Twelve Signs of the Zodiac: 12 Journeys of the Spirit (Scorpio) | Liberty

Twelve signs of the Zodiac - twelve journeys of the Spirit. Scorpio.

Scorpio: Cleaner.

"You are the one who transforms darkness into light"

Sun's passage through the sign of Scorpio:

October 24 – November 22

Dear ones, I am now addressing you, those born in this incarnation under the sign of Scorpio. You are immensely revered and loved, just like all other signs!

You've probably heard that you have a difficult sign and heavy karma... Dear ones, you have a really difficult destiny, but there are reasons for this. You have difficult tasks, perhaps the most difficult on Earth. But you have more than enough strength for this! You are representatives of a strong sign, dear ones. And you can complete your tasks with dignity. To do this, you must find a worthy use for your strength. Direct it not towards destruction, but towards creation.

You have the ability to see the darkness better than other signs. You unmistakably recognize evil wherever it manifests itself, including in the souls of other people. You see through the souls of others, and not a single dark spot in them can hide from you. Your nature is such that you immediately attack this darkness. You go into battle directly, openly, without beating around the bush, without sparing yourself. This is related to your task on Earth, which is to destroy evil. And this is connected with the mistake of many representatives of your sign, who try to destroy evil with the help of reciprocal evil directed at them.

What happens in the end? Evil is multiplying. Evil begins to hurt you yourself. But you are a strong and resilient sign, you can withstand this for a long time. Other people may simply collapse from the blow of Scorpio. But if they have the strength to recover from this blow and perceive Scorpio as a teacher and begin to independently cleanse themselves of the darkness of dissonant energies, such people will become the most powerful masters of light. In this case, representatives of the Scorpio sign fulfill a mission that is good for them, although they serve as negative catalysts, or, as they also say, “black teachers.”

Dear ones, you too can become masters of light, you can become loving and enlightened! You can choose the path not of destruction, but of creation.

Yes, your mission is to destroy evil. But remember that the most powerful force that transforms evil is love!

You can discover its source within yourself. You can turn it into a creative force. Let your weapon be love, not evil, a creative, not destructive force. In this case, you will reach the highest path of your development.

You will still be able to clearly see and recognize both evil and even the slightest imperfections. You will still strive to free the world from them. But you will do this without unnecessary destruction. You will do it with love. And you will see that you will do it better than before! Deep within you is a great capacity for love and compassion. Discover it within yourself.

In past incarnations you have already done the work of transforming energies. You are brave and courageous fighters. You went to the end in your struggle and often became victims yourself without completing your mission. Now the time has come to fulfill it and do it in a way that does not sacrifice either oneself or others. You are a strong, resilient sign, but if you endlessly inflict wounds on yourself and others, it will wear you down. And it won't give you the happiness you deserve.

Yes, you feel the darkness with your own soul, and in order to transform it, you let it into your soul, you enter it with your whole soul. It's hard, not everyone can do it. But that is precisely why you were given the power that you possess. Remember that this power is not for destruction. This power is for liberation from darkness through love! And then you will have a chance to fulfill your highest mission with honor.

Characteristics of a Scorpio not awakened in Spirit

Scorpio, who does not follow the path of evolution and is stuck at the lowest level of his development, is usually unbridled aggressive . He doesn’t know where his friends are and where his enemies are, and in a fit of rage he is capable of crushing everything and everyone, and even himself.

An unawakened Scorpio is often cruel, and this cruelty can even reach the point of sadism when he takes pleasure in the suffering of others.

Vengeance is a characteristic feature of the undeveloped Scorpio. He is unable to forgive, unable to remain inactive if someone has harmed him (or seems to have harmed him), and he develops savage plans for revenge.

Scorpio, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, is vindictive . He harbors resentment and anger, he can carry all this inside himself for a long time without showing it in any way, but sooner or later he will splash out his poison on an unsuspecting victim.

