By Steve Beckow, June 26, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’ve always been aware of a martial strain in myself.
In fact I’d guess that the low-level, kick-and-slap violence I experienced from my father was designed to keep that past-life ingredient simmering.
As each day passes and I watch the destruction in the world – successive train derailments is a good example – all it does is bring out the martial strain in me more.
Michael channels it, announcing himself as a “warrior of peace.” Channeling the martial strain into a peaceful warrior? Yes, that would be a good use of it. Organizing for the final end of war on this planet by the arrival of peace? Yes. Speaking truth to power? Yes.
United for peace. Yes. That’s the ticket.
Not just peace as in the cessation of war. But peace as a divine state, the same as love is. (1)
Peace that reveals a lack of attachment to the ephemeral and a strong attachment to the divine. Peace that utterly lacks ill intention and wishes only the other’s welfare as well as our own (win/win). Peace that has one feel immovable.
You may recall that I see the triad of qualities I want to focus on as being truth, love, and peace. I actually don’t think of truth as a quality; truth is what is, without embellishment. But love and peace I do see that way. Each is palpable.
Michael has requests of me in the area of building unity for peace. And since my purpose is to show you how an archangel works with one of his devotees, servants, and co-creative partners, let me share my instructions.
I don’t share these to say what a good boy am I, but to offer you a template for working with your archangel, given that you may not have had coversations with them.
First off, he says:
Archangel Michael: I want peace to reign in your body, your heart, and your mind and I want you to write about it. (2)
It feels a bit out of step to be demonstrating peacefulness when so much of social media is extreme and passionate. But that’s the task.
Moreover, though I’ll be involved in finance and star-family liaison, he wants me to always keep writing:
AAM: On the list of things to do, let [writing] always be the last thing that falls off. (3)
What kind of writing?
AAM: You are the communicator of clarity. So in all of this, [communicate] your words, your messages, your articles, your experiences and understandings. This is your number one job. (4)
So clear awareness writing on the divine states as well as, in “all of this” (probably the external chaos), my experiences, understandings, etc. I can do that.
Then he lays out the wider task:
AAM: Your job is to participate and to lead in a worldwide peaceful revolution, for peace the time is now. …
And we do not mean an absence of war. We mean the presence of peace as you have been describing it. (5)
Lest I balk, he adds:
AAM: You have known that the time would come when we would ask you to work very much on a very global level. And this is the beginning of that undertaking. You have already built a very firm foundation for this to occur and for this we thank and bless you. (6)
Later he describes the assignment in more detail:
AAM: You, my beloved friend, are helping me with this task, because, yes, part of the peaceful warrior’s journey is of course stepping forward into the conscious reality, and into sometimes the front lines, but the strongest weapon, the strongest defense, other than a pure heart, is in fact, in your realm, the dissemination of information that reaches the masses, that is clear, that is accurate, and that is coming from a place of absolute love.
So far that sounds do-able to me. Absolute love? I’m not there yet!
But now comes the really challenging part:
[The balanced voice] does not judge. It does not condemn. It does not choose sides. It comes from a place of equality and openness. Now that does not mean, my dear friend, that discernment is not more critical than ever, and it would be erroneous to believe that all opinions are accurate. Or that they have a need to be quietly disseminated. They do not. And that is why it is important to have the clarity of, yes, your discernment. (7)
But I do judge. I do condemn. I most certainly choose sides. Yay, Q! Yay, the white hats! This is the part that gives me trouble.
At the same time, I know that you can’t do this job unless you drop all judgments, condemnation, and sides. Being in the moment and being non-judgmental, it seems to me, go together like a horse and carriage. So there’s where I have my work cut out for me.
Again I tell you this not to blow my own horn. In fact it’s embarrassing to be this transparent and I forge ahead despite the embarrassment.
I share it, as I think the Company of Heaven hopes I will, so that you can watch an archangel work with his embodied co-creative partner.
Watch how he points the way for me. Watch how he reminds me of my capabilities, seen and unseen. You’re an angel too. (8)
Even with all this tender, loving care, I still find myself asking: Can I do this?
Michael reassures me:
Archangel Michael: You think that we would leave you helpless?
Steve: No, I hope not.
AAM: No, dear heart, that is not the plan.
Steve: Oh good! Even knowing there is a plan is comforting.
AAM: There is not only a plan, Sweet One. There is a strategy afoot to implement the plan. (9)
So everything has been thought out. I couldn’t possibly ask for a stronger team backing me (and you).
You may not be able to speak to the archangels, but you can arrange some signals. With that, you may be ready to go.
You already know what you love to do so initial steps should be … only an unfoldment of what you always wanted anyways.
And, if you’re an angel, how can you not be a warrior of peace? The two seem synonymous.
There’s a wonderful line in Kundun where the regent tells the future Dalai Lama that his job is just to love.
That line from Kundun resonates so much with me these days, as if it hales from a distant promise from a timeless land.
Surely just loving brings peace.
(1) See “Peace and Stillness,” June 22, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/06/22/peace-and-stillness
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013. (Hereafter AAM.)
(3) AAM, Feb. 7, 2013.
(4) AAM, Mar 30, 2011.
(5) AAM, Feb. 18, 2011.
(6) AAM, Nov. 30, 2011.
(7) AAM, March 3, 2011.
(8) AAM, June 17, 2020.
(9) Everyone on the planet at the present time is apparently an angelic. See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-12.pdf
United for Peace: A Distant Promise from a Timeless Land | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/27/2023 02:43:00 AM