And now we come to the most difficult topic: what is the difference between pity and compassion.
Let's start with PITY.
Pity humiliates the person who is pitied and “exalts” the one who feels sorry. Why is this happening? Because a person who feels sorry for someone involuntarily feels his superiority, his privileged position in relation to the other. Therefore, pitying someone, he only pleases his insatiable Ego.

He does not take into account the fact that looking at everything from the point of view of a person of the three-dimensional world, limited by the framework of dual perception, he cannot see the true picture of what is happening and the cause-and-effect relationships that led a person to this situation, and that it can be for his benefit , which means that instead of feeling sorry for him, you just need to be happy for him: after all, he is placed in such conditions that help him complete the lessons planned by his soul as quickly as possible.
Pity corrodes a person’s soul and slows down the spiritual development of both the one who feels sorry and the one who is pitied, thereby preventing them from moving forward. The first - because he does not see the deep reasons for what is happening, but only what lies on the surface, and the second - because pity for him blocks his self-esteem, belittles him, deprives him of faith in himself.

Pity brings a person down to earth because it operates exclusively with earthly concepts, excluding the Divine component of the soul of every person.
Pity is hypocritical and insidious , because it comes not from the heart, but from the mind.
Pity destroys a person’s dreams because it tries to drive him into the usual direction, direct him along the beaten path, and imposes someone else’s opinion on him.
What is MERCY, or true COMPASSION?

Compassion elevates both the one who experiences it and the one to whom it is directed, since it carries within itself the Divine energy of Love, and at this moment a person feels his unity with the one with whom he suffers and gives him all his spiritual warmth - as if hugging him with her Angel wings and lifting him above the ground.
Compassion cleanses a person’s soul and contributes to his spiritual growth , since it helps to see the work of another person’s soul and sends him help and support in the form of his Love.

Compassion lifts a person to a new Divine level , as it fills him with energies of the highest vibrations.
Compassion always comes from a pure heart , and not from a person’s Ego, not from his mind.
Compassion helps a person to “fly up,” gives him the strength to cope with any difficulties, supports him and strengthens his self-confidence.
Learn, my dears, every time you want to “pity” someone, ask yourself: “What motivates me? Does it come from the heart or from the mind? Do I give a person the right to live and think in his own way, not the way I see it? And is there anything to feel sorry for him for? And then listen to your heart.
If warmth spreads within him, and your whole being is filled with love for this person, then you are driven by true compassion.
If your inner voice begins to “whisper” to you: “Poor, unfortunate, but it’s good that this didn’t happen to me, I probably wouldn’t have survived this,” then this is real pity, which evaluates, judges and tries on the situation for itself .

Do not succumb to provocations, my dears, do not fall into the traps that life in the three-dimensional world sets for you at every step, driving you “into the herd,” filling you with energies of the lowest vibrations. And the main one of these traps is endless COMPLAINTS about everything and everyone, pouring in from everywhere - from your loved ones and colleagues, from TV screens, from the pages of newspapers, from the Internet.
If you start to look closely and listen to everything that is happening around you, it will seem to you that COMPLAINTS are literally everywhere, they fill the entire life of the three-dimensional world.
But it is in your power, my dear ones, to put an end to them. Do not reject them, do not be indignant at them, but accept them as a given of the passing world and dissolve them with the energy of Light and Love.
And then gradually the space around you will begin to change, which means your own life and the life of your entire environment will begin to change.
Become the creators of a new beautiful reality!
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Ascension of the Earth: Pity and Compassion | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/23/2023 11:36:00 PM