Constant stress , chronic tension, inability to relax are characteristic features of a Scorpio who has not reached the highest path of his development. He is tormented by passions, resentments, anger, a thirst for revenge, but for the time being all this boils inside him, without being expressed outwardly, which is why he lives in eternal tension.

Nervousness, irritability, and hot temper are constant companions of the unawakened Scorpio. The tension in which he lives periodically spills out in the form of hysterics, sometimes for no apparent reason.

Scorpio, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, is distinguished by harshness and harshness of judgment. He doesn't care about others' feelings.

Unawakened Scorpio is merciless towards people . Moreover, he usually feels sorry for himself and does not allow others to treat him badly. And he himself hits others in a weak spot without hesitation and without regret.

Injustice is a characteristic feature of Scorpio, who has stopped at the lowest level of development. Because of a minor mistake, he can unfairly accuse another as if he were a terrible criminal.

Scorpio at the lowest level of development is prone to extremes ; he can instantly move from love to hate.

Selfishness , reluctance and inability to hear and understand another person is a characteristic feature of a Scorpio who is not awakened in the Spirit.

Scorpio, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, is characterized by increased conflict . He is always on edge and ready to start a scandal even without a reason.

An unawakened Scorpio is cunning , and sometimes capable of meanness: he stabs in the back, uses the trust of other people against them.

The suspicion of an unawakened Scorpio leads to the fact that he sees enemies everywhere. He sees offense even where there is none, and always takes revenge, even if the offender is imaginary.

Scorpio, who does not follow the path of the Spirit, often treats people as things, as property, hence his despotism, thirst for power , demand for submission, desire to control others, to manipulate people.

Karmic tasks of Scorpio

Scorpio's first karmic task is to free himself from dissonant energies and only then help others with this.

Scorpio reacts sharply to any manifestations of dissonant energies in other people and immediately tries to eliminate them. Sometimes he does it very ruthlessly. He is also capable of executing himself just as mercilessly. But there is no point in such “execution”, as well as in self-flagellation.

Self-flagellation and self-punishment, as well as punishment of others, is not the transformation of energies into light and love. This is just an even deeper plunge into darkness. To prevent this from happening, you must first work out and transform your own dissonant energies. Otherwise, you will only multiply evil.

Treat yourself with love and understanding. Be objective about your own imperfections. Don't beat yourself up for them. You are not to blame for anything. Just realize what your mistakes and mistakes are, what qualities and behavioral characteristics of yours complicate your life and have a destructive effect on both you and those around you.

Look at all this through the eyes of the Spirit, through the eyes of your Divine Self. Direct the light and love of God towards those qualities and their corresponding energies within you that are not the love and light of God.

Express your intention to transform these energies. Tell yourself as often as possible that you are now being transformed into the love and light of God on every level of your being. Say this to yourself especially often when you feel the manifestation of some destructive tendencies, dissonant properties of your character.

This way you will transform yourself, thanks to which you will reach a higher path of development and get rid of those misfortunes that you inevitably attract to yourself if you do not get rid of the habit of punishing yourself and others.

In addition, this way you will gain the experience of a peaceful transformation of energies by bringing into action creative rather than destructive forces. This means you can peacefully and constructively help others with this.

Scorpio's second karmic task is to overcome his aggressiveness.

Scorpio's aggressiveness is due to the fact that he acutely feels any evil and even a hint of it, any injustice, any imperfection and cannot remain indifferent to this, cannot remain inactive. He has a powerful, deep-seated need to do something about it immediately. This is how his essence as a cleanser manifests itself, called upon to cleanse the world of evil and imperfection.

But if Scorpio constantly gives vent to his aggression, directs evil against evil, his internal guidelines become confused and he begins to see evil even where there is none. He sees enemies everywhere, it seems to him that someone is always plotting something against him, and he can cruelly offend even an innocent person, accusing him of all sins. This is a sign of a degrading Scorpio, who is at a lower stage of development.

The most important task for him is to transform his aggression into creative force. Yes, you instantly see all the weak points of other people. Don't you have a habit of hitting this weak spot without thinking? This is a typical property of undeveloped Scorpios. But this is an unworthy use of their strength.

