What are universal laws?
Universal laws are the ways of how our universe behaves.
Without universal laws, there would be no way to function as there would be no way to behave.
Universal laws teach you how to be love according to your own perception of what love is.
Your perception of what love is, can be different from someone else’s perception of what love is. Because after all, aren’t we all different from each other.
We are unique and this brings me to the universal law of diversity. The universal law of diversity states that we are all different because we use our egos and personalities to behave uniquely.
There is nothing wrong with behaving unique as long as you follow your moral compass which is what tells you or makes you feel is morally right or wrong.
When you don’t follow your moral compass, you feel lost in a world that is for now chaotic.
However, you can create in a chaotic world beautiful art because art is always made from things that people find to be beautiful.
You can also use scraps which from your perception might be beautiful, to make beautiful art. By this, I mean you can make yourself be beautifully unique by just being yourself. And by being yourself, I mean experiencing your emotions as they are without any judgement.
Emotions will fade with time and since they fade with time, they are temporary.
Anything that is temporary with make you feel like you are lost. So focus on yourself by just being yourself and following your moral compass. Happiness, bliss, peace, and joy will follow as a result.
In the next post, I will be talking about the universal law of unity.
Author: H. Breton
What are Universal Laws or the Ways our Universe Behaves? | H. Breton
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/07/2023 12:04:00 AM