Therein Lies the Work | Steve Beckow

Will Rogers as the 1931 Connecticut Yankee

By Steve Beckow, May 12, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

If the Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court went forward in time to this age, what would he see?

Well, first of all, he wouldn’t travel to King Arthur’s court; he’d be surfing the Internet. And his liege lord, Arthur, wouldn’t be worrying about his wife running off with his chief knight.

The current ruler would probably be worried about being offed, if they’re not already replaced by a clone or masked actor.

And the ones doing the offing would be worried about their heads as well.

And it wouldn’t be just the realm that would be in peril. If you listen to the mockingbird heralds of today – hear ye, hear ye – the whole world would be in peril.

And from several sources. Uhhh, manmade climate change. Mmmm, multiple manmade pandemics. Errr, manmade energy scarcity. What happened to killer bees? Manmade?

How did we get here, pray tell?

I have a private opinion. You can agree with me or toss it, as you wish.

I think it all stems from us giving in to the same impulses on a social level which today, on a personal level, ruin marriages, businesses, all good ventures. We extend out into the social sphere the very impulses that eat away at our marriage and family structures. Or am I the only one who does?

Resentments, judgments, malintentions, gossip, all the flotsam and jetsam of billions of ruined lives. On and on, down through time via .. what did Michael call it? – “legacy learned behavior.” (1) Excellent description. Intergenerational transfer. Like father like son.

I’ve actually stopped the clock at times when I’m acting poorly, and I hear “that’ll teach him a lesson.” I can see my Dad and hear him speaking as if in an inner movie. In my anger, I’m copying the behavior. It’s the only movie I have and the only one that plays. Otherwise I have to consciously reject it, assuming I’m even aware of what’s going on.

In fact I didn’t want to be a father because I knew that the only movies I had in my head were unsuitable for parenting. I wanted to stop the intergenerational transfer but for me that meant no parenting at all.

Meanwhile, the rising love energies are going to squeeze all the bad thoughts out of us. But anyone who feels like taking the “emergency exit” out of their own private collapsing world should know that they can handle the matter without leaving, by processing these disagreeable thoughts and words. (See fn 2)

Here comes the bad news, to some: We do it, not by projecting our bad thoughts and feelings outwards, scalding others, which feels good for a moment but bad for a lifetime.

We do it by experiencing our thoughts and feelings to completion, which feels bad for a moment but good for a lifetime.

But therein lies our work.

We’re looking for the original incident that bent the twig and inclined the tree, on the premise that the truth will set us free. And it will set us free. We can use an increasing sense of release to guide us.

That’s a change of direction and it made all the difference in the world to me. It’d be as if people were now saying “I love you” to you, instead of “why don’t you [fill in the blanks]? ”

Or like me, at the Safeway. Clerks are smiling at me instead of giving me a look that says, “Who is this jerk?” This is so new to me that I often stop and stare at them.

Meanwhile, in the wider world, so few people seem to make eye contact right now. We seem to feel, not defeated, but deflated after Covid. Will it take time or a gigantic effort or a Wave of Love to jackhammer us out of what appears to be a social malaise?


(1) AAM, March 28, 2019. We take inner movies of our parents’ and siblings’ “bad behavior” and that becomes the raw resource we unconsciously draw on and act out later. The result is that we become like our parents’ worst sides as well as their best, without knowing it. Thus is bad behavior perpetuated and works its way outwards.

(2) See “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” December 29, 2018, at, also a chapter in Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at

A vasana is a patterned response to an earlier traumatic situation. It includes a conclusion, a decision, assessments, strategies, etc., etc, that govern future behavior.
Therein Lies the Work | Steve Beckow Therein Lies the Work | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/12/2023 11:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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