You can show another his weak point so that he himself sees it, realizes it and wants to correct it. You can help him with this. Use your authority for this, your ability to influence people - this is given to you by nature. Use your deepest ability to love and compassion. Include in your action a sincere desire to help another, and not to punish him.

You have a great gift of persuasion; you can explain to another what his mistakes are and suggest how to correct them. If you do it with love, you will achieve a much better result than if you use aggression. You know how to control your emotions.

Don't give in to the first, aggressive reaction. Learn to take a break, turn on your analytical mind and find a more productive way of behavior. Learn to speak calmly, without aggression. Thanks to this, your words will only sound more convincing. Believe in your strength. Aggression occurs only because you yourself do not believe in your own strength. Whereas you are able to carry out your mission absolutely calmly, without causing harm to yourself or others.

The third karmic task of Scorpio is to learn to hear and understand other people.

Scorpio, too focused on seeing evil, may not notice the positive qualities in other people. This makes him biased, biased, and unfair. He begins to see enemies all around him, feels constantly offended and insulted, and seeks revenge, sometimes not noticing that no one really wishes him harm.

Remember that you are loved by God and that other people are loved by God in the same way. Look at yourself, at other people, at the situation as a whole through the eyes of a loving God. You will see the truth, which is that there are no people who are definitely bad, there are no those in whom only evil is present.

Try to put yourself in the shoes of a person in whom you see an offender and an enemy. Try to look at the situation through his eyes. Try to understand what makes him behave this way and not otherwise. Try to find the answer to this question from his point of view, not from yours.

If you manage to step back from yourself, from your grievances, if you manage to look at the other unbiasedly, you will be able to understand that the reasons for his actions are not that he is “bad” and not that he wants to offend you. Maybe he himself feels offended or incompetent in some way. Maybe he himself is suffering, and that’s the whole point. And your task is to help him get rid of this suffering. Help you understand the situation and cope with dissonant energies. This can only be done peacefully. Blaming this person, punishing him, you will achieve nothing.

By placing a barrier of hostility between yourself and others, you yourself plunge into darkness. By taking a step towards others with understanding and love, you create light for yourself, overcome karma and reach the highest path of your development!

Meditative exercise for transition to the path of the Spirit and overcoming karma

This exercise should be performed while lying on something soft - either on a wide bed or on the floor, with soft blankets, mattresses, pillows. Lie down in any comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe evenly and measuredly.

Then sharply tense your arms, clenching your fists tightly in your palms, and then strain your forearms, elbows, shoulders, shoulder blades, and back. Tighten your legs by squeezing your toes, then tighten your shins, knees, and hips as much as possible. Then tense your stomach, chest, and neck. This way you will tense the muscles of your entire body. Then close your eyes tightly and tense your facial muscles. Hold this tension throughout your body for 3-5 seconds.

Then suddenly release tension throughout your entire body, imagining that you are instantly immersed in warm sea water. Imagine that you are lying in water and all the tension comes out of your body into the water.

Start making smooth, slow, relaxing movements with your arms, legs, head, as if you were really in the water and light waves were rocking you.

Continue moving more intensely, as if you were a seaweed being tossed about by the waves. These are absolutely relaxed, smooth, uncontrolled, spontaneous movements.

Start breathing more intensely in time with this movement. Now imagine that you are swimming, actively moving your arms, legs, and whole body. Take deep breaths through your nose and intense, sharp exhalations through your mouth, as if you were exhaling into water.

Let your movements be as intense as you like. Imagine that you are throwing energy into the water and at the same time the remnants of your tension go away, all stress, anxiety, resentment and other dissonant energies go away.

When you feel completely drained, stop moving. Imagine that you are lying on the surface of an absolutely calm sea. Breathe regularly, rest, enjoying relaxation.

Then take a deep breath, imagining that you are breathing clean sea air and inhaling the calm energy emanating from the sea surface. Then exhale sharply and forcefully through your mouth, imagining that you are exhaling all the dissonant karmic energies.

