To give you a complete understanding of the energies that have a destructive effect on you, and to protect you from their influence, I would like to tell you today about what resentment and envy are from an energetic point of view.
Let's first talk about envy, which every person has experienced to one degree or another. What are its origins and why is it so destructive?
Envy is the most typical product of the three-dimensional world. This is the embodiment of duality in all its manifestations. Envy is also the energetic “fuel” of the human Ego.
Let's see what happens to a person obsessed with envy. Let's take this example.
Someone around you is very successful in life. It seems that everything comes into his hands by itself, without any effort. He is always in a good mood, he is always happy with everything. He goes through life easily and cheerfully.
And you, unlike him, “pull the strap”, overcoming endless difficulties that fall on your head from all sides.
Gradually you begin to feel jealous of this person. You are annoyed by his success, you feel humiliated, flawed - a real loser compared to him.
What happens to your subtle bodies? Since the energy of envy has very low vibrations, it comes into dissonance with your subtle bodies and gradually begins to destroy them. They become full of holes, like a sieve, as they experience constant energy shocks.
And since they come from yourself, they are like mini-explosions generated by a high concentration of negative energy accumulated in you.
Human self-destruction occurs in the literal sense of the word. And the more a person envies, the more he destroys himself.
This feeling can grow to such proportions that a person literally “eats” himself from the inside. This is where the expression “envy eats him” arose.
The same “corrosive” energy is resentment, which is akin to envy, because when envying, a person takes offense at fate, at someone who, unlike him, everything is going well, at himself and at everyone around him, since it seems to him that everything is going well. They see what a loser he is.
And if a person fails to stop in time and realize what is happening to him, this will result in very serious illnesses. The diagnosis of resentment and envy is a cancer that devours hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who have failed to control their emotions.
Now I will tell you how you can get rid of these emotions and find peace of mind.
Try to look at yourself and that person through the eyes of God. What I mean?
Do not compare each other, do not evaluate, do not judge, but try to penetrate into the essence of things, that is, understand the underlying reasons for what is happening, guided by the main law of the Universe, which states that the external reflects the internal.
Try to feel the state of mind of a successful person and understand what exactly attracts success to him.
And then plunge into your inner experiences - into the state of your soul, in order to see the cause-and-effect relationships of what is happening.
If you do this consciously, with a sincere desire to understand yourself and get rid of the destructive emotions of envy and resentment, you will definitely see the real picture of what is happening: that the main quality of a successful person is his harmonious state, which manifests itself in the form of his good mood and goodwill towards people , his sincerity and openness, lack of fear and anxiety.
He lives in trust in the world, and the world answers him in kind.
And then, my dears, you will understand that all you need to do is change your inner state, your attitude towards life, that you need not to envy this person, but to thank him for the lesson that he unwittingly taught and taught you you to live in harmony.
Follow his example: trust life, learn to enjoy every moment of life, give thanks for everything you have, see only the good and turn a blind eye to the bad, and then your harmonious inner state will begin to attract life’s gifts.
You will be surprised how your reality begins to change and how amazingly quickly the laws of the Universe work.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light"
Earth Ascension: Envy and Resentment | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/23/2023 01:12:00 AM