(Golden Age of Gaia)
The Power of the New Path
What a powerful time it is as the New Path forward emerges.
I have found that the energy is so very different now, but in a subtle way. It is what Archangel Michael calls the 2/11 quantum flow. A deep energy that has become our “base note” on Earth. It is the Energy of the Divine Mother Christos Sophia and the Path of the Pure and Shining Heart.
It includes Nature, for Nature is emerging into a new raw and beautiful power. Everything seems larger than life and more beautiful. I am enthralled by the beauty that I see outside my window and all around me. The Garden is blooming and blossoming! Nature is more alive than ever.
If you feel a bit overwhelmed, it is good to rest when you can.
You may find people around you quite hyped and aggressive as they cope with these new and different flows.
Stay in your Heart and walk the path of Simple Abundance and Joy. Know that you are loved and cared for and that what you need will be provided, no matter what you may hear to the contrary.
On the 17th May Jupiter moves into Taurus, from Aries. So the period of expanding the self concludes (I feel like I exploded sometimes!!). And we move into a period that focusses on the expansion of Home, Finances and Love, all the issues ruled by Venus in the second house.
While this may sound very welcome, we still have pesky Uranus lurking in the second house too, so there may be some surprises along the way!
All in all it should be a more peaceful time and a time to integrate into this new place where we have arrived.
Have a beautiful day everyone!
The Power of the New Path | Celia Fenn
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/12/2023 11:18:00 PM