Today we will talk to you about what worries many of you and what has a huge impact on the life of every person, as well as on his progress along the path of spiritual development.
We will talk about pity and compassion and what the difference is between them.
So let's start with pity. This feeling is characteristic of absolutely every person who finds himself in the world of duality. This is one of the main and sinister creatures of the three-dimensional world.
Why sinister?
The fact is, my dears, that this feeling turns you into a victim - a person dependent on everything in the world: on circumstances, on other people’s opinions, on your loved ones, relatives, colleagues, on the weather, finally. And I'll tell you why.
Let's talk about self-pity first.
What it is?
You will be surprised, but this is nothing more than another manifestation of your Ego, which with all its might resists the fact that it cannot get what it wants so much.
And in order to justify its next “failure,” it begins to “pretend” to be a victim—to “hide behind” self-pity. Let's look at this with an example.
Let's say you really want to become a free and independent person. But life circumstances are such that you are tied hand and foot by a variety of ties - obligations to your loved ones, colleagues, friends. This burden of responsibility presses you, you cannot free yourself from it and do what your soul asks.
And then you begin to complain about life, about circumstances, about the people around you, thereby shielding yourself and shifting the blame for your indecision and for your failures onto them. You deliberately turn yourself into a VICTIM of circumstances.
And the more you talk about it, the more you complain about life, the more you feed this insatiable “monster” - the energy of pity, which, like rust, begins to eat away everything around, spreading to the people around you who support such conversations, pity you, and there is no end in sight to this vicious circle.
Look around, my dear ones, listen to the conversations around you, and you will be horrified: almost all conversations consist of complaints - covered and undisguised.
And this atmosphere of despondency and discontent sucks people, as if into a swamp, from which they can no longer get out and find happiness and joy, turn from a victim into the creator of their life.
Why is this happening?
Partly because the dual world is structured according to the principle of “divide and conquer”, that is, there will always be someone better than you, smarter, more beautiful, more successful, richer, and this can be listed ad infinitum. And those who do not fit the standards artificially imposed on people automatically begin to consider themselves a victim, which means they feel sorry for themselves and complain about life.
You need to be a very strong, wise and spiritual person in order to be grateful for what you have, in order to see all the beauty of the world, free from all conventions, in order not to compare yourself with anyone, understanding and accepting your own value, in order to gain inner freedom, to feel the flight of the soul, despite any life circumstances.
And once this happens, you will never feel like a victim and you will never feel sorry for yourself, because you will have no reason left for this.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Ascension of the Earth: Self-Pity | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/23/2023 11:32:00 PM