On Unconscious Ascension | Liberty


Today we will talk about how the Ascension will take place for those people who know nothing about it, but whose souls are ready for it, that is, about the unconscious Ascension.

I assure you that there are already quite a lot of such people on Earth. This is the one who intuitively lives according to the laws of the Universe, whose soul is filled with Love and who brings Light to his loved ones simply because he cannot live otherwise.

They do not need discussions about Love, they do not need to read about what is happening to the Earth and what needs to be done to ascend with it. They know this anyway, they feel it with every cell of their body. And the energies that are now pouring onto the Earth further strengthen their natural sense of their Divinity.

As a rule, such people begin to be attracted to those who know about upcoming events, who read or receive messages on this topic. And they wholeheartedly accept this new information for them. It does not cause them rejection, but, on the contrary, helps them get closer to their desired goal and move towards it consciously.

But among such bright souls there are people who, due to life circumstances, remain alone, who are not given the opportunity to learn the theory - to learn all the subtleties and nuances of the process taking place on Earth.

Therefore, some of these people will move into the Fifth Dimension through their physical death. And this has already happened to many such souls. They already live in the Fifth Dimension.

They became a kind of pioneers, changing the usual course of rebirths: they did not return to earth in a new physical body, but ascended - that is, they moved to the Fifth Dimension in those of their physical bodies in which they were in their last incarnation.

And unlike you, those who are now receiving a lot of information about life on a new earth, they are mastering this life in practice, immediately plunging into new realities.

They gratefully accepted this opportunity given to them and are now happily settling into the Fifth Dimensional Earth in order to share their experience with you and help you take the first steps in your new life. You will be surprised to meet some of your recently departed loved ones there.

Of course, all of them are under the auspices of the Higher Powers - those of your voluntary assistants who have taken upon themselves the mission of helping humanity during this difficult period for you - the Transition to the new reality of the Fifth Dimension.

And I wanted, my dears, for you to know that, starting in 2012, when the quantum leap of your Earth into a new dimension took place, the souls of those people who planned the Ascension with the Earth before their birth, accomplished this, even if they left the physical plan of the Earth through his death.

And there are some few souls who passed away through physical death before this time, but who ascended, completing the wheel of reincarnation, because they chose to Serve humanity from the subtle plane of the Earth.

As you can see, my dears, there are always exceptions to the rules and there is always the opportunity to change your future. Everything depends on you.

You yourself create your reality, your destiny, the opportunity to live forever on the new Earth in the Fifth Dimension.

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian

On Unconscious Ascension | Liberty On Unconscious Ascension | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/07/2023 12:07:00 AM Rating: 5

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