(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Your proof that You are on Track in Your Self Mastery.
1. You are able to collect your thoughts before responding. In fact at least sometimes you check your Heart alignment before you make a decision to act.
2. You are setting and holding boundaries with people and what you allow your attention to focus on. You are getting clearer and more willing to stand by and direct your preferences as to what sits right with you and what does not regardless of the opinions and pressure you may feel from others.
3. You are becoming comfortable and content with being by yourself for long periods. You are consciously and increasingly experiencing a deeper love for being with yourself and the ensuing joy in your own active Presence.
4. You are kinder to yourself when you falter and mess up.
You are now consciously exchanging your “put down” and victim thoughts and feelings with thoughts and feelings that empower you and contain Love, value, respect, understanding, and gratitude for who you are and what is.
5. You have cut ties with those who are not good for you. You are realising how you have both given away to others your life force (Chi) and how debilitating it has been. Furthermore, how you have subconsciously been trying to take the Chi from others to satisfy your own need to feel safe.
6. You feel like you are flowing in the right direction, even if can be rough at the moment.
There are definitely many unknowns but you are trusting yourself more and the benevolent plan of your trajectory.
You are receiving constant reassurances through signs, events and feelings that validate the Truth of your new choices. A hidden harmony in your walk.
Congratulations Bright Souls of New Earth.
I So Love You
PS: The fact that you understand all of these is proof that you are on track to your own Freedom, Light and Lovingness
Your Proof that you are on Track in your Self Mastery | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/12/2023 11:17:00 PM