Take a few more of these inhalations and exhalations. Then give yourself a few more seconds to relax and rest, after which open your eyes and complete the exercise.

Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, each time setting yourself the task of getting rid of those dissonant energies that are most relevant to you at the moment.

Characteristics of a Scorpio awakened in Spirit

Inner strength and magnetism are characteristic features of any Scorpio, but only in a representative of this sign awakened in the Spirit do these qualities become truly attractive, since he does not repel others with aggressiveness and conflict.

Scorpio has outstanding willpower . He achieves any goals and always gets what he wants.

A characteristic feature of Scorpio is endurance . He is able to go through any difficulties, pain, suffering and be reborn, like a Phoenix from the ashes where others would die.

Scorpio, who follows the path of the Spirit, is always honest , he openly says what he thinks, he is incapable of cunning and deception.

Firmness, determination , the ability to never give up are qualities that make a developed Scorpio a truly outstanding, extraordinary person.

A Scorpio awakened in the Spirit is self-confident , self-respect is characteristic of him, he is always able to defend his position and stand up for himself.

Enormous efficiency allows the awakened Scorpio to advance to leadership positions in any business.

Scorpio, who has reached the highest level of development, has perfect self-control , knows how to control his emotions and correctly distribute energy.

The great power of love and compassion are properties characteristic only of Scorpio, awakened in the Spirit and reached the highest level of development. For other representatives of the sign, these qualities are only in their infancy and are often simply destroyed by their own destructive energy.

Insight , the ability to deeply understand other people, the ability to penetrate the level of another’s subconscious are qualities that are fully revealed and find positive application only in Scorpio, who has overcome karma and been transformed in the Spirit.

Scorpio's courage and courage are unparalleled; he does not hesitate to rush to defend what is valuable to him.

Scorpio is a very active sign; it cannot remain idle. His energy constantly requires an outlet, but only those who follow the path of the Spirit are able to always spend it only on good deeds.

Scorpio, awakened in the Spirit, boldly takes responsibility and has a sense of duty and commitment . He is reliable, he will never let you down, you can rely on him.

An awakened Scorpio is endowed with the ability to protect the weak . He acutely feels injustice and not only takes the side of the victim, but also protects him, helps the weak, everyone who needs protection.

Scorpio, following the path of the Spirit, is capable of becoming an outstanding leader, organizer, leader in any field, since he uses these abilities wisely, not for the sake of power as such, but for the success of the business and the good of everyone with whom he works.

The Highest Purpose of Scorpio

Scorpio's highest purpose is to free the world from the darkest dissonant energies, transforming them into the light and love of God.

In order to reach a higher destiny, all Scorpios, without exception, must first overcome their lower nature - that is, get away from the instinct of destruction and transform, be transformed. This is a sign in which a transformation program is embedded - it is no coincidence that Scorpio is often compared to the Phoenix, reborn from the ashes. To fulfill the highest mission, he must actually be born again, leaving his former personality and being transformed in the Spirit.

To do this, Scorpio needs to do a huge amount of spiritual work to transform himself. This must be done, unless he wants to slide into the abyss of despair, suffering and impenetrable darkness.

Having transformed in the Spirit, having overcome the instincts of destruction, Scorpio not only does not lose his strength and ability to influence people, but becomes even stronger, even more attractive, and now he can contribute to the transformation of other people, and for this he does not even have to do anything.

An awakened Scorpio, who has found his highest mission, has an extremely positive, transformative effect on others just by being nearby. His mere presence casts such a bright light on people and on what is happening that everything secret instantly becomes apparent, all dissonant energies, mistakes, mistakes, shortcomings appear and forces come into play, transforming all this into love and the light of the Spirit.

Thus, the awakened Scorpio becomes to a large extent a magician: with one look, one intention, even without words, he is able to transform reality and do it for the benefit of everyone. This method of transformation is much more effective than when Scorpio tries to act head-on, directly attacking the enemy with his strength and energy.

