Today I would like to talk about one of the most powerful and destructive human emotions - jealousy.
What is jealousy and why does it bring you so much suffering?
This feeling is common to almost every person, and it has many faces, since you can be jealous of anyone and anything.
You all know that jealousy is a heightened sense of ownership, but we will look at it today from an energetic point of view: what happens on the subtle plane with the person who is jealous, the person who is jealous and the one who is jealous of.
Let's take a classic example when a wife becomes jealous of her husband for another woman.
The first energy message comes from her. This is a powerful energy clot of negative energy that originates in her and gradually “gains momentum,” sometimes growing to such enormous sizes that it literally covers her entire being: her physical body and all her subtle bodies.

On a subtle level, it looks like she is in a huge black ball. And this completely negative energy that has absorbed her begins to be reflected more and more clearly on the physical plane: it seems to burn out her soul from the inside, and her soul begins to hurt. After all, this is familiar to many, isn’t it – when the soul “hurts”?
And it is impossible to remain in this state for a long time: the physical body will not withstand such a high load. This energy must find some way out, otherwise the person will simply “explode” from the inside.
And then this energy is involuntarily directed towards the one who is jealous and towards whom they are jealous. It spills out onto these people, thereby distributing it among all participants.
Thus, the subtle bodies of those two also begin to become distorted under the influence of constant energy blows. And it works at any distance – you don’t even need to be nearby to do it.

You already know, my dears, what the power of thoughts and emotions is. It can be both creative and destructive, and jealousy is one of the most destructive emotions from an energetic point of view, because it absorbs a whole bunch of energies of the lowest vibrations: fear, hatred, anger, condemnation, control over another person.
“But what should I do,” you ask, “when my loved one is taken away from me?”
My dear ones, you must always remember that no one in this world can belong to anyone, which means no one can take anyone away from you.
Each person is free in his choice, and even if you keep him by force, appealing to his feelings of duty, responsibility, pity, this will not bring happiness to either you or him, but will only increase the suffering of both and will slowly destroy you from the inside, resulting in illnesses on the physical plane.
But to prevent this from happening, always remember that the external reflects the internal. The more afraid you are of losing your loved one, the sooner you will lose him, because you will attract it with your thoughts and emotions.
The laws of the Universe work inexorably, and if you learn to use them in all areas of your life, you will become a truly happy person, creating your reality with the emotions of Light and Love, dissolving with them all the negative energies that may come your way.
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Ascension of the Earth: Jealousy | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/23/2023 11:40:00 PM