SHE FOLLOWS HER CURRENT.

And you remind us of those who once, having come ashore, no longer want to return again to the course of the River. You are so mired in your illusions that you began to build stone castles on the banks of the River for a long life. You stay there for a long time. You begin to quarrel over territories. And you also tell everyone new to this shore your fears, tell them that this is the final stop. And more and more people are arriving.

And they begin to believe that there is no River, but only this shore, and it is alone. And this bank is not enough to SETTLE ALL ARRIVING AROUND THE RIVER OF BEING. AND YOU START FIGHTING FOR TERRITORIES, FOR SUPPLIES. You are so immersed in the illusion of the shore that you forget THAT THERE IS AN ENDLESS RIVER.

That there are many more shores with their illusions waiting for you all, and many destinations where you can enjoy everything you choose, where there will be plenty of space and food, plenty of sun and nature.

And all you need is to understand that this shore is an illusion created by you. That all castles are actually made of sand. That reality is only a River, the RIVER OF THE FATHER'S WILL, WHICH CARRY YOU TO NEW AND NEW EXPERIENCES. And Millet needs to step into it again and trust her. And further, as you follow the River, each of you has the freedom of choice that you talk so much about. Each of you can choose: either stay in the calm of this River and not go ashore, forever immerse yourself in it and merge with it in consciousness.

Or go to the banks of the river and build new castles. AND CREATE NEW EXPERIENCES, AND OBSERVE NEW ILLUSIONS, AND THUS OBTAIN NEW EXPERIENCE OF CREATION AND CREATION. And all this is an endless process. The process of knowing yourself. The process of discovering one's capabilities as a god. And this River is endless and eternal.

But now you are stuck on one of the banks, at one of the rest stops. Believe in the Power of the Father and trust in the River of Being. You just need to turn your back on the illusion of your shore, no matter how familiar it may seem, and head towards the River, deep into yourself, and surrender to the Stream of the Father.

That's all? So you're talking about meditation, when you just need to dive into the River of Divinity within yourself and stop choosing?

This immersion is hindered by the shackles that bind you. The shackles of lack of Faith. The shackles of fear. The shackles of attachment to the illusions of the shore. Free yourself from these shackles and enter the Stream of the Father, the River of Being. And may His Will be done, as it is on earth and in heaven. Both in the River of Genesis and on its banks.

To be continued ....

(Translation from “ Lessons from Ascension. First lesson. El Mikhail Nebodonsky. Divine Flow of the Father's Power”.)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: Divine Flow of the Father's Power | Liberty Lessons from Ascension: Divine Flow of the Father's Power | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/05/2023 12:52:00 AM Rating: 5

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