Ascension of the Earth.
On Pity for Others.
Today we will continue talking about pity, but now let’s talk about pity for other people, how it affects those who feel sorry and those who are pitied: what this energy exchange consists of.
Let's start with the fact that the energy of pity is one of the lowest vibrational energies, which is akin to the energy of fear. That is why it has such a destructive effect on both the physical and subtle bodies of a person, robbing him of his strength.
Let's see what happens at the moment when a person radiates the energy of pity - both for himself and for others. His emotional body shrinks, becoming denser to the limit, because at the moment of the release of this energy it is deprived of its Divine nourishment - the energy of acceptance and gratitude, Light and Love: it seems to dive to the very bottom, where the energies of the lowest vibrations - fear, despondency and pity - rule.
And the more a person feels sorry for himself, the more his subtle bodies are deformed, since they are all interconnected, and distortion in one of them immediately spreads to others. Gradually, all these distortions make themselves felt on the physical plane, and the person begins to get sick.
Now let’s look at a specific example of what happens to a person who is pitied, even if he himself does not know about it.
Of course, the most typical example is of parents and children who wish their child well with all their hearts, often not realizing that their concepts of good may be completely different.
What happens if parents consider, for example, their grown-up child to be a loser and begin to feel sorry for him intensely?
And we will not even talk about verbal attacks, which in themselves are very painful, but about the energetic attack to which the object of their pity is exposed.
Parents literally bombard their child with energy “shells” charged with “poisonous substances” of bitterness, despondency, disappointment, dissatisfaction, wounded pride, fear for his future and endless pity for him.
What happens to the energy bodies of their child? At first they resist as best they can, but gradually, if such attacks do not subside, they begin to become deformed under the constant influence of this negative energy, and holes appear in his aura through which the energy of such vibrations begins to penetrate.
And a person can no longer get out from under the yoke of these low energies, which “bind his wings” and prevent him from flying where his soul asks. He turns into a captive of his “loving” parents.
The same thing, my dears, happens in your everyday life, although on a smaller scale. By exchanging complaints, you take away each other's vitality and energy, multiplying the series of failures and sowing despondency around.
You are involuntarily in a state of endless energy “war,” although it seems to you that you sincerely feel sorry for each other, which means you want each other’s good.
This is precisely the greatest insidiousness of the energy of pity. Throughout the history of mankind, she has learned to take on any guise: virtue, sympathy, desire to help, but in fact, its source is the same human Ego, which tries on other people's clothes and pities everyone who does not fit their own standards, not giving others the right to free choice, to have a different opinion, to make independent decisions, and, by and large, to their own lives.
We will stop here today, and in my next message I will tell you about how mercy and compassion differ from ordinary human pity, where the border that separates the Divine and the earthly lies.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Ascension of the Earth: Pity for Others | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/23/2023 11:33:00 PM