Thus, an awakened Scorpio is able to fulfill his mission everywhere and always, in any situation, in any communication, in a work environment, or in the circle of loved ones, friends, acquaintances and strangers. His strength and energy are such that he cannot take a break, take a break from his mission or postpone it for some time. He lives to act to transform reality, and he does this every moment of his life with the passion inherent in his nature.

But since Scorpio is an extremely active and efficient sign, he simply needs a field of activity, so it is important for him to find a job that he likes and that he will do with passion. In any field, Scorpios very often become leaders, managers, organizers - but an awakened Scorpio will lead wisely, without direct pressure, without the desire to subordinate everyone to his power. He is more likely to subjugate others with his own passion for the matter, and they will willingly begin to follow his example.

What is categorically not suitable for Scorpio is routine, boring, unimportant work or work where they find themselves on the sidelines. It is important for them that their work is meaningful, that they feel it has great meaning. And they feel meaning only in what one way or another transforms, transforms reality, as well as in the matter where this transformation goes through difficulties and overcoming. Therefore, Scorpios can feel great satisfaction from the work of a doctor, psychoanalyst, educator, coach, worker in the fight against crime, protection of rights and state security.

The ability to delve deeply into the essence of things and phenomena allows Scorpios to also become scientists and researchers, but on the condition that the scope of their research involves the practical application of their developments where the fate of people or even entire states depends on it: these are developments in the field of medicine and pharmacology, space exploration, energy, high technology, communications, defense industry.

It is only important that his activities are aimed at creation, and not at destruction, serve unity, and not division of people (for example, if this is work in the defense industry, it should be aimed at preserving peace, and not at inciting war).

Scorpio must know that he will not be able to sit idle or do unimportant things. It requires big goals, big tasks and large-scale achievements. He can handle it all. And if he has overcome his destructive nature and has been reborn in the Spirit towards goodness, love, light and creation, the road to happiness, prosperity, and the joy of life is open to him, which he can generously share with others.

Meditative exercise for entering the path of fulfilling the highest mission of Scorpio

Find for yourself any image of a warrior, a fighter with a sword in his hand. This could be the image of an angel holding a striking sword, defeating enemies, or any other image that is close and understandable to you.

The exercise can be performed in any position - standing, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes, breathe evenly and measuredly. Imagine that you see the image you have chosen in front of you. You see the figure of a warrior with a sword. The sword is lowered down, the tip rests on the ground.

Imagine how a warrior slowly raises a large and heavy sword upward, with the tip towards the sky. A huge wave rises to the sky and absorbs all visible space, along with the warrior and the raised sword. Imagine how the wave, having reached its peak, recedes and you see that the warrior stood firmly and unshakably, and still stands.

Only now his sword is woven from a bright golden-white radiance. Its light is dazzling, illuminating everything around. Now it is not a striking, not killing, not destroying sword - now it is a rod of light that transforms reality. And the figure of the warrior itself has also changed - he also glows with golden light, or you can imagine that he is dressed in golden shining clothes.

Imagine that you have taken a few steps forward and become one with the figure of the warrior. Now you are him, a warrior in golden armor, holding a shining rod above his head, transforming reality.

Feel your own strength and power, your ability to turn any darkness into light and love. Say out loud or to yourself: “ I am a warrior of light, I am the one who cleanses the world of evil, I am the one who turns hatred into love, and darkness into light.” I accept the highest mission of the cleaner of the Universe, the transformer of evil, the warrior-liberator, transforming reality, bringing love and peace, goodness and happiness. Dear Almighty, help me fully understand my highest mission and help me fulfill this mission in this earthly incarnation .” (You can replace the words with others that are more suitable for you, as long as the meaning is preserved.)

Take a few breaths in and out, imagining the strength flowing into your body. Then complete the exercise and open your eyes.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Twelve Signs of the Zodiac: 12 Journeys of the Spirit (Scorpio) | Liberty Twelve Signs of the Zodiac: 12 Journeys of the Spirit (Scorpio) | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/05/2023 01:01:00 AM Rating: 5

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